Personally, I wanted the ARC a little closer to home. I know that's a little selfish, but the idea of driving into Philadelphia is just not appealing to me. It was a valiant battle waged on those who didn't want it in Lower Providence and my respect goes out to them for sticking to their guns.
I believe, unfortunately, that it will be a loss for our little part of the world.
Now that it is going to be in the city, what do you think will happen to the land?
I just read in today's Times Herald that the ARC project is moving to Philadelphia through exchange of property and LPT residents are thrilled. So why is Supervisor Dininny so upset? He's claiming that during his recent campaigning that all the residents were for the ARC by a large majority and he was supporting the project 100%. If this is the case how did he lose the election by "such a majority"? Obviously he was wrong once again. five more months!
Betty McF.
Audubon, Pa
Stan, It's already been quoted that the land will belong to the federal government.
More open space, Maybe?
The ARC land should be given to the State for use for some type of recreations. The County has its hands full with keeping up with the Trails and the Township could use some help with fields that are large enough to support little league events, tennis (grass type) or even the soccer type of sport, which of course includes football. As with most of our County Properties, they have a minimal charge for use and upkeep - this then should be how the state should approach the property.
ARC WAR is over? Yes, but for the number of people that would benefit from the location - it is where it should be - with our countries history. Take a couple days and visit Philadelphia, then come home to Montgomery County and enjoy their new Cultural Center (to be)and the surrounding area.
Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.
Thanks to the 5 residents, Rick Brown, Chris Dipaolo, Colleen Eckman and the NPCA. My family is owed an apology. We have lost a valuable historical resource in our own backyard.
No one had better talk about tax increases for a long time.
We had the goose that laid the golden eggs and these morons cooked it!!!!!!!!
if this was a land swap deal with the NPS, then nothing will be developed on this pawlings road land.
If the land swap goes according to plan, then the NPS will have ownership and probably do nothing with it. Since they don't have any funds to really do anything in the exisitng park, it will probably end up an overgrown plot of unused land like the majority of VF Park. Score one for the birds, squirrels and deer.
I too would have liked the ARC here but am very happy that it will be built in Phila. In my mind, it makes more sense and I can only wonder why it wasn't suggested to be built there in the first place. Could have saved alot of people their money, time and soured friendships all over a museum. I guess LP will remain a drive-thru town with nothing new to see or do. Sad for LP but what a great thing for Philadelphia. I have to admit, it is a little embarassing that residents of LP and the NPCA fought so hard against a Revolutionary War Museum. It just sounds unpatriotic doesn't it? I wonder how this will be remembered 20 years from now. I know one thing for sure. The whole process opened my eyes to who was really a friend and who would lie, stab you in the back, and leave you for dead on the side of the road. Good thing this lady has thick skin. I guess there always is a silver lining.
Stan I will drive you to Philly.
I just read the "two cents" column in today's Times Herald in which someone is attacking Supervisor Rick Brown for causing LPT to lose the ARC and he should be voted out. Doesn't that clueless individual realize that Rick Brown is the only Supervisor that supports the majority of residents and is available to listen to their concerns and act upon them. He is so unlike the others with their special interest groups and special concessions to serve their own benefit. Please praise Rick, do not condemn for his actions...he is for the people and always has been.
The Professor
It maybe a loss for Montgomery County/Chester County/Lower Prov., but for all people it is where it should be. You are familiar with one-stop-shopping? Well, right now Philadelphia is where History was made and should be viewed and recorded. Battlefields, are just that and I for one have visited many here in the Northeast and down south, as they say. Take a vacation and try the history trails, it is fun and not too costly. You know not everything has to be about who gets the tax breaks, but it should be the location that ties it all together.
Let's move on to bigger and better things! Oh yeah,....the ARC was the bigger, better thing.
Happy Fourth of July! The Revolution is over and the City of Brotherly Love will celebrate. We make a trip to Philadelphia every July 4th, just to remind us of why we have the freedom we cherish. The Revolution was a success and Philadelphia is the place, with the Decleration of Independence and the Liberty Bell - plus, plus the whole environment makes me and my family proud of being an American.
Stan, One of your two cent boggers is acusing Mr. Brown of being the big bad wolf in the Arc moving to Philadelphia. The Arc is going where it belongs, the city of brotherly love. Lower Providence Township has been given a wonderful gift from the Federal Government called OPEN SPACE. The Supervisors have been moaning for many years about open space now it's a reality. Even the County Commissioner Mr. Matthews (heard of KYW) thought it was the right thing to do. Mr. Money pants Pashall thought otherwise. Our township could not have handled the traffic flow, we would have needed a larger police force, and our fire department may have been strained. It's a shame that a grandparent will have to take the train to Philly to show their grandkids the Arc, the heat will be the same no matter where you go,get a life. In closing I thank the Times Herald for their outstanding coverage throughout this history lesson brought to us by the lawyers and other parties.I hope and pray that the good lord gives me the life to see this happen. Thanks again Mr. Huskey.
