Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Lower Providence Supervisors won't be criminally charged

Montgomery County's district attorney will not charge Colleen Eckman and Don Thomas in connection with the campaign battle waged against former township supervisor Craig Dininny and his running mate, James Dougherty. That doesn't mean J.P. Mascaro and Son's will drop its civil suit against Eckman and Thomas, though. The pair accused employees of the company of funding their opponent's campaign. While that is perfectly legal, it is a no no under the Pennsylvania election code for companies to fund political campaigns. So, if defamation is not a criminal offense, will it hold up in a civil court?


Anonymous said...

J.P.Mascaro & Sons should drop the suit. A correction to the verbage and an apology should be sufficient from Eckman & Thomas and those that worked on this campaign. This is how the older Mascaro family members would have handled it. The whole problem happened during the heat of a campaign - normal. So, they need to forgive, but not necessarily forget is how most of us handle situations.

Money Tree said...

I believe Mr. Dininny's running mate was James not Joseph Dougherty. The D.A. did the right thing in not pursuing a frivolous issue as this. I'm sure what ever monies are gained by J.P.will not make him any wealthier than he already is. The bible teaches us to turn the other cheek J.P. that's the way to heaven. You know your hurting them financially, will that satisfy your appetite? The only parties making money on this case is the lawyers. Politics will never change, and you can take that to the bank.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Huskey;

Thomas & Eckman NEVER accused the Mascaro Company of funding someones campaign. They stated that employees of the firm made the contributions. Thousand of dollars were given to the candidates in question. If it goes to a civil court, someone will have to answer where that money came from. Thomas and Eckman should go to a higher entity to solve this dilemma. Norristown had the feds look into the problem they had. Where is the Mayor
and Borough Manager today? What happened to the little boy who cried wolf?

Anonymous said...

Mrs, Eckman and Mr. Thomas are far more honest, down to earth, and much more attuned to our resident's needs than the previous two supervisors who were voted out. It is a shame that all the "sour grapes" hasn't been thrown out a long time ago and moved on to other issues. This is especially true of the "supervisor wannabe" who supports her own blog site and constantly attacks the current BOS. Grow up Janice!

Uncle Tony said...

It is a sad day for a story to break that occurred in January of this year. Mascaro's mouthpiece, Bill Fox had front page headlines accusing them of criminal wrongdoing in many editions of the Times Herald. Now 9 months later the letter from the DA that cleared them of criminal wrongdoing hits the paper. Bill Fox had this letter all the time and failed to share it with the newspaper, imagine that! Clearly, it is time for Mascaro to put his knife back in the drawer and swallow his pride. Where did all that money come from anyway, it is hard to believe that this money wasn't derived from his businesses, his employees and wife gave the money, where did they get it from?

Sooo Sorry said...

I feel so bad for Pat Mascaro, he thought he had the DA in his corner, but Furman had to take a look at the charges and see that they were politically motivated and bogus to boot.

The election board had a hot potato and threw it to her to get it off their plate. It would be interesting to note how much campaign money was donated by family and workers of the Mascaro clan to the current members of the election board, and how Pat Mascaro got put on the County Planning Commission.

Why doesn't an investigative reporter look into these things and see what really goes on behind the scenes.

It would be sad for Lower Providence to be controlled by their trash hauling company. That is what was going on here, if you care to take a look.

Thousands of dollars in campaign donations to incumbents Dougherty and Dininny, they voted to award a multi million dollar contract to Mascaro as lame duck supervisors after being tossed out of office by novice candidates.

Thank goodness the LP voters could see through all this smoke screen thrown up by Bill Fox. Sorry, Bill you loose, try being a lawyer once in awhile, if you want to go to work for the paper then quit your day job at Mascaro's.

Unknown said...

So when does the DA open an investigation into the idea that Mascaro was attempting to intimidate public officials?

Grace in Place said...

The Board of elections chairman is buddy buddy with the solicitor of the zoning hearing board who in turn is buddy buddy with the c.e.o of J.P.

