Talking about non-profits, making money on social media, golf, beer, football and everything in between!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Blurry Lines
So, where is the line, The way I see it I could run for office, build up a nice campaign war chest and use it to pay off my house, my car, whatever. Why would anyone (and by that I mean individuals, not corporations) give to any campaign?
Honestly, I am not surprised by anything politicians do anymore. They have all lost their sense of right and wrong and are merely there for their own benefit. This includes pretty much all politicians from local to the Federal Government.
The days of serving constituents is long over. Greed and corruption are the norm and the scariest part is that it is generally accepted and in some many cases, expected, when someone is elected.
This country is on the wrong path because of greed.
All you need is all the IDIOT committee person in Montgomery County who knows jack S##t about politics other than a FREE sandwich and beer for their vote.
The Chairman snaps the whip and the idiots follow the leader.
Then we have the blowhard who worked 2 days when he wanted to to get $70k. Then he goes on and on about nonsense with accusations:
On Monday, Castor sent Morgan a second letter calling her a “pawn” of the current administration for not doing more to find out if other county contracts were unlawful, and for failing to legally block the bond sale, a move that could have saved the county $1 million in interest this year.
He is nothing but a crybaby trying to get attention and $ to run for another position. Since he put his sign in his restroom, let him go in there, shut the door and shut his mouth.
I'm glad we have ONE CRY BABY or our County would go down the tubes. Looking the other way will not resolve the situation that now exists in our local,county,state and federal government. So, THANK YOU Mr. Castor.
Castor is like the boy crying wolf all the time, just to stay in the news. Of course the TH obliges and prints every word he says. What a waste of time, taxpayers' money and trees to print this garbage.
People get the government they deserve. When people assume all politicians are on the take, or trying to draw attention to themselves rather than legitimate issues, who wants to run?
When you have to beg for obscene amounts of money for "campaign expenses" to spend on mostly negative ads that wallow into real mud just before the election, who wants to run? When the so-called winners start to think the money left over is their own money, who cares?
Most of the "campaign expense" money comes from business and professional people because they have the money, and want more business. Who is going to rock the boat?
Something like 80% of local voters stay home on election days because they believe all politicians are on the take. Round and round it goes.
Hoeffel and Castor both told The Inquirer that Castor’s comments about the Montgomery County budget crisis were an attempt to cover up his inability to gain regional support for the special election. “Now that he realizes he’s not going anywhere,” Matthews said, “if he wants to work as a team, I think that’s great. If he wants to remain negative and obstructionist, that’s his choice.” Added Matthews: “I will not be roadkill for his ambitions. He can say whatever he wants, but he doesn’t understand county government, and I certainly understand why our neighboring counties chose not to go with him for state Senate.” Mensch told The Inquirer that he had “firm commitment” from Republican leaders in Bucks, Lehigh and Northampton Counties, which indicates that Castor most likely could not get the support he needed to run for Wonderling’s seat. July 29, 2009 at 1:54 pm
Castor does not work well with others, including his own Republican party mates. ROFL!
Nice how the lines coalesce into the real deal with these tea parties. We had the idiots calling out to kill President Obama when that clueless wannabee Palin tried to start a lynching. Now the idiots are yelling homophobic slurs and the n-word and actually spit on a congressman while calling him the n-word. They threw money at a man with parkinson's disease who was demonstrating quietly while the tea party out in the far right field foamed at the mouth. Yep, the lines aren't so blurry when the racist homophobics forget about their religion or in fact use their religion to keep all the money to themselves. Must be in league with the insurance companies who lobby to get drug prices and other health benefits high and out of the scrutiny of government.
But, you (Stan) won't print this as it's against your "principles".
