I'm not naive, I know racism still exists, but the incident out at the Huntingdon Valley swim club is so blatant it's absurd. And the fact that it was addressed toward children is twice as appalling. Racism will never cease to exist as long as it is perpetuated by adults, in front of children. For those of you who missed the story, seems an inner city summer camp was looking for their kids to swim. They paid nearly $2,000 for the privilege to swim at the Huntingdon Valley club, but when they showed up the white folks (parents) didn't like what they saw.
I have to say it again. Seriously?
The best golfer in the world is black. OK, mixed race, like our president. I'm pretty sure either of them would have been welcome at the swim club. I understand the club is private, but here's what should happen. Everyone of those black and Hispanic kids should be invited back to the club to swim, everyday, not just on Mondays. Perhaps then the racist white folks at the club would begin to understand that they're just that, kids.
Seriously - A contract was issued for day campers for a certain day. It did not in any way ask their color. If, there was a limit for the number of swimmers on a certain day (insurance coverage)this then should have been in the contract and how this would be handled. Most private clubs, will on occasion, permit outside organizations to use their facilities for X amount of dollars. This is what happened here. So, if this is a local camp and campers from Montgomery County this would be a no-brainer when issuing a contract. There is fault on both sides, most of all on the "Club" who after-the-fact said I'm sorry, but did not offer another day, but said here is your advanced payment.
I find it interesting that it's the adults in this situation who had the problem. Kids of any color are happy to play, swim and hang out with kids of any other color...especially at a public swimming pool on a Summer day. Racism in this case is being perpetuated by the adults who think their exisitng clientele do not want people of different color swimming at "their pool".
My family belongs to Markley Farms Swim Club and there are several camps that come to swim there where a majority of the children are African-American and Hispanic and I have to say, the kids are great and enjoy themselves and my kids enjoy interacting with them. Young children could care less about color. You just wish their mindsets could stay that way forever without the influence of prejudice adults.
This particular camp should have been offered another day.The pool should relax. I don't know what their capacity for people is at the pool but I can't imagine they were unaware of the number of children attending that day and that it was somehow an insurance problem. If so, they should have never accepted the money in the first place. The fact that they gave the money back says to me "We just don't want you here. Period". The least they could have done is called around to find someplace else for the kids to go if they made a mistake in accepting too many kids. My gut tells me, that just isn't the case here. Seems to me they just don't want to admit they are racist.
I do understand how this situation could happen. Members know which days are usually overcrowded and the area of the pool, which their family uses -swimmers and nonswimmers or with wings. It appears this pool had too many of non to with wings in that group, plus the whole number that would be using the pool.
Put it in writing, all conditions and when certain happenings happen and it upsets some of the swimmers - take it to management, not have the media speaking to a very young swimmer that sees race or haves vs have nots that caused his/her swim days cancelled.
A contract given to the "Day Campers" from another Township/County should have made sure all their bases were covered. The one base was "the ability to swim and the number in this catagory out of the whole number that would be swimming that day" ... If at anytime this number would exceed the amount of space in the pool, they would not be able to permit swimming that day"... This is considered safety and also consideration of the "Club Members" that make this swim club possible. From here on, all clubs should reconsider their contracts when permitting outsiders on the premises- not their color, but in this case, their abilities to swim in all areas of a pool. Speaking of black and white or even orange it makes no never mind in todays world. Yes, it is an excuse when plans do not go your way...nice try!
I don't see any "blatant racism" at all. Too many kids, not enough adult supervision. The club handled it badly.
Anonymous 7/13 - Exactly! The "Club" mishandled the matter and now it will always cause hard feelings when any group does not appear to fit in and their expressions will be noted.
After looking at todays TH featuring Markley's Pool/Tennis Courts and their capacity for swimmers of all type, THE SWIM CLUB in question looks like a wading pool. The question of number using this pool, sure should be questioned. I'm sure any statements made on either side have been heard many times before. The "W" should have been considered before going to a "private" club, unless there were swim classes for them in the agreement.
