I don't know about you, but I am becoming more and more disillusioned with the whole primary process. Why in the world do we still do things the way we did more than 200 years ago? Do we not have the technology to eliminate straw polls? For that matter, do we not have the technology, or the common sense, to do away with the Electoral College?
My vote is for the popular vote.
And, I'm talking about for the primaries as well as the general election.
And, do it all on the same day for the primaries. That way every state is relevant, not just states that aren't relevant any other time of the year.
We have the technology folks. In fact, I'm guessing the company that invented this blogger app could count all the votes themselves, and they could get it done before CNN declares the wrong victor.
Is that what your governor is trying to do by gerrymandering and eliminating one of the electoral districts? I think he and the others like Bachmann and the rest of the repug thugs are just being the Greedy Obstructionist Puppets of the Koch brothers to try to get rid of Obama by sitting on their rears and not doing any work. Funny how two supreme court justices hang around with the Koch brothers then do their business of letting money flow without reporting it to the PACS, then the repug thugs complain when Obama decided to use the same present from the courts.
I really do not know why Anonymous (1/6/12) sings the same song when it comes to deciding any federal election matter. A Republican or Democrat should all have the same chance to be voted on on the same day in each state. Don't say it can't be done. If a person is truly interested in the governing process of the USA and wants to become the leader (President), he should pay for time on TV and Newspapers to present his case. A month, let say, after all have completed their task - Have the Primary Election - both Republican and Democratic. In the fall the biggy comes up between the two parties and hopefully all citizens have done their homework and VOTE! End of story... Your President is by popular vote???
Anonymous 1/6/12 singing the same song? True, but it's true that the Koch brothers have tried to buy the elections along with Karl Rove now that they can hide their donations from the public. Corbett just signed a gerrymandering election map that meanders through several different counties, so 1/6/12 is telling the truth. 1/7/12 anony-mouse is all about suppressing anyone telling the truth around this place just like the GOP and the tea baggers.
The billionaire brothers David and Charles Koch no longer sit outside Washington's political establishment, isolated by their uncompromising conservatism. Instead, they are now at the center of Republican power, a change most evident in the new makeup of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
Wichita-based Koch Industries and its employees formed the largest single oil and gas donor to members of the panel, ahead of giants like Exxon Mobil, contributing $279,500 to 22 of the committee's 31 Republicans, and $32,000 to five Democrats. Nine of the 12 new Republicans on the panel signed a pledge distributed by a Koch-founded advocacy group — Americans for Prosperity — to oppose the Obama administration's proposal to regulate greenhouse gases. Of the six GOP freshman lawmakers on the panel, five benefited from the group's separate advertising and grass-roots activity during the 2010 campaign.
Claiming an electoral mandate, Republicans on the committee have launched an agenda of the sort long backed by the Koch brothers. A top early goal: restricting the reach of the Environmental Protection Agency, which oversees the Kochs' core energy businesses.
The new committee members include a congressman who has hired a former Koch Industries lawyer as his chief of staff. Another, Rep. Morgan Griffith of Virginia, won a long-shot bid to unseat a 14-term moderate Democrat with help from Americans for Prosperity, which marshaled conservative activists in his district. By some estimates, the advocacy group spent more than a quarter-million dollars on negative ads in the campaign. "I'm just thankful that you all helped in so many ways," Griffith told an Americans for Prosperity rally not long after his election.
Perhaps the Kochs' most surprising and important ally on the committee is its new chairman, Rep. Fred Upton. The Republican from Michigan, who was once criticized by conservatives for his middle-of-the-road approach to environmental issues, is now leading the effort to rein in the EPA.
Upton received $20,000 in donations from Koch employees in 2010, making them among his top 10 donors in that cycle, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
In recent months the congressman has made a point of publicly aligning himself with the Koch-backed advocacy group, calling for an end to the "EPA chokehold." Last week the chairman released a draft of a bill that would strip the EPA of its ability to curb carbon emissions. The legislation is in line with the Kochs' long-advocated stance that the federal government should have a minimal role in regulating business. The Kochs' oil refineries and chemical plants stand to pay millions to reduce air pollution under currently proposed EPA regulations.
I believe Anonymous should practice typing - he sure lacks typing skills. Well, maybe he/she is trying to invent a new word that is funny in his/her circle. I believe the "b" key is directly under the "g" key. From there on the statements can be considered if only he/she would then consider the millions given to the NY/PA Obama Campaign by "Big" Business and their followers.
Check it out and give us an accounting.
1/9/12 poster is a joke. He/She/It wants to make up new words that aren't in the dictionary. The Supreme Court pulled their stunt with the right obeying the Koch brothers. Read about the two Justices going to their parties or do you just read the TH and don't get out much from under that rock? The country is being bought by the Koch brothers and it's all out there if you take the time and do real research. So sit back and make your jokes. You're just a clown.
Yep, like Sanctimonious Santorum and his ballot stuffing win:
Research is correct and needed usually by those that constantly criticize those that are trying to have a person represent them and also good government. Now, that being said, it does take money from a source and not unions alone to make this happen. I believe the person that is under that rock next to you will agree.
Where were you when ole dubya stole the election?