I'll just keep a copy for people who care about people and not the bottom line of tabloids and how much money they can make on the backs of poor people. 3/21/10
I am a nurse and I work with our recovering service members on a daily basis who come back from war injured/ill, do you know that when one of our tropps come back especially those that are national Guard or reservist that if they sustain an injury while deployed and have to face a medical evaluation board and they do not get the 30% needed to medically retire them if there private insurance don't continue to carry them it is very difficult to find coverage that will pick up on their pre-exisiting condition. The republicans say let the state provide their own solution well i wish they were in my office listeneing to the horror stories from our troops on how they are treated when they return. How as Americans can we stand ideally by knowing that we have our own troops plus all the other men, women and children that donot have health insurance. My husband is retired we have Tri-Care, which is a good gov't plan, I am willing to do what it takes to help those that are less fortunate, I pray for you people who are so cold hearted and self righteous. I am proud of my President for passing health care reform, it is about time? God will bless you President Obama!!!!!! Posted by: Donnajean 31 March 22nd, 2010 12:46 pm ET Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Nice to know that the Party of NO is at it again. Business or should I say Not-Business-As-Usual. Dems tried to work with them and went along with court confirmations, etc., in the Bush years, but now the NO party is foaming at the mouth riling up their fringe element to call out racial and other slurs, spitting on people, instead of working on a real bill for all the people. Well, if they don't like the bill, let them give up their fantastic FREE medical benefits and pay the premiums without any reimbursements! Palin and her call about death squads, along with the "sky is falling" Repubs just show that they are in need of brain implants, because they obviously don't have any. Posted by: party of no
I remain a Castor supporter - he has proven that when it comes to the law there is no short-cuts and if perhaps a line is crossed, admit it and correct the error and move on. The two other Commissioners have continued their short-cuts and we are supposed to look the other way? Don't think so!!!
Castor should give back the $70,000 he got for 2 days of work that he was able to schedule with no oversight. He showed that he is all about the money. No one else could schedule their work day on a weekend without permission. He is full of himself and I am glad he is showing how much of a obstructionist that he is to the point that his own party doesn't back him.
$70,000. you say for doing nothing and scheduling the time for days that were within his schedule? Exactly what did he do those 2 days? My Lawyer charges $200. per hour and anything connected to a visit or phone call is an add-on. So, questioning a pay as a Commissioner we need to know what you are talking about and truly why he was owed this much back pay? Here is an example of salaries... A Secretary/Steno.,a Salesperson vs a Professional of any type ...comparison is like Apples and Oranges.
$70,000. you say for doing nothing and scheduling the time for days that were within his schedule? Exactly what did he do those 2 days? My Lawyer charges $200. per hour and anything connected to a visit or phone call is an add-on.
My post said for two days of work. Please get back on the short bus.
What's your point about your lawyer costing $200? I've retained lawyers before, so this and your salary comparison mean nothing to me. I've done budgets with salaries for government and I've seen the waste. Castor's $70k is just like DROP in Philadelphia, except for his stupid remarks that alienate his own party as well as others around here.
Interesting! Anonymous, Anonymous- Exactly what did he do for a payment of this amount? Don't get angry - check it out and get back to us here on this Blog. I have done Budgets for many years and of course they are used as a Guideline. So, where does this amount fit into the County Budget, Who Authorized the Payment and When?
One House member mentioned the Facebook posting during a Wednesday meeting on safety concerns, a Democratic source told CNN's Dana Bash. Mention of the map brought audible groans to the room, the source said.
Democratic National Committee chairman Tim Kaine released a sharply-worded statement Wednesday night accusing several Republican leaders, including Palin, of inciting dangerous behavior.
"Republican leaders are themselves engaging in actions and rhetoric that previously would have been limited to fringe elements of the Republican Party," Kaine said. "Sarah Palin has invoked health care 'death panels' and has now placed gun sights on 20 Members of Congress who supported reform."
$200 for 2 8 hour days = $3,200.00 not $70,000.00. Castor authorized his own time to get this payoff and after seeing the time wasted crying about his new job, I say he wasn't worth the payoff.
This amount could not have been for time worked as a Commissioner - it had to be from work done prior to his assuming this position and that would have been District Attorney. Unpaid sick,personal & vacation days could over a very long period of time bring up the figure to $70 Thousand. My positions while working was No Carry Overs Ever - So, use it or loose it..
