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Friday, October 23, 2009
Ethics and politics, an oxymoron? Part Deux
Way back in March I made a prediction, "Montgomery County employees are going to be barred from running for office if the recently tabled ethics reform policy is given new life, which I'm certain it will," that has indeed come true. Look folks, this is nothing more than county Commissioner Joe Hoeffel attempting to rid the courthouse of all things Republican. Unfortunately, quasi-Republican Commissioner Chairman Jim Matthews is going along for the ride. The ordinance should be overturned and I'm sure Judge Nicholas will do just that. But what I'd really like to know is, what do you think?
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Ethics Reform Policy in Montgomery County.
Well the shoe did not fit so two Commissioners changed the ruling but our District Attorney said "NO WAY!"- Joe Hoeffel has many problems and I do hope most people recognize that fact before they even consider backing his run for Governor. As for Matthews, I'm glad he was able to hang on to his so called "Day Job".
Their glass houses are broken and I will never give one red cent to help repair them.
This should be a no-brainer for Judge Nicholas.
You've hit the nail on the head Stan. Hoeffel campaign and huffed and puffed about ethics in 2007 and said "the first thing I do when I'm elected will be to restore the ethics policy" that Matthews scrapped in 2000.
Well not only was that not the first thing he did (giving jobs to a bunch of his political cronies was) but he did NOTHING about it for almost a year and a half and only then he did it to score political points against his rival.
Hoeffel's aims: destroy the Republican Party and eliminate competition under the guise of "ethics reform" are clear. One wonders why Jim Matthews would sign on to such an effort if he's still a Republican as he claims.
But we all know he's not. He's just a liar.
When push comes to shove.. Get rid of the commissioners, and if need be the Judge also.
Unfortuately we live in Lower Providence Township, and so far this year we have not been permitted to think since our pols do not think we possess that level of capability. Therefore how can we answer a question regarding county politics.
Betty McF.
Audubon, Pa
If you look around the Courthouse you will see almost every person employeed there either worked/volunteered on various campaigns, was a member of a Dem. or Rep. Club, or a Committee Person. If you did not participate in any of the above - you more than likely would not make a good candidate or qualify for a position of importance in the Township,County,State of Federal Government. It only makes sense to keep most of the campaigning out of the Courthouse, but what these people do on their own time should not be governed by some nuttsy "ethics reform policy"...
Ethics & Politics, ask the Sheriff his views on the subject. He would not support his troops if his life depended on it. The whol;e courthouse needs a complete overhaul. I guess that's what elections are for.
Hoeffel and Matthews can come over to Lower Providence and pick up our trash, since that's the only good thing they are noted for. Castor can stay in his seat until we can get him some help. Hoeffel deserves to go to Harrisburg, I don't think that will happen.
Betty McF ..
No matter which party you are registered in - every person is entitled to their own opinion and how they wish to express their opinions. LP has a lot of in-your-face part-time politicians, but as far as I am concerned - their hot air will help keep down our heating bill this November.
Ethics & Politics - Our Commissioners (Frick and Frack) have tunnel vision. Glad we have a great District Attorney to stand up for "we common people" & a former Commissioner and former DA to tell it like it is. Now Judge Nicholas needs to get rid of this senseless ordinance.
Every person has a right to run for public office, but it sure gets messy when a subordinate decides to run for a row office, whether it’s a sheriff deputy running for sheriff or an ADA seeking to unseat the boss.
I believe a person should decide what position they want to hold and demonstrate that by resigning from any position which creates a conflict in the office. If they serve on a Commission or Board, where the position they are seeking would have a potential conflict they should resign from that board or commission while seeking another office If there’s no conflict, they can stay on.
Stan- Can you give some more specifics on this plan? Is it ALL county employees? Can you run for office in you municipality, just not for a county job? Would that mean that employess like Ann Thornburg-Weiss would not be allowed to run for judge? Seems stupid if they are qualified for the position thier running for.
Ethics on the 8th floor of One Montgomery Plaza, whattaya crazy Stan? These guys need to resign from office if they think this policy will stand up in front of J. Nicholas. J. Nicholas has many years of experience on the bench and has watched all the chicanery at the courthouse for many years, he will cut through the crap and make a sound decision. Too bad he can't rule these czars out of office, all three of em.
10/24/09 Blogger:
I agree 100% with your comments, but even you would have to agree that things will also improve dramatically after the November 3rd election in Lower Providence Township. Now what to do with Marie the Second...
Betty McF.
Betty McF-
You seem to turn every conversation around to LP. What is wrong with living in Lower Providence? Were you wronged in some way? Just curious about all the negative comments.
To 10/29 Blogger:
In response to your question, I would like to quote a paragraph from a mailer received yesterday from Mr. Bill Stewart, a township resident for many years and a friend of mine: "Unfortuanately a small group of individuals with personal and/or business agendas, and their friends worked their way into township government. As a result our boards have (often blatantly)placed the interests of insiders above our own residents". No, I have not recently been wronged by our Township, just disgusted by what I see and hear. Fortunately for us Mr. Stewart has stated the issues here much better than I have been able to do. He is 100% correct and house cleaning will start in the New Year and continue until we cleanse our Boards and Commissions of these individuals.
