Friday, August 21, 2009

Back to basics

That's exactly what the Republican Party must do, get back to basics. We've been running scared since the Democrats took control of Congress in 2006. And just what have they accomplished? Nancy Pelosi was going to fix all our ills in her first 100 hours after being sworn in. Well, times been up for a long while and we're still waiting. We haven't done much to help ourselves since then either, but things are about to change. Republicans have been ashamed of being Republicans for the past four years and we have to stop wallowing in our own self pity. Personally, I'm proud of the fact that I don't like big government. When did that ever become unpopular? It's time for a grass roots, back to basics campaign that will sweep Republicans back into power before we all end up working for the government. Care to join me?


Còmhradh said...

Nancy Pelosi was going to fix all our ills in her first 100 hours after being sworn in. Well, times been up for a long while and we're still waiting.

Yawn. Are you still trumpeting that old lie? Pelosi said that the House was going to pass or enact eight specific bills or measures in their first 100 hours. Did they do that? Yes. The last time I checked, Nancy Pelosi is not authorized to either vote in the Senate or place a Presidential signature on a bill to enact it into law. Insisting that she didn't follow through with her promise is not only disingenuous partisan hackery, it's an outright lie.

Furthermore, of those eight: One was a measure that was enacted on the floor, four were also passed by the Senate, and three of those were signed by President Bush. So, of the plan for the first 100 hours, all points were met and 50% made it through two other bodies that had no such plan. What's your success rate for reform?

Republicans have been ashamed of being Republicans for the past four years and we have to stop wallowing in our own self pity.

If by "wallowing in our own self pity" you mean "being every bit as obstructionist and bankrupt of real ideas as we accused the Democrats of being for the past fifteen years" then yes, please, it's time to stop.

It would be wonderful to see an honest debate on healthcare or any of the hundreds of other issues that our nation currently faces. However, what we're left with is three Republicans in the Senate negotiating in bad faith, and a shrieking horde of right-wing shills beating their chests any time anyone even so much as attempts to have a rational discourse.

Personally, I'm proud of the fact that I don't like big government. When did that ever become unpopular?

Right around the second half of 2001 when the largest government increase in nearly half a century started (which, strangely, correspended with the largest of period of government ineptitude in nearly half a century).

Of course, the lesson here isn't that big government = inept government, but rather that inept leadership leads to inept government. And yes, to answer your question, I am blaming the Bush administration here. Just like Reagan, he came into office with the "government is the problem" mantra and then spent the next six years enacting policies and appointing people that would make that mantra a reality.

It's time for a grass roots, back to basics campaign that will sweep Republicans back into power before we all end up working for the government. Care to join me?

If by "back to basics," you mean "go scream like a low-order primate at your elected officials because the person you voted for didn't win," then you're not really talking about a grass-roots campaign - you're talking about might-makes-right mob rule. That doesn't sound very close to American democracy, so no, I think I'll sit that one out. Maybe if your party had legitimate ideas and was willing to work in a civil manner to get their concerns aired, then I'd be more receptive to Republicans as a political party. I haven't really heard any Republican ideas lately that don't involve simply shouting down anything that Democrats propose.

Anonymous said...

Going to start more scare tactics? Just like Gov. Tom Ridge is now admitting that the G.W. Bush administration pushed him to raise the rainbow level of terrorism alert to orange right before the 2004 election when Bush was running neck and neck with Kerry? Typical, just like Grassley citing protests that will scale back his commitment to health care reform, when those who are protesting are the health insurance companies. Yeah, right!

Unknown said...

Two posts from two liberals, and neither read very closely, interesting. Comhradh (nice moniker?) said Republicans don't offer solutions. I offer one in my column coming Monday, Aug. 24. Give it a read please and then get back to me. For Anonymous, how is the Republican Party getting back to basics a scare tactic? Of course, when we do get back to basics it will be pretty scary for the Dems.

Anonymous said...

Back to Basics would be great when it comes to our Schools and how the Federal Government wants to change the system "No Child Left Behind"...
It works, is why it needs to be tweeked. We need to stay on the same path created by the Bush Administration. More testing does not do it. Hands on approach by the Teachers and Volunteers was Laura Bush approach. This method was tried and of course successful with her husband's blessing.
What has hit the news now is that one school district has mandated that a school primarily in a hispanic district would have only hire teachers, staff and maintenance that spoke Spanish. What ever happened to the good old American English?
If you no speak English, attend the night classes set up for this problem, but it is only for Citizens or those on record that are in the process. The other parents and students not fitting this catagory should be deported. Eisenhower had the solution and of course he was a great General and also a GREAT REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT. Check out this man's way of approaching this situation...No fooling around...when it comes to the law.
Yes, of course I am a very PROUD REPUBLICAN!

Anonymous said...

I'm not a liberal, Stan, but I don't agree with the scare tactics of GW Bush and Sarah Palin. Funny how there are people openly wearing guns now when President Obama comes to town. Don't assume, Stan, just because you want to do some name calling, i.e., dirty dems. Very funny, when your Republicans think they can carry on with adulterous affairs, yet try to say they weren't like Bill. Larry Craig, Ensign, Vitter, Sanford, and the list goes on. Yeah, Right! If the Reps stuck to the point instead of eating their young, they wouldn't be disintegrating.

