Monday, August 2, 2010

No need for Wikileaks in Norristown

I thought I would put this out for discussion this week. The press does their own digging on a routine basis, but without people willing to come forward some stories just wouldn't be told. Check out the link below and throw in your two cents.


TownResident said...

I read this article and was quite amused by it. Especially the part where you claim to be concerned with exposing the powers that be. I quote," making sure those with power understand that they are always under a microscope."

I happen to know that Norristown Borough and Montco government both need to be exposed for abuse of power against an innocent resident and that your paper was uninterested in printing the full story, even though said resident went directly to your reception desk and asked to speak to a court reporter.

Why don't you review the story (and comments) reported by Keith Phucasen on 9/3/2009 with the headline "Jury finds woman not guilty of assault".
Your paper wasn't interested in the truth then. Why should I believe you'd be interested now?

Anonymous said...

Your reporters report SOME stories that occur in part. It wold be interesting to know the WHOLE story, not the way the reporter wants it to look. Facts not BS that the peole at the head table feed your reporter. The public can now tune into their local government on the boob tube and get the straight scoop. All we need now is for them to attach company ads to pick up tax dollars. That would kill the print media.

Anonymous said...


Funny that you posted a comment that shows your papers disinterest in telling the truth. You are only concerned with making money with tabloid style reporting and leaks from the District Attorney's office, even though people are supposed to be presumed innocent.

Anonymous said...

This should be leaked all over the country. It probably came from a tea party idea, just like the pitch fork, tar and feather nonsense.

ROSETO, Pa. -- A carnival game involving players firing foam darts at an image of a person that appears to be President Obama has sparked some controversy.

The game was set up at an annual celebration put on late last month by Our Lady of Mount Carmel School in Roseto, Northampton County.

"I'm kind of repulsed," said Chris Jankowski. "I mean, it's our president, whether you like him or not."

"I don't think it's right," said Scott Peters. "You're pinpointing a certain person."

While some who attended the carnival believed the painted figure of a black man in a suit with a presidential seal on the belt buckle was meant to depict President Obama, the game's owner said that wasn't the case at all.

Still, Irvin Good, Jr., president of Goodtime Amusements of Hellertown, told 69 News he has discarded the game.

"All I can do is apologize," said Good. "It wasn't meant to be derogatory or abusive to anybody. There was no political thing intended there. Nothing like that at all."

Anonymous said...

well, i dont believe you report correct news all the time. there are times you have went after things because "a friend of the paper" suggested you do so, and was wrong. most times, you report in a negative light about norristown even when good things are taking place, but i guess good does not sell papers, evil does...

Anonymous said...

Thin Skinned is the problem - Dems. dished it out when the Reps. were in office - soo???? It,the game, probably makes for a great time and laughs.

Anonymous said...

Thin skinned is not the problem. Especially when an editor comments about "dirty dems". If Stan wants to put out an opinion, he could do it without name calling. But, that's the way he operates. Just about the sensationalism to sell papers and not about the truth, or putting a correction in the paper when his paper is wrong.

Anonymous said...

Aug. 9th - Anonymous
I'm glad this News Paper does name names and gets upset. That's why we subscribe to this paper, plus two others that cover local and national news of interest to the people here in the tri-state area.

Wilde said...

The only biases the newspaper should have is make sure to tell the truth as closely as it can be obtained and communicated. That means there are times when the newspaper must use overwhelming logic and displays of reason to overcome the irrationality that consumes a segment of our society.

The internet is filled with lies. The public must be convinced of the character of the lies and the damage that will occur if the lie was not countered.

Anonymous said...

This is a story that should have been front page news in the Times Hearld. The passing of David Charles Dolby on August 6, 2010. He was a Norristown native who was awarded the Medal of Honor.

Unknown said...

Anonymous, Aug. 31, we had the story of Medal of Honor recipient David Dolby's passing in the Aug. 10 edition on the front page.