It never was just unions providing money. The koch brothers have influenced the supreme court and scalia and thomas are their pawns. Karl rove and his crossroads cr-p is just one of many buying elections, so the electoral and/or popular vote don't mean anything when you have bigots and racists voting for an adulterer like newt who went after clinton when he was having one of his many affairs. the church going bigots just can't stand a morman so swallow their pride and choose newtie. It's a wonder they didn't go for ole frothy, the leech who took Pennsylvania for a bunch of money before the voters discovered it and kicked him to the curb.
Not in Florida! If you look at exactly what happened the year after Mr. Bush took office and wonder what Al would have done... ??? Well, popular vote gets my vote. The cost and the checking on all statements made by a candidate becomes boring. In one year we should be able to place a man/woman in the President's seat and hope congress will do their job. Money is always the problem when a campaign runs too long and leads to corruption.
1/25/12 Anonymous... You comments on the Republicans running for the office of the President leads me to believe non of the above will get your vote - So, you are well pleased with Mr. Obama? Exactly what delights you as your comments make me believe you are ready to burst.
1/25/12 Anonymous... You comments on the Republicans running for the office of the President leads me to believe non of the above will get your vote - So, you are well pleased with Mr. Obama? Exactly what delights you as your comments make me believe you are ready to burst.
January 26, 2012 3:20 PM
Your comment doesn't make any sense at all. Am I pleased with PRESIDENT Obama, (not Mr. as you put it, with your disrespect. You must be in league with that other Devil, Brewer of Arizona, pointing her finger at him like he is a child.) I am glad that he is in office offering common sense and trying to work with the obstructionist repukelicraps that live off the public dole but want to deny the regular folks who PAID taxes, like unemployment insurance, medicare and social security TAXES, only to have those repukelicraps try to say it's welfare. Well, bohner tried to pull a fast one at the end of the year and he and his stupid buddies heard from the ones who elected them and backed off. I called the congress and senate so-called representatives (they weren't representing me) and let them know what I thought of their feeding at the pigs trough, but denying others help. You either saw what happened or you are in denial. So grow up and do some research before you put your foot in your mouth again... Or do you know the saying, of what you did... "Put brain in gear before putting mouth in motion"... Try that next time you comment, and maybe you may have a debate and not be recognized for the fool that you are...
If you want to make a statement about the Koch brothers then you also need to mention how well George Soros has been funding leftist causes and elections for decades.
“The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”- Mitch McConnell
Republicans 2012: Keeping millions out of work to put one man out of a job.
Is the liberty bell for all US residents or just for you? The Koch brothers have been exposed with their bought supreme court justices attending classes at their place to learn how to take down unions.
Though President Ronald Reagan called the right to vote the “crown jewel of American liberties,” many Republicans around the country have begun demanding increased voting restrictions in the name of fighting “voter fraud.” Though actual cases of voting fraud are so rare that a voter is much more likely to be struck by lightning than to commit fraud at the polls, one Republican official in Indiana has proved that lightning can strike himself.
Yesterday, a jury found Indiana Secretary of State Charlie White (R) guilty on six felony counts of voter fraud, theft, and perjury.
Yes, the reality of life and human nature, not the hypocritical papal nonsense of Santorum. The bible was written by man, not "god". Even Henry VIII rewrote the bible to divorce himself from the pope and two of his wives. King James version, must have been written by or on the behalf of King James. Yet scientists have noted the differences in animals and men regarding being gay. Santorum must be a closet gay, b/c he protests so much, just like that congress guy who was outed after going against equal rights for gays while being gay himself.
Funny how Santorum wins 3 states and no delagates and he only spent $21,000 of his own campaigning, then talks about raising $600,000 after those useless wins. But it's been exposed that he has a billionaire buddy buying the votes who injected $500,000 into ads for him. And people want to criticize Obama for deciding to fight fire with fire. If the Republicans and their bought Supreme Court justices said the superpacs are okay, why shouldn't Obama take advantage of them? Republicans are full of hypocrisy when someone else decides to play on the same level that they set.
Santorum is worst than a knuckle dragging Neanderthal. He want's to keep women barefoot and pregnant by denying them the right to contraceptives. We don't need politicians like Rick Santorum or his wife who lived with an abortionist and had an abortion herself making decisions more painful by suggesting that women who choose to pursue careers are worse mothers than those who do not. They want a catholic government and would have an inquisition like the Spanish to get their way.
Alejandrina Cabrera was born in nearby Yuma but grew up in Mexico, where nuns at private schools taught her some English. She returned to the U.S. when she was 17, she said, and GRADUATED from a Yuma high school. She's running for office in San Luis, Arizona, but a judge said under a 120 year old law she can speak good enough english to hold office. Even though she was 17 while in her final years of high school in the US, she graduated not being able to speak fluent english. Now about 10 states are getting waivers from the no child left behind flawed policy of Bush's and more are applying. A person who can speak spanish in a majority hispanic area can't run because the school failed her. Why don't they let the people decide? This is bringing back the jim crow laws along with the voter id that some older people can't get because they didn't get birth certificates in those poor rural areas. One lady was even accused of being an illegal alien after she voted just about all her life with no problem. Then the ones crowing from the highest mound of bull**** are the ones caught cheating.
but a judge said under a 120 year old law she can speak good enough english to hold office.
Meant to say the judge said she CAN'T hold office.
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