Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Angus found on Schuylkill Expressway

Check out the power of social networking,, and a heartwarming story.


Stephanie Mustachio said...

I made that Angus facebook page :)

Anonymous said...

I too am glad to see Angus reunited with his family. It would be a great story if only Angus could speak. A lot of rest,loving care and plenty of great food will do wonders.

Anonymous said...

I saw a Collie on Audubon Road when returning home from work around noon yesterday - it looked lost but was well fed and ran when cars stopped. So, I'm glad Angus was found and is safe at home with a loving family. The statement I made about the Collie should be a reminder of all owners to keep their animals on a leash or penned in lawn for their safety and the safety of people driving.