Anonymous said...

This method was tried and of course successful with her husband's blessing.


Oh, are you saying that Laura had to get a man's blessing. How droll and out of touch you are. Must be in the twilight zone.

Anonymous said...

Back to basics? Like this:

Bush White House politics linked to terror alerts

Published: Friday, August 21, 2009

Anonymous said...

Two posts from two liberals, and neither read very closely, interesting.


What ever do you mean Scary Stan? There is no need to read between the lines, your opinion is just like all the others... An opinion, just like the Palin episode. That second place contestant couldn't debate her way out of a box, yet you found her fascinating... Other Republicans don't want her anywhere near them in their upcoming campaigns. Wonder why? Could it be that she is just a talking head like Reagan? Or even you? hmmmmm....

Anonymous said...

Stan said...

Two posts from two liberals, and neither read very closely, interesting.


Wonder what happened to my post? Posted that ole Stan is assuming that I'm a liberal... Got to have the approval of the blog owner who more than likely picks and chooses what he wants in his blog. Kind of gives it a slanted view in my opinion. Just like the far right to the point of hypocrisy/histrionics of Palin who is now hiding behind her facebook/twitter accounts. Couldn't make it to the Reagan museum show for unknown reasons, even though she like Reagan are nothing but talking heads, and like GW Bush who along with his minions manipulated fear for gains in Washington D.C. Well, hope the reps keep up their tactics of fear and hate-mongering and non-participation, while cuddling up to the health care big businesses. The miNOrity reps are a joke.

Well, I'll copy this post for the record to see if it ever shows up here...

Unknown said...

To anonymous, Aug. 21 5:34 p.m. If you don't think the state Dems cutting checks for themselves a week before anyone else working for the state got paid isn't dirty politics, I feel for you. As far as Republicans and their affairs, at least when they get caught they own up to it, they don't perjury themselves in front Congress and the whole world.

Anonymous said...

There are too many politicians that are trying to have it both ways - a great job and family, but when a few little side lines bring them down, they want every person here in the Government to forgive them and Please don't send me to jail I'm physically unable to take such punishment - sooo!
Where to send these politicians and how are their medical coverage to be paid for? Not to worry, they were working for the Feds. or State and that will go on for ever and ever.
A need to have any person that is tried and convicted give up all benefits that they were counting on,because we common people do.
Something for the Republicans to work on in Washington and PA.

Còmhradh said...

Two posts from two liberals, and neither read very closely, interesting.

Are you saying that you didn't bother to read our replies?

Comhradh (nice moniker?)...

Thank you, it's Scottish Gaelic (hence the kilt). It means "conversation." Maybe you're familiar with the concept?

...said Republicans don't offer solutions. I offer one in my column coming Monday, Aug. 24.

Oh, good. I'm sure that it's a good one, because there's bound to be one good solution to all of the problems that we're facing right now. Is it perhaps something definitive, some sort of measure after which no other measures will need to be taken?

Anonymous said...

With her husband's Blessing!
Maybe if Hillary had her husband's blessing (OK) we would not have the problems we now have with health care.
A total overhall is needed since we are now calling for change on Dem. side and some Rep.
The Rep. in Washington now are saying "no way" and this is exactly how we feel and our workforce does also.
Check out what is being offered now vs how Obama's crew sees it.
On to the November Election and keep that note pad you had handy over the last few years ready to explain why, not just an excuse, it was all on the other side which is being offered .
The Expense Report will be great reading when it comes to Obama's change and how the economy is doing now that he has cut back on HIS Budget and the number of miles his mode of transportation is fairing on gas/whatever fuel is doing.

Nick McColey said...

"Being a republican" is almost like the next "being a religious fanatic." Despite the numerous reasons to not support whatever is going on with the party, we'll tirelessly defend it. There was actually one point in time where I said that "Palin couldn't be all that bad."

The real problem is that we only have two choices, Republican or Democrat, and since Democrat is obviously not the right choice, we're stuck supporting the only thing we can. And if that something is not going in the right direction, there's no logical alternative better than sitting at home on an internet forum talking about how great Ron Paul is.

But, then again, that doesn't do much of anything. As a result, a republican is forced to go with whatever the party is going with (In essence, really the biggest flaw with democracy--but now is not the time for me to tote anarcho-capitalism). And that's where the self-pity starts.

If republicans are put off by themselves, I think it's pretty easy to understand why everyone else is too. And there's really no way around it.

The first thing republicans need to do is lighten up on social issues. We're in a different time now. Being close-minded is just another form of stupidity. Republican social policy is the epitome of close-mindedness. While I'm in no way saying we should legalize polygamy (but really, why not?) or that it should be ok to marry your goat, but I am saying that Republicans need to understand that close-mindedness is no way to make friends, especially when its just to keep your current, self-loathing friends happy in the first place.

This issue won't be over with until the party can learn to be flexible(not on fiscal policy though, we've got that locked down pretty well).

Anonymous said...

Lets start here:

1.The chairman should stop th infighting with republicans at the local level especially in LP. This only causes more problems and makes the party look stupid. Set your goals and ask each candidate describe how they will get to those goals. Stop beating up township staff. They have nothing to do the problems and again makes the party look stupid

2. Stop bashing Obama and work with him. Remember, it was Bushes policies and republican bedfellows that got us in this mess. Balance the budget and reform healthcare. So the republicans lose one battle, lets win the war. Personally, I would rather our taxes be spent helping my neighbor who has no healthcare than fighting a bunch of muslims in another country.

