Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Paging Common Sense. Has anyone seen common sense?

If you were driving in a rain storm and you came upon a road completely covered in water with no way of knowing how deep it was would you a.) turn around or b.) attempt to drive right through it?

If you were hiking in the woods and saw a bear a hundred yards in front of you would you a.) turn around or b.) keep walking because nothing is going to spoil your walk?

If you drop a knife while working in the kitchen do you a.) jump out of the way as if your life depended on it, or b.) try to catch it?

If you answered ‘a’ to all of the above,you may read the rest of my column at http://bit.ly/9Iy6UD


Anonymous said...


If you find yourself being waved at by a beautiful lady on main street at 12 o'clock at night do you (a) stop and give her a ride, (b) wait for the cops to put the cuffs on you, (c) keep driving home so your wife will not kill you.

Unknown said...

I don't think there's a good answer for that one. I probably wouldn't be out at midnight in the first place. How's that?

Anonymous said...

I live in Lower Providence Township, what is "common sense"?

Anonymous said...

Better you move to Norristown and find out. Don't you read the paper, someone is being shot, raped, or robbed everyday in Norristown proper. You should count your lucky days to be living in Lower Providence where there is still law and order to prevent all this kind of mayhem.

Anonymous said...

So the Preacher Man and his merry little group of followers have decided to show us all how to win the war on terrorism. Apparently this whole deal was a whole lot simpler to solve than anybody but the Preacher Man knew. Why apparently all we had to do on 9/12 was strap on our pistols and go out on our front yards and burn a bunch of books. Send ‘em a “message” that we’re not to be trifled with. Maybe wave around a few of those fancy flags with the Rattlesnake and “Don’t Tread on Me” written on them and fire a few shots in the air for good measure. Throw in a couple of Confederate battle flags just so’s we are heard loud and clear. I’m right sure that when old Osama and his crowd received the Preacher Man’s message that they’d of just thrown down their AK-47’s and just ran shivering back up into the hills never to be heard from again. Just look at all the money and young lives we could have saved over the last 9 years if the Preacher Man had just stepped forward earlier.

Only little question that I have for the Preacher Man and his little group is if he’s such a dedicated man of the cloth with so much righteous anger built up is why are you’ll taking the easy path to deliver your message? I mean contrary to what ATT used to tell me long distance ain’t the next best thing to being there. Why don’t you’ll call up old General Petraeus and have him rustle up one of those big ol’ C5A’s and airlift you right on over to Afghanistan so you can go on down to the big market square in beautiful downtown Kabul and deliver your message up close and personal. Kind of eliminate the middle man so to speak so you can be sure that your message is heard without that media biased filter that everybody tells me about.

Guess I’m forgetting that it’s a whole lot easier to deliver your message in good old Gainesville surrounded by a whole raft of Policemen and Federal agents sworn to protect your unalienable rights to make d@mn fools of yourselves than to have to look the fellow that you’re fixing to piss off in the eye. You’d rather leave that little detail to the fine young men and women of our Armed Forces.

Anonymous said...


Bush Admin Barred Officials From Briefing Congress On Impending Financial Crisis in Fall 2008 -- http://tinyurl.com/2frmajy

SEC Chairman Cox Admits Deregulation Caused Crisis
Bush Appointee Christopher Cox, Head of the SEC, who admitted the credit crisis was due to deregulation. http://tinyurl.com/nzz25g

Under Pressure, Bush Eased Lending Rules
WASHINGTON (AP) --The Bush administration backed off proposed crackdowns on no-money-down, interest-only mortgages years before the economy collapsed, buckling to pressure from some of the same banks that have now failed. It ignored remarkably prescient warnings that foretold the financial meltdown, according to an Associated Press review of regulatory documents.http://tinyurl.com/5casnp

Tax Cuts Offer Most for Very Rich, Study Says
Families earning more than $1 million a year saw their federal tax rates drop more sharply than any group in the country as a result of President Bush's tax cuts. http://tinyurl.com/ydk9t

Considering Americans elected Bush twice, who ended up with the lowest approval rating EVER of an exiting president it doesn't surprise me that they'll elect the same party that drove the bus off the road and caused an almost global economic meltdown. http://tinyurl.com/8n7e6e


Anonymous said...

Norristown is too busy cleaning up past messes like secretaries signing off on building permits for the Sandy street property, so they don't have time to go after the businesses that dont abide by any common sense rules like noise abatement and cleanup, same with the prostitutes roaming the west side and the illegals driving around drunk with no registration, license or insurance.

Anonymous said...

The pastor is certainly right about how his burning the koran will send a clear message. And that message is "Never let ignorance of something stand in the way of being outspokenly opinionated". He is living proof of Jon Krakauer's contention in his book "Under The Banner of Heaven" that you don't have to look overseas to find zealots and fanatics who distort religious teachings to promote their own little narrow-minded agendas. They are all around us.

10-11-01 said...

Stan, I guess it's OK to BURN OUR FLAG and think nothing of it. I WOULD LOVE TO TELL YOU HOW I FEEL ABOUT THAT ISSUE, BUT, YOU WOULD NEVER PRINT IT. What goes around comes around. GOD BLESS OUR GREAT COUNTRY.

Anonymous said...

I hope you all watched Tom B. & Catie C. on CNN that covered 9/11. Our President, the Mayor of NY and every Citizen of the USA needs to remember. I'm using common sense, but how about the backers of a Mosque near Ground Zero - that is like rubbing Salt into the still open wounds of many Americans.

Anonymous said...

I hope you all watched Tom B. & Catie C. on CNN that covered 9/11. Our President, the Mayor of NY and every Citizen of the USA needs to remember. I'm using common sense, but how about the backers of a Mosque near Ground Zero - that is like rubbing Salt into the still open wounds of many Americans.

Anonymous said...

Archives spokeswoman Susan Cooper insists that Beck didn't lay a finger on any precious documents, much less George Washington’s inaugural address. That would be a major violation of policy. "Those kinds of treasures are only handled by specially trained archival staff," she explains. Cooper acknowledges that someone at the archives did show the document to Beck, but that was the extent of it. Regarding Beck's claim that he held the document, Cooper says that seeing such documents for the first time can be a very emotional experience. "I'm certain it was a figure of speech," she says.

