Where do we go from here? And when do we go from here? Look, I'm not in the backroom, as I've told you before, but it's no secret the Montgomery County Republican Party is splintering faster than an old Christmas tree in a shredder. What I want to know, and what everyone I've talked to wants to know, is, will Ken Davis try to retain control of the GOP? I say no. What do you say? I say Bob Kerns should finally get his shot at running the party. What do you say?
Bob Kerns should win the nomination for chair hands down. The sheriff is an idiot for not sticking to his guns and running for the seat he wanted. He had the background to win the seat hands down over a young inexperienced 33 year old. It's the public that pushes the bottons Sheriff not the committee people. I believe that when Davis is replaced Kerns would have supported Durante. Another good prospect lost to inefficiency. Watch a Democrat take the seat that the Sheriff would have won.
We can only hope that the republican party is almost done it's control of Montco. It's the most corrupt government I have ever seen. Makes you really believe all politicians are crooked. I don't really believe the DEMS are any better, but hey how much worse can it be than what's in there now. Why not give them a shot!!!
I think Robert Kerns should have won it the first time around. He deserves a chance now. He can't possibly do any worse than Ken Davis.
Bob Kerns would do a MUCH better job than Ken Davis ... and perhaps save the party. I don't think it can be saved but if it Ken then Kerns is the man to do it.
Hey Stan,
There is no doubt that Davis sees the writing on the wall. Do yourself a favor and make this prediction in the paper. It will come true.
Davis will step down and the chairmanship will be taken by another Asher puppet. This way, they will pit Bob Kerns against an incumbent Chair with no track record for anyone to bash.
HOPEFULLY, our committee people will see past this and give Bob Kerns a chance!!!
It's amazing how some attorneys have the mental strenghth to endure suffering or adversity to take on so much endurance, I believe they call it (fortitude). Mr Kerns law office holds so many solicitorships in surrounding townships, when will he have the time to fullfill the position of party chairman to the Republican party? When will the Committee people of Montgomery County start using their own minds and elect someone other than a LAWYER? No one else is qualified? Better get smart before we all get flushed down the toilet.
What do I say? For the 2nd day in a row, I say it's sad that we have the editor of the supposed "voice of Montgomery County" referring to the Republican Party as "we."
I also say it's even sadder that he apparently does not have thick enough skin to post comments that are critical of what he writes.
Wow. Just wow.
OK, anonymous. I didn't post your comment the first day because I just figured most people understand that when you write an opinion piece it is OK to include your opinion. I referred to we because I am a Republican. It has nothing to do with how I run the paper.
By the way, my skin is thicker than an alligator's. Your comment is quite innocuos compared to some I receive.
My guess is most people who had an opportunity stolen from them, twice, in 2004 and 2006, as Bob Kerns has would say, "to heck with this, I'm taking my ball and going home." To his credit, over the last four years, Kerns has consistently and generously supported Republican candidates for races from school board to governor. The time has come for Kerns to be given a chance to try to straighten out the Montgomery County Republican Party. I only hope the committee people see it as clearly as so many of us do.
I see Bob Kerns as the eventual winner after the county Re-organization. Ken Davis is a weak leader and has been for the past 3+ years. Look at party registration under his leadership...it's in the toilet.
His recently touted idea about starting Republican Clubs in the High Schools? Bob Kerns made the campaign promise to reach out to the youth through H.S Groups, radio and tv ads, etc. Ken couldn't even steal Bob's idea right! He waited too long to implement anything other than his own agenda.
His time has...well his time never was. His tenure was a waste. Good Riddance!
Aside to "anonymous"("When will the Committee people of Montgomery County start using their own minds and elect someone other than a LAWYER?")-Ken Davis isn't a lawyer...look how bad the party has gotten under his leadership...the lawyers must know something Ken doesn't...maybe the law?