Technically, there are no "private clubs". Anyone who can pay the fee must be admitted so "club members" should be well aware that anyone can come in to the pool on any day if they paid. This camp paid and should have been allowed to swim and not refused based on other patrons wishes at the pool. Seeing as the reason for not allowing the camp back has changed several times, I think the pool management was trying to appease their Summer-long members since they return year after year. They obviously didn't know what was right and what was the wrong thing to do.
PS-Markley Farms Swim Club is awesome and everyone, no matter what your race, is welcome there. Great article in the Times on them.
When the TH addresses it's own bias reporting, then I will believe that there is really a concern expressed here about the racists at the private swim club that should lose everything in the upcoming suit. Your reporters have shown their bias in not reporting things said in court about poor wittle white crack addicts, while going overboard with untrue things about black people. Your friend, Danielle Cattie, was at a bar on Main street when the police came in and busted people, but for some reason let her go. She found her way to the Post where the police finally had to bust her. What is she? Special? Must be, when the court transcripts will show what your reporters failed to report!
Correct when going into a neighborhood's swim club, the wealth of those belonging to such a club should have been considered. Sorry, but that is the facts of life, so get use to it. Now, Markley's Swim Club has always been cost friendly and the swimming area is great for all types of swimmers. Why would the Camp Administrators even consider a swim club with the accommodations that did not fit their campers. Both sides are to blame - no suit!
Black, White, Hispanic... Senator Sessions is a blue footed booby who is just another racist like those obnoxious people hiding behind their private club worrying about the complexion changing in their pool. Funny that he didn't notice Sonia Sotomayor's friend in the audience when he tried to make his stupid point.
SESSIONS: Well, I will just note you made that statement in individual speeches about seven times over a number of years span. And it's concerning to me.
So I would just say to you I believe in Judge Seiderbaum's (ph) formulation. She said -- and you disagreed. And this was really the context of your speech. And you used her -- her statement as sort of a beginning of your discussion.
And you said she believes that a judge, no matter what their gender or background, should strive to reach the same conclusion. And she believes that's possible.
You then argued that you don't think it's possible in all, maybe even most, cases. You deal with the famous quote of Justice O'Connor in which she says a wise old man should reach the same decision as a wise old woman. And you pushed backed from that. You say you don't think that's necessarily accurate. And you doubt the ability to be objective in your analysis.
So how can you reconcile your speeches which repeatedly assert that impartiality is a near aspiration which may not be possible in all or even most cases with your oath that you've taken twice which requires impartiality?
SOTOMAYOR: My friend, Judge Seiderbaum (ph) is here this afternoon, and we are good friends. And I believe that we both approach judging in the same way which is looking at the facts of each individual case and applying the law to those facts.
Senator Sessions comments to Judge Sotomayer were correct and made exactly at the right time and noted he was not aware of Judge Seiderbaum's presence.
If you have questions on a person's ability to give fair judgement on cases regardless of their race,color or religion, then this was the time and place. If he had kept silent, because of friends in attendance, then I would wonder what type of person he is and the man we would consider to be a two-faced politician instead of an up-front person doing his job.
"senator sessions" upfront? Yeah, right! I like the way he called himself playing jokes when explaining why he called men "boys", lectured them about how to address white people and making other racist remarks. His own party didn't vote for him to be confirmed in the past and now we see why they didn't.
The Swim Club was over crowded, the jails are over crowded and the schools have some problems, but not quite as bad as the two above. How in the world are we going to make sure that all PA Swim Clubs and all those throughout the USA have the same rules and the enforcement is also the same? Will each state make the rulings? If then who will enforce them? This type of employment will sure help the economy, but at the expense of whom? If campers and camps have set rules to follow, then the offering of certain type of out-of-doors activities would have to be within their premises. Fair is fair, don't expect some other county/township/city to foot the bill for the upkeep and give you a break when it comes to useage.
Sounds like a case for the Supreme Court Court and our new appointed or to be appointed Judge Sotomayer.
"Boys" used in reference to any boy,man or group at the local has always been used. I wish some people would use that phrase more often instead of some foul-mouthed language. So, out with the boys at the local sounds great or if you can't find him there, maybe at the field.