Cooper is being charitable. Beck's whopper gave his speech more heft and rhetorical flourish. It was high patriotic drama. But his fib stands in stark contrast to the point of the rally, which was all about restoring the principles of courage and honor that the nation was founded upon. In fact, one of Beck’s only prescriptions for fixing the country was to "tell the truth."

Allen said...

where have you been, most people have no common sense at all. That is why we live in such a screwed up world. People are the main problem. Just look at that idiot who wants to burn the Korans, now if that doesn't give all the Muslims something to unite behind nothing will. Only God can save us from ourselves.

Anonymous said...

Only God can save us from ourselves? What if you're a atheist, or a Wiccan, or something else. This country was re-founded on freedom of religious persecution. The one nation pledge was not original said with "under God" in it. That was added later. The hypocrites that say there's a mosque being built on hallowed ground are not saying anything about the buildings built on top of the Indigenous peoples' graves when they were slaughtered for their land. It is a community center and it's being built near bars and sleazy shops that I won't mention here. No one is trying to move them out of the way of "hallowed" ground. These people need to grow up and get a life.

Rather believe in God said...

What if you're a atheist, or a Wiccan, or something else. Then I would say "deal with it" Your choice not mine, people did come here in the 18 century to get away from religious prosecution in Europe, Baptists were burnt at the stake for reading the bible to themselves and for being Anabaptists, if you know what that means.

Anonymous said...

Anabaptists, whatever. Don't have to deal with it, as you said. There is freedom of speech, but that fruitcake in Florida who was tossed out of his church in Germany is teaching hatred against Muslims based on videos posted on YouTube. And, he is using his Bible and his God to do so, even though it is morally wrong. What would Jesus do? I don't think he would burn a book. Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and render unto God what is God's, he is supposed to have said. If there is any case of separation of church and state, there it is.

The Inquisition and other Christian/Catholic entities forced their interpretation of religion on others, all for gold and whatever they could strip from the lands. Bunch of hypocrites pushing religion on others, opposite of the real reason the people from the European area fled and "discovered" this land. As one whose ancestors are of the original indigenous people of this land, I'd say if people are protested about hallowed ground, then no religious buildings should be built in order to keep the peace.

Anonymous said...

Common Sense when food shopping - Would you pay 99 cents for a cucumber that is almost7" long? Common Sense would say NO! I had placed this item on the list for salad fixings because we were down to only one of every veg. that was on the list. Well, my shopper, who will remain nameless, never gave a second thought when he paid the above price. Really, a cucumber is not necessary in a salad but a shopper is a shopper and common sense goes out the window.

Anonymous said...

Common Sense when food shopping - Would you pay 99 cents for a cucumber that is almost7" long? Common Sense would say NO! I had placed this item on the list for salad fixings because we were down to only one of every veg. that was on the list. Well, my shopper, who will remain nameless, never gave a second thought when he paid the above price. Really, a cucumber is not necessary in a salad but a shopper is a shopper and common sense goes out the window.

Anonymous said...

Aldi's have them for 19 cents.

Anonymous said...

What's your tea party candidate trying to hide?

O'Donnell raised eyebrows with one of her first acts as a new candidate, when she officially disclosed her finances. In a Senate financial disclosure report from July, O'Donnell reported just $5,800 in earned income between March 2009 and July 2010. She says she worked for two companies, one a marketing firm and the other a conservative political action committee.
According to Federal Election Commission data, O'Donnell contributed $3,026 of her own money, or more than half her reported "earned income" to her campaign.
In interviews, O'Donnell has said she earned more than that $5,800 but was not required to disclose it. "The only thing they can use against me is that I'm not a multimillionaire," she told the Weekly Standard before the election.
That answer falls short for some ethics watchdogs – and voters.
"Every candidate should at the minimum follow the law. If the public has questions beyond that, questions about a candidate's private interest that could have ties to her public work, it helps that they go beyond the minimum required d by law. She needs to provide additional details," said Dave Levinthal, spokesman for the Center for Responsive Politics.

A no voter said...

Since the political ads have hit the air waves not one candidate has said what they will do for my family. It's the same old BS. My opponent did this, etc,etc. When will they say what they will do? Another miss at the polls for this guy.

The sybil said...

We need a free press to report on what is happening in the world, but maybe they don't need to report on everything. The press needs to use some common sense too--for instance if they just "didn't have space for" the rantings of that pathetic little guy who threatened to burn the Quran, the rest of the world wouldn't know and it would not have set off what threatened to become an international incident.

Anonymous said...

If Republicans and their tea party clones do not believe in Government and its (perceived) intrusion etc...why do they want to run for office...to be a Maytag repairman? What exactly are they planning to do when they are in office? According to them Govt should'nt tell anyone what to do; Govt should'nt HELP anyone because everyone is unto himself. So, why have a government at all?

Christine is spouting the same nonsense, but she, Palin and the other wingnuts want to say that even if a women/child is pregnant by a rapist or through incest, they should have the baby. Guess they'll put scanners on every female body to make sure they have have that kid, but then the government won't take care of it cause they want less government. What a oxymoron!

Anonymous said...

O'Donnell's already said she won't deal with national news organizations (although I'll bet we'll see a few appearances on Fox, probably with her hero Palin), so she's ignoring you.

Pesky national organizations actually ask intelligent questions about things like the budget, s3x, ab0rtion and the like, whilst the local outlets will throw softball questions at her like what softball team she supports.

Don't you know how the game is played yet?

Just sayin'

Anonymous said...

" America 's High Tech "Invisible Man"
By Tyrone D. Taborn

You may not have heard of Dr. Mark Dean. And you aren't alone. But almost everything in your life has been affected by his work.

See, Dr. Mark Dean is a PhD. from Stanford University .. He is in the National Hall of Inventors. He has more than 30 patents pending. He is a vice president with IBM. Oh, yeah. And he is also the architect of the modern-day personal computer. Dr. Dean holds three of the original nine patents on the computer that all PCs are based upon. And, Dr. Mark Dean is an African American.