I believe the rules our County Commissioners have followed is - if they question the awarding of a contract or how we charged the county for maybe our car/overnight expenses, etc. response would be ... "It was a mistake - I'll have my Secretary take care of it"... Too many excuses - they are not excusable - the truth is all that is needed. Yes, this is a Blurry Line.
It is a Blurry Line when it comes to your friends vs your day time job. It is costly to run for office and sometimes your friends with a questionable background or their spouse's background is not a great thing to list on your resume or to accept any moneys to help you further your career. This is the case that Matthews finds himself. It is sad, because friends some times do not have the same morals (ethical)as you possess. This now is showing a negative in Matthew's case as he has found it necessary to take short-cuts when it comes to awarding contracts - forget the total amount of the contract - that is not the issue. He also found in order to advance his cause he formed a union with the opposite party in order to advance his agenda. This now has caused much trammel in both parties.
Oh we humble citizens here in Montgomery County are members of a "Club" that requires us to spend $10,000. each year in order to retain a membership? Oh, Please! What you are is not judged by where you spend your money, but how and why.
Hey Stan, What's with this Castor Guy. One day he's puting the gangsters in jail, the next day he's representing them. There's love within the mob. The almighty dollar speaks, the next thing Bruce will do is chase the ambulance. The old saying," what's lower than whale poop, a lawyer".
Did you say give to any Candidate just to build up their Campaign War Chest? Well the State Democratic Party seems to think that if they call often enough we will contribute - the amount now is $50.00 for starters. My husband would contribute if a candidate he felt was really qualified, but not for this nonsense that we see on TV and hear on the radio.
Mr. Huskey,Thank you for the wonderful story about the county giving $3M to restore John James Audubons Center 5-10-10. After all those beautiful speeeches would it be possible for the Commisssioners to contact the postal authorities and have them restore the name of AUDUBON to our mail delivery service. I live in AUDUBON, not Eagleville, Norristown etc. If it were not for Mr. Lashinger in the 70s drivers on 422 would not know where Audubon is located (signage). Thank you for your ear.
Stan, How about this: A little bird chirped to me this morning that the John James Audubon Center is actually located in Phoenixville. I guess the previous writer can sleep well tonight knowing this fact.
Funny is really not correct when referring to where a certain public building or acres of interest are. Methacton, although we all know it is in Worcester Township and Fairview Village is the also the know location - but the School District only uses the address supplied by the Postal System and that would be "Eagleville"?? and sometimes "Norristown"??? It is too bad they can not see the difference between LOCATION (destination for an activity) and the MAILING ADDRESS. Yes, just in case you were wondering, they do use modern equipment at this School District's Office.
I would like to know all the contributors for the following campaigns: Hoeffel, Specter, Sestak,Corbett, Cawley, Williams,Onorato, Wagner & Baptiste.. I have most of the answers for all the other candidates - but the above are of great interest. Time is running out and we all should be able to see who gave & how much? The Media is always playing us as fools.
Location?? Where is the listing for your address - Norristown, Eagleville, or Phoenixville? How under the sun can any person know where he lives? It use to be simple until we decided to accept the US Postal System's Address as our Location. You are right anonymous - following the lead of the Postal System makes life very difficult and I tried to locate a property that was being Sheriffed and it is almost impossible. Townships should have their own ZIPS as a starter.
Don't worry about donating to Mr. Huffel's Campaign for any local, state or federal position?? Not to worry, he has never impressed me as a forward thinker. It has taken him way too long to realize he was not meant for a position in government.
Some people think kick the bums Out... Well there was a young man that said remember the saying "Keep Your Enemies Close to Your Chest"!!! Good logic! They will be there when the DA starts to process complaints or the Feds. say, Enough!
Dig Deeper for Dinner with Obama:$38,500, a Plate...That's what I read. Well, if you live in San Francisco that might not seem like too much to shell out for Mr. Obama and his campaign to run for another term as President. If you contribute to his campaign I'm sure you will be rewarded big time.
