Monday, August 27, 2012

Are you better off now than you were four years ago?

It’s been nearly four years and this country is in the same shape it was when Obama took office, if not worse. And please remember, before Obama and Biden took office, the Democratic Party already had control over the House and Senate. Which evokes another duo, Pelosi and Reid. Then House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi took the gavel as Speaker of the House and said, “After years of historic deficits, this 110th Congress will commit itself to a higher standard: pay as you go,no new deficit spending. Our new America will provide unlimited opportunities for new generations, not burden them with mountains of debt.” That was in 2007 when the national debt was a little over $8 trillion. Absolutely much higher than it should have been, but please remember, since the mantra has always been to blame Bush for everything, that in 2001 when George Bush took office, the deficit was at $6 trillion. When Republicans finally were able to get the spend-crazy Democrats out of office and regained control of the House and Senate in 2011, the federal deficit had soared to nearly $14 trillion. You can attempt to blame it on anyone you want, but the numbers just don’t add up. I hope you’re starting to notice a trend here, folks. Unfortunately, President Obama has been saddled with Joe Biden. Fortunately, though, President Romney will have Paul Ryan at his side. And I’m betting you won’t hear a single ‘fbomb’ the whole time. Stan Huskey is the editor of The Times Herald. He can be reached at 610-272-2500 ext. 215 or at Follow @StanHuskey on Twitter.


Anonymous said...

Great post, Stan. Ryan will be the fiscal anchor, and along with Romney's business experience, we hope to see better financial responsibility.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with your comments on this one. Our family is voting for the American. No need to explain that statement.
Audubon voter

Anonymous said...

I'm really glad you are getting into the Political Arena now. I have taken over the paying for everything that goes on in this household. We have been retired for approx. 20 years and our cash needs has gone up almost 20%. Our weekly grocery bill runs almost $150.00, our monthly electric bill is $130.00 (not including air/heat) and now we just paid our yearly school taxes $3,000.00 and long term care $5,000.00 - sure glad we are not much on traveling ... Gas?? So, are we better off today than maybe 5 years ago? Now, what do you think? Get out and Vote this November.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if Republicans could get off of the lower taxes, smaller govt. nonsense, they might achieve something. Where we are getting killed is the Globalization of the world economy, that the major short term/long term problem for our country. Think about it.

Anonymous said...

WTF??? I am sure not better off now than four or five (or even 21 years) ago. NONE of the presidential candidates is even CLOSE to getting with reality. I agree with Anonymous above (August 28 8:55AM).

Anonymous said...

Any truth to the rumor circulating that Romney will release his Income Tax reports whem Obama releases his college records? Kind of doubt that Barry will do such a thing and end up getting himself impeached! I'm with your second poster and voting for the American.
Eagleville Voter

Montco PA Dem said...

Headlines from four years ago-September 2008...when George Bush was President. Yeah, I'd say we're better off now:

STOCK SHOCK FELT ROUND THE WORLD. Gets ‘nasty’ as Lehman tanks, Merrill vanishes, AIG wobbles [New York Daily News, September 16]

Depression Coming? Boil Some Beans; Ladies Who Quilt Give Tips On Surviving Tough Times [Albuquerque Journal, September 21]

One day on the brink On Wednesday, it seemed U.S. economy might collapse [St. Louis Post-Dispatch, September 21]

‘Great Depression’ closer than U.S. admits, report finds [Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, September 27]

Will Bush become the new Hoover? [Politico, September 19]

Developers bend under housing meltdown [Colorado Springs Gazette, September 27]

Depression seen possible [Florida News-Press, September 27]

Wall Street Meltdown Continues [CNN, September 17]

Is It Really the Next ‘Great Depression’? [NPR, September 19]

Behind Closed Doors, Warnings of Calamity [The New York Times, September 20]

Anonymous said...

No we are not better off !! Our neighborhood has a lot of elderly people (I'm one of them). The last two years have really been terrible when it comes to trying to stay on a budget and not use more of our savings. I have watched our neighbors that are in their late 70s' go to work every day. We all thought surely it could not be possible with how they lived the past 10 years it would be necessary. Well, yes it is and they never took vacations together as a family, but he was active in local functions and still volunteers his opinion on everything, which makes him feel good. That sometimes is costly. So, most families are not better off today but to make a showing they go to work to supplement their income. Next year when the 80s' hit this family and jobs are fewer - then what?

Anonymous said...

After the last two years of not having a full time job - I believe I will for the first time vote Republican. Government has a way of making life more fearful for the future. Our Bank has been closed. The workers are now employed by by other banks and we have transferred all accounts to the banks we feel are worthy of caring for all of our accounts. What we did find out that they do not treat the employees with respect and have made sure they are over burdened with their daily/weekly tasks. No time study has ever been done and all of the employees are up-to-date with Federal Rules and Regulations. So, we are now trying to find a bank that has fair employee employment policies and also fair investment practices. The last two years have me wondering if this administration is trying to do our whole country in and of course our family with it. This election is very important - check out all people involved with the major players.