7/20 Anonymous
Although you studder,your statement seems to be heading in the correct direction. Now, the mole hill made into a mountain is exactly what is happening here. Sorry, but I do know many people at the club and truly they are not at all like those portrayed in some media reporting.
Tyler Perry should have given the camp money to attend a pool or even given the city of Phila. money to open pools for the Summer unstead of sending these kids to Disney World. it's his dime but was that the appropriate response to the situation? You've been excluded from a swim club so I'm sending you to Disney World??? WHat??? I'm sure it will be a once in a lifetime trip for the campers but it doesn't solve the problem of "we have no place to swim if Phila. pools remain closed this and next year".
Can't go swimming? Everyone needs to have a swimming pool. Well, back to nature - why not use the creeks to wade in. It would be a welcome change and an experience that these young people will always remember. Nature is all around us and the cost is "O". Why not have day trips, instead of offering an expensive day at the pool. A little use of the gray matter when planning a camping experience for kids needs to be used. The trained personnel that all camps are required to have, should make this type of experience a no-brainer.
Yes indeed, send the kids out-of-state that should correct the situation? No of course not. The Camp should never offer something that is not on their premises or the city does not have available. A special camp could offer the type of country camping as one poster suggested.
I'm all for swimming in streams and lakes but for kids who have never had any swimming instruction, that could be a recipe for disaster. Better to have them instructed at a pool where there are lifeguards and swimming instructors that teach water safety. I believe that is the point of having the camps attend a pool so that they learn water safety and basic swimming. Something they would not be taught otherwise.
This is just like that Bonnie Sweeten calling the cops and lying about 2 Black men kidnapping her and her daughter, when in fact, she went to Disney Land with a stolen identity. I hope your paper covers her trial about the $100k loan that was taken out in her former boss's name, but the address was Bonnie Sweeten's address for the bank loan. I am a notary and if a notary broke the law attesting to the identity and it wasn't the correct person, then the notary is in trouble!
I'm sure glad the Camping Director, requested swimming lessons for all the campers and gave this information to the Swim Club, along with verification of their achieved statis before they paid 1 cent for the campers. I do not believe this was the case, because of the remark made about the number of non-swimmers. Now, the stream is a great place for non-swimmers that can be taught skills when they are around water that are not only swimming, but safety regarding the current and depth, plus the ability to go fishing and how and when it is also safe. So, many water activities should be looked into - swimming isn't the only one.
So, the Director of the Camp has or had one big problem, which on the arrival at the Pool Site was noticed in time by the Director of the Swim Club, before a tragedy occurred.
I believe this is a situation for Jess Jackson and Mr. Obama. They both in the last month or so have placed the foot in the mouth. Mr. Obama just a few days ago...soo! So, we still have the color game and if we all stick to saying that is the reason for everything that happens to us, it will always exist.
The President's (Mr. Obama) response on the arrest of a friend was what? Now, we can all agree we sure do have a new president and lately it shows, because how he has been acting and what he is saying (like some comedian)lately, makes this family wonder if we made one big mistake.
Sorry there is no room in the inn,I mean swimming pool. What maybe it seemed at that time, a very big problem with the color, problem that some people have turns out to be a drop of water compared with our President's response to a breakin call at a home of a friend. What he said about the police arresting officer and why he said it makes the swimming club's manager look like little red riding hood's friend the wolf. He, our President, needs to stop using the race card in all his responses. He is now showing another side of his personal life that is in need of attention. Other countries have been noting his responses and behavior, that is why we all must insist on a turn-around on his part and any appointee serving or will be serving this administration.
NPR's article in todays news paper on Mr. Gates problem with the law enforcement is interesting. The neighbor who called about what she thought was a breakin,now has a lawyer and Mr. Gates response to the problem he had was - he hoped his arrest would lead to greater understanding about racial profiling in America. I do believe he will be the first to suggest that it really some times exists only in the accused person's mind.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I believe this is a situation for Jess Jackson and Mr. Obama. They both in the last month or so have placed the foot in the mouth. Mr. Obama just a few days ago...soo! So, we still have the color game and if we all stick to saying that is the reason for everything that happens to us, it will always exist.
