Thursday, July 30, 2009

Dirty politics

How is it that Gov. Ed Rendell is able to hold up the budget process every year? And I mean every year. He hasn't passed a single budget on time since he's been in office. This is dirty politics at its best. He's using state workers to get want he wants, which we all know is a tax increase. A tax increase. Really? I guess people who live the kind of life he leads simply don't understand what it is like to even face the prospect of going without a paycheck. The dems want to raise taxes, the Republicans want to hold the line on taxes. How is it again that dems are gaining in numbers?


Còmhradh said...

How is it that Gov. Ed Rendell is able to hold up the budget process every year?

Rendell? Really? All by himself? What amazing powers! Either that, or he's the only person there. Either way, you'd think he would have just, you know... created his own budget and signed it into law. Couldn't possibly be anyone else in this equation, right?

The dems want to raise taxes, the Republicans want to hold the line on taxes. How is it again that dems are gaining in numbers?

Because Dems realize that when revenues go down and expenses go up, you can't just stick your fingers in your ears and pretend that nothing's wrong. Republicans love to talk about cutting spending, but they always seem to want to cut it from the people who a) need it the most and b) are least able to fight to keep it.

The bully model doesn't appear to be getting much traction these days.

Anonymous said...

If you are going to hold the line on taxes, I would hope the monies reserved for the ARC are red-lined out of the budget.

What about WAMs for legislators?

What about Art Centers in Norristown?

You can't have it both ways. If you ask for this type of state funding, you can't complain when taxes get raised.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid our Gov. Rendell has ADDHA, that should have been diagnosed when he helped Phila. get into the situation it presently is in.
It seems he believes, as our Pres. does, if you keep on the move, and express your wishes everything will come out OK. It did not or will not work, no matter which side is in control of our State Seats.
We have not followed the rule of money first and spend after.
Perpetual Care of everything, including how you treat people and companies and also any structure, this has been very much on the decline and this is no laughing matter. The position of Gov. is not just a PR position, but a position of trust in his judgment.

Anonymous said...

A Governor that did nothing for the last 7 but suggest and hope -now has a NEW PHILADELPHIA MAYOR that is presenting yet a NUTTER problem with the lack of money to run his city and of course home sweet home of our Governor. Oh, if only he, our Governor, had taken a finance course or two, instead of How To Win Friends and Influence People.

Anonymous said...

I thought fast EDDIE was going to give the ARC 20 Million tax payers dollars.

Give it to the people who need the dollars now, that would be the state employed workers.

Fast Eddie needs to be put on a slow boat to somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me, you want a 16, yes, SIXTEEN percent increase in your state taxes???? WOW,you must be liberals.

Joe from Collegeville said...

I don't think that the 40 million Rendell squirreled away for his bud, Gerry Lenfest, should be used for the ARC. That money should be released to the general fund and help balance the budget.

I agree that the WAM money is spread around like so much "Vote for me Money". Those millions should also go to the general fund. Good legislators who actually represent their constituents, can get re-elected with out goodie handouts to their favorite sons and daughters. Is there no shame in Harrisburg????

Anonymous said...

Comhradh is right to a point, revenues down, more needed.

Problem is, once taxes are raised, they never come down. So, I favor belt tightening.

That's what is happening in my house. Of course, the more I tighten my belt, the less I spend. The state collects less in taxes. An endless circle and something has to change.

Raising taxes isn't the cure. Better jobs and a better business environment will increase taxes. I say make some cuts, it is happening in my business.

The PA State workers shouldn't be immune. And saying that Republicans don’t care about people is hogwash.

I agree with Stan.

The sybil said...

One person says Rendell has 20 million set aside for ARC, another ups it to 40 million--pretty soon we'll be talking about real money! I'll bet the state budget has similar goodies set aside for some high powered folks around Pittsburgh and other cities that we haven't heard about because nobody around here has noticed that PA does not end at the Montgomery and Chester County line.

The point is well made that this is the year to be pragmatic about money needed for government functions right now vs. money promised sometime in the future, if and when a proposed project actually gets off the ground. How about this: every legislator agrees to give up one item from his/her constituent's wish list. The budget will shrink dramatically and everybody can vote on it and go home.

Anonymous said...

Oh YES our FEDS do remember Pittsburgh! How much is being shipped there to clean up the place for another "G" meeting? We were out there on a visit of Pitts. campus and it looked fine to me - much better then Phila. or Harrisburg.

Anonymous said...

Referring to the Budget - Rendell's Spokesman said:"We give they take!" Really? Exactly what has Rendell and his Budget Experts given us? The Republicans are taking out the increase in taxes for starters and trying to cut costs in the budget. Just because we want something does not mean we will get it - like a child's Christmas List.

Anonymous said...