Betty McF.
Audubon, Pa
We bring it out in the open, where it can be seen and dealt with. Like a boil that can never be cured so long as it is covered up but must be opened with all its ugliness to the natural medicines of air and light, injustice must be exposed, with all the tension its exposure creates, to the light of human conscience and the air of national opinion before it can be cured. - MLKjr
I agree with your House cleaning comments.
Mr. Keenan and Mr Heinegg will do a very good job as Township Supervisors.
How can they do a good job when they are one issue candidates???
Garbage....and that's what they are trying to sell to the residents. Integrity is not handled by these two candidates.
The only time Heinegg came out of the woodwork was his NIMBY on the Grange Ave issue does not get you a seat....sorry.
Well, it remains to be seen - but I noticed one candidate that keeps his umbrella handy, just in case of fallout when the election comes to a close and the bids will be unvailed. Have you checked your budget lately? I'm a comparison shopper and it shows, hope you are too!
Heinegg a one-issue candidate? Are you serious? An "issue" is usually what propels a candidate to get involved in the first place.
Who the heck was Colleen Eckman before the American Revolution Center? It was in HER backyard. She's a NIMBY if ever there was one.
Oh thee of little faith: Check out Mrs. Eckman's background before thee open thou mouth. She has served on more projects in this township than you will ever imagine. I am happy to be a registered Democrat who will be voting for her and her integrity.
P.S. If issues were the reason for running there would be a ton of applications.
Stan, Can anyone out there advise the residents how the TRASH survey went in L.P. It was'nt what everyone expected, callbacks at 7were received at 6. Will we have one day pickup? Senior pricing? Why are they opening bids now when our present contract runs thru Feb.2010?
Eckman has been volunteering and involved in Township Activities for many years - where have you been?
Hoeffel needs to go to Harrisburg? No, a very long trip that would take him out-to-sea with only one paddle would sound good until it finally sinks in it truly is not all about HIM but about US.
I believe there is a Harrisburg in Russia..Can we send him there?
Yes Russia would fit the bill Comrade...
So, how did the campaigns go in Montgomery County? Were any employees caught "red handed" - or did the Wind Bags, Commissioners, make a great big decision and drop the whole ethics reform policy. Well, Judge Nicholas should make a decision NOW, before we have more candidates signing up for the Gov. Race -- now that is a BIG CAMPAIGN and the need for ALL HANDS will be necessary.
When is Hoeffel going to turn in his resignation? He knows it will come down to that - sooner, rather than later sounds good.
My inside view - Matthews has consistently displayed his lack of integrity and self serving purposes. We elected him, and we need to get him out of there. Hoeffel is a clever politician; more charismatic and way past Matthews in the self serving category, and much more intelligent. We need him OUT too. Castor - well, if we give him a chance he should make us proud....
So Matthews and Hoeffel are voted out of office. So who runs for their positions>>>Durantee>>Heck he can't do the job as Sheriff. The only time he comes out of his hole is to make some kind of comment to justify his job. Get rid of all the dead weight in his department and the deputys will not have to take a cut.
Mr. Huskey; Just finished reviewing the L.P. Township meeting of Nov.19th on cable T.V. The Township manager stated the bids were just opened and the board now has to review all of the specifications. It was quite interesting to see a majority of those that spoke knew what information the bids held. Four interesed speakers were members of the zoning hearing board, their solicitor being one of them. What I found to be very interesting was Mr. Dininny's testimonial about Mr. Mascaro. Isn't Mr. Dinniny involved in a law suit (Times Herald article) with Mascaro's against two people who defeated him in the last election? And the outbust by the solicitor of the zoning board was unpremeditaded. And the politicans in L.P. claim there is no favoritism, give me a break, your reporter sees it at every meeting, there just isn't enough space in the newspaper to cover it all. Sign me: It's nice to stay at home and view the fight. P.S. I believe Mr. Brown held up quite well with all the punches thrown at him. Another Ali.
Mascaro can stand on their own and the need for any Supervisor to sell his soul in order to get a good quote, just does not make sense. As I have said many times, Mascaro Family has always been good for LP, but business and Family are like apples and oranges.
Well I do not drive, but most of the time can secure a ride to our meetings here in LP. The time spent there is worth it. The TH reporter gives us the facts and does not go into detail. This is great, we do not want to look like an AWSquibble to the other Townships. This past meeting I did watch on, my and this is our Township?
After viewing this past meeting of L.P. it will be interesting to see what happens between the 19th of November and the awarding of the contracts. Sleeping giants in the sidelines await.
The Awarding of Trash Contract in LP, check out todays new Blog that Stan has created to help all LP Citizens understand what is going on. The County on the other hand has a Commissioner sending out "E" requesting help in his campaign - $$ I understand - sure hope it has not spilled over into the #1 Office!!!
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