Bill Shaw
Hey Bill, wait a second. I always believed that the Committee persons job was to to get new registrations? When a new family moves into the neighborhood the committee person should be knocking on the front door getting them registered. Or is it just the day of election when you receive that huge check from the county for sitting in the cold, rain,wind etc. The general is only as good as the troops under him. Don't make one person the patsy for others incompetence.I do not know Mr.Kerns or Mr. Davis, what does knowing the law have to do with this position?
It is the committee person's job to be the footsoldier for the party. But, as in any hierarchial organization, it is our leadership that we look to for guidance and support. We also look to our leadership for honesty and integrity. I haave found Ken Davis to be lacking in all of these traits.
You can't blame the 7th cavalry because of Custer's incompetence. Decisions come from the top down, work comes from the bottom up.
I do appreciate your opinion, but please, check up on the "generals" you are defending before attacking the "soldiers".
Oh, by the way, that 'HUGE CHECK" is a mere $25.00, and most of us spend more than that putting coffee and donuts at the poll for our voters.
Stan...The Committee People are not appointed but elected to help their party get out the vote. Their work does not start just the month or week before the election... they need to keep abreast with candidates considering running for office...it is an ongoing process, if it done correctly. When a Committee Person goes through the selection system of selecting just the right person to endorse, it should mean that he/she has done their homework and will back their selection. On the other hand, it is also proper to inform the public of other candidates running for an office but have not been endorsed and will appear on the ballot. An open election is what is needed and that means all candidates have a chance, just not endorsed and the financial backing that goes with an endorsement.
Hey Bill, Was it the General who put Matthews and Castor on the ballot? Maybe the Lieutenants who sit in their little back room and pick who they want. The whole process sticks and you know it, now we R's have a D running the show. Not a darn think we can do for the next four years. By the way, the large check was a pun,I collected one or two.
While generally, the Montco Republican Party has had the reins of a fairly honest government for a long time, it all managed to hold power for many years with the exploitation of the Montgomery County public through the use of the highly illegal "Doodle Bug" so we can't say it has always been totally honest, can we?
And didn't Asher do some time for his political machinations?
How about Mark Marino for chair?Did he tell you not to write this comment.Stan he continues to pull your strings.It must be nice to select only comments for your blog that you are agree with.This blog and how you run it is another example how one sided your paper is.Are you trying to copy the New York Times.
Bill Shaw said "Oh, by the way, that 'HUGE CHECK" is a mere $25.00, and most of us spend more than that putting coffee and donuts at the poll for our voters. "
C'mon Bill these people are not in it for the $25 bucks. They are in it for their own personal gain and behind the seen perks. Look at all the County employees that are there soley because they are good friends with a commissioner. Positions created for these people and nice salaries. Gulotta, Whiteside, Honeyman, etc... Wasted taxpayer money because they have a friend in power. That is the reason these guys do what they do.
Democratic committee people don't get paid anything!!!! We volunteer to work for the party because we believe in it. We may not all agree with our leadership 100% of the time, but we don't throw each other under the bus either.
I find myself commenting on my own blog once again. I usually just like to put the posts up and let the conversation carry forward, but there are a couple of comments just above this one that have me shaking my head. The first one is from, of course, anonymous, posted Feb. 24 9:36 a.m. Please, please, give me one example of bias in a news story in my paper. Otherwise, stop with the low blows already. We give opinions on the Opinion page only.
The second is from, of course, anonymous, posted Feb. 24 5:20 p.m. I thought you had given up. For the record, this will be the last time I post something from you that refers to Mark Marino. Again, for the record. I don't know Mark Marino. I know his father. I don't know him. I know who he is, but that doesn't mean I know him, and he certainly isn't 'pulling my strings.' Is that clear?
Stan...Anonymous is certainly a very upset Dem. I read the TH, Inq. & WSJ. Too many people only have time to read SOME current events articles... now that is a shame. A well informed voter needs to read all articles EVERY DAY to see if the News Paper is bias...the TH certainly is not by a long shot... Now, Blogs on the other hand are only a platform for opinions...we the people enjoy them. A Republican!