3. Make your platform to stop crime and make our prisons a place where you do not want to be. Too many deadbeat dads are sitting in front of the tv instead of working for their families. Take a lesson from the sheriff out in arizona. Hell the the prisoners get better healthcare then the public.

4. Stop fighting with each other. lead by example. LPT republicans and Montgomery County Commissioners must work together. The prison lawsuit is an example of how they cannot work together. Mr. Kerns, please show them how it can be done.

5. Finally, Mr. Husky please stop printing the infighting between the republicans. It makes matters worse. I have not see Carl print one good article about LP in month and you are the editor. Lead by example and promote the good things that is happening in the twsp and in the party. If you want to get back to the basics, Lets start with your printing of good articles about the party. A good reputation is the best way to start.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Stan said...

To anonymous, Aug. 21 5:34 p.m. If you don't think the state Dems cutting checks for themselves a week before anyone else working for the state got paid isn't dirty politics, I feel for you. As far as Republicans and their affairs, at least when they get caught they own up to it, they don't perjury themselves in front Congress and the whole world.

August 22, 2009 7:40 AM

funny how my answer didn't appear in your blog page... What's the matter Stan? Can't stand the truth? Typical... I discussed this with my friends and they said I shouldn't even waste my time. Especially when you pick and choose what you want to appear on your blog page...

Anonymous said...

Self Pity one poster said when responding to your Blog on the Republicans.
I do not feel self pity, but the ability for those qualified and wishing to run for office, have the education, but there are no funds available is the greatest of all problems. Pittsburgh use to be one of the greatest towns to get support for state/federal wannabes. But now they are on the receiving end from our present Administration. Too bad!
The need to network is the solution. Most of our present office holders belong to the Republican Clubs, Dem. Clubs or Unions. Name recognition is very important. A few suggestions: Volunteer to travel throughout the state to help another person get into office. If perhaps you are taking a short vacation or checking out colleges, that is one great time to get your candidate's name or yours,which ever the case may be, in the pool. You know the elbo treatment!
I am a Republican and I will be the first to tell you when a person I feel is not doing a good job and also it works the other way to when they are doing an excellent job.
So, Back to Basics for both the Republicans and any other party. Bad apples seem to appear when the basket is full and left standing too long or not sorted.

Anonymous said...

I have not noticed too much Caring and Sharing by the new Administration. Nancy does not vote of course, just sits and hopes the type of legislation (bill)she has promised will reach the floor. She has been able to push some bills through. Now that should cause some Comhradh (conversation) at the locals.

Anonymous said...

Well, here is my post again. Let's see if Stan the man can have the courage to post something he is against...


Stan said...

To anonymous, Aug. 21 5:34 p.m. If you don't think the state Dems cutting checks for themselves a week before anyone else working for the state got paid isn't dirty politics, I feel for you. As far as Republicans and their affairs, at least when they get caught they own up to it, they don't perjury themselves in front Congress and the whole world.

August 22, 2009 7:40 AM


Own up to them? Wasn't Vitter denying his adulterous affair with prostitutes? Newt didn't own up to his and neither did Hyde while they were sounding the charge against Clinton.

Didn't dubya, Cheney and the rest hide the facts of their illegal activities that are now being pushed into the glaring light by Tom Ridge and others?

Those republicans, including the for-mentioned Henry Hyde and Newt, and all the rest of the slimebags who cheated on their spouses, should have resigned, just like they were calling for President Clinton to resign. One even said that his affair wasn't illegal like Vitters. Apples and Oranges, I guess. You can feel for me if you want to, but the lies about the oil war and the costs of $10 billion a month for that Iraq war with no WMD's and dubya saying he was disappointed that none were found, when there wasn't any evidence of WMD's in the first place; and the expensive no-bid contracts for Halliburton; and also Blackwater to train the CIA and assassinate people when there is a ban that dates back to 1976 with President Ford, is enough to label G.W. Bush's regime as dirty as a sewage plant's intake before the cleaning starts. I don't feel for you as I see that you like wearing rose colored glasses just like Palin and her palinistas.

Unknown said...

why shouldn't republicans be ashamed to identify themselves.

if i were one, why would i want to be associated with the birthers, death panels, guys walking around outside venues where the president is speaking with all sorts of weaponry.

why would i wnat to be associated with with totaly incoherent screaming lunatics at congressional town halls. for crying out loud, you got specter to leave.

the gop has left the building on the topic of healthcare. so we are going to get whatever the obama administration wants to put out there. and guess what - the gop, by acting like children, has marketed themselves horribly.

you can't sit there seriously think that by the behavior your party has demonstrated that you will be swept back into pawer as some kind of reward.

if my children acted like the gop has, there'd be some serious talking behind closed doors.

i think you need to take your own folks to the woodshed.

Anonymous said...

To the woodshed - you bet and that is exactly what we have been doing here in Montgomery County.
The Dem. in and around the Norristown Area are feeling the heat and their replies always go back to any former administration that suits the bill.
We Republicans are looking forward not backward and the small group effort is working - why not join one - they meet weekly at locals in the Blue Bell and Pottstown Area. Check in with your Committee People.