So how is it that we can celebrate the 20th anniversary of the IBM personal computer without reading or hearing a single word about him? Given all of the pressure mass media are under about negative portrayals of African Americans on television and in print, you would think it would be a slam dunk to highlight someone like Dr. Dean.

Somehow, though, we have managed to miss the shot. History is cruel when it comes to telling the stories of African Americans. Dr. Dean isn't the first Black inventor to be overlooked. Consider John Stanard, inventor of the refrigerator, George Sampson, creator of the clothes dryer, Alexander Miles and his elevator, Lewis Latimer and the electric lamp. All of these inventors share two things: One, they changed the landscape of our society; and, two, society relegated them to the footnotes of history.

Could be the job the texas board is doing on textbooks...

Anonymous said...

VF Corp. Center - Forward Thinking Supervisors and Builders did not think of the Township as a Whole...If they had, Schracks Corner Area would have had streets connecting the Corporate Center so that the Trooper Road and Egypt Road Traffic could be handled a little better. The whole handling of the 422 Bypass from time go after the Betzwood Bridge was completed was the down-fall, because there was only an Exit and no Entry Way provided by the State so that traffic could go West or enter coming East to exit on to Trooper Road - Really poor planning and although Common Sense on the States part - it also can be shared by the Townships bordering this Exit.

Anonymous said...

Lawmakers, the governor and victims' advocates were outraged, and the news only got worse for Kratz. An Oklahoma law student said she received similar texts in 2008 after Kratz supported her request for a pardon on an old drug charge. A woman complained to Doyle's office that Kratz invited her to a date at an autopsy. Other women who have stayed anonymous made similar allegations to a local newspaper and a civil rights attorney. On Friday, the Office of Lawyer Regulation announced it would reopen an investigation into the allegations and determine whether Kratz committed professional misconduct. That office received biting criticism after news that it was aware of the text messages in March but declined to discipline Kratz, saying he hadn't violated any rules. Kratz, 50, announced last week he was on medical leave from his $105,000 per year job indefinitely, and his attorney said he was getting treatment for an undisclosed problem. He has apologized for the text messages to Stephanie Van Groll, 26, but stayed mostly silent on the accusations by other women, except to deny the autopsy allegation.

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to the continuation of Audubon Road and Adams Ave to the shopping center? What ever happened to the exit off 422 to Adams Ave. an easy exit to the industrial park? What ever happened to the exit ramp from Adams Ave. west 422? Why do the current owners in the industrial park have to look at some of the unkept properties there? Who's citing these properties for weeds and crummy exteriors? When Mr. Lamb owned the property the park was immaculate. In answer to the realtor who's been a L.P. resident for 22 years, can you tell me why the shopping center in Upper Providence is empty? Can you tell me why the construction in Upper Merion at the former golf course has ceased? If you were paying attention to Mr. Neilson who has his finger on the pulse "It' challenging to borrow money". Your in the business of selling homes, why are there so many sheriff sales? NO MONEY. If you ask around maybe,just maybe, someone will tell you why the exit at Adams Ave. was put aside. P.S. Thank you Carl Rotenberg for your article,even though you were shut out of the meeting. I thought there was a law called the SUNSHINE ACT. Maybe the sun wasn't shining that day.

Anonymous said...

What is happening with Morabito Bakery not fixing its noisy equipment. Common sense would be that the owners listen to the increased volume of their noise. Anyone else making that racket would get a ticket for disturbing the peace. They're supposed to fix the stuff but are dragging their feet. You can hear it blocks away all around the area.

Anonymous said...

If traffic is at a stand-still and some good person lets you in line, after all what is one more car, would you believe some where in the line would be a police officer with permission to send traffic into another direction. No, of course that does and did not happen on Friday, today, on Audubon Road, we sat for 10 minutes, and moving slightly ever minute of so from Thrush Lane to the light at the Industrial Park. What was wrong? Well, it was 10:45 AM, so it could not be the lunch croud, an accident on Trooper Road, flooding?? Who is to know, but some where along the line there should be a way of letting us know that you will not get there from here in the near future. So, common sense should tell the Township and County that some notation should be available at the signal lights - it would be money well spent. And yes the clean-up along Audubon Road is really needed - if you travel it every day or are on patrol, common sense would tell you to report over-growth.

KYW said...

To blogger of 10/1 10:14AM, Please do what everyone else who wants to know what the real time traffic problems are, tune it to KYW 1060, on the two's, that means 2 after the hour, 12 after the hour, 22 after the hour, and so on, it is just that easy, I don't want to see my taxes wasted on many signs to tell us what we already have in our cars, info at our finger tips, and I am sure that the younger set have an app for it.

Anonymous said...

Audubon Road is a State run road. I will agree with you that the properties along that road needs a clean-up. Lower providence I believe, has an active weed ordinance which no one enforces. You could call the six figure manager and complain, but, it goes in one ear and out the other. The powers to be in L.P. want new business to move into the industrial park. Would you want to have your business surrounded by a dump? Look around and see how many for sale signs are posted on properties in L.P. and those properties look like hell. Lastly, traffic all over Montgomery County was at a stand still on Friday morning, read today's TIMES HERALD
some people did not make it to work. Consider yourself fortunate that you did.

Anonymous said...

Oh sure the State of PA's PennDot has it all together - if it did then why wasn't 422 Exit/Entrance to Trooper Road completed years back? The Electric Company that the Township did not want as a welcome to LP, sure got their way - now that is beauty only to the eyes of the beholder. The State has done LP in with inability to get there from here. The money trail would be interesting and also the money trail for the VF Industrial Park that has suffered because of their (PennDot) inefficent planning or completion of any project that does not see extra money for completion of any job - no that would take common sense..

Anonymous said...

Oh sure the State of PA's PennDot has it all together - if it did then why wasn't 422 Exit/Entrance to Trooper Road completed years back? The Electric Company that the Township did not want as a welcome to LP, sure got their way - now that is beauty only to the eyes of the beholder. The State has done LP in with inability to get there from here. The money trail would be interesting and also the money trail for the VF Industrial Park that has suffered because of their (PennDot) inefficent planning or completion of any project that does not see extra money for completion of any job - no that would take common sense..

Anonymous said...