To disappointed.
The school district just raised our taxes 3.9% for that lovely structure on top on Arcola & Eagleville road. Should I be disapointed & disgusted as a senior? Your kids will be enjoying something I am still paying for without any children in the school district.
How many of the historical sites have you visited in our Township without paying one red cent? You may even visit the County Jail at no cost.
A trip to the Park in Oaks will give you all the geese you want,but don't count on the golden eggs.
Maybe, only maybe, the only moron that needs an apology is the writer of the disgusting blog.
You were so right when you thanked the persons you mentioned.
Faithful Reader - Exactly my thoughts. A ride on the train or bus would also be an educational experience and believe me much more fun than any automobile.
If the five residents who opposed the ARC most vigorously and the dozen or so other LPT residents who sided with them are NOT a special interest group, I don't know what is (and I don't care who outside the township didn't want it, their opinion doesn't count here). Rick Brown most certainly supported, aided and abetted them. He's on record as a witness who testified on their behalf, against the ARC. That's the guy who should be voted out. Voters expect supervisors to weigh the needs of the many versus the needs of the few, and not just cater to certain residents. Five people who didn't want something in their backyard don't outweigh the best interests of the township. He needs to go and he can take his criminal candidate wanna-bees with him. Oh yeah by the way one of the candidates was also one of the NIMBYs.
I agree, I'd better not hear the words 'tax increase' out of the BOS for a long time since we just kissed $1M a year and 800 jobs buh-bye.
Boo hoo waahh.
Sounds like someone needs a tissue.
To anon of 7/5
You must be one of the zoners who voted for the ARC. Too bad you are not voted in to office, if you were you would join Jim Dougherty on the wanna be list.
If you know anything at all, you know that the election that saw Dininny come in way back in the pack at #4, was a referendum on the ARC. The voters took him out because of his position and literature that the ARC was the best thing since sliced bread.
Bash Brown all you want, the voters keep bringing him back, he has held office since the 80's and no one has come close to beating him. We could use a few more leaders like him.
He at least listens to the residents no matter what party they are.
Now we can add another 78 acres of open space to our quiver.
To anon of 7/5
You must be one of the zoners who voted for the ARC. Too bad you are not voted in to office, if you were you would join Jim Dougherty on the wanna be list.
If you know anything at all, you know that the election that saw Dininny come in way back in the pack at #4, was a referendum on the ARC. The voters took him out because of his position and literature that the ARC was the best thing since sliced bread.
Bash Brown all you want, the voters keep bringing him back, he has held office since the 80's and no one has come close to beating him.
He at least listens to the residents no matter what party they are.
Now we can add another 78 acres of open space to our quiver.
I used to think Rick Brown was a good guy. I still can't figure out why he was totally on board with the ARC and then goes on vacation for a few days, comes back and then votes agaiant the ordinance. Did he drop the ball somewhere? Could it be he figured it was easier to get re-elected by siding with the ARC opponents? Who knows? I don't think we'll ever know the truth from him or Chris DiPaolo about the "magic" covenant that no one else seems to know anything about. They sort of make things up as they go along and stories seem to change with the blowing of the winds. I guess that's politics.
Whether you were for or against the ARC, it makes no difference now. LP has lost 1/2 million dollars in revenue a year, has no promise of new jobs, and has lousy prospects of ever getting something worthwhile again. The residents who live down the Phoenixville way can once again, take their houses off the market and sleep a peaceful sleep. They got very lucky that the park service and ARC were able to negotiate a deal.
I can't wait to see what Eckman & Thomas's campaign will be now. The ARC was all they had on their platform so they need to find us a new 1/2 million dollar a year attraction to replace the one they didn't like.
To the anonymous writer 7-5-09 8:55 P.m.
You state," Voters expect Supervisors to weigh the needs of many versus the needs of a few, and not cater to certain residents.
800 people who don't want a road 1000 yards from their front door don't outweigh the best interest of the 23,000 + residents of the township. This why a certain Supervisor got his clock cleaned and was voted out of office on May 19th. Why does this Supervisor push so hard to close the road at Shannondell? He did it again on the 2nd of July broadcast on the townships cable program. I came in 5 out of 5 if you refer to me as the candidate nimby. A neighbor with your signs on his property suggested that I took votes away from the Republicans, I thought that's the party I represented. What if the present board of Supervisors leave the new board with a deficit- who do you blame- Obama or Bush.
Stay tuned - if you think things are coming your way-your in the wrong lane of traffic.
I will sign my name as I have in the past. How about you?