Unknown said...

to Anon. at August 25, 2009 3:49 PM

All the examples I cited were in the last six months.

If you are recruiting for the gop, it is usual and customary to leave some kind of contact information so your potenital victims can get a hold of you.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you are not aware of the various township committees and various clubs - so here are two telephone numbers you can use if you are in need of help joining any political organization here in Montgomery County. REPUBLICAN: Montgomery County Republican Committee - 610-279-9300 and tell them what TOWNSHIP you live in.
DEMOCRATIC: Montgomery County Dem. Committee - 610-272-2000 and tell them what TOWNSHIP you live in.
If you are interested in the State or Federal Organizations, consult your local Rep. or Sen. they are more up-to-date than some Committee People.
To help get rid of your frustrations concerning health care and the debt that will bring us down and when all is not going your way - go for a run in Valley Forge Park. Fresh Air helps! Change you know when not thought through is the cause of your frustration.

Unknown said...

DON'T hate me for asking..
but, WHY are our politicians trying to pass Govt. control policies on us??






WHY has Pres.Obama put Communists around him and should they be advising him in matters of our supposedly FREE America?

WHEN exactly did Pres.Obama ever REJECT Marxist Communist policies?

ASK if Pres.Obama believes in free enterprise & Capitalism, OR Marxist Communism? Seems he has been bashing all the businesses & wealthy owners, who provide our jobs!!

LOOK at the new National Security Force already funded with our money. WHAT exactly are they going to be fighting? WHO exactly is the enemy within our borders?

LEARN about your freedom in America -

Còmhradh said...

terib912: Your tin-foil hat is on backwards. Please adjust it for maximum reception.

Stan: Why do you even bother to hold comments for moderation?

Anonymous said...

Has the 2008 Financial Report of the United States Government been published? The Financial Report of the US Government is prepared from the audited financial statements of specifically designated Federal Agencies, including Cabinet Departments and many smaller, dindependent agencies. The Dept. of the Treasury must submit the Report, which is subject to audit by the Government Accountability Office to congress no later than six months after the Sept. 30 fiscal year-end. Now don't tell me the government has issued a disclaimer as it has in many past years. I have not seen it and now we are coming up with 2009 and the six month period for the new administration will be due by Christmas.
This report is great for Management's Discussion and Analysis that provides our Pres. and Congress in fact all citizens a great view of the Government's finances (our money & use).

Anonymous said...

Còmhradh said...

terib912: Your tin-foil hat is on backwards. Please adjust it for maximum reception.

Stan: Why do you even bother to hold comments for moderation?

August 28, 2009 10:42 AM

That's because he is scared of letting the truth come out. Stan, Stan, the censor man... aka, if you don't play my way, I'm taking my newspaper and going home. ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...


I have a response to your anti-commie rant. It is a set of thought-out arguements for healthcare from a Conservative perspective...


Anonymous said...

You are right, the Republicans own up to everything they do wrong. When they get caught with their pants down (literally), there's no way to not fess up is there? Really, there's good and bad on both sidea of the aisle. How about everyone stop their whining and get to work. Where are the Republican ideas that have merit? You'd think there would be someone stepping forward on the Republican side with ideas and leadership but I haven't seen anyone up at the plate yet. Helllloooo, anyone out there????

Anonymous said...

Who is a communist? I don't know any. Do you? We already have socialist programs in our country (police, ambulance, firefighters). What's so bad about us getting health care? If other countries have it, why the heck can't we have it? They don't seem worse for the wear for doing so. Really, we're the smartest nation in the world (OK, maybe China is a bit smarter), but we should be able to figure this out. We did figure out rocket science.....

Anonymous said...

Care to join you? I'd rather not join your Bozo the Clown "legion of "the sky is falling doomsday" club.

Anonymous said...

Stan, In Todays Times Herald there was a picture of children starting school, and of course they were pledging their allegiance with their hand over their heart. Notice which hands? It really did not make any difference - Right or Left, they looked so pleased to be a part of the whole process. Love It!
Tough being an Adult!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9/2 Starting school is one big step for a child and of course their parents. The big problem comes when they face criticism when not knowing an answer to a question presented to them or when reading and they pronounce a word incorrectly. The class can be very cruel and that will live on for that childs whole life, unless the teacher is quick to respond and make the child feel at ease and also make the class question their motive.
How does this fit into Back to Basics well for one thing Bush's "No Child Left Behind" signed into law is and was a great bill. A good teacher sometimes misses the above action in the classroom. So, now we need Excellent Teachers from time go. Mr. Kennedy was one that crossed Party Lines to endorse this bill - so more Democrats need to look at what is being presented by the Republicans.

Anonymous said...

We have a President that has never been in the Military and now will be guided by a 29 Year Old Veteran that has it all together and understands the present situation of our returning Troops with all types of mental and physical problems - been there and done that. Sorry it was not there after WWII. Now see if our Reps and Senators back him up when it comes time to change the present procedures.
The Voice & VFW Magazines are great place to check up on what is happening.

Anonymous said...