LP's a dump? I think Norristown is the leader. They want you to clean up when they should be cleaning up. Your taxes are going up all the time to pay for services but you can't call anyone to talk to because they have funny hours and never are available. Leave a message and hope it is the right number because there's no announcement on the machine. Businesses don't have to deal with this and do whatever they want. The houses are overcrowding, parking is a mess and they don't want to do anything about 4 or 5 or 6 different people living in the same houses with a bunch of broke down cars all around. they even change there oil and let it run out on the street. but open your mouth and your retaliated against because you want a decent living space or they just ignore you. taxes for this and that and no service or answers is why Norristown leads the way as far as dumps are concerned

Can't Stand It said...

To Blogger of October 1, 2010 10:14 AM, you must live under a pot to not know what all happened that Friday. For starters, we had 10 inches of rain in a 24 hour period. Pawlings Rd was closed due to flooding, the Rt. 422 bypass was down to one lane, sink holes opened up on the other side of the Betzwood Bridge necessitating over 100 trucks filled with a concrete slurry to fill the voids. Arcola Rd bridge was flooded over, the Cider Mill Bridge was flooded out, streams all over the county overflowed their banks and shutdown many main arteries. A woman was drown in Skippack when her car was swept away by the Skippack Creek on Stump Hall Road.

I find it incredible that you even wrote the blog, let alone being ignorant of all the news coverage, maybe you have heard of the Times Herald or the Inquirer or maybe you have a radio, tv or internet access. Whatever, you should stay home when it rains, we need less stupid people on our roads when these types of conditions arise. Now that you have my blood pressure, you really should consider a bumper sticker that states "Stupid Driver Ahead"

Anonymous said...

To vent or not to vent on the traffic, now that is the question. I believe last Friday all people out on the road, trying to get to work or an appointment were late by at least 1 - 2 hours. So, venting here on the Blog in the TH I believe is helpful and there is no need for a visit to the Doctor for higher dosage in your BP medication. I know the area the people were referring to and really there probably never will be relief unless Adams Avenue is connected to 422 so the area motorist can go west or get off coming east. PennDot has that Pot under which they have been hiding for years.

Anonymous said...

Regarding your tea party person in Delaware: The "I am you" comment offended me greatly. I am not a gay basher. I am not a religious zealot that believes the evolution is a myth. I don't believe praying accomplishes anything especially trying to win elections... And I don't believe that she, because, she abstains, should rule that others can't do what she isn't doing anymore. Heard she was quite the character in her younger years.

Wonder why Palin's priest didn't pray her away...

Anonymous said...


People keep quoting him about homosexuality being a sin. What about the other passages by Leviticus? for example 19:27, hair and beards reference. Are men without beards and cutting their hair a certain way, sinners? Guess so, since the other passage is being used to describe men's sins, so should this one. Common sense.

Anonymous said...

With the pretend witch spouting anti-government nonsense, (really a professional runner for office to get campaign $ to live off of), here's the point that nobody in politics seems to get: The government interventions worked. The companies were saved. Most of the money that taxpayers invested is likely to be repaid. Many politicians talk as if the whole process was a disaster, but it wasn't. Private actors made bad decisions, but public officials generally made good ones. Rattner predicts that "the U.S. Treasury will recover most if not all of the $82 billion the American taxpayer staked on overhauling Detroit." Even if the government ultimately loses $20 billion, he notes, "that seems a small price to pay for averting a major economic calamity in the industrial Midwest and helping keep the national economy from spiraling from deep recession into outright depression." Since the government-forced restructuring of GM and Chrysler last year, he notes, the auto industry has added 76,000 jobs. A similar success story seems likely with most of the rest of the money spent for TARP, the acronym that is a dirty word this political season. The Troubled Assets Relief Program, coupled with emergency facilities at the Fed, allowed a "work-out" for a financial system that was on the verge of freezing up. Most of the TARP investments, it seems, will be recovered, too, including loans made to the notorious insurance behemoth AIG.

Anonymous said...

So much good news that is being shared by both parties that just trying to keep up-to-date on some bills that are in committee in Washington is not possible.
There is an "E" going around regarding HB-4646 introduced by DeFazio of Oregon and Harkin of Iowa and is in committee, where it will remain until after the Nov. Election. What is important is that it recommends a 1% Tax on all transactions at any financial institution... check it out and see if it makes any sense, common or any other if this bill is passed.

Anonymous said...

Retired Marine-2523933
Seriously, how can anyone say "It's a choice" and not know what the hell they are talking about. Buck is just plain stupid, he "Believes" is a choice, is he gay? Then he can't know for sure, is like getting a massage, some people might think its good, but until you try it you don't know for sure. In his case, his talk is a "Stupid Republican" with not an ounce of intelligence talk. He should not talk of his believes if he can't put himself in the shoes of gay people, he is attacking the rights and the freedom of HUMAN BEINGS, is the way they are, they way they were born and they are happy with that. UNITED STATES is "supposed" to be a country with freedom and liberty FOR ALL, FREEDOM OF SPEECH, FREEDOM IN GENERAL, where is that at? Gay people do not harm anybody by getting married and being a part of our society, please republicans stop being so inhumane and so closed minded, is getting interpreted as ignorance.

Anonymous said...

funny how the tea party and repubs attach McCain's daughter for stating the truth about Christine being a nut job. they go on with their sexist remarks about the size of her bra. pretty childish

Christine, the low hanging fruit needs to be picked and put in the trash. she is just running for office to get money to pay her bills.

Christine has been exposed as getting the same trainers that Palin had to train her for the debate. canned remarks is all she could come up with. No idea about which Supreme Court ruling she didn't like. she should have written her answers on her hand like that half-task quitter governor Palin, who is only out for the money, too.

Anonymous said...

In good ole America, the "Christians" can't even get along. Courtesy of AP

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) -- A Presbyterian church was happy to have Jeremy and Jodi Stokes as Cub Scout leaders, at least until officials there found out they are Mormons and told them they would have to step down because the church does not consider them real Christians.