Oh please, riding the train/subway or taking a Septa bus to Independence Mall vs. riding in your own car. Who are you kidding? None of these people posting would choose the bus or train. Why? Because it's slow, uncomfortable, smaells bad, and you have to pay for it. I don't care where the ARC ended up but riding the bus or taking the train to get there??!! That's a foreign concept to everyone who lives in LP. We drive our cars everywhere. Especially up & down 422. Give me a break. When's the last time you saw one of our residents hopping on Septa to go downtown for leisure time? The only people riding Septa around here are those commuting to work and those going back & forth to Norristown State Hospital.
Just out of curiousity, what happenened to all those naysayers who were crying and wringing their hands that if the ARC pulled out and that property sold to a developer that we would have 250 houses built on sacred ground? I would have assumed that most of these people would be ecstatic by now and not still have their heads buried in the sand. Just my observation.
Peninsula Dweller
Audubon, Pa
Penninsula Dweller-
I think they've all done what most of us have. Nothing. Really it was nice of the ARC to negotiate this deal with the NPS and vice versa. I'm sure the park will do nothing with the land as someone stated earlier. I do think LP is in serious need of some financial help and the ARC would have been a nice windfall . What do you think would be a good fit for LP and where? How do you propose bringing jobs and money to the township? Any ideas? I think those that involved themselves to the point of annoyance should speak up with their ideas of how they're going to improve LP township. It's one thing to be the spoiler of a project and feel happy about that, but you should probably see that there is another side you failed to address in doing so. People will be looking to YOU now for a replacement for the ARC so you should probably start looking for something to offer up that you think is suitable. If you send away a half million dollars in revenue/year and hundreds of new jobs, people will start to look to you for what is supposed to be better. So maybe the better question is, What do those who opposed the ARC suggest for new revenue and jobs for LP? Let's hear it.
First it was 1 million and 800 jobs. Now it's 1/2 million and hundreds of jobs. How do you expect someone from L.P. to give you an answer when Obama can't.
There are a lot of jobs available in the surrounding area, people don't want to work for $15.00 an hour any more.
You have to worry about what goes on cost wise at home base (Township Office) before you worry about other things.
How about YOUR thoughts of bringing income into the burg.
Your thoughts Sir!
to 7/8 id 12:39
If the township was thinking that the arc would bail out their financial problems, someone was asleep at the switch. If Dininny and company put all their eggs in one basket shame on them. How could they put their residents on the hook for such a poor return on their dollar. What is wrong with our leadership??? How could they be so wrong? The ZHB is just as much to blame with the loud mouth solicitor advising them do the wrong thing. My goodness, what could they be thinking and who are they listening to???
God bless the penisula five and the NPCA, we are so lucky to have DiPaolo and Brown in our corner. How often do you get township supervisors to listen to the residents, far and few between.
Sour grapes, you and your friends should make some wine and serve it to the ARC folks.
To 7/8 Poster:
You are asking what can be done to bring more jobs and revenue to Lower Providence Township. Well Sir, you are asking the wrong person since I have no control in the creation of jobs. Why don't you ask our industious Township Manager and the current BOS what they have done for employment in the township. Apparently all they have done is spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for wasteful studies to determine why. It's been over 18 months and the VFCC is still 50% empty...why? Come Januarary with their heads!
Peninsula Dweller
Audubon, Pa
Lower Prov. has another "Oops", we had the cart before the horse! The Industrial Park should have been our top priority, but ARC,Shannondell and the Giant Shopping Area came first. Many wanted the Industrial Park and the then new Shopping Area connected. But of course that fell on ears that were clogged with news of a more important matter, Shannondell. Now, hindsight, in todays TH the "new" plan for Trooper Road and the Industrial Park with the deadend of Rittenhouse and hopefully the connection with Neilson's property, which includes the "hotel". Sounds good, but why then was the Shannondell Street placed where it presently is and not on the "WEST" side of the retirement home? Another PPP (poor-prior-planning) or maybe money talks and common sense walks. So, close the present Shannondell Blvd. entering the home and the signal light too,(the high-rise is really is too close and the Rite Aid and the bank makes many traffic problems) and move it on down farther to accommodate traffic from the industrial park and Neilsons driveway to his farm & also change the Entrance to the retirement home. This street must be a thru street to Park. I do believe this was suggested back a few years ago, but common sense and money was lacking on both sides - the Township and Neilson.
To anyone who criticizes Rick Brown, I say this: He made his feelings known in the Times Herald not long ago in an in-depth editorial article, and explained his voting record on this issue in a transparent and completely honest manner.
I ask you, when was the last time an LP BOS member did that?
Perhaps the Herald can repost that article so the board can see it?