My hat's off to the D.A for a fair interpretation of what occured in the last election.

Beware of the FOX in the HENHOUSE.

By the way, what ever happen to the $8000.00 shown on Dininney's and Dougherts expense report from
the sponser of the ARC project?

Hey Mr. Nerd, GREAT question.

Anonymous said...

Question Mr. Huskey.

The party sueing Eckman & Thomas are stating that Mascaro Company had no influence in donating money to a campaign. The expense report filed by D&D showed $1000.00 donated by the wife of the chief principle of that firm. It must have been a pesonal check. Corporate checks are not allowed. now the question? Who put that money into the checking account? Is the wife employed? More questions will follow. Thanks for listening.

Anonymous said...

"Turn the other cheek". That's an interesting opinion, but one that Eckman/Thomas & their handlers apparently didn't think applied to themselves. They and those supporting them personally disliked Dininny so much that they went out of their way to find others to run against him (incumbent) despite what many felt was a great record of accomplishments.

We all have our differences of opinion, but instead of 'turning the other cheek' and letting bygones be bygones and supporting a candidate who had proven electability, they chose to pursue a scorched earth campaign strategy that was as successful as it was inaccurate and mean-spirited, and not 'normal' in that third parties were also dragged into it.

The time for turning the other cheek by anyone is long since past, and the nuclear fallout obviously continues. Hey at least Stan is selling papers again, and some charity will benefit nicely when Mascaro wins some damages.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous:

Dininny could not win his seat as a committeeman, why would one believe he was electable as a supervisor. Remember he ran with no opposition when he was elected. Eckman & Thomas showed how electable he was with the voters of Lower Providence. Mascaro should pull in his horns and forget about SOME damages. It will be interesting if this goes to a civil trial. One can then check to see what Judge received donations fron certain parties. I like the idea of the Feds coming to town.

Fed Up said...

Hey 'other' anonymous,

So let me get this straight, if a judge happens to rule in favor of Mascaro you are going to assume he’s corrupt and call for an investigation? Wow.

One district out of many does not determine whether somenoe is electable or not, esp. when the opposition is working OT spreading lies about you. (I’m sure that even though Obama is wildly unpopular in most states right now, the Democrat party will still put him on the ticket in 2012).

It’s pretty obvious that Audubon (what is in the water down there?) has its own issues that don’t necessarily concern or impact the rest of the township, and most who don’t live there were fine with him until storytelling got started. The smear mailer was the nail in the coffin and very effective, so pat yourselves on the back, unfortunately some actions have difficult consequences and this is one of them.

Anonymous said...

Mr Huskey:
Maybe I am politically naive, but one of your 8/26 blogger's refers to all of Mr. Dininny's many accomplishments. Just what did he accomplish in his six years in office besides building a bocce court on a no bid contract. Any guesses whose husband did the contstruction?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you finally published the DA's findings, albeit 9 months late. Come on Stan you knew there was nothing criminal or defamation here. Heck, if Mascaro gets anywhere with his case, the Times Herald goes down with it when CBIZ sues for the paper saying the company gave campaign donations, but later in the article clarifies and says it was related parties. Hmmm, sound familiar? Sour grapes and a Political lawsuit, that's all this is.

Anonymous said...

Is there a world outside of Lower Pettiness Township?

Jim from Collegeville said...

Lower Pettiness Township. Love it. You should use that, Stan!

Anonymous said...

August 26, 2010 blogger- yes you are politically naive- go back to bed. Who cares who built it, it was built with the love of our community. AS far as those who are calling the township petty, better petty than stupid. Too many neighboring townships will be hurting financially in the next six months and budgets will be a nightmare. Be glad that you had supervisors and twsp staff in the past five years who have done an excellent job in handling the budget. Not many municipalities can brag on this issue like LPT

Anonymous said...