The Stokeses enrolled their sons as Scouts at Christ Covenant Church, a Presbyterian congregation about 10 miles from Charlotte, then expressed interest in volunteering as leaders. Church officials were initially thrilled earlier this month, the Stokeses said, until they saw on the couple's application forms that they belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

After two Scout meetings, the Stokeses were told their sons, 6 and 8 years old, could remain in their packs, but the parents couldn't serve as leaders.

"I can't believe they had the audacity to say, 'You can't be leaders but we want your boys,"' Jodi Stokes said. "Are you kidding me? Do you really think I'd let my boys go there now?"

Calls to Christ Covenant were referred to Stelle Snyder, the church's spokeswoman, who did not immediately return messages from The Associated Press. Snyder and a minister confirmed the Stokes' account to The Charlotte Observer.

They told the newspaper Christ Covenant reserves Scout leadership positions for Christians, and it does not consider Mormons to be real Christians.

"We had bought the uniforms, we had gone to two meetings, they had played with the other kids," Jodi Stokes said. "And then my sons are saying, 'Mommy, why can't we go back there?"'

Anonymous said...

O'Donnell's financial past includes a tax lien from the IRS, a lawsuit from the university she attended over unpaid bills and a foreclosure action that she avoided by selling her house to her former campaign attorney before a sheriff's auction.

She acknowledges using campaign money to pay part of the rent on her current town house. Her attorney maintains someone with the Federal Election Commission approved the arrangement, although the commission's rules say candidates can't use campaign money for their mortgage or rent "even if part of the residence is being used by the campaign."


AP writer Jessica Gresko in Washington contributed to this report.

Unknown said...

In the school of life, COmmon Sense is an elective. Most people choose beer drinking or basketweaving.

Anonymous said...

separation of church and state:

LIVINGSTON, La. -- A move by one Louisiana parish to make sure Halloween isn't celebrated on Sundays has caught the attention of a major civil rights organization.

The ACLU of Louisiana on Friday delivered a letter to Livingston Parish leaders urging them to repeal an ordinance that changes the official date of Halloween when Oct. 31 lands on a Sunday.

The group defines Halloween as a religious holiday. The ACLU believes the government, therefore, has no authority to dictate its observance.

"The penalty for violation of this misguided ordinance can be up to 30 days in jail," ACLU of Louisiana Executive Director Marjorie Esman said in a statement. "No parent should fear jail time for taking children to a neighbor's house for candy, and no resident should fear prosecution for offering a treat to a visiting child."

For years, Livingston Parish code has read: "Trick or treat hours shall be 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the unincorporated areas of the Parish of Livingston. An exception shall be made when October 31 falls on a Sunday. In that event, trick or treat will be held the following Monday, November 1, from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m."

Earlier this month at a special council meeting, members voted unanimously to change the ordinance, moving the observance of Halloween to Saturday in years in which Oct. 31 fell on a Sunday. The special session was called after the council received complaints from parents who did not want the observance of Halloween reset for a Monday night.

While for most Americans, the holiday is generally lighthearted and geared toward children, the ACLU points to its origins as a religious celebration.

"The free exercise of religion, mandated by both the U.S. and the Louisiana constitutions, means that government cannot reschedule Christmas or any other religious holiday," Esman said. "That includes Halloween, which falls on Oct. 31 regardless of the day of the week."

Anonymous said...

I truly enjoy the back and forth from the Dems. and Rep. on these various Blogs. A family member sees no humor at all in what is said and if it were true. So, the suggestion is go to Fact Check.Org and check out all the true facts in the election - but just for the fun of it WHY? Well, for one thing a truthful person is who we want to take the office - now that is why I no longer consider some people friends - they just sling it and get away with it.

Anonymous said...

How are our Schools and the Students protected? Well, for starters, Methacton is in Worcester Twp which covers Students from LP and Worcester. LP has a Police Force and ??? you certainly have that right Worcester has none and Rely on State Police. How much are we paying the State to have Worcester and the various schools and the students covered?? It is not a given - that is for sure. The shooting in Worcester Twp. really shows how much we depend on our State and how much longer this practice will be there?? Good question!

Anonymous said...

Nov.30th blogger....

Never ever consider a politician a friend. They will stab you in the back before you can say Jack Rabbit.

Hopefullyly the only friend you will ever have in life is your soulmate. Kids have even turned on their parents.

Anonymous said...

Worcester should join in with the LP Police Force that is well established and more than likely does most of the work for the schools that are in Worcester. Since we have a combined Worcester/Lower Providence School District called Methacton, it only makes sense to also have a police force covering the area these students live in. A sub station would probably be needed out in the farm area, but if Worcester has a Fire Company, housing would and should be in the same area.

Anonymous said...

L.P. Ambulance covers Worcester, L.p. Fire company assists Worcester. Worcester has a very low tax base compared to L.P. Why not have the Montgomery County Sheriff Dept. cover that area. Sheriff Department in quite a few states handles the coverage. Leave L.P. alone they have a superior police dept. and the tax payers know it.

Anonymous said...

Sounds great...Worcester's Problems become the County's Problems and the cost would be spread around.

Anonymous said...

I do not have a problem with our former DA taking on a case that involves friends that are presumed guilty on all counts, although you know deep in your heart they are innocent on most charges. That is the law - all people, no matter what the charges, should have representation before the Court of Law. So Castor has taken the case, now let's see where it all ends up. To "presume" is usually the problem of most by-standers.

Anonymous said...

Your article in the December 15th issue of the Times Herald suggesting that Methacton School District will be getting an SRO officer to patrol their senior high school halls. It states that the district will pay 75 percent of the $78,000 districts cost. That means that the district pays $58,500 and the tax payers of L.P. pays the other $19,500. where do you think the other $58.500 is coming from? How about the taxpayers in L.P.

Anonymous said...

Of course we will pay the balance - that is how our School District is run. Worcester will be paying how much?? Oh that is right there is no police force in that township - our State Police. So, let's think about having the State Police Association handle the Methacton part of the salary and see where that goes.

Anonymous said...

The good old days when all people of all ages had Common Sense. I remember in High School the only enforcement of the rules were given to the "Hall Patrol". The parking area was never a problem because you were not permitted to drive to school unless you had a "job" that required you to be there within an hour of school closing. Weekends we walked to the movies or to a friends house and our parents had no fear that something would happen to us. Common Sense is something our parents made sure we understood and in our development in the following years of High School and the Service we had and have no problems. Start at home!