To 7/8 Poster:
You are asking what can be done to bring more jobs and revenue to Lower Providence Township. Well Sir, you are asking the wrong person since I have no control in the creation of jobs. Why don't you ask our industious Township Manager and the current BOS what they have done for employment in the township. Apparently all they have done is spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for wasteful studies to determine why. It's been over 18 months and the VFCC is still 50% empty...why? Come Januarary with their heads!
Peninsula Dweller
Audubon, Pa
Peninsula Dweller, please do us a favor and please do NOT open your mouth if your foot is in it. First of all, if you are going to criticize the way the twsp is running, then run as a BOS. All you do is wine and bitch. Second of all, the township manager has tried to bring in jobs and has done a nice job of retaining jobs. Please try to read the twsp newsletter instead of writing your trashy statements here. Lastly, if you were a typical township resident, you would offer constructive ideas in this blog instead of tearing down individuals. Wait, I have an answer to your problems. Put your house up for sale so the township can make .5% on the realty transfer tax and then everyone is a winner.
Whoa; How many township employees have been layed off in the past year. Please don't give us the BS that the manager is protecting jobs. He's protecting those who bow before his holiness. I believe the manager writes all the coverage in the township newsletter along with supervisor Sassu.
Whoa; How many township employees have been layed off in the past year. Please don't give us the BS that the manager is protecting jobs. He's protecting those who bow before his holiness. I believe the manager writes all the coverage in the township newsletter along with supervisor Sassu.
Please verify and back up and defend our previous statements before posting in this blog. Nobody is believing a word that you are saying. By the way, what was meant in the posting was the retaining of commercial and industrial jobs in the township not township employee jobs but of course you would have already known that if you actually read the township newsletter.
Please stop attacking the integrity and personal character of the township manager, its employees and supervisors and instigating or inciting others to follow your lack of common decency; be forewarned, this is behavior of yours is truly pathetic and is an embarrassment to the residents in the township who read this blog.
I am also blown away by your continual negative comments and claims of prejudicial injustice against the Township by our elected representatives. Your attacks contradict your words and comments of reason and it is very clear you are trying to play online politics and straddle many worlds. In essence these rumors you are stating really demonstrate the dark, disgusting and very telling reality of who you really are. To top it off you are indeed a rumor mongrel and an attacker of all that is good in this township. You continue to show your superior ignorance of the township day to day operations by attacking their dedicated employees instead of staying on the blog topic. If you have nothing good to say, please do us a favor and stop posting.
7/9/09 Blogger:
In a way your sarcastic comments do may make a little sense. Come January 1st, hopefully a few houses will go up for sale and if you are who I think you are, we may get lucky and find you moving also since your services will no longer be required or wanted. Ask nicely and my family would be more than glad to help you pack.
Mr. Huskey, Thanks for the article by Keith Phucas in todays Times Herald. Keith should check the financial reports that Dininny and Dougherty filed with the County's Election Board. It shows the Sales Manager,and Attorney as Mascaro employees donating $2000.00. There is a Security Supervisor from the County donating $750.00 and two Real Estate Partnerships donating $1500.00. Check to see who runs these parterships. Check to see what's really behind this suit. I don't see Mr. Kerns juming out of his Chairman seat to settle this frivolous suit. We can only wait and see what's behind Mr. Fox's thoughts. How can a piece of campaign literature that most people throw away hurt your business? Could it be that the hauler is concerned about someone else taking over his overpriced contract? The Times Herald had an article not to long ago having Mascaro suing another Mascaro for infringing on his territory. I believe the Township of Lower Providence was also included in the suit. Maybe, a sitting Judge with some intelligence will hear this case and throw it out, unless the party will not allow it.
I think you are missing the point. You can't say a business is donating money when it's individuals. It was stated in the mailer that JP Mascaro COMPANY donated money which was UNTRUE. It was individuals who donated which is completely LEGAL. JP Mascaro Company has a case. The company donated nothing. Whether you like it or not, any individual, no matter who they work for or are related to, may donate money to a political campaign. That's the law and I'm sticking to it.
Penninsula Dweller-
No offense, but your response contained no ideas. If the ARC was a bad idea for LP, what would be a good idea? You have to have some idea of what you think would be better. I don't think you can blame Joe Dunbar and the BOS for lack of trying. It's easy to blame them or say "they should be the ones creating jobs" but I think that's what they were hoping to do with the ARC. My question is, if not the ARC, then what? If you don't have any ideas of your own, I can only assume you are just as some stated, a complainer who doesn't care about the welfare of others in your community who really need a job.
To those who say people don't want to work for $15/hr. Are you kidding? I guess you haven't noticed, but you can't even get a full-time minimum wage job at a fast food restaurant these days. I doubt you are someone who has been searching for employment recently. Maybe someone forgot to inform you, we are in the middle ( not the end) of a recession. Why do people continue to comment about things which they have no knowledge of? Interesting.