Hold off your bragging rights unless you know what your talking about. Stan, you know most of these blogs are written by a former supervisor or a wannabee. It all boils down to why the letter was held by Mr. BIG and not turned over to the responsible parties. Mr. Dininny is probably very happy spending his spare time with his family. Doc is enjoying his spare time on the zoning board. who else to pick on?

Jim S. said...

And so they shouldn't be, the DA knew this was all a lot to do about nothing and did the correct thing, dismissed it routinely.

You just had to love her quote, Ferman said "This theory stretches the law to a point beyond recognition" Yes, that is what Bill Fox is all about, stretching the law to suit his purposes beyond all recognition.

I was a little disappointed with the DA in not making her decision public 9 months ago, this is a shame, having seen all the bad publicity that Eckman and Thomas had to endure for so long. It begs the question as why the decision was hidden from the public. I wish the Times Herald could uncover the answer to this vital question.

Oh well, better late than never, Mascaro should be satisfied that they have suffered enough already.

Anonymous said...

The blogger who mentioned the Feds coming to town may have something there. It would be good to see an investigation into the major donations given to the Dininny/Dougherty campaign. Especially the $10,000.00 donation given by Mr. Jerry Lenfest, what was that all about? Good government, I don't think so, I didn't know they were such good friends. Jerry doesn't live in Lower Providence so what the biggest political donation in the history of Lower Providence, maybe the Feds can get us an answer.

I am delighted to see Eckman and Thomas on the Dias contributing to the good government we now enjoy. Keep up with televising the meetings as I don't have time to attend when they are scheduled.

Anonymous said...

To 8/27 Blogger:
If things were done for the love of the community and the foresight to keep the tax base steady, our last two supervsors should have been sainted, not thrown out of office. I did get out of bed to help them move on and will do it again when necessary. I do believe we will be seeing the "wanna be" and her many signs come spring.

Anonymous said...

If you want someone to pick on,try Tom Borai. If he would have stayed out of the last race D&D would have sweeped Eckman and Thomas.

The old man never quits. Probably throw his hat in the next election too.

Spend your time singing or dancing at some senior housing develoment.


Anonymous said...

Eckman & Thomas suffered? They won they election, didn't they? They got the jobs they wanted, and this stuff comes with the territory. Suck it up and grow a thicker skin.

Anonymous said...

Wrong again anonymous,

If you would split the votes that Borai received between Dininny and Dougherty thy both would still have lost the election. Borai was not the spoiler you thought he was.

As recalled by a Republican Committeeman's notes, Borai got 433 votes, 1/2 of that, say 216 added to Dininny's 882 would give you 1098, Thomas got 1114, so you see that your math is a little off. Eckman received 1294 votes, the top vote getter in the mix.

Sour grapes again, this election is over, to the victor belong the spoils.

Tom Borai said...

Stan, I received a call to check out your recent blogs that my name may be taken in vain. To the blogger who suggested that I should take up singing and dancing at a senior complex, I have been there and done that as a security guard. At my age I'm quite happy with my umpire status in P.I.A.A high school softball. Happy umpiring in the Montco Umpire Association. Playing twice a week in the Montgomery County Senior Softball League in Hatfield. I will say this though, the walker is well oiled, the cane and crutches are in the corner, and who knows what the next election may bring. Heck I'll take the 433 votes, there are still some seniors who remember my twelve years in office. Thanks Stan for the opportunity to vent. Tom

Anonymous said...

I take strong exception on the attacks on Tom Borai. Mr Borai is a fine upstanding citizen who has served Lower Providence Township faithfully and what's more honestly for many years with great sacrifice to his family. To those that are his friends, I say thank you. To his few enemies, just take your "sour grapes" attitude and bury them in a backyard in Village Green.
Tom's Friend
Lower Providence

Lucy from Trooper said...

Mr. Huskey,

I applaud you and the Times herald paper for allowing this type of dialogue. I am always amused by the posters who support their garbage man. I never had that feeling that the guy who pick up my trash and myself had any king of connection, but hey, what do I know.