July 24, 2009 3:30 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
NPR's article in todays news paper on Mr. Gates problem with the law enforcement is interesting. The neighbor who called about what she thought was a breakin,now has a lawyer and Mr. Gates response to the problem he had was - he hoped his arrest would lead to greater understanding about racial profiling in America. I do believe he will be the first to suggest that it really some times exists only in the accused person's mind.
July 27, 2009 11:28 AM
Until you two "walk a mile in someone else's shoes" and see the real story, you need to stop putting your feet in your mouths.
I have a perspective that is slightly unique. I am a Black person, who happens to have light skin, and sometimes people mistake me as White. I have seen the difference in treatment at a restaurant and with the "authorities" when I was with friends and/or relatives who happened to have darker skin. There is a pervasive racism going on just about everywhere I have been in the United States. Only in a couple of Foreign Countries, have I seen equal treatment, and this is in countries with a majority of White citizens. So, don't assume what you don't know.
NPR really hit the question and the answer right on. I do not have a problem with any color, I hope you do not have any with mine. We do need to respect the law enforcement officers. I and my family learned that way back and we do not call preference racism.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
NPR's article in todays news paper on Mr. Gates problem with the law enforcement is interesting. The neighbor who called about what she thought was a breakin,now has a lawyer and Mr. Gates response to the problem he had was - he hoped his arrest would lead to greater understanding about racial profiling in America. I do believe he will be the first to suggest that it really some times exists only in the accused person's mind.
July 27, 2009 11:28 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
NPR really hit the question and the answer right on. I do not have a problem with any color, I hope you do not have any with mine. We do need to respect the law enforcement officers. I and my family learned that way back and we do not call preference racism.
July 27, 2009 3:23 PM
I guess you think we should respect the people that created and the ones that posted there, even to the point of threatening a Black police officer who exposed it for what it is and was, now that it is shut down. A racist blog, where they posted about the children that this blog is "talking" about who just wanted to swim. Calling them monkey faced, etc. from the ghetto. Typical racist nonsense, and not a peep out of the FOP president. Wonder why?
Once again, I have been in situations, with the authority and saw the way they treated people with darker skin color. Respect is earned, it is not a given. I do give the "authority" the benefit of the doubt. I worked with the "authority", I have relatives who are in the "authority", yet, I will not give respect to a badge that is tarnished with racism! People want to jump all over President Obama, who may have spoken from his own experience, I have seen and heard from Black police officers who experienced the same racism, even though they are trying to uphold the law. And, a Black Undercover Officer was shot dead by his own fellow officers who took him for a criminal, which is a great fear and concern for Black Undercover officers. So, Gates and Crowley will be meeting and hopefully will see that cooler heads should have prevailed in this situation. It can be a learning situation, and hopefully, some White people will see the other side that Black people face. It's just like that 14 year old Black kid who was groping women. He was caught, but the comments that were posted were sick, yet the White man who put a knife to a 22 year old woman with her child in her lap, while he groped her, didn't stir up any comments to date. Again... Wonder why???
If Mr. Obama's reply to the Mass. situation is because of his background, then he, as a lawyer should have known better and made no statement until he heard both sides. Each situation has to be delt with and the race card left out. That is how we have been dealing with our problems. It works!
Come over to my house and have a cold one and we will discuss your and our problems when it comes to another persons color and personality. Sounds good, but maybe the cold one should be iced tea or coffee. Really! If the temperament that was displayed on TV and Newspapers is any indication of a short fused person (The Professor), we will need the white house men in black in the room. The Police Officer already has had his training and conducts classes on the racial problem. He could conduct classes for the whole Washington Group, including the Pres.
Yes, our President is just one of the boys! Stop in any time your in Washington and have a cold one. Oh, Please!
At the "Brew Conference" at our White House it did show the Color Game is on both sides when looking at a situation and how the response is handled by officials trained, like it or not.
When calling in on 911 and giving a description of the attacker, exactly what should the description include? Clothing Color, size, approx. height - but never color or hair style? Now, if you were a Police Officer responding would any of "never" be helpful?