Stan, You do now how to stir the pot---great topic.
Way to go Bill Shaw. The only person with guts enough to take a stance and not hide behind the "anonymous" tag.
What do we need in the Republican party? We need people who are willing to think for themselves and who beleive in Republican values like less government, lower taxes and investment in individual achievement. Republicans have to stop sacrificing principle for power. Bill Shaw knows who he is and is not afraid to tell you.
Republicans have to stop endorsing people for office with no proven track record as Republicans. I spoke up in the May primary to alert the voters in my District to the fact that Charimen Doug Hager and Art Bustard and their committees endorsed 2 Democrats for school board. These 2 individuals changed their registration to Republican weeks before filing their "Republican" petitions. Hager even signed and circulated one of these individuals petitions. 4 lifelong Republicans, who believed in conervative values, were rejected by Bustard, Hager and/or their committees.
In gratitude for doing my due diligence as a committeeperson, Committeechairman Bustard excluded me from all committee activities thus disenfranchizing the voters who elected me.
When a Life-long Republican like myself, with a proven Republican track record of support both in time and resources is punished for outing 2 Democrats, It is time for some real change.
Patrick Henry said, "The price of freedom is eternal vigulence." It's time for real Republicans to wake up.
Jim Mollick
Stan .. Bob Kerns should become the Republican Chairman. He of course has many irons in many fires, but is well organized and that is what we need to bring the party together...
On the other side of the isle... Have you been watching and reading the circus going on with the Democrats... talk about becoming unravelled... the daily soap opera is called "As the World Turns in the Democratic Party" ... Maybe "Bill" can find out what the correct words should be used by Hillary... Obama seems to have a more up-to-date dictionary.
Great topic and kudos to both Bill Shaw & Jim Mollick for being unafraid to put their names ontheir opinions.
I believe that right now, the subject of grassroots leadership is probably the most important issue facing the Republican party nationwide. Indeed, Mr.Mollick said it best when he said we needed "people who are willing to think for themselves and who believe in Republican values like less government, lower taxes and investment in individual achievement."
It does the party absolutley no good to hold on to power if those in power do not represent the values of conservatives. We need to re-build the party from the ground up and that starts at the committee level.
Lisa Mossie
In response to Jim Mollick, I would have to say that traditionally school board candidates were from both parties. They can and in fact do petition both parties to have their names listed under each parties ballot. On another note, the Republican party claims to be a pary of inclusion, why would they exclude people who saw the light and became republicans. I just don't get it Mr. Mollick.
I'm sorry the Democratic Committee People do not get paid for securing help to work at the Polls... but then exactly why would they...they have no idea how to canvas their area and that's using a street list. Make sure the next fund raiser that is held it appears in bold print in the Times Herald. The constant phone calls requesting donations has turned this household around... or should I say OFF on the Dem. Party.
To Joyce Kilmer:
The way it works is this-each party puts up they're candidates. By law, (and I don't know why) every candidate may cross-file to appear on both the democrat and Republican ballots. Some of the people win on both tickets, and do not have to run in the November election-they're "in".
Whomever is left gets put on the November ballot of their respective party and the voters choose.
Where your argument fails is here: The Republican party, by writ of bylaw, cannot endorse a non-Republican for any office. The fact that Mollick protested that the candidates were democrats stems from the fact that they "flipped"-a term meaning they changed party just to run as a Republican. He was raising the point that the candidates were not "true Republicans", as were others who ran in the same election, himself included. They were, in reality, political opportunists and didn't "flip" because of their values or beliefs...other than the belief that you need to be a Republican to win in Worcester!
This is a strategy employed by people who think that their party may hinder their chances for election. For example, Lower Merion Commissioner, Lance Rodgers, changed his party affiliation from Republican to Indy to run for commissioner, and won in a heavily democratic area. He has since switched back to Republican to run for senate in the 17th district.
I hope this clears things up.