I agree with many of the posters that Mascaro should let it go now that the DA said that there is nothing to the trumped up charges. Just cause you have lots of money and a big team of lawyers doesn't always mean that you get your own way.

It is time to live and let live, forgiveness is taught in the bible and hopefully at all our churches.

Let's suck it in and move on with more important issues facing our world.

Unknown said...

Anonymous August 30, 2010 7:58 AM
"If you want someone to pick on,try Tom Borai. "

Craig Dinniny - Is that you?

Anonymous said...

The standard for proving civil charges isn't as stringent as for criminal. As OJ Simpson found out, just because you avoid criminal charges doesn't mean you're off the hook. He was still find civilly liable, and is still paying. The family of Ron Goldstein seizes every dollar OJ makes. That may well be the case here.

As for Dininny, he's not involved anymore - you almost never see him anywhere in public these days, but some people gotta have somebody to hate, it seems.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Huskey, I do not believe it's a hate issue with Mr. Dininny, I believe it is a matter of trust, and where his loyalties were.
He was a dream at getting things done for certain parties. As his financial report showed. Did not an earlier blogger ask about a$8,000 donation to his campaign. Can anyone give an answer to this question?

Anonymous said...

To blogger of 9/2/10, yes, Mr. Dininney did receive a major donation from a Mr. Gerry Lenfest to the tune of $10,000.00. It is on his campaign expense report at the bureau of voter services. As you will recall Mr. Lenfest wanted favorable zoning to allow a commercial complex to be built within the National Park Bounds, and guess what? He got his zoning in a 3-2 vote but was scuttled by 5 residents who brought suit against the ARC and the illegal spot zoning. Now Mr. Lenfest has moved his project to Philly where it will be built much faster and cheaper than in the rolling hills of Valley Forge.

Anonymous said...

When making some adjustments or building on, it does pay to know some person in the business. That is how so many problems started. Now, as we think back on some situations, we voters have only ourselves to blame. Vote out a person now holding office and they will appear on a committee from here on until time ends. We have many people on our committees that are in their mid to upper 80s - now they have sharp minds, but really a change is needed and a look at how the Township as a whole is set up would be a change.

To be young again said...

If your speaking of L.P. Township,please tell me what committee has any one 80 and over?. Maybe some younger voters do not have the time or fortitude to step up to the plate. Remember, the younger generation have their children to raise and families to feed. How is the Township made up? It runs under a Board of Five Supervisors with a Manager making $125,000 plus. The Board is awarded a pay of around $4100.00 a year for their 24-7 role. People can sit back, take shots, judge how a former member performed at their position, but, ask them to take a run at a committee position you know the answer, I don't have the time or patience. I'll just sit back and bitch, write my blog,drink my beer,as I watch the boob tube from my recliner. Heck, I can always catch the action of the B.O.S. the next Tuesday on the same Boob Tube. Stay happy, 2012 will be here before you know it!

Anonymous said...

I believe the Sewer and Audit has some older people. Not too sure if they are in the age bracket suggested, but they have been around for about 30 years.

Anonymous said...

The Auditors are there in TITLE only. They do not do a darn thing. And you are correct,there is a former supervisor who serves on the sewer authority and is in his 80s. 84 to be exact and doing a super job. A healthy mind is good.

Anonymous said...

The auditor is in her mid-eighties. She and a couple other cronies trot out to meetings once in a while and they wind up falling asleep in the audience.
Same for the golden oldies on committee, they do next to nothing. Some have not knocked on doors for anybody in years.

Speaking of knowing someone in the business, there's a guy right now who's getting everything he wants done in Audubon, from the current BOS. Same game, different players. Guess it's only not allowed unless you're the one handing out the candy.

Awake in Audubon said...

To poster of 9-9, talks cheap, who are you referring to anyway? We would like to know who is getting treated well in LP. Come on out of the closet, at least the ole ladies show up and are accounted for, not you babe.

Anonymous said...

