I had to extend last week's post because of what happened in state government today.
Listen to this. Dems are touting the bridge budget as a victory, which will allow state workers to get paid early next week. What they're not touting is the fact that they were all issued paychecks Tuesday. That's right, Democratic lawmakers made sure they were paid first. Let me be very clear that I'm talking about Democratic lawmakers here. They've put themselves at the head of the line, once again. Republican lawmakers will get paid next week, just like everybody else.
The audacity is simply astounding. Watch this http://www.wgal.com/video/20290590/index.html and then tell me what you think.
I cannot believe this. The Democrats get away with this crap all the time. Why can they move money around like this ? Who in the hell do they think they are. I hope the Unions hear rthis and realize this was never about them and all about the Dems feeding their own pockets.
We are a split family. After reading about the pecking order in the payroll department we all agree this is one reason not to vote the Dems. in again. Seven years and the same cry every year when it comes to the budget is shameful. Rendell has no problem with how our State Government is run, he is out of here 2010. We all remember the pay raises and now ME FIRST when it comes to the payroll - unbelieveable! Stop payment on State Legislator Checks must be issued now! A Case of the legality of this move must be done by our State Attorney General Office. This act is a sign of corruption at the highest level in our State Government if it is, in fact true.
Unbelieveable! They the Dems. transfer funds yesterday and pay themself for July and August. Yes, the State Attorney General needs to take a look at this now.
I was looking at what is needed by our Gov. Rendell and that is a cool 7 million to run the Govs. Office. He has two hands that are in working order, let him do his own typing (pecking order?) and the sheer delight of having to read all correspondence would place him in another world. Now, there would be no need for all the extra help you see running around, answering and screening his calls, setting his schedule, ordering food, driving him to his oh so important meetings (overtime for driver?), conference calls will do because Eddie will be doing all the work and it could be on TV straight from the State Capitol. - Do you see a new Gov. by spring, shape wise and smarter too.
There are ways to CUT the budget and the Gov. needs to do it.
Mr. Fumo is now looking good compared to some of our present Dem. Lawmakers, now that is a shame.
the problem with the news story is that the reporter buries this issue in the last few seconds.
This was a lead element. the reporter had the governor on tap, why didn't he go after the governor on this?
What fund were they paid out under?
So what's new here? Pigs at the trough is old hat. How can any of you get aroused by their antics. Unless you have been living under a pot for the past 7 years, you had to know this was coming.
Slop the pigs in Harrisburg... Slaughter is usually in September, but we will hold off until November. Are you taking notes?
Republican would do the same thing. It doesn't matter what party your with. If your party is in control, you give to yourself first. I have to say if I were them, I'd do the same thing. That probably makes me a crappy person but at least I'm a crappy person with money now.
No matter who is in power ...When it is "Pay Time"... the personnel that is responsible & does all the work for the great Governor, Senators and State Reps. and the State as a whole...should be first...
This Me First, I'm more important should never be, they have chosen to fight out the budget and just like Union Workers there are strikes and savings will and are gone until all is settled. If you are not able to budget your own money, then you our State Sen. & Reps. should not be in the position to try to budget the States Money.
Out with those that are in now and also our great Governor who you know well as Slick Eddie...term is up anyway.
It's hard keeping up with VERMIN,especially when they're sneaking around & hiding things in bills.
NOW that we're all paying more attention to our politicians, mostly because of this power-grabbing Washington administration, & DEM-majority Congress, we are more aware of the VERMIN, & RATS.
STAY INVOLVED, take notes, & vote them out !!
WE are Free People !!
Say NO to Govt. control !!
courtesy of: http://floor9.com/budget-impasse/payday-is-not-the-end
For example, take Stephen Miskin. He’s the spokesman for the House Republicans. And judging by his Twitter account, the House Republicans are outraged that state employees have been paid. His timeline contains a perpetual stream of complaints over the bridge budget. One of my favorites really drives home their “don’t blame the Senate” mentality:
One person, and one person alone cut PA Ag funding this year, Ed Rendell, Gov. of PA. Whiners trying to blame Senate, WRONG!
