Monday, January 19, 2015

Norristown needs to resolve itself to revitalize

In my latest rant I go off about New Year's resolutions and how people pretty much dumped them after the first couple of weeks of January are in the books. I think people should resolve to do things when the moment strikes, not at the end of the year when they're thinking about all the things they should have done before the calendar came around for a change.


Unknown said...

In the 8 yrs I've been in the area I've never been so disgusted with the Boro. 3rd richest county in the country and a 3rd world city in Pennsylvania. Worst county seat (including Philly) in the area. See Media, West Chester, Doylestown, etc.
Clean up your act Norristown. You've had many opportunities for growth.

Wilde said...

Bill DeAngelis said:

Norristown is not a "Boro" and Montgomery County is the 3rd wealthiest county in Pennsylvania.

Viable plans for renewal can be approved by the council, then the council will need to follow those plans. But ingenuity, commitment personal integrity and perseverance must be qualities for successively elected council members.

The Norristown government must be one that is trustworthy.