Yes there are quite a few oldies serving on committees, but the point is that younger people that live in LP and are not planning on moving south or selling their homes any time soon, should be in on the learning train - you know, here today and whatever tomorrow. We never want to be a part of the PPP or PPPP - (I'll give you a clue as to the three PPP meaning - Poor, Prior,Planning).

Sweet Cheeks said...

To the 9-11 blogger. Is the person who is getting all the free rides in Audubon the same party who contributed to your run in Trooper?

Stick to your own blog chubs, there you can fall in love with no one other than yourself.

Paybacks are hell and there coming sooner than you can imagine.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Huskey, Your a pretty cool guy who understands most problems sent your way. I don't consider you an Ann Landers, but you are very well versed in the surrounding communities. What is considered old age?? Some of your bloggers say 80+. Some say 50+. I know some people in their forties that can't get off their butts to do anything. As a matter of fact how about the 20+ that can't even write their name. Thanks for your ear,the one with the stud in it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Cheeks, you don't do too bad sitting in the back row of the township meetings. You do put up a good front, and when you depart you do bring the rear into play. Hang in there, I predict Mr. right or wrong is in yor future.

Anonymous said...

Stan, I believe you are concentrating on the wrong twsp. It appears that Skippack and Limerick townships have some serious problems. That is the problem, working supervisors who are developers. Keep pressing the issue of having your reporters live in those twsps instead of LP. While Carl is sitting in on LPT meetings, Skippack is running away with cart horse. That is where the news is. Taxpayers monies being spent on supervisors who are busy hiding their criminal activities. How can they possibly serve the citizens of those twsps properly? Were they doing this on twsp time also? There is alot more here believe me.

Janice Kearney said...

For the record, nobody but me, myself and I contributed to my 'run' in Trooper. These races are so small & cost so little that by law you don't even have to file campaign finance reports for them. I guess you'd only know that if you actually had run for anything yourself.

I was proud to spend my own money on my passion - politics - for a local race that covers 1 out of 10 voting districts in one township. Seriously, it was pocket change and most of what it took was old-fashioned knocking on doors, which is FREE and something my opponent didn't feel she needed to do anymore after all these years. If you are hinting at our trash collector as a 'contributor' continue at your peril; you might have heard that he doesn't take such allegations lightly. Neither do I.

I'm SO glad you enjoy the view and I can provide the highlight of your week. That's what us chicks, (oops, cheeks, was it? Are we off 'heels' then??) are here for, right? Too bad I can't say the same for you. As you've definitely got me beat in the 'cheeks' department, you might try knocking on doors, it's excellent exercise.

You don't even need to use your real name - it's obvious who you are. Stan ought to be glad you read/post here; without you he'd have about 75% fewer posts.

Stan, have to agree about Limerick/Skippack - that stuff makes Lower Providence look like Mayberry by comparison.

Trooper Mary said...

No, NO, NO Janice.Your very wrong. The Feds took care of Norristown, then jumped over Lower Providence.
Now that Limerick and Skippack has been taken over Mayberry may be next.

You seem to believe that only one person in L.P. is not on the I love Janice Kiss, Kiss,) list,

Cheeks,Chest whatever you may call it, you should have been a baker,for you do take the cake.

WHY DO YOU CONTINUALLY beat the other committee person in your district down? You are the one who said harmony should be within the party. I guess you want to play out of tune, that's your game plan.

Janice Kearney said...

First, it’s the truth. She didn’t knock on any doors that I am aware of. If calling attention to that makes her (or you) uncomfortable, so be it.

Second, if I was “beating her down’ I would have named her here. I declined to do so. The election is over so there is no need to (and she shouldn’t take it personally, it’s just politics, she’s been at this longer than I have & knows it comes with the territory). I don't see HER complaining here.