Anonymous said...

The problem is Anonymous 9/17 is almost all banks now want to be full service banks.

Anonymous said...

I now believe our whole family will support the Republican Candidate. After listening to the Presidential Candidates on 60 Minutes and watching how they answered the questions put to them, the Republican Candidate (Romney)in almost all areas side with our way of thinking. His values we agree with. He understands that "Congress" is there because they represent "the" people to help in making decisions that will only make life more simple, but less costly. Less Costly & life style is making this family a "Republican" this time around and that goes for the Senate Race also.

Anonymous said...

I believe we should go back to having a National Day of Prayer. Since our present leader has taken office this has gone the way of all things.. Not To Offend Any Person/Religion??? Really???
He is running the government like any person from meager means,(really?)and will lead us out of wilderness here what we call the United States with a "Constitution" and Supreme Court plus a great congress. Note I said "trying to convince us this is so." He presents himself as a little above the middle class and spends like a million dollar want-to-be, using our money. So, checking out these two statements and found them to be true made our family members change their mind on support of the present administration's nominee (The President). - What about you? Better off? No!

Anonymous said...

After looking at the jobs our present President says he has created - he neglects to say it is almost l/2 the amount that were lost. I would like to see more truthful facts rather than what looks like a really big woops. Ft. Washington's gathering was a great FREE campaign stop for Romney (his son was the speaker). Coverage in the TH was slim - a picture. I am one of the few in our area that really will follow thru and look at what is called coverage of Republican Events. This type/lack of coverage is why we have the government's fingers in every part of our life. Coverages should be truthful and both sides of the story should be in print.

Anonymous said...

Any person here in Montgomery County that does not have SS Card or proof of Birth (Date & parents/Doctor) should be ashamed. To vote is something every person is entitled to, but not in other countries. I believe Australia has a fine placed on citizens if they do not vote - now that would be great and would help us with the long, long trip back to debt reduction. Four years of increasing the debt (a Presidential Choice) for all of (us) poor citizens and our kids, grand kids, great, great grand kids to pay off so our leader can say - Now the USA is exactly like all other countries - No better and no worse. No, I'm not proud of the last 4 years with this president.

Anonymous said...

After the debate it apparent that our present President really needs to think out side of the box when it comes to solving the financial problems he has created on top of what was handed him. I believe Romney is a clear thinker and the middle class (I'm one of them) really need to listen to what he is saying. States need to take on responsibility for their citizens. We certainly pay a large chunk of money in taxes that not only are supposed to help all citizens of this state, but to those visiting on a long or short period of time. I'm sure not happy with the way our family finances has been the last two - three excuse. We have been depending on the Federal Government for all things in our "must have box"... Get over it and start living within your budget - do not stray. Our next four (4) years will either make or brake our government as we know it. A business man is the way to go - not a fast talker like our President and his men.

Anonymous said...

I hope our President has a great plan to get us out of the red. I do believe at least 4 of his present appointments that served him well will be leaving. We truly have not had a great 4 years. The former President did not either with 9/11 and now this President has Flooding and exactly where he will get funds to help the full timers in NY & NJ. Maybe we should change the shore line to begin with. Every year it is the same and financially our family can not afford to constantly pay higher taxes to keep adding to the beaches. This year, as in the past 3 we will not take a vacation, we can not afford one. Maybe the next 4 years will be better and only 1 full time and a PT is all that I will need to keep our home and family together.

Anonymous said...

It would sound good if I only had to work l full time and a PT, but my wife works a full time and with all the taxes going up and just keeping our kids in school will not cut it unless some how our local and federal government can find a way of lowering our taxes, without placing our jobs in harms way because we both work for small companies. We both enjoy our work and working conditions, but the last 3 years there has been no pay increase.

Anonymous said...

Working for a Not for Profit Company that involves youth, we have found most of the large contributors are cutting back or just not including our organization in their budget - that happened last year and will continue this year. No we are not better off and it looks like next year will be the breaking point.

Anonymous said...

So much for talking down on Big Businesses. In past years we relied on men and women that were working for very large businesses to have fund raisers and would go out of their way to make sure we came close to our budget. Not this next year. The local utilities and military businesses are not listening. Who will take up the slack? We can not have it both ways - increase taxation on big businesses or have the local governments take on the cause of not for profit. We are running out of companies and people with deep pockets. Most people want their name on buildings if they contribute to a cause. Well that does not happen with not for profit institutions that are there for youth and down trodden.