The Police Officer already has had his training and conducts classes on the racial problem. He could conduct classes for the whole Washington Group, including the Pres.
July 29, 2009 8:42 AM (posted)
Really??? Then why did this other cop do this:
A Boston police officer allegedly sent a mass e-mail using a disgraceful racial slur in referring to Harvard University professor Henry Louis Gates Jr., prompting the commissioner to move immediately to fire the cop, the Herald has learned.
Officer Justin Barrett, 36, a two-year veteran assigned to District B-3, was placed on administrative leave pending a termination hearing yesterday afternoon.
Barrett is also a member of the National Guard, a source said, and the e-mail was sent anonymously to his fellow guard members and the Boston Globe.
The cop explains: Barrett, 36, a cop for two years, has also been suspended by the National Guard, where he holds the rank of captain.
Earlier, Barrett insisted he was not a racist and "did not mean to offend anyone."
In conclusion, I doubt that this cop missed one of those training sessions either. So, don't assume that Sgt. Crowley can teach the President or anyone about (as you said it) "racial problems". Just because someone been to class, doesn't mean that they learned anything. I know as the people at one of my former jobs took classes on discrimination, yet they were hit and had to pay a multi-million dollar settlement.
AND, Just look at those (alleged) murderers of that guy at the bar next to the Phillies' place. One was supposed to take anger management classes, the other was out of jail for stabbing a teenager. So, your point is moot!
ssdd in Montco 7/31/09 4:24 p.m.
The Harvard Gang is running our country - let's lift a few cool ones!
The Swim Club Officials and the members with their families plus the Summer Campers and their officials should go down to Washington and have a cool one with the First Family. This would make more sense then Disney and their race preference or not.
Interesting ssdd 7/31/09!
The statement made many years ago seems to ring a bell with education, the ability to learn and understand the end result- it was Some People learn by Other People's Mistakes but some People learn only by making the same mistakes.
Sometimes it takes Old Age for a person to understand another problem that seems to have no end and that is Race, Color of the Skin and Positions held in various companies. We live in a neighborhood with all of the above problems if you would care to make it a problem, but this neighborhood does not.
No Anonymous it should not take age when it comes to learning that all people have equal rights. That must be understood, it really does mean equal - you know if you were in his/her place what would you do or expect.
Courtesy of the Today Show, a few more bad apples:
‘A little Walt Disney’
In preparing her defense, Torrens-Vilas’ attorneys had requested copies of dash-cam videos from the patrol cars that responded. The videos showed Torrens-Vilas performing sobriety tests, but the attorneys realized there was missing material. Unable to get the missing video from Hollywood police, the attorneys finally obtained it from the state.
What they saw not only resulted in all charges against Torrens-Vilas being dropped, it also led to the suspension of five Hollywood police personnel. Rather than admit to being responsible for rear-ending the woman’s car, police concocted a story that would make everything her fault.
“It confirmed everything that I thought,” Torrens-Vilas told Lauer. “I knew that that’s not what happened that night, and it just confirmed everything that I’ve been saying from the beginning.”
According to the tape, Officer Dewey Pressley took the lead in the plot, saying, “Well, I don’t lie and make things up ever because it’s wrong, but if I need to bend it a little to protect a cop, I’m gonna.”
He then tells another officer: “I will write the narrative out for you. I will tell you exactly how to word it so it can get him off the hook. You see the angle of her car? You see the way it’s like this? As far as I’m concerned, I am going to word it she is in the left-hand lane. We will do a little Walt Disney to protect the cop, because it wouldn’t matter because she was drunk anyway.”
ssdd in Montco 8/3/09 3:20 p.m. and also Hollywood, Florida...
Looking for what is right with race and all conflicts that did not happen because of he/she did not say because of their upbringing would be more interesting don't you think? Now even our Pres. would or should agree with that due to his big foot and mouth problem. PA and Florida have much in common ssdd don't they?
Our President and Vice President are now in the learning stage of their office. Less said on their part regarding almost any problem the better until they have discussed it with members of the cabinet or their wife over a brews or two.
