Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Liquor for sale, get you liquor

So the state is once again talking about selling its liquor stores. Personally, I don't think any government should be in private business. They just have too many avenues to make sure they're the only game in town, which in this case, they are. Do you think the state should get out of the liquor business? Why? Why not?


Anonymous said...

The LCB is just another place for political cronies to give their friends jobs. For example: "if you don't run against our candidate x, we will give you a job at the LCB" I am not going to name names but you certainly could.

Anonymous said...

I don't drink...and can count the number of times that I've been in a State Store on one hand (and still have enough fingers left over for "editorial comments".

What I remember from each visit was thinking to myself how much better they would be if they were run by private citizens (or private chains).

I'm sure that there was, at one time, an excellent reason for the state to be in the booze biz.....and just as certain that this time has long, long, past.

Don Benn.....East Norriton

Anonymous said...

Hi Stan,
Growing up in Conshy you just accepted that the only way to buy wine and liquor was to go to the state store.
I've been living in Arizona for 20years and have gotten so used to going to the local grocery store of convienence store to purchase liquor. The prices are reasonable and competitive.
Pennsylvania is the biggest buyer of liquor in the world. They do need to get out of the business.
Frank Vermuth

Anonymous said...

What other businesses are there in PA that a private business can not open and make a profit? They can regulate the prices any way they want. No competition means very little sales events. Allow private businesses to compete with the State Stores and see how long they would last. I don't see how this is still going on in 2011. Very outdated laws.

Anonymous said...

I'll drink to that.

Collegeville Mole said...

Mr. "H", Why do you think all the drug stores are on corner properties. Why are there so many new BIG BOX stores being built. Costco, B.J's,Sams,Wal-Mart,
Grocery chains etc. If you believe that the little man will make it in this line up--I have a bridge to sell you.

The sybil said...

It's absurd that in this day and age, if you want to invite (adult) friends over for dinner or a party, you have to go to the grocery for sodas, another distributor for beer, and make a third stop at the state store for liquor or wine. It is also absurd that many state stores have huge plate glass windows that allow the sun and the heat burn through to the bottles of wine on their front shelves. It makes no sense for the LCB to permit some "competitive" prices only in stores near the borders of the state so we won't cross over to buy at the neighbors. It makes no sense to claim that the current state store employees will all lose their jobs. If they are at all competent, why wouldn't they be hired by private wine or liquor stores?

Anonymous said...

Try this on for size. I'm an alcoholic and I shop at Wal-Mart or one of the big boxes. I pick up my bottle of Jack and push my cart around the store stopping in each isle taking a shot. At the end of the bottle I stash it in with the bananas and check out. The checker may smell the booze, but, how can they charge me for it? It's pretty well hidden. All kinds of way's to beat the system, Right Stan?

TeamChildren said...

Its all politics but thanks for the great article..

Durkin said...

I think it shouldnt be a loud, its just like a monopoly, which are illegal in these here fine states. I'm not a big liquor person but I am a bargin hunter and if there is no compition there's no bargin

Ruby Red said...

It is high time the state get out of the liquor business, this is just one of a few states left that punish people who want to pick up a bottle of wine for dinner. Why are we still paying 80 cents tax on the bottle for the Johnstown Flood. Didn't Johnstown recover from that yet? When did it happen, in the 30's or 40's?? To add insult to injury, they charge 6% tax on the 80 cent flood tax, who could get away with this?

I agree with most of the posters, it is time to heave ho the liquor store and all the baggage that comes with it.

Trooper Mary said...

If this ever takes place....WATCH the pols with their hand in the kitty. Big money takes care of the politicans. Money given is hid from the voters. Check out some of the financial reports turned in by candidates for office , it's a joke. And to tell the truth...NO ONE GIVES A DAMN.

Anonymous said...

Time to go for PA Liquor Stores under "State" management? Well, I'm not sure there would be too much of a difference when it came to the $ amount we received for the "Johnstown 1936 Flood" account now in the General Fund. 18% Tax on each bottle of booz - now that isn't too shabby.

As I remember 1936 the Flood in history was called "Johnson/Jamestown Flood" - remember NY had big problems along with PA.

Alcohol Server Certification said...

Hi Stan! First of all, I don't agree with the state having a private liquor business. They'll just make lots and lots of profits from it. Second the liquor store, state-owned or not, should have a alcohol server license.