Anonymous said...

I just read an article in the news today regarding to pay or not to pay for employees that stay at home or come in a few hours late. Most job descriptions state the rules and they usually are if the company is open for business, you are expected to be there and on time. A personal day may be used to cover any absent or late arrival. So, what is the problem? You have a job and are paid for your time spent on the premises.

Anonymous said...

Complaints about Corbett not making speeches every day. Well, one move right now should cover any speech he could have made and that was to sign the two Death Warrants. An eye for an eye is correct and Corbett is on the right track. Common Sense!!!

Anonymous said...

Silence is Golden, then of course Carry a Big Stick is too.

Anonymous said...

Our President is taking a short trip to Wisconsin and then to Ill. and maybe back to PA & NJ to tell them how to solve their "Budget Problems". When was this part of our President's Job Description? No we do not call him "King Obama" yet.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting to read how all the Hollywood People have been doing so much for mankind and then look at their salaries. Yes, they are Big Business People and should be paying more in taxes. Well, of course they are not all citizens of the USA so they have to keep their homeland taxes paid, just in case their jobs are shuffled.

Anonymous said...

Social Security Checks. A friend told me her father and mother retired and are receiving their SS Checks in Italy. Sounds odd, but after retiring and you call another country your home is your SS Check mailed to the country you now call home? It would be great if only people living here in the USA could receive these checks. I guess I would retire to some island if I thought all checks would be mailed to me and I would not loose my citizenship.

Anonymous said...

Stan your column today 3/7 was right-on when it comes to Unions. I know the TH Staff has been there and done that. Since the Administration constantly refers to the last 4 years as the worse time for workers and the living costs since the Great Depression, all members of any Union should take a look at their present working conditions and be glad it is as great as it is considering why Unions were formed to begin with.

Anonymous said...

We are short of supplies for autos, computers and many other household items that were outsourced to Japan. Well, when the big II hit with Pearl Harbor, the American's soon retooled and made adjustments so that life would go on. Here is our chance and also the current Japanese chance to come together. Made in America should be the new label. This is exactly what our country needs and so do the various other countries that use to believe we Americans could do anything. Hard work and long hours were common place and the "Rolls" had few to non listed.

Anonymous said...

A shut down of the Federal Government. Now would be a great time to only call back those having essential jobs in all departments. An amendment should be forthcoming on the pay of all Elected and those appointed by an Elected Official. If the government can not reach a compromise on issues (i.e. health care)then all employees, including the Federal,should not get paid until it is resolved and a budget using the term, only $ that comes in can go out. This starts with the knowledge that our President understands, we the people's concerns, it means he is not able to promise any funds that are not OK'd by Congress First. Any person that is employed by the government in the military or protecting our borders are the only employees that will be paid if a short fall or shut down occurs. So, if you are working in the financial section where distribution of checks are essential - you are lucky, work goes on as usual.

Anonymous said...

Common Sense? The Dems. in their haste to nominate A PERSON for their slot as PRESIDENT forgot to clear the qualification for the most important position that exists in our Government and that is THE PRESIDENT..
What comes to mind is ... Is he a citizen of the USA and BORN in the USA? Now that is easy to answer for all of us - so why was it not cleared before he was nominated? It has taken three years to have this question answered.
Now, in today's paper he was quoted as saying "We do not have time for this kind of silliness" making reference to proof of birth & where exactly it took place. This is NO 1 when running for office and having your name placed on the ballot. Maybe he feels this is silly, but it is not, especially if proof is hard to come by and at this point in time it does not stand in good light. This our split family agrees on. The next question should have been made available his financial accounting for schooling and under what name(s) were used. Truth is never hard to answer, but being untruthful always is surrounded by answers that do not fit the occasion or not answered. This is where Obama's answers fit and is quick to move on to the current events of his choosing.
I guess his favorite saying should cover all of the above and you can keep on questioning his ability to govern. The quote is...I take full responsibility . My Mom use to say " Fool Me Once - shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on you. Try to Fool me the third time - shame on you, you are not my friend" and in this case you should not be our President and should be judged on lies that were told or misstated by him and not corrected in the first month in office.

Anonymous said...

Our President is correct - it is silliness when a common person or a clown asks "Where were you born?" and of course most people would be able to answer with papers attached. A person, as stated, that is untruthful fidgets around, hoping it will go away. Now, that is sad, since it is our President that neglected to answer in a timely manner.

Anonymous said...

Permission Granted? By our Congress or the country we entered illegally? It looked good at the time...but then of course Geo. W. Bush and his crew thought the same and look what happened. We seem to never learn by mistakes made by former leaders. So, his famous saying "I take full responsibility" covers what portion of this invasion/killings?

Anonymous said...

Common Sense... This I believe is lacking right now on our President's side. We have a great big problem that he is responsible for and that is the Budget and Raising the Debt Ceiling - would you believe 14.3 Trillion? We are living beyond our means. He of course the members of his staff believe there is no other way to keep our country running smoothly and our face internationally. I believe our President should stay in Washington and not make any appearance for fund raising events until this all settled and the date is August 2nd. If our President is the one to represent the Democratic Party in 2012, then be our President now and do not hand the duties of President to the VP or any Cabinet Member. The "Now Generation" which he is apart of needs to sit back and look at the generation that faced real poverty and the only solution was by the hands of FDR and WWII to gradually bring us out of it and by the way it was in 1950 we saw another depressed era - check with your grandparent or parents. Do not over spend, tighten your belt and believe the Republicans have our best interest at this point in time. We here in this household are both Rep. & Dem. and on this point we do agree.

Anonymous said...

On the road again..our President. He dearly loves PA, really? Well, our representatives in Washington need to check how contracts are being handed out for updating our Military's equipment. When Mr. Clinton became President the Cold War was over, so we did not update our Military. We here in PA are waiting for this President to insure this will not happen again. So far this President is all talk and the future of our Military and the companies that are the suppliers are waiting and well trained employees are being let go due to lack of forward thinking.

Anonymous said...