On vacation in Mass. and tipping a few no doubt with the Billionaires our Commander-in-Chief. How can he suggest more taxes on these great people that have given him a few minutes of their time? Oh, yes a Photo Opp. brings in $$$ for his upcoming campaign, and the time spent is of course not billed as a fund raiser, but "business"...Monkey I would say.
Taking a "bus" or two to go on vacation is what our President did. Well they were transported to Mass. so that he could use them on his "business" trips - but the cost?? Tell me how much and also the amount of federal employees that were needed. I think the two black buses have run over the US Citizens and they do not really understand the shell game.
Speaking of helping other countries during these so called tough times, the President never mentioned why the "Big Black Buses" purchased for our leader were ordered in July 2010 from a Canadian Company. Exactly what was this hurry? Mack Truck probably would have been able to put something together and it would have been "Made in the USA". The Oakland Bay Bridge Span is being built in China - their steel and workers that make $12.00 per day. Now, some where along the line we need to say enough is enough and fine any company or our Federal Government for doing our country in by such large orders with our industry going under because the government does nothing to protect "Our" business community. The reason why companies will go abroad to get their work done is beause they can (Mr. Clinton's statement) and get away with it without a slap on the hand(s). I place the "American Flag" on graves every year. This year the floral shop did not have any flags "Made in America" there were only foreign made "American Flags" - now how low can our country get when they permit flags to be sold that are made in foreign countries and used for graves and parades? This is the first year this has happened - so who is to blame? I worked in a flag company while in HS and we made plenty of small flags that looked great and did not fall apart before the season's end. The company is out of business now because of foreign imports. What a shame!
I wonder where we can find out who places the American Flag orders for our Federal and States. All events on TV show the American Flags and hand-outs are used for some of the events. The purchasing department for any event should make sure, especially if they have union workers, the flags are made in the USA. There is no excuse for Federal and States to use foreign manufactured flags. Yes that would be an insult to our country. This is a baby step if a ruling were adopted on such purchases but it is a great one.
Honestly, I am not surprised by anything politicians do anymore. They have all lost their sense of right and wrong and are merely there for their own benefit. This includes pretty much all politicians from local to the Federal Government.
The days of serving constituents is long over. Greed and corruption are the norm and the scariest part is that it is generally accepted and in some many cases, expected, when someone is elected.
This country is on the wrong path because of greed.
Stan, Run, Run Run. See Stan Run!
All you need is all the IDIOT committee person in Montgomery County who knows jack S##t about politics other than a FREE sandwich and beer for their vote.
The Chairman snaps the whip and the idiots follow the leader.
Anyone for a free glass of cool aid?
Politics in Montgomery County will never change.
What's happening in the replacement of Sheriff?
When is that going to happen?
Then we have the blowhard who worked 2 days when he wanted to to get $70k. Then he goes on and on about nonsense with accusations:
On Monday, Castor sent Morgan a second letter calling her a “pawn” of the current administration for not doing more to find out if other county contracts were unlawful, and for failing to legally block the bond sale, a move that could have saved the county $1 million in interest this year.
He is nothing but a crybaby trying to get attention and $ to run for another position. Since he put his sign in his restroom, let him go in there, shut the door and shut his mouth.
I'm glad we have ONE CRY BABY or our County would go down the tubes. Looking the other way will not resolve the situation that now exists in our local,county,state and federal government. So, THANK YOU Mr. Castor.
Castor is like the boy crying wolf all the time, just to stay in the news. Of course the TH obliges and prints every word he says. What a waste of time, taxpayers' money and trees to print this garbage.
People get the government they deserve. When people assume all politicians are on the take, or trying to draw attention to themselves rather than legitimate issues, who wants to run?
When you have to beg for obscene amounts of money for "campaign expenses" to spend on mostly negative ads that wallow into real mud just before the election, who wants to run? When the so-called winners start to think the money left over is their own money, who cares?
Most of the "campaign expense" money comes from business and professional people because they have the money, and want more business. Who is going to rock the boat?
Something like 80% of local voters stay home on election days because they believe all politicians are on the take. Round and round it goes.