Third, I’ve reached out to her for one thing or another over several years now in the interests of working in harmony. She has not once had the maturity or capacity to put differences aside and work together for the good of the party (even our chairman can’t get her to buck up and move on) nor returned my calls or emails or, heaven forbid, reached out to me. That kind of attitude is appropriate for girls in junior high, but not women in their seventies. I’d rather work WITH her, but I can’t make her if she doesn’t want to (not that we’ll ever be sitting around braiding each other’s hair in our free time, but we do have work to do). Fortunately, it’s easy to work around her.

Nice to see you Trooper Mary. Haven’t heard from you in awhile; nice to see you are still with us. I do worry.

Trooper Mary,Jans friend? said...

Hey Jan, It's nice to know that you missed me. See there you go again with the age issue, at the age you mentioned she has traveled a few miles longer in the political arena. You apparently have a few jealous feelings toward this particular person.

I believe you feel that some people are questioning your capabilities and intelligence, my take on the issue is writen in Stan's blog column.

Thres a writers view point in todays inquirer, page D3 sports page titled Professionalism is priority in locker room. The writer states " If you want to be treated like a professional, you have to DRESS like a professional. That means NO super-short skirts , NO CLEAVAGE-revealing blouses. NO short skirts. Very important point: Don't flirt. Don't flip your hair. Don't tilt your head to the side.Don't,Don't etc.

The advice is great, I believe it can also be directed to persons in politics.

It could read "Professionalism is priority in POLITICS".

Pool shots are not appropriate either.

One last question: Who is the Chairman of the Lower Providence Republican Party? Is he the same person that was on the school board and came down in the audience and punched a taxpayer? Great guy to get next too. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Why do people who post on here address Stan as if they know him personally? It's weird. I don't think Stan Huskey cares THAT much about anyone in LP. He's just reporting the news of the day. This is the most boring, overindulged topic. Can we please move on? No one gives a crap about this except those who won or lost the last Supervisor's race and the handful of their same old loyal followers. Same old, same old. Boring.

Anonymous said...

Who are the low-class people commenting on Janice's appearance? Granted, I have not always agreed with Janice K. on political issues, but really people, you've got no class. Sickening to read such commentary. I'm embarassed for your parents. Completely uncalled for.

Janice Kearney said...

Thanks for my chuckle of the day. I don't even OWN any 'short skirts', unless you think something that falls mid-calf is 'short'. I will take the rest of your critique with a similarly big grain of salt.

The new chair of the Republican Party in LP is the one and the same guy, Jim Van Horn. He was not my first choice for chair, but of the 20 total committeepeople, he had the majority of their votes, so there he is - maybe your beef should be with those who elevated him to that status. Just because he is trying to foster a conversation between two people does not mean I (or anyone else) is 'getting next to him' whatever that means.

Obviously the people of Audubon think he still has merit since they just re-elected him as committeeman in their district for the next four years, and I don't believe anyone ran against him. So far, I think he's doing a good job in that role and has been supportive of my ideas and efforts. If that ever changes, well, I'm sure I'll be blogging about it!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the committee people were afraid to run against him or vote against him. He does seem to have a few anger management issues.

Anonymous said...

For the first time in my political life I have to agree with you regarding the election of our new committee chairman.

Trooper Mary, Jan,s friend said...

Hey Jan: Four out of five, not a bad average.

I'll leave you with a short saying from Frieda Norris. "Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them, and you have their shoes.

It's like everything else you do, you don't read into the message.

Folks are trying to help you, and you continue to downgrade them.

This will be my final answer to you on this issue, providing Stan prints it.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see the list of contributors from the Mascaro Company & their employees and any subcompany connected to this firm, in connection with any/all candidates here in Montgomery/Chester/Bucks/Berks Counties that have run for office the last 4-6 years. We need to know before this fall election.

Anonymous said...

Anon- Take yourself down to the election board at 1 Montgomery Plaza and you can ask to see the financial reports of any candidate you wish. It's public information. I've gone several times to see who's contributing and as far as the Mascaro contributions - I've never seen any money contributed from the JP Mascaro company (which would be illegal). I have seen contributions made by family members, employees and friends of JP MAscaro Co. which is 100% legal.