Just read in todays paper that non-citizens that paid into SS will be entitled to retirement benefits and the checks will be mailed to parts unknown - meaning they have moved home. No wonder we have problems with cash flow! This did not just start with the last administration - sooo? Our Government needs to do something with non-citizens NOW!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

We have a President that has never been in the Military and now will be guided by a 29 Year Old Veteran that has it all together and understands the present situation of our returning Troops with all types of mental and physical problems - been there and done that. Sorry it was not there after WWII. Now see if our Reps and Senators back him up when it comes time to change the present procedures.
The Voice & VFW Magazines are great place to check up on what is happening.

September 3, 2009 11:48 AM


There have been a lot of Presidents who haven't seen action in the Military, dubya being one. But, where some are saying that Obama needs to tell his people what to do, at least he is getting the best advisers around to give him perspective from all angles, unlike dubya who let the cardiac kid rule the roost against the "rule of law". Let's hope that the current President continues to utilize people for the good of the U.S. and not isolate it from citizens and the rest of the world...

Anonymous said...

'The House was going to pass or enact eight specific bills or measures in their first 100 hours (days?)'- This, our #1 big problem of Non-Citizens, should have been one of Nancy Pelosi biggest concerns and her BIG plane should be able to take some non-citizens back to California, after only working a few days in Washington,where they could more readily be transported to Mexico or South America. Our House needs to get their act together before we are over taken by way too many non-citizens that could care less about our laws. Our area has way too many non-citizens that walk the streets all day and into the early hours in the AM. They have no direction because food is plentiful - free. Our Candidates for any Federal or State position needs to make this priority #1. Our shortage of $$ in our treasuries would show exactly how much it was costing us after we get our act together. No sympathy! Let all people that want to come into this country do it the correct way. The Republicans need to stick together on this one cause.

Anonymous said...

You are nothing but an Obama Republican.Get a job.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

'The House was going to pass or enact eight specific bills or measures in their first 100 hours (days?)'- This, our #1 big problem of Non-Citizens, should have been one of Nancy Pelosi biggest concerns and her BIG plane
Again with the lies and distortions from Republicans. Do a little research before inserting foot in mouth. Check it out on

ssdd in Montco 9/8/09 12:46 p.m.

Anonymous said...

Take a good look at Norristown's West End to see what Anonymous is referring to. Check the Soup Kitchens and after all guests have been served, travel around Marshall Street's West End and notice who is on the street and in the Taverns. Do you now believe Anonymous does not have his facts straight and our Government should keep their hands off Non-citizens?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Take a good look at Norristown's West End to see what Anonymous is referring to. Check the Soup Kitchens and after all guests have been served, travel around Marshall Street's West End and notice who is on the street and in the Taverns. Do you now believe Anonymous does not have his facts straight and our Government should keep their hands off Non-citizens?

September 8, 2009 10:16 AM

Who are you posting to? I commented on the lies and distortions of the BIG PLANE comment. As far as the soup kitchens, etc., why don't you look into the treatment of the Vets, or rather, the NON-TREATMENT of the Vets. They have mental disabilities as well as physical and if they aren't getting the right treatment, they may be unemployed and hanging around the soup kitchens for a meal. Do you begrudge them that for their service to this country? And, if they are in a tavern, what's the matter with that? They aren't allow to drink or hang out with their friends?

You have proof of these same people at the soup kitchens and at the taverns? Well, put your money where your mouth is!

I know plenty of vets, some still recovering from their service in the various foreign wars. The treatment at the VA hospitals was atrocious under Bush's administration, and also under prior administrations too! You need to get out and do some charity work on the front lines and get to know these brave service men and women who risked their lives only to come back to ridicule and on-going prejudice from people that you seem to be one of!

ssdd in Montco 9/8/09 5:27 p.m.

Anonymous said...

The Non-citizens that I believe the reference was targeted at would not qualify to serve in our Armed Services.
Those that are Veterans or are unemployed were not included in the statement.
I know the Truman/Eisenhower/Kennedy-Johnson Administrations really had their hands full with the returning service people. The Vet. Hospitals did their best - I volunteered like many Citizens during those dreadful times. Don't ever believe the Service People were not cared for - modern times make the treatments available back during the Big Wars look almost medieval.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The Non-citizens that I believe the reference was targeted at would not qualify to serve in our Armed Services.
Those that are Veterans or are unemployed were not included in the statement.
I know the Truman/Eisenhower/Kennedy-Johnson Administrations really had their hands full with the returning service people. The Vet. Hospitals did their best - I volunteered like many Citizens during those dreadful times. Don't ever believe the Service People were not cared for - modern times make the treatments available back during the Big Wars look almost medieval.

September 8, 2009 3:38 PM

So now you are qualifying people as Vets and non-vets. You assume that the Vet hospitals did their best. Yes, there were some people, nurses that I knew personally that did their best, but I also know about the doctors who sewed up glass in Vets and ignored their pain, dosing them with drugs and not taking care of them. Dreadful times? You don't know the extent of the dreadful times, with the doctors practically torturing the children of these Vets. You don't know about a man in a full dress uniform, having to wait in the U.S. for a person of color to pick him up, since the white taxi drivers wouldn't. And, you wouldn't know that some jerk, possibly a racist, took a shot at him, AGAIN, he was in FULL DRESS UNIFORM! And, finally, your comment about modern times vs. medieval times... I studied medieval times and besides the fleas, the squires and others took care of the knights. Not like the VA took care of their soldiers in modern times. I was there! You might have been there, but you were wearing blinders!

ssdd in Montco 9/8/09 9:16 P.M.