I'll drink to that! Can't you see the Beer Trucks lined up along the driveway of the White House. Remember, all types will be needed, because we can not discriminate against the likes and dislikes. Paper Cup? Glass? Can? Bottle? Oh,Tap is your many choices!!!
Anonymous said...
Looking for what is right with race and all conflicts that did not happen because of he/she did not say because of their upbringing would be more interesting don't you think? Now even our Pres. would or should agree with that due to his big foot and mouth problem. PA and Florida have much in common ssdd don't they?
August 4, 2009 12:56 PM
Could you rephrase your response? I have no idea what you are trying to say.
Lived in many states so here is how it shakes out.
Why it did not happen? Hear both sides of a story, before uttering anything.
How we learn? As a child,accustomed to many races in their community. Army personnel and their families are great examples.
The stories of how they feel about a situation makes interesting reading and also just to listen to the presentation. Two sides that everyone agrees has to be heard. We have found that race has nothing to do with most problems it is usually one person thinks and has a way of expressing himself with too much gusto. Foot in Mouth!
My Grandson is a Police Officer.
So,A tale is a tale when it comes to how reports are recorded. Many states have quite a few cowboys on their State Police Force. This turned out well and the officers got their dues. Too much of all the bad things regarding the forces in various states make headlines and TV Shows. Now, it would be refreshing to hear more good reports regarding the outcome of some cases here in PA and any state in fact and how the officers handled the situation.
My Niece's son was killed while on patrol in the Houston area of Texas. He was a motorcycle patrolman and had stopped a motorist, when another motorist, not paying attention, hit him. This did not make headlines or TV up here, but it did down there. This youngman was a great caring person.
Sometimes we need to shake things up, but not bend the truth, when reporting an incident that clearly the report this man told us about was a thoughtless act.
Back to the Campers and the Swim Club.
What is happening on the homefront? Are the kids back from Disney?
Do they feel much better that they now have to explain why they feel the way they do about how other people treat them?
How were they treated at Disney?
Do they now understand more about why some people feel only for their own pleasure and are not willing to share with anyone - no matter what.
What is the statis of the Camp and their misfortune with the swimming program. The Swim Club was scheduled to give them swimming lessons, is that correct? That I believe was not included, but many Posters believe that to be true. There needs to be follow-up regarding this case, as it is with our Mass. Prof. and the Police Officer. It is interesting and will make history as did the Parks stand.
Our School District is back in operation as of today, with students of all races and color that made headlines this summer,having a great laugh on the buses. Senior High Swimming Team is a great example of who cares!
This summer's camp and swim problem was a problem for the two involved.
The problem with Mass. Police Department and a Professor, with a bad temper and a friend of our Pres., should never have been aired and of course who every asked the question should explain why it was asked. This was something of a personal nature that should never be asked of a President.
Who cares why they were turned away? I do. What was the real reason? Over-crowding and the inability for most of the campers to swim? Poor planning on the part of the Camp Supervisor. Did they know their campers were not able to swim and to what extent did they verbabley express this or in writing before signing a contract?
Where's the report on that other racist Bonnie Sweeten and her daddy who assaulted tv reporters? Or do you censor coverage of bad caucasian people?
Really, if you are in need of the follow-up on Sweeten, just read the TH.
As for the Camp/Swim Club - what were the results? The Camp - is it still operating and under new management I would hope? The Swim Club - has this one outside organization spoiled it for all locals and under new management?
A beautiful picture in today's TH of the last day at the Swim Club...Markleys Swim Club in Jeffersonville - what happened to Huntingdon Valley's Swim Club? A picture showing their closing day, meaning Labor Day, would be of interest. A lot of press time throughout the Area was devoted to a problem with a Camp from Phila. being turned away so why not show the good side of the last day for this local swim club too.
Anonymous said...
Really, if you are in need of the follow-up on Sweeten, just read the TH.
As for the Camp/Swim Club - what were the results? The Camp - is it still operating and under new management I would hope? The Swim Club - has this one outside organization spoiled it for all locals and under new management?