Speaking about Fast Eddie and his sporting and supporting.
Well our Governor spent too much time on the campaign trail for Miss Hillary and of course our Rep. Sestak was always there for a photo op. Now, all the time these two great men spent on other business instead of State and Federal is showing. But, Rep. Sestak, now is going against the Dem. Party and our Pres. choice or it seems. Why now? We were ready to follow the lead, but it was not this military man that just came on the scene. Sen. Casey, is one great Senator and his concerns are ours. His background on work here on the homefront matters. Now, Sestak is a wannabe or at least he is self involved, which is not good. I'll vote for our present Senator and if he becomes ill and retires, then a thought of the best will be considered, Murphy is a great name don't you think? Don't call for help right now Sestak - the Senate has a great Senator representing Montg. County.

Anonymous said...

The state (and fed) get an automatic tax increase when the economy is good. They then spend it & create new long term comitments as if the good days will always be. Then comes the down turn and the State crys for a bigger piece of your dollar. Last I checked there is still only 100 pennies in a dollar & 52 paychecks (if you're still lucky) in a year & most of them pennies are already spoken for.

Anonymous said...

Thinking of Election Time.
Murphy, a Veteran and Congressman, sounds good to me. He has been there for all his people and in fact for PA. I do believe Sestak thinks he only has Del. Cnty. and Chester, because only when it is convenient he acknowledges that fact. I have a map next to my keyboard showing all the Counties in PA. Maybe a little thought as to which Senator you can see representing the most counties should even be considered by our Party. Photo Ops. are one thing but actually doing the work that counts and stand by your decision as Murphy does makes more sense.

Anonymous said...

Pittsburgh now has its Casino open. They are looking good for the "G" Conference. Not sure if the amount that was published to help them clean up their city has been given or used. No matter, that area and the Universities in the surrounding area, with parents wanting something to do in their spare time when visiting their children, it looks like a win, win situation. Do you suppose the parents can get a loan to support the little ones if they began spending too much time at the Casinos?

Anonymous said...

When the economy is bad, Bars, Gaming Establishments and houses of ill-repute thrive. Why? Have no idea. I guess it has that feel good for all those people that say I'm not happy. So, in Pittsburgh what do we have?? All of the above. I'm not sure if the airport managed to get the extra funds to upgrade, but not to worry it probably is within the next couple years. A Fly-in by our Elected Officials from all over the USA with our Pres. heading the conference should place this steel town back on the map.

Anonymous said...

Oh for Heavens Sake, raise taxes in Philadelphia, put in the Soccer Field and make way for the Prisoners, because of overcrowding, in all the old Department Stores. They were and should be OK for all those short termers. All that would be needed is cots and one guard per floor. There is potty facilities on each floor, so a farmers bath is all that would be permitted. A savings on water and heat, because every prisoner would bring his own clothing & sleeping bag or do without,the prisoners did not use good judgment and here they are. Maybe Fumo could be the Senior Member and Organizer, he is a champion when it comes to organization and of course he would be paid (all prisoners work!) 5 cents an hour. The weekenders could go out and clean up the streets or help the maintenance crew with the building they are housed in.
Many lovers of the Administration are in Phila.or in prison, so there is where some free help should be forthcoming.

Anonymous said...

The VA Hospital in Spring City has a great group of employees. Although their pay is on the backburner they remain on the job. Thank You! from all of us that have husbands as a guest.

Anonymous said...

Rendell has always been late when it came to "The Budget" but now we see that he has one big problem. All of the men that he depended on are now being placed in the hot seat. Pear down the budget, along with your bod Governor, the way we are doing business has caused our state to become too large and sickly.

Anonymous said...

Schools are laying off or just not replacing part time help that is usually there to make life easier for the School District's Teaching Staff.
We have a seasonal home in the mountains and when money is in short supply, they ask for volunteers. These volunteers are usually coming from the Lions Club, AMBUCS and the Chamber of Commerce. The churches have always made available a list of personnel qualified to fill in on a short term basis. It gives everyone a good feeling just to help when it truly is needed and not blame the prior administration, present administration or the economy as a whole.
Our School Districts need to come down from cloud nine and ask for help. More money is not always the answer. But, for students to see how anything is possible if a good volunteer staff is there will make a big difference.
Look back on why you volunteer - was it something that you recognized as a child the best thing to do to help where it is needed, but not for just recognition or requirement to graduate? What ever the reason, now is the time to step forward.

Anonymous said...