Anonymous said...

ssddinmontco seems to be obsessed with Snopes - I received some "E" regarding another subject that he/she may be interested in...go to (English Edition)"American Capitalism Gone With A Wimper"
Besides CNN making life look oh so rosey or a total collaps for the whole world economy this will give everyone something else to think on and also the freedom we have here in the USA to do so.
Tomorrow is 9/11 "Long May The American Flag Wave Over A Land That Is FREE" and Remember to say a few prayers for those that were involved (those that died, survived and those that are now in our camp "G" for their part in trying to destroy our country).

Anonymous said...

I am a Republican and I feel we are doing a great job trying to convince our leaders to hold the line on spending in Washington and Harrisburg.
We were visiting the VA Hospital in Coatesville today and while we were there one gentlemen asked how the hospital here in town was handling the scare regarding the Swine Flu and MRSA. I said I'll check and let him know in a couple weeks when we return. So this is what I did find out...
The one area that we should not cut funds and that is the CDC specifically the area presently battling for funds to keep the citizens safe from the various FLUS - SUPER BUG (MRSA) and now the SWINE FLU.
The symptoms are stuffy nose, fever and a cough - - Sounds like an allergy - but No, please take care - the above Super Bugs are killers. Watch your children closely. This is a great time to show you are a great parent.

Anonymous said...

Old News that should have been shouted from the roof tops and that is the case of "The Automotive Task Force" that Obama organized to save Chrysler & GM. Interesting? Check it out. Who exactly made up the list of dealerships to stay in or to go? Who owns the dealerships that the government helped? The majority holder in Fiat case is Our Government. The name of the gentleman who oversaw the whole deal was Steve Rattner - correct? Where is he now? Gone! Exactly why? You are right - but not forgotten.
This is one story that will make a great TV Show, after Mr. Obama explains legally how he was able to organize the Task Force and appoint Rattner to carry out the whole procedure.
Our Attorney General should be looking into the present illegal actions so that his final days will be clean.

Anonymous said...

We have college students going overseas for a semester - What has been established on the shots that are necessary regarding the Swine Flu?
I listened to a six-thirty news report last week and at this point the government has no idea if one shot will be enough or two...time is running out...our Government needs to be more specific.
A smiley face will not cut it and the words we will know sometime in October or by the end of the year.

Anonymous said...

Got a call from our Doctor's Office and suggested we make an appointment to get our Swine Flu Shot.
Now how much will it cost again? The appointment with the Doctor $125.00 and the Shot?
This type of cost will not fit into too many budgets - will it fit into the Federal Health Plan?
Most people that are not insured, prefer it that way and when they get sick - there is always the emergency room. One such person said he only goes to a doctor to get his physical when it is required by the firm where he is presently employeed. He does not worry about what might happen - maybe that is why he always comes out with flying colors after the required physical. Take the Not to Worry attitude might work!
Our President, in office going on nine months,needs to stop talking and take a long look at what we really need when it comes to Health Care.

Anonymous said...

Two Great Men have just stepped forward to fill the Gubernatorial and 7th Dist. Congressional Seat. Pat Meehan will fit the 7th Dist. spot nicely and Corbett for Governor - there isn't any other person as qualified as he is and if you do not believe it - check your history on him and in fact on Meehan too - he has been a household name for years - not just a new guy on the block that is just a wantabee.
We, Republicans have great men - now is their time to stop the spending without being accountable,because they worked to get where they are now...Check them out!

Anonymous said...

Most people do not care if they have health care paid for by the government - but don't send them a bill when they run into problems that may require long-term care. I'm not too sure if the new proposed bill and the government policy makers have even thought through the whole problem(s). I'll pay my own way - keep government and Medicare out of it - let me decide when/how & how much I'm willing to pay or even if it all is worth it.
Give us, in writing what the plan is and let us decide when election time comes - so far I have not agreed with our Congressman on most bills or part of the various bills - so, I do not want him to speak for me.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Two Great Men have just stepped forward to fill the Gubernatorial and 7th Dist. Congressional Seat. Pat Meehan will fit the 7th Dist. spot nicely and Corbett for Governor - there isn't any other person as qualified as he is and if you do not believe it - check your history on him and in fact on Meehan too - he has been a household name for years - not just a new guy on the block that is just a wantabee.
We, Republicans have great men - now is their time to stop the spending without being accountable,because they worked to get where they are now...Check them out!

September 15, 2009 12:12 PM


What? There are no Great Women?

Also, got my voter's registration updated... I will not be voting for your so-called great men. I will vote for men/women who fairly represent all people, not just the rich who bankroll them like Castor was bankrolled to win the county race and then proved to be a whiner...

ssdd in Montco 9/16/09 8:40 p.m.

Anonymous said...

Hoffell, not sure how his name should be spelled, but for certain when he ran for a statewide position the northern area of PA and the midsection of the state were not too impressed with him. I have no idea how he thinks things have changed, unless he has our present Commissioner's brother talking up a storm for him.
Corbett has been fair to both parties - check him out if you are not familiar with his qualifications.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Corbett is number 1 as far as I'm concerned. He served under both the Democrat and Republican Administrations. A good leader always works both sides with ease and has the ability to stay focused when he or our government hits a "ruff" patch.