I think this is what's wrong with LP. People who live here don't want to get involved (unless it's something they don't want). They'd rather blame those "up at the township bldg." It is alot easier to do that. Are there no residents who want to get involved and find something that residents do want? If not, you can't complain about what gets handed to you and that seems to be alot of what I see on this blog. The BOS and township manager are at the mercy of developers, not the mercy of the residents. Maybe that's fundamentally what's wrong.
Read the paper...Acme is hiring full time $19, part time $15. Wegmans are interested in part time workers. Check out the new establishments at the new shopping center in Upper Providence. aLL YOU HAVE TO DO IS READ .
So it's OK to cater to special interests if it involves people who live near a proposed museum and don't want it, but it's not OK to cater to special interests when it involves a highway being installed in the middle of residential development. Either it's OK to kiss the butt of special interests, or it's not. You can't pick and choose. And in any event both 'sides' of the R party in LP are guilty of it. Hello, kettle!
What most small villages want is an all purpose store, drug store, grocery store, a few pubs/good places to eat with children, play grounds and some type of theatre. Most of us will go to a shopping mall for the balance of our needs. Taxes should always be reasonable, considering the type of homes/homeowners and the streets should be made safe with out worry because of too many parked cars that make it impossible to see oncoming traffic. This is just starters - I'm sure those that are planning on moving, because of some of the above situations not being attended to or available will agree.
There are quite a few jobs available - there is a need for a car in order to take on such as those offered. No transportation is available for the hours advertised. To work only 4 or 5 hours on the night shift, and it takes a half hour to get there, doesn't seem too bad. But, really think of how much it will cost to get there and the insurance covering some of the jobs that require the use of your car for part of the job. I have one, but it is like a break even.
You also have to have experince and 99% of those hiring are hiring part-time. The full-time jobs at Acme are for those with grocery experience. I dare you to go and apply for that %19/hr. job ( if it even really exists) and see what the qualifications are or is it just to get people to come in with the "potential for $19/hr." and then offer them less money or part-time "based on inexperience". You really haven't looked for a job lately have you? It's a scam.
I know someone with grocery experience who applied at Wegman's and got offered less than what she makes now and a much more hectic schedule. Believe me, these companies are looking for the person who will work the most and accept the least and there's 10 more people behind you who are desperate enough to take the job. They need to save money just like the rest of us. Full time employment is almost non-existent in this sector b/c they have to pay you benefits. Part-time just doesn't pay the bills. Really, if retail jobs paid $15/hr. part-time, don't you think everyone would be scrambling for them? Come back to planet Earth.
Shannondell Blvd. will not go thru the complex. Please get your facts correct or close the subject.
Mr Huskey:
I'm laughing in my coffee this morning rereading all the posts regarding the few Township cronies defending their current manager and BOS in their feeble attempts to bring new business and jobs to Lower Providence. Wouldn't it be more advantagous for everyone concerned to have a qualified township manager with the proper education to manange this township instead of an out of work ex-supervisor who got a sweetheart deal to jump when "you know who" called? This Township needs a new manager along with a new BOS to bring change and employment to this Township. How about someone with an MS degree in Urban Planning who actually knows what he is doing, and is completly open to the residents? Is this asking to much?
Laughing Out Loud
A little common sense will get you a P/T Job or an oncall job. The Arcola Area (they call it Collegeville for some reason)where I work has positions as this. What is your talent? Advertise!
The ARC should reimburse Lower Providence Township for all the taxpayers' money it wasted.
The roads around Shannondell will always have problems. But, on Sunday 7/12 in the afternoon, I watched an elderly lady ride her 3 wheeler with a basket for her shopping on the back, come out of the Giant Shopping Center on to Shannondell Drive and then pulling up along side a car that was turning right on to Egypt. You would have been holding your breath, as this lady should never be on a main highway/street and if it is possible, a flag of some type as they have in some resort towns, should be attached to her cycle. How in the world she managed to get up the hill to her dwelling at Shannondell is amazing - now down the hill to Egypt, would scare anyone.
Mr. Huskey; Who is this man Albert Paschall? He runs like my kitchen faucet hot and cold. Does he really know what he's talking about. First it was build the ARC at the Paulings Road area, then it was ok to go to Philly, now it's
bring it back to the Visitors Center in the park. If we listen to him the Arc would never be done. If Noah would have had Mr. Paschall as his director the ARK would never have been built either.
I agree with the poster of 7/10, I took a walk from Egypt Rd. down Shannonell Blvd past the entrance gate to the complex and continued along what will be the new road. It never enters the Shannondell Complex or through any neighborhood streets. Wake up over there, people actually have roads in from of their homes with real traffic on them. Why are these rich folks who live in a gated community fighting this issue? I live on a through street and I have traffic all the time, why can't we close Park Ave?