The Republican party is inclusive. It is nieve to think that just because someone changes their party registration, they are a convert. For example, If tomorrow, Hillary Clinton said she was switching parties to Republican and wanted the nomination and endorsement for President would you just give it to her? She first would have to prove, by her actions, that she was a Republican and that takes time.
That's what happened in Methacton. 2 Democrats, with no proven Republican track record, changed their registrations weeks in advance of filing their petitions as "Republican" school board candidates. They were blindly chosen and accepted by our committees and their chairs. They will help contol a $85,000,000 budget. +
There is a fundemental difference between Republicans and Democrats. Republicans advocate less government, less taxes and more focus on individual achievement. Democrats, on ther other hand, use more Government to solve all of our problems and use the more Government to confiscate more taxes.
And by the way, the school board is supposed to be apolitical. Take it from me, it is more political then any branch of governemnt.
Jim Mollick
Mr.Mollick, You lost your bid to be elected to the School Board. You can always try next time. Continue to attend the meetings and make your voice heard. But, please stop your wimpering, that's a huge turnoff to the voting public. Continue your letters to the Editor informing the non political public what the School Board will not admit too. but, please put away your hankerchief no one likes a crybaby.
Does anyone really care about Methacton School Board anymore? Public brawls at school board meetings. Lackluster curriculum... 7 years behind school districts like Norristown on Math and Kid writing! Still no full-day kindergarten! Few multi-cultural events. My kids classes did NOTHING for black history month. Poor facility maintenance. No plan for the increasing number of Hispanic non-english speaking studnets. It's an embarrassment. If the R's keep running the show here, we'll continue to live in the dark ages. Get with it before we get left even further behind. Someone on the school board needs to actually think outside the box and break the status quo.
Dems are getting better at canvassing and reaching out to their constituents. Of course we have to ask for money, just as Republicans do. I have a "mixed" household and we get just as many Republican pleas for money as we do for Dems. I think the Dems are just not used to it. Republicans do a much better job of fundraising because they have no problem asking for it. Dems historically have felt bad about asking for monetary contributions. If you feel too many phone calls have been made, you should let your committee person know so they can address it or get yourself on the "national do not call " list. Dems will definitely feel the pressue for contributions this year with such a historic election before us. You can bet your bottom dollar,the Republican Committee will be out there doing the same.
I agree with Mr. Mollick, his opinion is right on (and Mr. Shaw as well). People flipping parties typically do so for personal gain and political advancement, and not the best interests of their party or community. I totally agree that the party in Montgomery County, LP and Worcester especially, needs to be completely overhauled from the ground up. More people are receptive to his message than you would think, now more than ever, since the debacle at the county level. Here in LP we're stuck with another party flipper, Chris DiPaolo, a Philadelphia Dem who ran both tickets to get elected. So far, his track record shows him to be the Democrat he really is.
Hey, If Mr. Dipaolo is working as a "D" maybe L.P. should have more "D'S" on the board. I believe he lives in L.P. not Philadelphia.
Sounds like another candidate who got his clock rung at the last election. D comes before R right?
Look out for that freight train,it's coming down the tracks....and it's not SEPTA>>>>
To Jim Mollick,
How long do you have to be registered Republican until you are considered a true Republican. I understand that Chris DePaolo was once a democrat and changed his party to "R" about four years ago, he votes as a conserative on his board of supervisors. Would he be considered a True Republican under your terms? I just want to know the Republican rules according to "MOLLICK"
Thank you, Joyce Kilmer
To be a candidate for a position on the School Board, your petition has to have the correct amount of registered voter's signatures and is filed on time...that is all that is needed. Almost all candidates cross file because they could care less about who is in charge (Rep./Dem.), but feel they truly can make a difference. As for the endorsement of either party...who cares...go out and canvas the township or area your school district covers and explain why you are running and your plan of action to make it come about. Right now the Methacton School District looks like the merger of LP/Worcester should come to an end. The cost of building maintenance,teaching staff and busing is way out of hand. Sometimes smaller is better. Something to think on and work on getting all the facts before another election.