Thank You our Fellow Republicans! - for sticking to your guns in an attempt to make our Gov. and his men see - there just isn't any money to cover everything - a cut is needed - not higher taxes. Stop giving our money away for projects that should be of local nature where volunteers and civic clubs are more than willing to help. Cost cuting on the Governors travel expenses would be a great help too. Stay in Harrisburg and answer the phone calls Governor.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, stop giving away $ for projects like the "road to nowhere", a gravel road, which Palin took $ for:

Sarah Palin said yes, thanks, to a road to nowhere in Alaska
While seeking votes, she told Ketchikan residents she backed the 'bridge to nowhere.' As governor, she spent the money elsewhere and moved ahead with a $26-million road to the nonexistent bridge. GRAVINA ISLAND, ALASKA — The 3.2-mile-long partially paved "road to nowhere" meanders from a small international airport on Gravina Island, home to 50 people, ending in a cul-de-sac close to a beach.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great place to live and the roads are great. Peace and quiet - planning ahead for the next generation. A cruise line has wonderful vacation packages if you are interested and then you personally can check out the road to no where. PA has quite a few roads to no where or we would consider them the boonies.

Anonymous said...

A great Brunch today. We were discussing salaries and what a great difference there is between Professional Sports, Wall Street/Banking and our Federal and State Professionals.
It seems that our Professional Sports (players and promotion agents) do not see a need for education. Although, most have a college degree, but their response to inquiries leave some doubt as to the truth in their achieving the level that is required to get that certificate. Actually, why do we sports lovers feel the $$$$$ for a young person is necessary. Well, after all if they play one game and get hurt - what good are they? If a politician turns out to be unqualified - he is not returned to office 2 or 4 years later, with some exceptions and the Banking/Investment Firms' Employees get bonus after bonus and then let go or off to the slammer.
A lot of money could be saved by our Government if there would be a job description for all employees (elected or salaried) and the $$$$ would follow, after they accomplished the maximum. When would the $$$$ be paid? After the season, profit shown in Banking/Wall Street and of course at election time and the accomplishments will be self evident.

Anonymous said...

CUT THE HOUSE in Half. WE do not neeed that many representatives making decisions for us. Much Much money being wasted here.

Anonymous said...

A lot of money could be saved by our Government if there would be a job description for all employees (elected or salaried) and the $$$$ would follow, after they accomplished the maximum. When would the $$$$ be paid? After the season, profit shown in Banking/Wall Street and of course at election time and the accomplishments will be self evident.

September 6, 2009 10:28 AM


Doesn't work all the time as I witnessed the "whiting" of a city, when they hired tokens to write new job descriptions for current jobs that even I couldn't qualify for. Then they took duties away from 2 senior employees who happened to be Black and gave them to a White woman and a White intern. Afterwards, the White woman was reclassed at a higher salary with a requirement to take classes in a subject regarding that department. The current employee was denied that option to try to advance. Finally, the current employee proved the discrimination to the tune of $2.3 million with an addition $1.3 million going for her legal fees. Nice... While this same city waits for the other person to retire as she sits there every day with nothing to do. Why should she leave when they took her job duties away to give to someone else? She is still getting paid and she deserves to get paid, as this city robbed her of her duties and still tries to claim that it wasn't discrimination...

It continues as people finally retire and they hire more White people who wouldn't qualify either.

Anonymous said...

Could this be a black and white issue?

Anonymous said...

I doubt it! Maybe one person had an issue that was not shared with others and of course that person should have retired or resigned.

Anonymous said...

Job Descriptions change as we try to stay on top or ahead with the use of electronics.
Education is now very important as your mother and father have learned after having to go back to night-school to upgrade their job skills in order to handle a job that has changed over the last 10-15 years.
I had to learn to Program and Teach the older generation at work, and those that would not or could not pick up the pace were let go. So, no matter what color of your skin - that is how the business end is, get use to it. If you are lucky to have a few years in, you will have a little retirement, hopefully!

Anonymous said...

Well the system for reducing the workforce is from the bottom up - a couple clerks making $25,000. to middle management making $50,000. will always go first. You did take note that when we had budget problems where the cookie started to crumble first. Gov. Rendell and Mayor Nutter really know how to work the system and somehow I do not believe it will ever change, because they have never learned to say NO when it came time to purchase an article that was not really needed, but should have had perpetual care incorporated into the job description.

Anonymous said...

Our Governor now states he will be laying off State Workers, because of the cuts made in order to balance the budget. Now, where do you suppose he will start? I would like to see less autos purchased and less per mile given. A fleet of cars that get great mileage and a contract with any Gas/Oil Company doing business and with land holdings here in PA should be considered to furnish the fuel and also a maintenance contract. Time spent on the job should not include campaigning for a candidate other than themself. "Let John speak for himself" is a great saying.

Anonymous said...

It is time to get all government agencies to cut spending. The idea to purchase (state) autos by using the contract system is great. Most of PA has about the same type of weather - maybe about a 10 degree diff. - so use snow tires if you need to travel or just the common "Phone" to contact persons that are vital to the on-going of state government. Personal visits to make sure every person is on board with your ideas really is not necessary. If you are able to explain your view in writing, that should be a no-brainer, your following will remain in tact. Cut the over-all cost of our State Government is really needed. Honesty has been lacking, and our Attorney General has proof positive. He is running for the office of Governor - this is one great move that we feel will help solve so many problems here in PA. So, get out the vote - both R and D.