August 28, 2009 3:15 PM
I didn't see any coverage in the so-call "serving Montgomery County Times Herald" about Sweeten. Searched the website, too. Don't know where you found it in the TH, but their search engine only had old news about this identity thief when I posted. The other news on TV and in the paper had the story. You want to post where it was in the TH? Please do.
BTW... the SC rep who shouted "you lie" to the President, also felt that the daughter of Strom Thurmond (a segregationist) should have kept her mouth shut. {An attorney for the family of former U.S. Sen. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina confirmed Monday that in 1925, when he was 22, Thurmond fathered a child with a black teenage housekeeper.} Why didn't he keep his mouth shut? Double standards? And racism!
ssdd in Montco 9/16/09 9:06 p.m.
Back to the Swim Club. It now is in the court's hands. I'm sure most of our children have heard remarks about our coloring or build growing up. When it happened in my case, I usually remarked "you got that right" or "maybe a little more sun will improve your complexion" and laugh, which usually broke us on both sides up.
As for too many in the pool at once is and probably was a problem. We all need to step back and take a long view instead of a short view which is what is happening now.
Children hear remarks all the time about their race or color of their skin. If the cause was a remark by an adult about the campers was the cause of this whole swim problem - then that person should apologize. I understand one person was a teacher in a neighborhood school, in Philadelphia, that a few children attended - did she really make the statement because of race? I don't think so. Check the number of years she taught there. Any remark about any of the students should not enter into the picture. The problem was the person legally issuing the contract and the camp director that did the contracting and knowing that it was a neighborhood pool and mostly white, showed bad judgment. It works both ways you know? White groups going swimming in mostly black neighborhood that we know they feel as the above are strictly for them. This is senseless - now no club will give outside camps a break and all private clubs will be called for not having an open club for all people and organizations to use at will.
If the swim club and day campers cost any one money or jobs, then the Mass. Policeman should be awarded a very large settlement because his judgment call and his reputation has been drug through all papers and other media with the help of our own President. Tick for Tack!
If they are found to be guilty on any of the charges (meaning the swim club), then there probably will be a few more cases against people on both sides. This is going to be costly. The race card will really be used quite a bit from here on as one Poster said, beginning with the Professor friend of our President and the Boston Police Officer. Too bad!
Yep! Too much in your face remarks.
Anonymous 9/25 - You got that right! Exactly where did the media place their cameras? There should never be written any opinion or bias shown on TV when it comes to a situation regarding any facility's policy for renting or not renting and cause of cancellation. He said - She said - they believe - someone told me that - my fealings were hurt, etc. may make for an interesting drama, but it never will solve a problem. Outsiders and their opinions only add fuel to the fire and cause much heartache.
For shame for shame on several of you Klan card carrying members. Yes, a contract that was violated. The swim club new exactly the number of campers and they also knew what the make-up of the camp was. This was not the first time they have signed similiar contracts to use their facilities. Blatant, YES... Many of your need to read "Black Like Me" and forget about the year that it was written, because the same is true today. It is a sad commentary that in 2009 we are still struggling with the same issues as they did during the Reconstruction Period. I see it daily and no one comments on it because they are to "weak minded" too admit to it. Stan you called this one correctly, but man of your readers simply cant understand it... Sometimes it is hard to look into a mirror when you see the exact same thing. (that means i called a few of you racists).
Correct there are quite a few or maybe I should say a lot of people that do not care for people from other countries or have a skin of different color. You know that is a two-way street when you discuss racial imbalance, etc. and how we treat each other. Many people from various parts of the USA have never had reason to intermingle with people from other countries - so their way of talking about various people hits a very sore spot in some communities. Back during the late 1900s, my parents always gave "Bums" food as they came to the door because they had no money and only the clothes on their back - they in turn marked the telephone pole so anyone in need of something to eat would know this family was friendly and would give what they could. Honkeys was a term our family and my Uncle's family used to describe their relatives when they wanted to get a rise out of them - they came here from Hungary but of course they knew we spoke PA Dutch, because we were from Germany and had never quite conquered the American Language and they would call us Dumb Dutch. Time and Ways of Life will change our way of thinking and speaking to each other - be patient!