Anonymous said...

You keep asking for the donations from a certain company name. Big corporations have satellite companies that they use to contribute to political parties. There are many way's to skin a cat.

Anonymous said...

OK Heels, why don't you try MB Investments and see who they are. You might want to solicit them for a political contribution yourself.

Anonymous said...

Anon- Take yourself down to the election board at 1 Montgomery Plaza and you can ask to see the financial reports of any candidate you wish. It's public information. I've gone several times to see who's contributing and as far as the Mascaro contributions - I've never seen any money contributed from the JP Mascaro company (which would be illegal). I have seen contributions made by family members, employees and friends of JP MAscaro Co. which is 100% legal.

October 1, 2010 3:16 PM


but, how much of the employees $ is coerced? we've seen it at the PHA. it's not legal if you feel that you have to contribute to keep your job. same with Montgomery County...

Anonymous said...

Great article on the Lower Providence Township Manager wages. Seems like the past board gave the kitchen sink away when they drafted his contract up. Stan, the public is wondering if the President was born in this country, they should be asking if the Township manager has a college degree? Not a correspondence course, but a full four year degree. They should also be asking why the female park and recreation director resigned from her job. And who she has been seen in public with. Check also who was sitting on the Board of Supervisors when the building was given away. For the amount of money the Board granted him, there is more qualified subjects out there to fill the position. The article was well written,tell me it's not true. 2-401 plans, clothing allowance, cleaning allowance, longevity pay compensitory time, ( I thought he was a salary mployee)? WOW>>>>
What a sweetheart deal.

Trooper Mary said...

Today I watched the re-broadcast of L.P. Townships Board of Supervisors meeting. It is beyond belief how a certain member of the L.P. Zoning Board can stand before the camera and question the old contract given to the township manager in 2005. A contract she approved as a six month(rent a Supervisor). She questioned the vice chairman Cris DiPalo on his vote on the new contract for the township manager,it seemed she was not too interested in hearing his answer. He answered her questions to the point, but she still was not happy. This women is hell bent on puting anyone presently in office down, she is a very vindictive person.
She's getting all the free camera time available to catapult her campaign for supervisor next year.
The voters have heard enough of
campaign slaughter this time around to last a century. Give us some positives, the negatives will take care of themselves. My thanks to supervisor Eckman for her explanation of the NEW managers contract.

Anonymous said...

Trooper mary;

You should talk-talk about the kettle being black. I am surprised you were not the one complaining. Get your rear end to the meeting and perform your civic duty instead of crying here in the blog. You are pathetic and vindictive

Trooper Mary said...

Why should I complain? The NEW board of Supervisors took care of the problem. It's a bitch when someone tells the truth and you can't take the heat. One nice thing about watching the re-broadcast on comcast, the mute button is in one's hands. My emotions and passions are not a problem,and by telling the truth can't be vindictive. Get a real life, and that's not politics.

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like this women is telling the truth for which Trooper Mary cannot handle "This women is hell bent on puting anyone presently in office down, she is a very vindictive person. She's getting all the free camera time available to catapult her campaign for supervisor next year." Trooper Mary- why don't you get your face in front of the camera or are you afraid your retributions may come out? Get a life and disappear from the blog.

Anonymous said...

I saw the tape too and all Chris did was try to baffle the woman questioning him with BS and dazzle with numbers that didn't make any sense. He ducked and weaved, but he never answered the core question and to her credit she didn't let him off the hook easily. What he said and what he did contradicted himself and warranted some sort of explanation. I didn't see it at all in a negative way. Are residents not aloud to ask questions? There are people who speak/complain at the twp building a lot more often than this woman does.

Anonymous said...

Nice try "J", you just did not know how to come back with an answer. Did you really know what the question was? The manager got his contract, he was happy, so what's the big deal? A little Italian Proverb; To the old cat give a tender mouse.