Anonymous said...

We now have a great race going for Governor - Both D and E have had their time in court or will have.

Anonymous said...

Love the picture of Mr. Ed on the treadmill - how many pounds has he shed? Now, that all the extra flub is gone from head to toe and of course it did cause gas here the last six months when we were trying to get the budget passed, maybe real reform will take place. We do not want Mr. Ed promising anything that will not have a charge to his year in office - so, gentlemen/women start your engines - because there is a lot to do. Get PA back in the BLACK COLUMN. Start using our Volunteer Task Force - that most times know more than the paid employees - high school students love the credits and seniors will help teach or do any type of office work during the day hours. Night time is a no, no for both seniors and students.

Anonymous said...

Mr Ed is going to be on the campaign trail for the Dem. Candidate for Governor. Would you believe he really did not know who is running??? Gray matter getting quite thin, along with the hair and the bod. Now, how much time will he allocate to this venture? Oh, it comes along with the duty of the Governor, you say??

Anonymous said...

Rendell is backing Hoeffel?? Why, for Pete's sake?? First it was Clinton and Sestak and now the "can do no wrong" candidate. The Dems. really need to check his qualifications. Care should be in the area of who backed him and how he handled himself in office - you will see a patern.

Anonymous said...

I remember when Rendell and also Hoeffel were running for an office up in "Gods Country" - the turnout was a laughing matter - 25 people at most. This Area that borders on NY is "Gods Country" and it is Republican. Now the area is beginning to find a new lease on life with the drilling and yes they have some very wise people that have maintained the railroads to transport sand that will be needed for those drilling into the shale. I wish the counties up there nothing but good luck, they are super people, I have lived with them for over 40 years during the various seasons that gave us great fishing and hunting. Yep! It is "Gods Country" and also the Grand Canyon is a super place to visit all year round.
Our Candidates would be very wise to take a long hard look at this area.

Anonymous said...

The small School Districts do not try to out-do other Districts when it comes to have vs have not. The Service Clubs help build courts for Tennis and they also help with Library Construction and Health Care Projects. There is no need for haste - it makes life easy when everyone works together for a great end result. Yes, you are right it is "Gods Country" ... take a trip up there and support PA Tourist Business. The saying up-country is There are only three Seasons - Spring, August and Winter.

Anonymous said...

Take a trip over Route 6 this spring. It is beautiful. Get your map out now and if you like to hike, the trails are well maintained and friendly and try Pine Creek for fishing. After the Primary this sounds good to me.

Anonymous said...

Drilling is good and bad for the area. Jobs, yes - Natural Resources Damaged, Yes and No. Let's see how our state handles this - it should be interesting.

Anonymous said...

Going for a ride up country - meaning Centre County? How long will it take for the drilling to get out of hand? There is one OOPS already? How fast will they resume drilling? How many MMS officials been up there and exactly how long does it take to get a permit?? Coal Mines, a lot of times, only take a couple days to renew their permits...Well, yes there are so many mines to cover and now the drilling on top of it .. we are overwhelmed !!! So???

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed our Governor is just now going over "Home Security" and the various agencies that are involved? Where and the heck has he been since 9/11? - Out to Lunch? Well now that he is on this diet he does seem to have more time for business. It should have happened way, way back not just before leaving office.

Anonymous said...

Rendell is almost out of time to do any more hanky-panky. What has he been doing for the local businesses that count on Federal Contracts? His buddy, Sestak, is in favor of Down-sizing without a second thought how it all comes down here in PA. I think Sestak has been out at sea too long.

Anonymous said...

Trying to make a place for Sestak should not be our problem. He seems to know a lot about Veterans and the lack of services. With his income (retirement) he should volunteer to help PA Veterans.

Anonymous said...

Sestak is a retired Navy Officer. Know it all - NO. His way of getting ahead in civilian life needs some direction. We all have learned that tramp, tramp over people is not the answer.

Anonymous said...

Our Governor need not worry about the Budget after all Rendell was noted each year for not being on time. So, the Republicans can adopt the saying "I'm Late, I'm Late for a very important date" and not feel bad about it.

Anonymous said...

A Budget is a guide for spending. When I was in school we were told that if all departments used common sense in purchasing and employment issues there would be no need for all the money that was allocated. I know how much is coming in, so I try to use less in some cases and at the end of the year $ not spent went into my retirement account. It works!

Anonymous said...

Have you donated to the cause? Oh, it is to have dinner with our President or maybe get a picture of the family. No it is not tax deductable. This is his home town way of doing business - I have yet to see any notation as to when this food fest will be taking place, but it probably will be Chicago style food - the Governor will see to it.