There isn’t a single legislator who is exempt from blame. Democrats and Republicans, Senators and Representatives, all sit squarely at the center of their failure. For either side to attempt to blame the other — let alone have the official spokesman for the Republican party in Pennsylvania go on a tirade blaming the Democrats for everything — really shows just how much of a game this is to our elected officials.
Of course you would cherry pick things that supposedly only Democrats are doing. Well, I can cherry pick the Republican nonsense, too. Only thing is that there are so many "statements" out there with Palinistas and the death camps that will come with healthcare reform, Karl Rovians behind the political firings of U.S. Attorneys, and Limbaugh hypocrites, that there isn't any need.
Same thing happening in Montco, with Castor wanting to run away from his elected office since he can't get his way. Diagnosis: Does not work well with others. And, that is not just with Democrats, the Republicans are not inclined to assist him because he doesn't want to work with them either. (Also the same reaction when Palin offered to help them. "Thanks, but NO THANKS!)
The "Party of No" is getting smaller all the time.
ssdd in Montco (and the rest of the U.S. re: Republicans and the like) 8/12/09 5:50 a.m.
The Engagement Party for Mr. Fummo was quite a galla function.
It is unbelieveable this is actually happening in Philadelphia where everything important to the citizens could shut down and the man that would have been able to help with the crisis is going to the "B" House for some very sticky finger actions with our money?
If an increase in the taxes is needed for Phila., then so be it Harrisburg!
Now, what is next on the agenda? We certainly need to help our local self employeed because the work is not there and their mortgages need to be paid (the rate is being increased on mortgages that were in place - the excuse is the lender needs to make money. Thought that was a contract? No, no, subject to change) and the family should have food,heat,electricity etc.
All the problems stated above have increased over the last 6 months. We can not wait for the budget Governor - what is plan "B"??
Uh, isn't it Pileggi the rep who's holding up the works. How long does it take to vote on Philadelphia when it doesn't affect one dime of state money? Pileggi is just like Castor, doesn't want to work with others than the reps who are losers.
Hey, Stan, you going to print this? or doesn't meet your approval. No swear words here...
Yes it's Lower Providence Township checking in again. Would just like to advise you and the various blog readers that one of the two Democractic Supervisor Candidates is already targeting specific homes in our township sprewing out their garbage, starting rumors, and badmouthing our sitting supervisors. The election is over two months away but the war has started.
Betty McF.
Audubon, Pa
I just read that Fumo had/has a big problem with perscription drugs and alcohol. Perhaps he could serve his time up at Eagleville Hospital and spend only the nights in the adjacent building,which is the Prison. Now the Judge would see that as punishment fitting the crime?? This would be the type of punishment our Democrats would see as eye to eye with the Judge? I would hope not. You really need to look at the area that I am talking about to understand how comical it would be. The Hospital, Jail, Flashlight Mfg.(law enforcement type) and a Bar - all along a one mile strip...covers all basis I believe.
There is bus service too!
Anonymous said...
I just read that Fumo had/has a big problem with perscription drugs and alcohol. Perhaps he could serve his time up at Eagleville Hospital and spend only the nights in the adjacent building,which is the Prison. Now the Judge would see that as punishment fitting the crime?? This would be the type of punishment our Democrats would see as eye to eye with the Judge? I would hope not. You really need to look at the area that I am talking about to understand how comical it would be. The Hospital, Jail, Flashlight Mfg.(law enforcement type) and a Bar - all along a one mile strip...covers all basis I believe.
There is bus service too!
August 22, 2009 11:01 AM
You are WRONG! And you seem to forget, or maybe you don't see the nonsense of Bush doing a semi-pardon of Scooter, and Cheney trying to get his buddy off the hook. And why didn't Rush Limbaugh volunteer to go to jail for his oxycontin drug use, when the hypocrite said anyone who uses drugs illegally should be in jail. Stan with his name calling needs to stop unless he wants to show that he is not biased and points out the wrong-doings of the Republicans, too.
Fumo was a State Senator. He was not placed in prison because he had an addiction, it was for many counts of fraud.