It is nice to discontinue giving out contracts for the services, but only if a long hard look is given to how many companies and service people will be touched by that one move. I can see why so many of O'Bama's appointments are now leaving the service he has taken pride in...you bet, it was not thought through. Now if you look at the home front and also the military.

Anonymous said...

Remember the good old days when K of P was the place to work and 422 was just starting? Did you say traffic backup? Common Sense is to help WN and LP Traffic Problems. Building Shopping Centers, Industrial Parks and Retirement Homes, but no road connections does not make any sense - common or otherwise.

Anonymous said...

A need to pass a law in any state in the USA when a child is missing? Yes! A need to pass a law to report a child has died? Common Sense? Yes! The right to life or caring after death should not need a law passed. Common Sense!!!

Anonymous said...

And what is O'Bama's plan ?? Increase spending and let tomorrow take care of itself? He should have considered this problem of spend - spend and the pie in the sky is always there for him ... Not so now. He started too late, left his VP do the talking and now is playing the blame game. Exactly how did he plan to achieve balance - starting in January, 2011 - not June, 2011.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we are really in debt... Before WWII, we were in a depressed situation, and only because of the out-brake of the war, thus creating jobs and industry going overboard to protect the people here in the USA and England/Europe did we have a few pennies in our pocket. On and on with Korea, and Nom. we learned to spend far beyond our intake... Our family did not follow this style of living. So, here we are again, with the wars (3) going on and spending increasing. The problem is manufacturing is not increasing and exports are not keeping pace. Our President needs to take full responsibility for the Debt Ceiling increase and the payments of debts that he and the current administration have racked up. When payments are made in a timely manner, then and then only will I change my opinion of the current administration and support our current Leader.

Anonymous said...

Exactly why is our President not taking a long herd look at what has been presented to the Senate and the House... I believe Rep.Gumm from NY speaks well for our Congress, but the Senator (Smiley) hasn't a clue what is needed to bring in a balanced budget. There are only three people that are needed to put their heads together and really discuss and decide what needs to happen by 1012 - not 1013. My parents went through the depressed times and lost all their savings and the farm to boot. We stuck together and worked very hard, but never invested in any type of iffy bond/stocks again. I and my grand children have "E" Bonds from back as far as 1940s' - the Government we thought was a great investment and they needed all the money we could muster up. Should I say - I made a mistake?

Anonymous said...

Sure Hope Not Anonymous. We also use Series EE Bonds and still Have Series E. So, the government is indebted to us now also, not just China. I hope the local industries that have furnished equipment for the armed forces start getting contracts, because one large contract leads to sub contracts and that is the type of jobs we need now.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous - just wait and see how much taxes you will pay when you cash them in. Now, the bonds purchased for education, that is a different story. So, no matter what happens to your savings, you know from past experience of cashing in to purchase something you could not do without and come tax time???

Anonymous said...

This summer I have watched one home with a young man about college age use his home as a go - to place. While his parents are not at home, due to travel and shift work he and his friends line the street with at least seven cars starting around 6:00 PM and throughout the evening cars will come and go up to ll:30 PM. Now, should I say, it is just like Norristown, they have their rights and not to cause any problems by call the officials when this type of problem exists? Headlights, slamming of doors and using driveways throughout the neighborhood is a problem. Kids, young adults I should say, make this type of action questionable. So, Common Sense says they are just having fun, but then a mature person says - Really?

Anonymous said...

Talk to either parent and a good starting point would be - Boy, the kids are back in school - now you will be able to get some shut eye. Now that should get some reaction and tell the truth about the late nite action. They probably will make a comment - Sorry, I really was not aware of it..

Anonymous said...

A Village, like Audubon,is becoming few here in Montgomery County. We are being taken over by small strip malls or some up-start that has made the village into a disaster about to happen. Like a spoiled child, just because some person wants to start a business at a certain location, does not mean it should happen. What happened to the "Zoning" when the Village was just that - Sign Permits were only permitted within a certain size, especially in residential. Now there is that word "residential" where has it gone? Could the big $$$ signs made it go away?? No, it is not true we need to keep up with the "times" - a village is why most of us moved here and have always made sure we were within the law when adding, placing a sign or anything that the developer in his plan stated were carried out. Now, as some employees of various townships will tell you "who will enforce the rules"???? All that needs to be done is have some person (township employee) read the original deed and any addition that was OK'd, before changing the "Zoning" and making a village into a disaster that has or will be happening. A million dollars in not all that much when looked at the present value of land - so most times when a building goes up for sale it was for the property and the building just a demolition waiting to happen, with a permit of course. History of the village is of no concern - progress and keeping up with the times is the greatest concern. So, now that is exactly what is happening to all "villages" here in Montgomery County.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous you had that right - a disaster that happened when a few Supervisors and builders decided they were going to rebuild Audubon. What a sorry mess! Eagleville is turning into an area that is just waiting for the slum lords to take over. LP at one time had quite a few villages but now - there isn't anything to be proud of except for the Shrine - Township Bldg. - Indebtedness for the Swim/Golf Club/Shannondell. Mistakes when roads were not completed and industrial parks not connected so business people could comfortably go from one source to another. Take of the blinders and maybe your so called long range planning will need to be up-dated.

Anonymous said...

Common Sense would tell a Steno. Clerk to place a location of a meeting instead of using the mailing address when placing an ad in the local news paper. There is quite a difference!!!

Anonymous said...

A little humor into thinking about why certain roads are dead ended. I attended a funeral this week and the sign at the burial ground's entrance read "Only One Way." I did not see another sign saying "Exit Only." Well I guess that depends on your religion or no religion as to which direction you are heading. Now "Shannondell Drive" is interesting because it is a so called retirement home/convalescent retreat and it has only one truly exit point and that is where you came in but there is only the right hand turn onto a paved street that has never been completed, leaving no short-cut to your destination, what a shame. Park Avenue dwellers must travel through a development to get to the small shopping/business center created with the retirement plan included, but for some reason it is not complete. Common Sense should be used and completion in the near future.

Anonymous said...