Hey Mole, You forgot to mention that the Chairman Mr. Dininney ran on the "D" ticket also. So that would be two "D's" on the board, right? I believe Mr. Dininney's competition at that time Mr. Lomire reached out to "D's" leaders
for support. As a TRUE "D" (Mr. Mollick would be proud,) I congratulate my two representatives on the board and say keep up the good work. Not too bad the two D's, their last name gives them up. DDDDDDDDDDD.
You should run for Chairman you know the Marinos,Vereb,Lynn Swann,Ron Paul and the gang. I am sure the paper will give you the endorsement and you have the heavy readership from your New York Times blog to carry your support.You can not loss.
Joyce Kilmer said...
"In response to Jim Mollick, I would have to say that traditionally school board candidates were from both parties. They can and in fact do petition both parties to have their names listed under each parties ballot. On another note, the Republican party claims to be a pary of inclusion, why would they exclude people who saw the light and became republicans. I just don't get it Mr. Mollick."
The fact that people like Jim Van Horn can run on both parties R and DEM and get all the straight party votes is a disgrace and should not be allowed. You should only be allowed to run on one side! I truly feel that is how Van Horn got elected and he is a disgrace to our schools, spending $50 mil on an uncessary school.
Dr Mollick I voted for you for change and to have someone who cares about the system rather than personal gain.
That being said after being a lifelong republican I have recently switched my regisration to DEM. I am fed up with the R's all the way from the school board, to the commissioners, to President Bush. Enough already.
I thank you for your vote and I certainly have felt your pain in more ways then one.
Your dissatisfaction with the Republican party only confirms what I already have said. We cannot sacrifice principle for power.
But think about this, rather then leaving the party in disgust, work with us to make it better. One person can make a difference. Be committed, be vocal, and be involved. Converting to a "D" in protest won't help the change anything.
It's not easy standing up for what you think is right but rember, evil prevails only because good people stand idle and allow it to.
Jim Mollick
Dr. Mollick,
You seem confused, I didn't say that I voted for you, it was said by another anonymous blogger. Take a look! I guess you will never know who it was that voted for you.
I think you need to read the Anonymous that says "Joyce Kilmer says."
Dear Mollick,
Anonymous said...
Joyce Kilmer said...
Take another look at that post, it wasn't mine.
He Said?
She said?
Who cares!
Joyce should sit down and read to the good doctor.
As a Democratic committee person in Lower Providence, I can 100% assure all the Republicans out there that Chris DiPaolo has never attended a Democratic Meeting, doesn't associate with any Democrats that I know of and we certainly do not consider him a Democrat. To the contrary, he's about as Republican as they come. He's a keeper for the R's. Sorry if some of the R's don't like him but please don't keep calling him a Democrat. I take offense.
Ken Davis has decided not to run, but not before he decided to take some shots about the bloggers who "hide behind the Internet". Are there other blog sites where "anonymous ignorant cowards" are picking on him besides this one?
And did he "fail while daring greatly" as his quote from Teddy Roosevelt suggested? To quote Peg Gibbons, "Give me a break!"
Stan...I've had a free day due to sitting a sick child and the Blogs, both Dem. & Rep. are interesting... Blue collar Anonymous has a lot to say about the Montg. County Republicans and who they associate with by profession or services being rendered. I believe as do quite a few readers that TH is not bias but some Bloggers only read a few articles in the newspaper and then rant and rave about bias...so sorry! Read more and rant and rave less... the Editor is a Republican... Managing Editor is a Dem. & Ms. Gibbons, a Reporter is great, but a Dem. Read the whole Opinion Page, every day and get some exercise, because you are becomming unglued. Maybe he should read the Ptsn. Mercury or Main Line Times too, then he/she would see how great the Times Herald Editorial Staff is and the paper itself compares to the other parts of the county.
Ask Mark Marino he will tell you the other sites. If not ask his yes man Stan the man Huskey. Stan has to put his two cents into everything except his paper and the New York Times Herald speaks for itself.