Anonymous said...

On the Federal side of questions and answers - What is our Attorney General doing about the scandal regarding Steve Rattner, who was appointed by Mr. Obama to head the Automotive Task Force?? Is he in the pokey? How is our Attorney General doing with the coverup?? Interesting!
It does look like Corbett is the only qualified candidate to run and be ready to go from time one as the Governor of Pennsylvania. This truly is a no brainer!

Anonymous said...

Nancy sure talks like she alone is directing the health plan...notice she always says "I" when explaining what she feels would be acceptable before she presents it to congress. It is "we" that would include her and the balance of the elected congressmen/women that are the decision makers and she has the gavel, but is not the decision maker .

Anonymous said...

That Poll in todays TH ... Hoeffel vs Gerlach for Governor should never even be considered, because there are quite a few now being considered and to tell you the truth, I would not vote for either of them.

Anonymous said...

Let's try another Poll...we all agree the two in the first were not qualified - ho hum!

Anonymous said...

Since the Decider has been busy with so many things that were more important the last few months he now will chit chat with the well informed on how a war will be won or what went wrong the last 9 months that has taken us into so many other countries that makes it look like another WWIII. Oh heck why not clean up the Island and get a few more clean sheets for the upcoming detainees. How many have we left there? Tough making a decision that goes against some peoples grain. But, a promise is a promise - right Mr. Obama and all your men that just nod, or are they half asleep?

Anonymous said...

After meeting with the Doctors and the Military to discuss Medical and Our War Strategy .. when does the President have time to sit silently to digest all the information and make "the correct" decisions? I believe that family chat is where most of it takes place, like Eleanor back during the latter part of WW11 when her husband was quite ill. I'm not saying Mr. Obama is ill, but he needs someone to bounce off certain questions that the public is concerned about and that is Troops, Jobs,the economy and how the decisions already made are turning out - correct or wrong.
Maybe he should, by not trying to be in the public eye all the time, let Department Heads explain where they are coming from and why it is or not working out. Let's hear from Hillary - she looks like she is the black sheep on TV when any conference is held. The Auto Industry and wages of UAW bosses, compared to say the President's salary, The Banking bailout - good? No, let them go under because of mismanagement and the stockholders can feel the pain? The minor thing like immigration and Auntie Z, where is she now? Helping states that are going under because of the lack of Federal support, only more of the same - more taxes on the middle class and under. So, many things we all are interested in - but then the President needs to be up and away in his little gas guzzling #1.

Anonymous said...

Please no more waiting. Our Troops need help. Let those in charge run the war - our President needs to spend more time on important things and out of #1 - that fuel is costly too.

Anonymous said...

And on we go with our Wars - Today our President, Mr. Obama, was in receipt of a request for more Troops in Afgan. This has been out in public for quite some time. He did stop by to talk over the Wars on his way back from the Olympics, but suggested the commander wait until a later time to make this request in writing because he had to have a conference with his Advisors. This should have been done BEFORE not AFTER the Olympic meetings. The ability to Prioritize so far is not our Presidents strong point. This needs to be changed!

Anonymous said...

On the Lighter Side...
It sure has been a long time since Auntie Z had her problems with immigration and of course not willing to go home but stayed on welfare. Our President does take care of his College/University Friends because it is within his executive duties catagory?? Really! Oh, those Planted Questions at His News Conferences But family, no matter weather you approve of them because of ??, should have received top drawer attention. Where is she and does she receive medical attention I understand was needed??

Anonymous said...

Time to "Trim The Tree" or plan for one at Our White House.
Where will the tree come from? What type of Christmas Trimings will be requested?
The stores are now coming out with their "Christmas" ideas for all of us. This Weekend and Columbus Day as a gift to most of us who shop early, would be great to know about our New First Family's Intentions - Planning Ahead? We usually make a trip to Harrisburg and the last couple years to Washington - not sure with the economy and attitude on what is correct,if this will happen this year.

Anonymous said...

Christmas in Washington -- What dates will be used? The term "Christmas" is passe according to the "Talkers on The Street"...
So, if not Christmas, how will our First Family spend their time on the 25th of December?
I'm not sure what religion they are following, but here in PA we still celebrate "Christmas" and All Other Religions can celebrate their special day as they will.
Maybe, since we need to keep religion and rules of law separate - there should be only "A Holiday" and let it go at that - but really don't try to make "Black Friday" anything than another "Sales Promotion" - I'm going to buy it. I'm shopping only at my favorite stores and sales can go to....! The economy and businesses have become leeches on the consumer - time for change, if our White House changes December 25th to something other than "Christmas"..

Mr. Tunaman said...

The Pope and Nancy Pelosi are on the same stage in front of a huge crowd.

The Pope leans towards Mrs. Pelosi and said,"Do you know that with one little wave of my hand I can make every person in this crowd go wild with joy? This joy will not be a momentary display, like that of your followers, but go deep into their hearts and they'll forever speak of this day and rejoice!.

Pelosi replied, " I seriously doubt that. With one little wave of your hand? Show me.

So the Pope backhanded the witch.

Anonymous said...