If I were looking for a home that is small and in a quiet area where would you start? We did just that many years back and we found here in Montgomery County small Townships that had villages that had everything including a great school system. We settled in Audubon because it was close to the Oaks Area and also Norristown with transportation that was reliable and taxes that were affordable. Now, what happened? It is not Village anymore but Commercial seems to be taking over. Stop now with high-rise bldgs. and update the roads within the village or finish what has been started. Peace and quiet is all that we are asking at this point in our lives, we have given you all our savings and enough is enough in taxes. The saying from the old timers is "Enough is Sufficient"...

Anonymous said...

I have noticed property that has gone up for sale and the address/location is listed seperately. Good show! The one I thought was outstanding stated your comments may be mailed to (giving the mailing address) and the other was to view this property or attend any meeting concerning this property the address is (the full address and the township was also listed). Keep this thought the next time you are listing a school activity, especially those concerning Methacton. Methacton consists of two Townships - Lower Providence and Worcester. Maybe this election coming up, it would be a great time to take note of this fact. I'm sure that the Retired Doctor that has so much to say about everything will take note of the "new" additions that will be built in the Worcester Area - not Lower Providence.

Anonymous said...

How many letters/requests for donation or a chance to have dinner with your President or the First Lady have you received within a one week period? As of today my count, not including those that were deleted, is 12 -- here are some names you may have seen or received "E" from: Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Working Americans AFL-CIO, Julianna Smoot, Working America AFL-CIO, Reggie Love, Mindy Meyers-Eliz Warren, Rufus Gifford, Juanita Martinez, Working America, AFL-CIO Barak Obama and Rufus Gifford -starting 12/15. Some how it reminds me of the chancing off of a certain Senate Seat. Well, that is Chicago, but for a chance to have dinner at $3.00 per, with an open date to boot. Now that is interesting and has quite a smell to it also. Did you also purchase a holiday card with the first family's picture on it. No, not a Christmas Card - you know there is a division between church and state and maybe that would not be legal. So, Common Sense, what say you on the above.

Anonymous said...

Our First Lady is having a Birthday, yes that is true even if you are the First, Second or whatever Lady. Our President is one needy person - He needs change to purchase a Hallmark Card to send to his wife, meaning he thinks she is the best for puting up with him. How tacky can it be of a President to ask for every person the send her an "E" instead of a card that would really say "they care"... If he truly was thinking of Job Creation and the plight of the Postal System he would have asked for a "card" be mailed. Create more jobs - Yes! Help our Postal System - Yes" Make our First Lady feel she is thought of in a special way - Yes!

Anonymous said...

Cleaning time is here - well for all the "E" that have served their time and unwanted. There was one from a local church in Audubon that is having a musical on March 9 and 10th at St. Andrews, 1725 Egypt Road, Audubon, PA. Note the town the "E" stated... it is the location, not the mailing address. I'm so glad the Secretary at that church usues her common sense. Oh, bye the way it is called Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat and many from the community are participating. There usually is one held at this location every year. Take a look - I have always enjoyed all the musicals. The cost is just a donation and you will be able to visit with many neighbors.

Anonymous said...

I am in my spring mood and I tried to get a catalogue sent to me, but when filling out the Address section I used our village, not Eagleville, which is for some reason the only correct address for our street and village. I do not and will not use Eagleville as my address. We moved to a great area and love the village, but it certainly is not near Eagleville. After much manuvering, I placed Lower Providence in the third line and our village name, which has a post office,and it went through.

Anonymous said...

Living in the Arcola Area is great. When the need for physical help at the local institutions they list Shannondell. Exactly when will this street be completed to Park Avenue? I believe the Route 113 facility would be the better choice for our family - traffic, unbelieveable the way it is now coming off of Egypt Road.

Anonymous said...

Living in the Arcola Area of L.P. is great and the School that every person in the Township should be glad the School Board was able to look into the future of that area and plan for the expansion of the school in that area. We lived in Audubon for many years and that public school was vacant, but look at it now. Well hang on to your hat, the post war homes are selling because of the $$ and the location. Many young couples are now looking at the type of jobs they have and their paychecks, which most days would never pay any full home expenses. The school system here in LP/Worcester Area is great - but right now the taxes covering the school system is out-of-this-world. The need for all the extras should be done away with. Teaching the students to do with what they have and to use their minds when there isn't enough supplies they can secure. There is always a way of getting things done - look to outside businesses for help - they always help.

Anonymous said...

The election and those running for the highest office. Back when Kennedy ran for office we all thought maybe his religion would sway his way of governing. He stated that his religion would in no way be considered when it came time for his ok or disapproval of anything presented to him for his signature or how he looked at all people and countries and their way of practicing their beliefs. Why now are both parties using this as the center for their campaigns? There is one word that comes to mind "Bigotry"!!!

Anonymous said...

Last evening a TV Station presented a full hour on the Mormon Church/Belief that goes with it. You are right when this type of presentation is going on as the conventions are ready to gavel their first day to present their platform to the delegates who will do their best to vote the peoples' choice that was made in May for President that of course will be on the ballot in November for all people. No matter which party a person belongs to, the best person that fits their description of a Leader for the USA will get their vote. I'm very tired of the jokes that are being made on both sides of the aisle that has nothing to do with GOOD governing and keeps to the minimum government constantly doing things that we are capable of doing our self - we need as they do to live within a budget and stop treating the citizens like babies that always need tender loving care. A little boo-boo now and then will make all of us stronger.

Anonymous said...

I do not believe the Mormon Church/Belief that goes with it will in any way sway a Republican Congress/President. It is those that believe they are not in need of guidance and that anything goes their way is correct no matter the cost. Our children will inherit this debt. But, of Course China really keeps us operating will have much to say about all of this if the present administration has their way.

Anonymous said...

The Immigration Policy that our President has said and his party must agree on is the correct course to take? Taxation, Religion and Citizenship is doing fine - right? Sorry, my vote did not reflect the above - now what is next after you have taxed all wealthy, but gave all the freedom to illegals and make sure all those having insufficient funds are taken care of. Sorry! I worked hard for what I have earned and never have we used the rolls when we were out of work. Something is not correct in the way we look at life. Neighbor helps neighbor and some how we all will survive, but the Government does not need to enter into our lives to make us have that fuzzy feeling - a little down time is necessary to make all of us stronger. Government is over-stepping its position.