Hoeffel and Castor both told The Inquirer that Castor’s comments about the Montgomery County budget crisis were an attempt to cover up his inability to gain regional support for the special election. “Now that he realizes he’s not going anywhere,” Matthews said, “if he wants to work as a team, I think that’s great. If he wants to remain negative and obstructionist, that’s his choice.”
Added Matthews: “I will not be roadkill for his ambitions. He can say whatever he wants, but he doesn’t understand county government, and I certainly understand why our neighboring counties chose not to go with him for state Senate.”
Mensch told The Inquirer that he had “firm commitment” from Republican leaders in Bucks, Lehigh and Northampton Counties, which indicates that Castor most likely could not get the support he needed to run for Wonderling’s seat.
July 29, 2009 at 1:54 pm
Castor does not work well with others, including his own Republican party mates. ROFL!
Nice how the lines coalesce into the real deal with these tea parties. We had the idiots calling out to kill President Obama when that clueless wannabee Palin tried to start a lynching. Now the idiots are yelling homophobic slurs and the n-word and actually spit on a congressman while calling him the n-word. They threw money at a man with parkinson's disease who was demonstrating quietly while the tea party out in the far right field foamed at the mouth. Yep, the lines aren't so blurry when the racist homophobics forget about their religion or in fact use their religion to keep all the money to themselves. Must be in league with the insurance companies who lobby to get drug prices and other health benefits high and out of the scrutiny of government.
But, you (Stan) won't print this as it's against your "principles".
I'll just keep a copy for people who care about people and not the bottom line of tabloids and how much money they can make on the backs of poor people. 3/21/10
I do not give cash - I donate time or attend a function that is within my means.
March 22nd, 2010
12:18 pm ET
I am a nurse and I work with our recovering service members on a daily basis who come back from war injured/ill, do you know that when one of our tropps come back especially those that are national Guard or reservist that if they sustain an injury while deployed and have to face a medical evaluation board and they do not get the 30% needed to medically retire them if there private insurance don't continue to carry them it is very difficult to find coverage that will pick up on their pre-exisiting condition. The republicans say let the state provide their own solution well i wish they were in my office listeneing to the horror stories from our troops on how they are treated when they return. How as Americans can we stand ideally by knowing that we have our own troops plus all the other men, women and children that donot have health insurance. My husband is retired we have Tri-Care, which is a good gov't plan, I am willing to do what it takes to help those that are less fortunate, I pray for you people who are so cold hearted and self righteous. I am proud of my President for passing health care reform, it is about time? God will bless you President Obama!!!!!!
Posted by: Donnajean
March 22nd, 2010
12:46 pm ET
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Nice to know that the Party of NO is at it again. Business or should I say Not-Business-As-Usual. Dems tried to work with them and went along with court confirmations, etc., in the Bush years, but now the NO party is foaming at the mouth riling up their fringe element to call out racial and other slurs, spitting on people, instead of working on a real bill for all the people. Well, if they don't like the bill, let them give up their fantastic FREE medical benefits and pay the premiums without any reimbursements! Palin and her call about death squads, along with the "sky is falling" Repubs just show that they are in need of brain implants, because they obviously don't have any.
Posted by: party of no
I remain a Castor supporter - he has proven that when it comes to the law there is no short-cuts and if perhaps a line is crossed, admit it and correct the error and move on. The two other Commissioners have continued their short-cuts and we are supposed to look the other way? Don't think so!!!
Castor should give back the $70,000 he got for 2 days of work that he was able to schedule with no oversight. He showed that he is all about the money. No one else could schedule their work day on a weekend without permission. He is full of himself and I am glad he is showing how much of a obstructionist that he is to the point that his own party doesn't back him.