Scooter and Cheney are Federal Employees. There is a big difference when comparing Fumo, Scooter and Cheney - Apples and Oranges.
You do realize when you break the law here in PA we have *prisons (*a place of confinement for criminals) that will accommodate *prisoner's (*a person kept under involuntary restraint)the minimal needs - no luxury hotel.
Fumo was a State Senator. He was not placed in prison because he had an addiction, it was for many counts of fraud.
Scooter and Cheney are Federal Employees. There is a big difference when comparing Fumo, Scooter and Cheney - Apples and Oranges.
You do realize when you break the law here in PA we have *prisons (*a place of confinement for criminals) that will accommodate *prisoner's (*a person kept under involuntary restraint)the minimal needs - no luxury hotel.
August 31, 2009 8:27 AM
They are all politicians who think they were above the law; with the exception of Limbaugh. But he is a Republican who wants to scare people, just like Palin, the politician, who backed off her "death camps for old folks" blog, instead of putting out the real truth and real facts. Limbaugh seems to be the real leader/politician as he got apologies from "real" Republicans who crossed him.
Anonymous 8/31 - WHAT!!!
WHAT is your point? You sound like an old record. Exactly why does Limbaugh and Palin upset you? Two Republicans that either have talk shows or are Republicans that say exactly how they feel need not make you so theatrical.
Anonymous 8/31 - WHAT!!!
WHAT is your point? You sound like an old record. Exactly why does Limbaugh and Palin upset you? Two Republicans that either have talk shows or are Republicans that say exactly how they feel need not make you so theatrical.
September 1, 2009 3:08 PM
My WHAT? was in response to the apples and oranges. There is no difference. Palin and Limbaugh don't upset me at all. I enjoy watching their reruns with popcorn & refreshment with my family and friends. I would love for Palin to run in 2012, so we can have some more laughs...
2012 Amusement?? Don't you have any other person you feel could run for office? That is not a joking manner. What you did not like about a candidate should be on your Need and Not Needed List when selecting a candidate. Both parties have shown members that were not up to the job and of course they were not elected. Bad apples can pull a party down so look for a good person to run in 2012, just in case the present apple turns out to be rotten to the core.
No time to rest when it comes to politics. Both the Dems. and Reps. are on the phone trying to convince the voters to call their Senator and have him support or not support areas of the new Health Bill that is believed to be placed up for a vote before Nov. Now is the time to turn off those callers - there is a way, just tell them the first time they call not to call again. I did that last Nov., but I guess it does not carry thru to the next year.
Anonymous said...
2012 Amusement?? Don't you have any other person you feel could run for office? That is not a joking manner. What you did not like about a candidate should be on your Need and Not Needed List when selecting a candidate. Both parties have shown members that were not up to the job and of course they were not elected. Bad apples can pull a party down so look for a good person to run in 2012, just in case the present apple turns out to be rotten to the core.
September 3, 2009 12:01 PM
Uh... the prior apple, McCain, with his bootlegging $ and that Palin joke pulled the party down along with the far out in right field wingers. As long as there are some that think Palin should run, I am hoping that she goes for it as she thought she was ready for the VP position. I thought she was a joke then and still look forward to the joke running in 2012! The party of "No" hasn't put anyone up that has any type of credibility to date. As for your question, I don't have anyone in the GOP. Wouldn't have anyone like the current crop either.
Uh Betty McF-
Your own Republican party is bad mouthing their own sitting Supervisors. Eckman & Thomas had nothing but bad things to say about Craig Dinniny when they came to my house during the primary. Your just jealous because none of the Republican candidates have shown their faces at anyone's door. I guess they'd have to answer embarrassing questions about why they're being sued by Mascaro's. Better to hide in the bushes and hope for the best.
WHAT good could they have said about Mr. Dinniny? WHat good did he do? Why are they being sued by Mascaro? For telling the truth? A lot of questions to be answered by someone still in the dark. If only the shadow was a true person.