Sounds good to me. Close Park Avenue and Pinetown Road and then watch traffic backup. Can't get there from here is the answer.
I happen to live on one of the cut-through streets off of Egypt and sincerely, we have very little traffic since the light was put up at Crawford Rd. I don't see the need to spend more money on a road that cuts through to someplace no one is going anyway. If it gets put in, I doubt it will be used any more than it is now, which is to go in and out of Shannondell. I just don't think people who live here get that this not the LP of 30 years ago and things have changed. Shannondell isn't going away and neither are the tons of cars zipping through Audubon. There's no cut-through street that's going to lessen the AMOUNT of traffic through here. If someone can figure out how to get the cars to stop coming, now that's the person I'd vote for. No more band-aids needed when the wound is too deep.
To Laughing Out Loud in Arcola:
Of course, it MUST be township related cronies who post here and defend our elected officials. Of COURSE plain ordinary residents couldn't possibly have independent thoughts of their own to express. You give our BOS and township mgr way too much credit and power when you ignorantly blather on and on, assuming they have the power to hypnotizes people or something into supporting them on a BLOG.
And it's insulting to your fellow neighbors here when you designate anyone who dares to differ with you a 'crony'. It's not hard to look around this community and see what's going on, and I don't need somebody else to spell it out for me and then tell me to go write about it.
You, on the other hand: Whose crony are YOU? Let me guess, you are the "only" exception. You aren't defending ANYONE you call a friend, neighor or relative, right??
To Anoymous 7/15 Blogger:
I do not wish to insult you, but it is obvious that you can't comprehend what I had written previously. I am not, in any way defending any township official either elected or under contract. What I had stated was that Lower Providence Township should have qualified people in place since our Township is no different than a multi-million dollar corporation. Lower Providence is not a township where positions are given out for "favors granted" and that is my major complaint. Hopefully this situation will change in January when the new BOS cleans house and hires qualified people to do the job. In the future I will use smaller words so that you can understand what I am posting and not having to attack me for a post that you do not comprehend(means to understand).
Laughing Out Loud
Arcola, Pa
"Laughing Out Loud" sounds like Chris DiPaolo or Rick Brown.
Is Joe Dunbar the absolute best possible township manager LP could have? I don't know. I do know that he's works dilligently at his job in some complicated situations. It's tough to get new business in a township that charges the highest tax rates and impact fees of all the surrounding townships. I don't know that someone with a degree in municpal planning is going to be able to do much better.
I know lots of people with degrees who aren't nearly as effective as those with less education or experience. Also, will LP be able to attract a quality township manager with the salary it offers? I don't know. I'd like to hear from someone who actually works for the township and doesn't have political bias on this issue. What qualifications do the surrounding township managers have? How effective are they in comparison?
I thought everyone wanted the museum in VF PArk??? Now everyone is saying how happy they are that it's moved to Philly.??? Hypocrites. Would have been a great thing for LP. Sad to see it be driven away by ridiculous lawsuits and political promises.
LOL - I'll try to use short sentences so YOU can understand. I didn't misunderstand you at all. I didn't believe you were defending anyone.
Quite the contrary, you were very much on the attack in your presumption that anyone currently in place with the township is only there by virtue of them being, in your opinion, a "crony" (your word, not mine) of the current administration. You also made it seem as though you felt anyone supportive of our current BOS via 'posts' you were reading must be a crony too. As if we are all somehow incapable of independent thought and had been brainwashed. That's insulting to me as a resident and it's over-empowering to our BOS to insinuate they have that kind of power over anyone.
I believe Mr. Dunbar has an advanced degree in public administration, I think, and has by all accounts, (including other government bodies and his peers in other communities), done an outstanding job. I have no complaints about his work. I and my neighbors have always found him accessible and very responsive.
Whoever gets elected in the fall will, I'm sure, put those they trust on board and commissions and as solicitor and township mgr. It'll sure be interesting to see what some of THOSE last names are, as I'm sure they'll also be close friends of those elected. And, may or may not be qualified at all, let alone 'best qualified'. Will you still be throwing stones then? Somehow I doubt it. I guess it's OK as long as the "right" people do it.
will the new LP BOS have the ability to remove the current twp manager? (has LP been saddled with a twp manager by contract? if there is no civil service exam for the position, then is it a political position?)
since it is a change that has already been voted upon in the primary, the new BOS should have a free hand to do as they like.