Looks like the ROW officers are paying their JUST dues to Mr. Kerns. His war chest of $300,000 payed off to get these people elected. I hope that the other interested parties will not drop out of the running. Free lunches, free dinners, and free drinks for the committee people should help him in his run for the job. Nothing will ever change in the "R" house. The Sheriff with his run and no run for the good of the party is a joke,all of your top people are leaving sheriff, care to say why?
Dear Conshy Mole,
The County of Montgomery, as an employer, has offered a lucrative early retirement incentive package. It's a really, really, really good deal for employees who qualify for it.
Maybe next time you should check your facts first before you speak.
Dave -- you took early retirement from the County, didn't you. You should know all about the county's retirement system, I would think.
So, how's everything at home? Conshohocken's a sleepy little town, isn't it?
If that be the truth about a lucrative package, why did the sheriff not take advantage of it??
He likes really, really,good deals!
There's a good suggestion from your other discussion thread. It would be a good way to keep someone's disgruntled former employees, etc. from abusing the privilege of posting on your forum. Here's the post:
"Everyone should have to use their own log in whether its a real name or just a screen name. That way you can can distinguish one anonymous from another. Thats how most message boards work.
By the way, I am not one of the normal posters....I check this site about once a month to see whats going on."
To Anonymous on March 9, you are correct that Chris DiPaolo was never a part of the D party in LP. What I said was, and is verifiable, was that he was an active Dem in PHILADELPHIA. When he moved here he ran on both tickets to get elected as he (correctly) surmised a D would have a hard time getting elected here. Whatever you consider him today, he's been vastly ineffective. Both parties got gypped.
Bob Kerns won't be any worse that Ken Davis, or any better for that matter. You have to ask yourself what is in it for him? He already has half the municipal solicitorships in the county and Frank Bartle and Ed Mullin have most of the rest of them. The Republican party in Montgomery County is in a major tailspin and all the Kings horses and all the Kings men can't put it back together again. Good luck Bob Kerns, it is going to take a lot more money than you have stashed away in your PAC fund to rescue this bunch of bunglers. Just look what Matthews did to his supporters and the guy (Castor) who got him elected again. This will be last time Matthews runs as an "R". I predict that our good Commissioner Matthews changes his registration and runs with Hoeffel in 4 years, the new deal will have Hoeffel as Chairman and Matthews as Vice Chair. Oh Me oh My what to do! Move west young man, move west.
What's with Matthew's wife changing her registration to Democrat? Does she really think her vote is going to make a difference in who the Democratic party nominee is? I guess she doesn't watch the news and follow the delegate counts. Whatever the outcome of the PA primary, it isn't going to matter. She might as well just stay home on the 22nd. I also don't understand her fixation on Bill Clinton and who he has sex with. Many of our past presidents and world leaders had documented extra marital affairs. It didn't seem to interfere with their ability to do the job as president. Just because it goes against the moral fibre of some, doesn't make it illegal. In fact, I can think of several ( even some Catholic) people I know who have had extra marital affairs and suprisingly, not one of them lost their job because of it, just the trust of their spouse. If you've never had to deal with a cheating spouse, you probably would have a hard time understanding that it's a private issue and not one that needs comment on by anyone outside of the situation...whether you're the president of the US or Joe Shmo down the street. People cheat and it's just a fact of life. Does that make them less trustworthy? Probably. But, I've yet to find any politician that's 100% truthful. I'm not sure that a 100% truthful person even exists. We seem to be able to find something worng with everybody, don't we?
County Personnel - Retirement for some is a welcome change - but for some it is the same daily routine, except they do not have to check in at 8AM. Golf, and visiting local establishments remains the same as it did when they were full time employees. Easy Street is just Easier now.
Remember the Rubber Stamp Days (Anonymous 3/1)? Well the Republicans have found another way to insure the correct person is represented on the ballot in the fall - Switch & then Switch again. No need to be a closet Dem. or Republican - interesting game.
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