My dog Pat can smell out the best in bushes, he also whizzes in them. Better be careful in what you wish for. When you show your face at my front door you better be smiling, and not selling anything. November will be upon us before we know it,the voters in L.P. will still sit at home on their fat duffs not showing up to vote, that's when you get what you deserve. Unqualified representatives to run this township. One thing for sure--we lose two windbags.
Huh, So the House Republicans would rather not pay any of the State employees who have to feed their families and pay the mortgs, car notes, elec... you get the hint. Who ever has the control would have paid themselves. Quit using self serving journalism here. The problem here is the lack of a BUDGET, that is the problem.
No, that is not correct. Those at the top should not have been paid until the budget was passed.
Two Cents Worth,, It seems as though someone out there is a little worried that former Supervisor Tom Borai is poking his nose where it should not be. I would like to thank him for his interest in L.P., maybe that's his hobby. Just think, how many infractions would be occuring if he did not challange the powers to be. Keep up the good work Mr. Borai, your run did make the difference in defeating the bad guys.
Regarding the 10/20/09 "your two cents worth" attack on former Supervisor Tom Borai should be ashamed of him(her)self. If this person did 1/10th of what Mr. Borai has done for this Township then he(she) has a right to criticize him, if not quit complaining and find something useful to do. Lower Providence will have a multitude of board positions open in Janruary 2010. Apply for one and serve your Township and not attack one good man that did.
The Professor
Audubon, Pa
Thanks Tom! I'm still singing "Dixie"!!!
It was certainly interesting for me to read that blog. Thank you for it. I like such topics and everything connected to this matter. I would like to read more soon.
Saw a picture in the TH - our Governor and the new NJ Governor and his Lt. Governor discussing dredging, etc. Now, judging how our Budget was handled and how industry is leaving PA - I hope NJ Governor takes Rendell's advice with a grain of salt -- not epson salts!
I believe our State of PA Treasury will be OK after all the Casino Owners and fellow Lawmakers and the Dems. and Reps. found hitting the till return all money given to them for work not-accomplished and their property sold for reimbursement. Now, if they are in prison - how much will it cost the state for their "Health Benefits??? Food??? Laundry and Personal Care Items??? That is a breakdown that I find unbelieveable.
Advanced or Paid for NO Work Personnel... Well here in PA we have quite a few buildings that are state owned and are in need of repair. Why not have these learned men live in these homes and do the repairs in payment for their acts against mankind. We have the state hospital buildings and grounds for a starter. There are some rooms that can be used by those that have a lengthy sentence (not quite like home - but who cares!) until repairs make the dwellings liveable. We need to get down and dirty when treating all these people that seem to think our Treasury is their pot of gold to use at will.
I noticed that our Governor is donating his "Fat" Suits to an organization for men that are without duds to wear when applying for a job or something like that. What really should happen is maybe an auction called "A Pound of Flesh" and maybe our budget could be balanced - after all all that flub must be worth something, he gained it while in our employee.
Listened to our Governor yesterday speaking at the Commissioners Conference. His voice is something else, but that aside his command of the English Language - he used the word "Hooey" when expressing how he felt about the Budget and how we need to bite the bullet and increase taxes - you know we complain a lot about our roads and educational costs but some where there is a need for money to cover these expenses and it can only be by taxation - as a Republican I agree, but first we need to check "HOW" we are spending the money that is now received by taxation. The roads, not Toll, are being used by out-of-state Trash Haulers (Route 15)and probably many more that come off of Route 80this should be looked into before any new taxes are even considered. I realize NY and NJ use Route 80 and their TRASH DISPOSAL needs to go some where - well let them pay either by a Toll on 80 or some other form of taxation - PA seems to be the only State around that does not mind being called the "Trash State"...
Toll or some other taxation sounds great. The Covered Wagons enter at the Poconos and get off at Rt. 15. So, maybe this is an area that should be targeted
Have you been watching the TV Channel covering our State's Political Activities? Well the Dem. that are running were being interviewed - Well, there are quite a few, and you can understand why only a person with many dollars would ever consider running for the position, such as Governor or Senator.
And now we have found out the Dems. only believe in one saying regarding money...Pay early and often! PA and Washington have the same problems, don't they when it comes to the Treasury.