We have a great Township Manager. Mr. Dunbar has always made time for my concern when I went out to the township building. He is not one of those run-of-the-mill managers, he truly likes this township and the people that make up the great groups of have and have-nots as one blogger said. The plan for the township needs to be made more clear and when people complain about deed restrictions that are not followed, with an addition to a home, number of cars/animals for a small lot,and usually the up-keep, the office personnel needs to be able to trace these deeds and direct the complaint to the proper people, they are not quite up to snuff, usually it is the Township Manager or someone under his control.Now Supervisors do control the ability of our Township Manager in many cases,our township manager is well educated and when he has doubt always checks others that are in the same position. Good follow-thru is always necessary. So, stop complaining and take a look at all the surrounding townships and be glad we have Dunbar.
Thanks Joe for that wonderful resume. You don't know the word professional.
7/20/09 Blogger:
Say what you will about Mr.Dunbar, but most of us in this area consider him an unqualified opportunist with a lot of political baggage. As soon as he's gone, the better off this township will be.
Happy Harry
Audubon, Pa
again, is mr. dunbar in a political position or a civil service position?
7/21 Blogger:
Neither! Dunbar is on a contract that does have a terminination clause. This is what the new BOS will have to use to release him in January. You may review his contract under the Freedom of Information Law.
Happy Harry
Audubon, Pa
Here it is Wednesday and the sound you have been hearing all day and night since the past weekend has just been noted by our Township. I thought it was my hearing or maybe the need to get ear plugs. This concern has been noted by the officials, but maybe the time line is a little off for reporting and the corrections being taken with the proper fines. Thanks! You are now getting into the swing of Community Notification that has been kind of slow in the past.
I think the National Parks Conservation Association, Joyce Clueless, Chris DiPaolo, and Rick Brown should reimburse LP Township for the lawsuits they encouraged and brought against the township over a perfectly legal ordinance. Just do your job and stop interfering with binding contracts. Isn't that illegal for you to do Mr. Supervisors? Frivolous lawsuits seem to have a way of showing up wherever you go. Wonder why that is?
it might make interesting reading to see how much in taxpayer dollars it will take to release our twp manager when the new BOS takes over in jan.
To 7/23 Anonymous:
No matter what it costs, and my understanding is that it would be six months salary plus benefits to terminate him, wouldn't that expense be worth it to replace him with a qualified Township Manager. To me it is!
Happy Harry
If Keenan & Heinegg are elected, I think they would take a look at the township mamger position but I don't think they necessarily have plans to remove Joe Dunbar either. Maybe there's just too much Republican in-fighting going on here to be objective about whether or not Joe Dunbar is doing a good job or not. What has he done that is bad? What has he done that is good? Comments anyone? Surely you must all have some facts to back up your opinions.
7/23 Blogger:
If you have to ask what Mr. Dunbar has done good or bad during his tenure as Township Manager, then you must have had your head buried in the sand for the past five years. Have you you ever attended a Supervisor's meeting or even read the township news in the Times Herald? I sincerely believe that your Mr. Keenan or Mr. Heinegg never did wonder the D's don't have the slightest idea of what's actually happening in this township and you think they stand a chance of winning? Forget about it!
Laughing Out Loud
Arcola, Pa
how can keenan and hienegg be for any kind of change if they are willing to keep the current twp mgr on after taking over?
if they want to keep the staus quo, then what are they running for?
What's this deal with GOPAC. Brown and DiPaulo start a political action committee raise and spend thousands of dollars but they can't find any reports showing there actions. Please can these Republicans follow the rules and can we trust Pasarella's voter services office to do their job and oversee these infractions. These two men get special treatment, WHY?
Good, Bad and Best.
Check why the Park and Rec. Director left???????????????
Hey gopac....
If you know so much about Brown and DiPalo would you please find out why the funds for the D&D fund raiser on the 30th of April at Chadwick's at $100.00 per was never filed on their campaign finance statement.
Remember the glass house theory.
I have an idea........With all the unemployment at hand have the county hire a couple hundred persons to scrutinize ALL finance reports at election time. Find out where all the CASH money comes from and make the donee responsible for it. Taking cash and submitting someone else name should be a felony and the candidate should be locked up.
I'm sure that there are many infractions that cross over the election boards desk,but, they are only a few to take care of many. Gopac is a meat processing company in Hatfield I think.
LOL Nerd-
Keenan & Heinegg may or may not want to remove Joe Dunbar. I think it would definitely be something they will take a look at. No one has answered my question. What things ,good or bad, has Joe Dunbar done? I've been to many township meetings and I haven't seen anything out of line when it comes to our township manager but maybe someone out there has some information they'd like to share?
As for Keenan & Heinegg, they have attended township meetings on many occassions and have reviewed the current township budget thoroughly. I've spoken with each of them after knocking on my door and they want to get past all of this ridiculous Republican fighting and get something accomplished for once. Now wouldn't that be a nice change? I think so.