All we here is "Health Care Reform" and the "Wars" ... What happened to "Stem Cell Research" that really needs help? According to my Dem. Friends until the "Health Issue" is settled not one red/blue cent will be spent or even considered. If this Research was important four years ago - why then isn't it important now? In my family "Parkinsons" still exists and our "Bills" are mounting. We also have MS and Cancer on both sides that is also wearing us down both emotionally and financially. How is the above fitting into the "New or Considered Health Plan"??

Anonymous said...

Stem Cell Research remains with the private sector. When it comes time to help any person with disabilities or an existing illness with their medical treatment and payment - that will be done sometime in the future - oops! How Mr. Obama plans to help is teach everyone how to live, using diet (plant veg. in your garden or window box) and the ability to keep our bodies healthy by using the famous soap and water trick and taking long walks instead of watching TV - remember turn off your TV?

Anonymous said...

All of this is supposed to be about the uninsured, right? How will it change my coverage that I have paid in for over 40 years? Will my premiums go up? I really think we are trying to give some people medical treatments that they could care less about - but it will be free from the government...right! I would like to see my long term care covered by the government too - after all that has a lot to do about My Health and the way I would like to be taken care of. So many choices!

Anonymous said...

Health Care and Immigration (ICE & Homeland Security) right now are on the minds of our evening gatherings. Health Care is going to be costly to the Federal Government and also the State Government (Our Money!).
Immigration and the rules NOT followed is also costing us jobs and money. States along the Mexican Border have choices - truck them back by way of using the Border Patrol, which I understand our President does not like - this is in violation of our law- Racial Profiling - really! How so? If you are here in our country and a noncitizen without proper papers, you are breaking our laws. Until these people, no matter what their age, understand the difference they are not welcome here. Enforce the LAWS that are on the Books and stop stalling.

Anonymous said...

Until I see the Immigration situation taken care of - we should not try to put a National Health Plan, on the books that will cost Billions. Insurance Co., Hospitals, Pharmaceutical Co. and Doctors all will be hurting. These companies employee taxpayers and there is no way we will not feel the pinch. Just print more money? We now are using "Notes" not "Gold Certificates" - in other word just an IOU - no gold to back it up. Will other countries that have a lot to say about our Treasury's handling of their investments put up with this mismanagement of money? I doubt it, especially China. We are in need of checking their way of doing business. It is not the shell game we use.

Anonymous said...

Pelosi is trying to cover her reasoning when it comes to Charles Rangel? Why? Her time in the position she now has should come to an end unless she can show better judgment in the next month. Self importance has to go.

Anonymous said...

Yah, what is it with Rangel and Nancy's backing him? Guilty?

Anonymous said...

Hope every person in the USA reads the article by
Ben Pershing in the Washington Post dated 10/23.
We here in Montgomery County have a case going regarding "Ethics Policy" -
Well, The Washington actually changed the locks on the committee hearing room because?? A video was posted on line by the Republicans that embarrased the panel. The mortgages given to Dodd and Conrad and Countrywide chief Mozilo granting special favor to Dodd and Conrad was what was on the table. The Dem.were viewed exiting by way of the Back Door and then had the lock on the door leading from GOP's Office Space into the main hearing room changed. They did so, Towns' office said because Republicans "Don't know how to behave."
Well, Issa and Towns agreed they need to get on with the investigation involving Countrywide and the video has taken wings.
This foolishness will be paid for by the Dem. Committee, because this type of work will never be in the Buildings Maintenance Budget. I believe they do get paid over-time too.
Now who should take the course in "Behavor Management"??

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10/23 - Your spelling is almost as great as mine ... too much text messages... so who cares, we are not grading. Your point was made. Thanx!

Anonymous said...

Well English/Grammar is consider the second language in some schools - it depends on the population makeup. Sad!
Immigration is at fault - too many non-citizens and those here just for a short time to work (but never go home) have caused this BIG problem.
Well, I hope this proposed Government Run Insurance Plan and levy of new taxes on the rich to pay for ALL these citizens/noncitizens works. $894Billion (House Bill) $900 Billion Obama's Plan over a 10 year plan is not something to take lightly. Maybe a little transforming in the Insurance Market would be a starter.

Anonymous said...

Back to Basics!
Do you remember the first time you heard - "What type of insurance do you have?" before you could go one step forward? My husband and I did and it was when I was ready to have my first child. There was no problem up to that point. We both were healthy and had never been in a hospital for any reason, except this time. Yes, we did have coverage, but that is not the point - it is how it is presented, like the hospital is sacret grounds and only the select few were permitted past a certain point. I do hope this new bill that the Dems. in Congress are trying to pass will be able to fill all hospitals, Doctors and their nurses in on the how and why their approach to patients is so important. When we were first married our Doctor was really interested in our health and our lifestyle. He always made suggestions on how we would accomplish a problem - no pills. The nurses were well trained and showed it. But, ten years down the line in the 1900s all that became unpopular and gone were these Doctors and nurses,because hospitals were improving their system. Now, if a Doctor wanted to use their facility they would have to accept the new ruling and first things first -- "Do You Have Medical Coverage?" So, if the Republicans want to fix the Medical Problems it should present a bill to congress that would start with the BIG Insurance Companies and their dealings with ALL Hospitals and the Doctors that use these facilities. - First Things First!