Many problems have arisen due to the city of Philadelphia's mismanagement of all their departments for the last 20 years or so - probably more. Business of taking care of the schools and recreation has not been their top priority. It really has been noticed this last year with a Nutter closing of swim pools, etc. All city campers should be able to use "City Pools" so that the expenses could be kept at a reasonable cost and day a trip making for a special occasion. This private swim club experience shows what happens when the children are exposed to another world that is not too friendly and at an early age will have an effect on how they think for the rest of their life. Any person responsible for running a camp needs to be well educated on the cause/effect any action will have on the children - this was not taken into consideration.
So, What have we learned?? Do you feel the children have learned that pulling the "Race Card" will make people treat you any different? I doubt it.
Mr. Markley died yesterday - he was the owner/founder of Markley Swim Club. His family work very hard to make sure there is balance and it shows.
It has been resolved regarding Phila. Campers inability to swim in a Montgomery County Swim Club's pool. Yes, there was a contract. The club should never have given permission for any campers or outside organizations to use this private pool. I really do not care what color their skin is or even if they just wanted to take swimming lessons- go to the "Y". Now, all clubs have to prove if it has a race problem when turning away outsiders. Private! No such thing.
July, 2009 Campers- It now will be guilty until proven innocent when it comes to color and race admission to any activity or certain manners of speech used that another person feels offensive. Adults will be Adults when coming to their way of expressing themself and that goes for kids (Gross un glee - yung un alt meaning "big and little - young and old in PA Dutch) I have always said you'al, but I'm from PA. and sometimes use the PA Dutch way of speaking -soo, what's the big deal. We need to take our lumps in life or we will not survive.
Just wondering - what happened to this Swim Club? It is a beautiful place and the cost, I know is super High, but there is money to be had if only it could be run as a "Private" Swim Club. That's the way it is and that is why the "Y" is making great headway for those that are caught between the have and have nots.
A Rainy Day - Yes, the "Y" up in Limerick Township is really a great place to go and the price is right - check it out. As for the situation of Phila. Campers - they need to find a "Y" in their City that would make the campers feel more secure - later on in their life they can venture out to the suburbs - it is a new experience for many people.
The Swim Club is for sale! Should it be "Private" if opened as a Swim Club? When a property is sold, I understand the baggage from the former owner is not carried over, which is how it should be. The problem is, it will always be referred to as the Swim Club that turned away city children because of their that is too bad, it needs something to take away this image and replace it with a good feeling for all residents surrounding the area here in Montgomery County.
What is the take on the Camper situation from Philadelphia? Will the pools be open for all kids? Are there set hours for certain kids if they are with a camp group? What about other organizations using the pools that are comprised of Philadelphia Young People - a problem? Well, if all the facts are answered and the groups understand the rules we all will have a great summer.
How are the Pools in Philadelphia - will they be ready to go after Memorial Day? Any camp should have checked this out back in February. I hope they do not try to use Montgomery County as their destination. We have enough problems with special needs campers. Philadelphia should be able to take care of their own.
By the way the Swim Club was sold. Exactly what it will be used for is any person's guess.
Pools are Open in Phila. but for how long? Have they set aside Pool Time for Philadelphia Campers? Sure hope so!
First in the Pool - The Mayor. So officially the pools of Philadelphia are open with support staff. I do hope the Philadelphia Campers and Camp Staff are able to get some swim time in. It would save a lot of money on the hurt feelings that go with childish jabber.
I read in the newspaper that Markley Farm Swim Club will be open for the "Y" this summer. Register now all young couples with children, this is a great place for children and young people to meet and the cost is just fine. I'm not sure if the "Y" is leasing the property, but as long as it is maintained as it was when Ron ran it - go for it.
Not to worry about Markley's Swim Club and now the YMCA use of the facilities. There is one big happening that was on TV and the Mayor of Phila. announced all Public Pools would be up and running this summer. Now, that is good news for all the Philadelphia campers in that area, since the cost to transport them out of the city is very expensive. Keep the money where it is needed and that is Philadelphia.
Did you sign up for the Y's Swim Club? The Y is only way to go if you have children of all ages.
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