The PArks & rec. director should have left with all the mismanagement of funds. Now there's where we need someone with some qualifications.
Hey Mopac,
I heard that Neilson foot the bill for Dininny and Dougherty's fundraiser at Chadwick's. That is why is didn't show up on their financial reports. A little birdie told me that it should have been listed under in kind contributions on their filing. It was not, but what the heck, let's change the subject, this is all water over the dam anyway. This blog was supposed to be about the ARC. Now on that note I hear that learned counsel, Mr. Charles Mancracchia is still filing and billing the residents of Lower Providence Township for appeals still being taken by the zoning hearing board. Another attorney told me that the ZHB has no legal right in these appeals and billings in the thousands should stop now.
Maybe Attorney "M" covering ARC hearings should make public his reason for the billings that have been talked about at the locals. The Township Newsletter would be ideal.
ARC is in Philadelphia or is he not aware of it?
Anonymous July 27, 2009 4:33 PM
What things ,good or bad, has Joe Dunbar done?
If you have to ask that question, you have already answered it.
Oh boy. I see Ferraro is off his meds again.
7/30 Blogger:
Don't you wish you had half the intelligence and nearly the same township knowledge that Joe Ferraro possesses?
When Joe speaks, listen to him, he certainly speaks the truth and is not afraid to step on necessary feet when his information is pertinent to the situation. Just remember, "he who is without knowledge, condemns those that do"! You might try listening to him and possibly learn something!
The Professor
Audubon, Pa
I really have to thank Mr. Huskey for printing Joe Farraro's letter.
If you think Joe has come off his meds for telling the truth of the matter, then you are on your way to Norristown State. You see, Joe has been up and down the Township of Lower Providence he could write quite an intensive novel of the coming and going of every politican elected. Keep up the good work Joe misery loves company.
Joe is an interesting man. I have listened to him over the years and he really has his opinion and states it. Now, I mean - right or wrong - it is out there.
Mr. Ferrero belongs on the Planning Commission. I hope the new regime has room for him there or on the Zoning Board. He has twice the township knowledge as D&D together, and the integrety to go along with it.
I haven't used my pen name since being physically threatened in a corresponding blog a number of months ago.
Thank you, Professor, Sunshine, and Anon. for your kind words.
I step in when i see a vaccuum form.
My only drug is COFFEE.
I think Mr. Ferraro would make a good dog catcher.
I'm positive that he could find a lot of two legged dogs running around Lower Providence. One of them could be a little fuzzy. Peace and prosperity to you.
If Joe the Nerd is so great, why doesn't he run for something then? He certainly seems to have the stomach for it, even if his big mouth would get LPT sued in short order.
Joe the nerd talks in public with facts, not hide behind a name like anonymous. In all the LPT meetings Joe has attended and voiced his concerns, no one has challenged his views or concerns. Matter of fact, he has held many of the Supervisors hands to the fire. Things are still fuzzy around here.
Arguing with a fool proves there are two. - Doris M. Smith
Just remember . . .
When you lie down w/ dogs - you get fleas !
Just exactly how many two legged dogs are in the mix ?
Nobody challenges Joe because he clearly rants and raves like a lunatic. Who's gonna argue with that? It's a waste of time. Joe may have a big mouth and 'state his opinion, right or wrong' and all that but if they throw him on the ZHB or any other board he will effectively be muzzled lest he give the appearance of having already made up his mind about things. Come to think of it, maybe that's not such a bad idea. Some peace and quiet around here would be nice for a change.
Hope you had a chance to watch "The National Parks" on Channel 12 all this week. You would understand more about why certain areas should remain as they are - no need for large buildings - just enjoy the quiet silence of the land. Take a walk in Valley Forge and canoe down the Perky. The cost? "O"!!
ARC war may be lost but now the LP is talking trash with the residents. At the last meeting Alteri and Dininny wouldn't even consider polling the residents on trash collection. Dinniny insinutated residents would not Understand the two questions. Luckily, Sassu, Brown and DiPaulo voted to poll the residents for their opinions.
Saw an Ad in the TH, placed by LP, stating that applications to serve on various committees were being accepted. I think, maybe this should be decided AFTER the November Election - but of course I'm just one of the voters that really can't understand too many things about how local government is trying to be run. I really do understand how it should be run.
I don't think you have to worry.
Whomever is elected in November will be selective in January. One thing for sure Dinnniny, Alteri, Sassu and Dunbar cronies should NOT be among them. Put your application in.
You are right, not to worry because they are or will be on the committees. Dunbar might be the exception.
Great picture in your paper of the decorated Arch surroundings in Valley Forge Park honoring the Revolutionary War Dead. Now, where do you think people go when they think of the War and the hardship Washington and his men had to go through. We here in Audubon appreciate the history because our area was part of that history.
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