The other Dem. saying will be and a chicken in every pot,(sound familiar?) after you have gone to the Casinos and came home with "0" Dollars to care for your family. There is no Fool like an old Fool if our government thinks its financial problems will be resolved run on Casino earnings.
Not to worry about advance pay checks. When Hoeffel becomes Gov. he will make sure you will be paid every week and mid-week if necessary. Most people would not notice, since they do not live on a budget based on the "NO CHARGING SYSTEM." The Peter - Paul way of doing business here in PA has got to stop. I believe all candidates working for Montgomery should resign their positions when stating their intent and start to raise funds or are an endorsed candidate to run for another position in local/state/federal government. This should also become a part of the Federal Ruling. Right now we have candidates running for Federal positions and the only statement that really rings true is that they want to replace the present occupant, even thought he is of the same party. Another candidate is OK with health care as long as he has the choice to get special treatment for one of his children. Don't we all wish that, if only we had jobs that would pay enough to cover just the basics. So, Dirty Politics will remain - check their wish list - not what the other candidates are doing wrong that displeases them. That is childish!
Debates between candidates from the same party will be expensive and the truth be told just makes them look foolish. I would prefer each person running, would state what they want to happen and how they see the whole plan being accomplished. To put another person down because you disagree with their approach to a certain subject does not really show a great side of any candidate.
Have you been following the trials on the dirty Democrats with their paying volunteers from the state treasury? Now, these trials will make a great book for our grand kids to read and also the Judges that sent our kids to a certain prison or reform school for profit. It could be the "Pennsylvania Way"...
We missed our chance to dine at the Olive Garden and Red Lobster during Black History Week - but, whatever, we will do it after Easter. I know there are quite a few people think that only White, Italian/French/English can prepare great food - but that is not so...try other great eating places and enjoy!
Which Candidate voted for the salary raise?? Check it out - Williams was one. Not too sure what else he is not telling us. The School thing is also not good at all - their school scores are a sorry mess. If you were to name a school after your father, make sure it has a GREAT RECORD.
I'm Pro Choice, which has made me some what an outsider when it comes to Dem. Politics. We have two that will be representing us in the Senate in Washington that do not see it my way, but they should be voting what the majority of the people here in PA believe. Being in the minority right now does not help. But as far as I am concerned, we should follow Kennedy's way of thinking when he ran for the top office and that was he was Catholic, but his religion was Private and he would not use religion and their teaching to make decisions for all the people.
According to an article in the News it seems that candidates for the Senate have no answers regarding the unemployment picture. The Republicans are using small business Pt. openings, but the Democrats don't have any idea where we could find jobs - Pt or Ft. Exactly what background do we use as a guiding point? One is a retired service man and the other a business man. At this point I am leaning toward the business person. Neither of these candidates were involved in the scandal here in PA regarding using State Payroll Money - now that is a PLUS.
Using PA Money as your own slush fund? How many are yet to be brought to justice? Cleaning Harrisburg and Washington is really necessary - most have over-stayed their usefullness and are now brain dead, or at least it seems so. Since our leader "BO" is making strides to make sure all women will be given a fair shake, why not through in the term limits and benefits that need some adjustments. Too much is now be used on State and Federal Law Breakers to bring them to justice. Try if you break the law, you pay out of your pocket the whole cost and also the cost of your time in the Poky - now that would make sense.
Well a starter when it comes to term limits would be the present Senate/House..start your pitching practice now and throw away in November.
The Dem. Candidate, Mr. Oranto does not like the present Administration here in PA - How many of his fellow Dems. will be supporting him? You know the still believe in Back-Scratching.
I believe the Dem. Candidate for Governor has his fault list incorrect...the Dems. got paid when the budget was not settled and the present Dems. have been giving out our Money faster than it could be brought in...So, who do we throw out and why would we replace someone from the same party that has the same way of thinking, only he is from the southwest.
It not only is here in PA that the Democrats in Harrisburg got raises, O'Bama made sure his staff got their raises before the wage freeze became law. Check it out!
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