Monday, August 15, 2011

Norristown crime and the Mayor Nutter approach

Below is an excerpt from my column. Perhaps more importantly is an excerpt from an AP story on Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutters recent speech at Mt. Carmel church. 

Let's start the conversation or Norristown will never be more than what it is today, a sad shadow of itself. 

We cover a lot of communities, but none that need us more than Norristown right now.
So what is our purpose? It’s certainly not just to report on what we find.
We need to continually be involved in the events that shape our communities and lead the conversation on where to go from here.
Unfortunately, Norristown is currently being shaped by violence. We’ve published stories about the recent murders, shootings and stabbings that have taken place in rapid-fire succession, and there is one recurring theme throughout the comments and on our Facebook page:
There isn’t anything for the kids to do.
While the community organizations and churches have been doing their level best to provide cookouts and activities, there is still a void left when the day is done.
The robotics camp sponsored by Lockheed Martin is a fantastic four-day event, but it is just that: a four-day event.
The Norristown Parks and Recreation Department’s summer camp is a great place for kids, as is the Police Athletic League and the George Washington Carver Community Center, but are they enough?
Right now, they don’t appear to be.
So with a little trepidation based on past history of being bombarded by the naysayers, I am going to continue on my crusade to bring Norristown back to its once proud place of prominence.
Across the county, there are more than a few municipalities that provide a wonderful place for kids to go; places where young boys and girls can fulfill their need for that adrenaline rush many of us once craved like a treat from the ice cream truck.
I’d like to see the residents of Norristown rally around the idea of building a skateboard park so kids will have a place to call their own.
Upper Merion is in the process of building one for their youth; why not Norristown?

This is a way to get kids off the streets, but in reality, it doesn't get to the root of the problem. 
Mayor Nutter (click for video of the speech) gets right to the root, with a pick ax. 

As an elected official and a "proud black man" in the nation's fifth-largest city, Nutter felt he had to go a step beyond ordering a law enforcement crackdown.
So he channeled the spirit of another straight-talking Philadelphian: Bill Cosby. Nutter took to the pulpit at his church last weekend and gave an impassioned, old-fashioned talking-to directed at the swarms of teens who have been using social networks to arrange violent sprees downtown, injuring victims and damaging property. Moreover, he called out parents for not doing a better job raising their children.
"You've damaged yourself, you've damaged another person, you've damaged your peers and, quite honestly, you've damaged your own race," Nutter said at Mount Carmel Baptist Church.
The 54-year-old mayor, married with a teenage daughter and a grown son, called out absentee fathers and neglectful parents. He did not mince words, saying they need to be more than just a "sperm donor" or a "human ATM."
"That's part of the problem in our community," Nutter told the congregation. "Let me speak plainer: That's part of the problem in the black community. ... We have too many men making too many babies they don't want to take care of and then we end up dealing with your children."
Is Norristown a microcosm of Philadelphia's worst side?


Anonymous said...

Very well said Stan.
Audubon Resident

Anonymous said...

Of course N-Town is a microcosm, as well as any other city or town that has physically or mentally absent parents. For Norristown in particular, incompetent government, section 8 housing, the illegals influx along with the parenting issues. We have a long way to go but WE LOVE Norristown!

Anonymous said...

I don't see a lot of kids on skateboards in my area. Some have those little scooters or bikes. So an activity park should include options to include bike ramps for those that don't use skateboards.

Also, the response from the borough is lacking. Try to keep your place clean and report the illegal dumping by illegals and others. There is a dump site at 756 Haws that hasn't been occupied for over a year, but West Elm and others seem to think they can put all kinds of stuff behind the garage and at one time in the yard. The absentee owner did finally clear the forest out of the yard and board up a window that was letting the critters into other houses, and that stopped the tire, bike and crutches from being dumped there, but West Elm, not all, but a few including 702 apartments put their cans out and leave them out for weeks at a time. Code has been called by several of us, but the trash keeps coming. So, if you can get the people to be responsible for their trash, maybe their kids will be responsible. Then reward them with something. Maybe a trip to the Elmwood zoo at a reduced price.

Linda Spreeman said...

Norristown, where the real estate taxes are higher than any other surrounding community, where crime is high and deters good home buyers, where the earned income tax not only exists, but is the HIGHEST in any surrounding area -- and one of the solutions is a skateboard park? Time to use the critical thinking skills that the leaders learned in college and employ other methods. The current thought process isn't working. Why not employ some of what worked for Manyunk and other areas? ~Linda Spreeman~

Linda Spreeman said...

Norristown, where the real estate taxes are higher than any of the surrounding communities, where the earned income tax not only exists, but it's higher than any other community as well, where potential home buyers are deterred due to high crime (not to mention high taxes). Leadership doesn't seem to be getting the message that the "same old same old" isn't working. Time to put those critical thinking skills learned in college to work (and it won't be fixed by a skateboard park). ~Linda Spreeman~

Anonymous said...

Norristown, where the taxes are collected by a contractor that doesn't bother to respond to phone calls or letters for information that they are required to provide. Where trash taxes increase but dumping still lays around in the alleys for weeks at a time. Where code people didn't get along according to a report, but they weren't disciplined or fired, but worked in separate departments until a study was done, then the costs increased to hire a director who ignored complaints and worked with the cops to take revenge against the residents complaining. The cops said people need to respect them but they have not earned that respect. They are just like the gangs intimidating people and their community officer is a failure at his job too. Good enough for government work is their motto, just show up and get paid.

Anonymous said...

We are being betrayed by those in local governments. The property taxes are so high because the township employees are over paid. Police and teachers are making 100k for 40 hours and teachers do it in eight months. What are you making?