$70,000. you say for doing nothing and scheduling the time for days that were within his schedule? Exactly what did he do those 2 days? My Lawyer charges $200. per hour and anything connected to a visit or phone call is an add-on. So, questioning a pay as a Commissioner we need to know what you are talking about and truly why he was owed this much back pay? Here is an example of salaries... A Secretary/Steno.,a
Salesperson vs a Professional of any type ...comparison is like Apples and Oranges.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
$70,000. you say for doing nothing and scheduling the time for days that were within his schedule? Exactly what did he do those 2 days? My Lawyer charges $200. per hour and anything connected to a visit or phone call is an add-on.
My post said for two days of work. Please get back on the short bus.
What's your point about your lawyer costing $200? I've retained lawyers before, so this and your salary comparison mean nothing to me. I've done budgets with salaries for government and I've seen the waste. Castor's $70k is just like DROP in Philadelphia, except for his stupid remarks that alienate his own party as well as others around here.
Interesting! Anonymous, Anonymous- Exactly what did he do for a payment of this amount? Don't get angry - check it out and get back to us here on this Blog. I have done Budgets for many years and of course they are used as a Guideline. So, where does this amount fit into the County Budget, Who Authorized the Payment and When?
One House member mentioned the Facebook posting during a Wednesday meeting on safety concerns, a Democratic source told CNN's Dana Bash. Mention of the map brought audible groans to the room, the source said.
Democratic National Committee chairman Tim Kaine released a sharply-worded statement Wednesday night accusing several Republican leaders, including Palin, of inciting dangerous behavior.
"Republican leaders are themselves engaging in actions and rhetoric that previously would have been limited to fringe elements of the Republican Party," Kaine said. "Sarah Palin has invoked health care 'death panels' and has now placed gun sights on 20 Members of Congress who supported reform."
$200 for 2 8 hour days = $3,200.00 not $70,000.00. Castor authorized his own time to get this payoff and after seeing the time wasted crying about his new job, I say he wasn't worth the payoff.
This amount could not have been for time worked as a Commissioner - it had to be from work done prior to his assuming this position and that would have been District Attorney. Unpaid sick,personal & vacation days could over a very long period of time bring up the figure to $70 Thousand. My positions while working was No Carry Overs Ever - So, use it or loose it..
I believe the rules our County Commissioners have followed is - if they question the awarding of a contract or how we charged the county for maybe our car/overnight expenses, etc. response would be ... "It was a mistake - I'll have my Secretary take care of it"... Too many excuses - they are not excusable - the truth is all that is needed. Yes, this is a Blurry Line.
It is a Blurry Line when it comes to your friends vs your day time job. It is costly to run for office and sometimes your friends with a questionable background or their spouse's background is not a great thing to list on your resume or to accept any moneys to help you further your career. This is the case that Matthews finds himself. It is sad, because friends some times do not have the same morals (ethical)as you possess. This now is showing a negative in Matthew's case as he has found it necessary to take short-cuts when it comes to awarding contracts - forget the total amount of the contract - that is not the issue. He also found in order to advance his cause he formed a union with the opposite party in order to advance his agenda. This now has caused much trammel in both parties.
Oh we humble citizens here in Montgomery County are members of a "Club" that requires us to spend $10,000. each year in order to retain a membership? Oh, Please! What you are is not judged by where you spend your money, but how and why.
Hey Stan, What's with this Castor Guy. One day he's puting the gangsters in jail, the next day he's representing them. There's love within the mob. The almighty dollar speaks, the next thing Bruce will do is chase the ambulance. The old saying," what's lower than whale poop, a lawyer".
Did you say give to any Candidate just to build up their Campaign War Chest? Well the State Democratic Party seems to think that if they call often enough we will contribute - the amount now is $50.00 for starters. My husband would contribute if a candidate he felt was really qualified, but not for this nonsense that we see on TV and hear on the radio.
Mr. Huskey,Thank you for the wonderful story about the county giving $3M to restore John James Audubons Center 5-10-10.
After all those beautiful speeeches would it be possible for the Commisssioners to contact the postal authorities and have them restore the name of AUDUBON to our mail delivery service. I live in AUDUBON, not Eagleville, Norristown etc. If it were not for Mr. Lashinger in the 70s drivers on 422 would not know where Audubon is located (signage). Thank you for your ear.
Stan, How about this: A little bird chirped to me this morning that the John James Audubon Center is actually located in Phoenixville. I guess the previous writer can sleep well tonight knowing this fact.
Funny is really not correct when referring to where a certain public building or acres of interest are. Methacton, although we all know it is in Worcester Township and Fairview Village is the also the know location - but the School District only uses the address supplied by the Postal System and that would be "Eagleville"?? and sometimes "Norristown"??? It is too bad they can not see the difference between LOCATION (destination for an activity) and the MAILING ADDRESS. Yes, just in case you were wondering, they do use modern equipment at this School District's Office.
I would like to know all the contributors for the following campaigns: Hoeffel, Specter, Sestak,Corbett, Cawley, Williams,Onorato, Wagner & Baptiste.. I have most of the answers for all the other candidates - but the above are of great interest. Time is running out and we all should be able to see who gave & how much? The Media is always playing us as fools.
Location?? Where is the listing for your address - Norristown, Eagleville, or Phoenixville? How under the sun can any person know where he lives? It use to be simple until we decided to accept the US Postal System's Address as our Location. You are right anonymous - following the lead of the Postal System makes life very difficult and I tried to locate a property that was being Sheriffed and it is almost impossible. Townships should have their own ZIPS as a starter.
Don't worry about donating to Mr. Huffel's Campaign for any local, state or federal position?? Not to worry, he has never impressed me as a forward thinker. It has taken him way too long to realize he was not meant for a position in government.
Some people think kick the bums Out... Well there was a young man that said remember the saying "Keep Your Enemies Close to Your Chest"!!! Good logic! They will be there when the DA starts to process complaints or the Feds. say, Enough!
Dig Deeper for Dinner with Obama:$38,500, a Plate...That's what I read. Well, if you live in San Francisco that might not seem like too much to shell out for Mr. Obama and his campaign to run for another term as President. If you contribute to his campaign I'm sure you will be rewarded big time.
On vacation in Mass. and tipping a few no doubt with the Billionaires our Commander-in-Chief. How can he suggest more taxes on these great people that have given him a few minutes of their time? Oh, yes a Photo Opp. brings in $$$ for his upcoming campaign, and the time spent is of course not billed as a fund raiser, but "business"...Monkey I would say.
Taking a "bus" or two to go on vacation is what our President did. Well they were transported to Mass. so that he could use them on his "business" trips - but the cost?? Tell me how much and also the amount of federal employees that were needed. I think the two black buses have run over the US Citizens and they do not really understand the shell game.
Speaking of helping other countries during these so called tough times, the President never mentioned why the "Big Black Buses" purchased for our leader were ordered in July 2010 from a Canadian Company. Exactly what was this hurry? Mack Truck probably would have been able to put something together and it would have been "Made in the USA". The Oakland Bay Bridge Span is being built in China - their steel and workers that make $12.00 per day. Now, some where along the line we need to say enough is enough and fine any company or our Federal Government for doing our country in by such large orders with our industry going under because the government does nothing to protect "Our" business community. The reason why companies will go abroad to get their work done is beause they can (Mr. Clinton's statement) and get away with it without a slap on the hand(s). I place the "American Flag" on graves every year. This year the floral shop did not have any flags "Made in America" there were only foreign made "American Flags" - now how low can our country get when they permit flags to be sold that are made in foreign countries and used for graves and parades? This is the first year this has happened - so who is to blame? I worked in a flag company while in HS and we made plenty of small flags that looked great and did not fall apart before the season's end. The company is out of business now because of foreign imports. What a shame!
I wonder where we can find out who places the American Flag orders for our Federal and States. All events on TV show the American Flags and hand-outs are used for some of the events. The purchasing department for any event should make sure, especially if they have union workers, the flags are made in the USA. There is no excuse for Federal and States to use foreign manufactured flags. Yes that would be an insult to our country. This is a baby step if a ruling were adopted on such purchases but it is a great one.
Flag Orders? Check with Casey or Meehan. Either one will give you the answer. So far, so good with these two in Washington.
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