Today's when we separate the wheat from the chaff. I'll vote this afternoon, but to me, the primary is just a warm up. It's batting practice. There are some contested races out there, but not many. I'll get fired up about politics sometime around August. That's when I'll start interviewing candidates on Politically Direct. But that's still several months away. What will bring you out to the polls today? Civic duty? Habit?
I mostly went out because Norristown has one race that is a special election, so it's more than just the normal primary.
I always vote. It is my chance to pick the person I feel is best suited for a certain position. We received literature from both parties stating their candidates that were endorsed. I would prefer to have the whole slate as one of our Committee persons always made up and it showed the Endorsed and those that were also running for the various offices. I miss her, she really listened to us when we asked for all the names so that we could make our own decision. There is one other thing she always was there to answer questions regarding local situations or told us who to contact.
Anonymous that was above and beyond, you were lucky. My husband and I voted before lunch hour was over and there were less than 50R and my husband 1D - total count. Interesting!
I voted around 11 a.m. and my precinct had a whopping 71 people turn out by then.
Anyone else have numbers?
Why Vote? Candidates promise you things they will never be able to deliver. You have a Governor telling you who to vote for. The voting public today are not interested into listening to the truth. Tell them what they want to hear, that will satify their ego's. Candidates spend a lot of money (some not their own)to have their messsage sent out in beautiful two and three colors to have a couple of hundred voters show up to vote. These are the same people (no shows) who bitch and moan when something happens in their backyard. I even read about a candidate who painted a bar so she would be elected. Your paper this morning proved her right, she won. Although she claimed her friends did the painting, I saw three Latinos on a ladder doing the job. Someone stole the balloons. Stan, Maybe November will bring out the vote when the truth of the matter comes to light. At least when you vote, you do have the right to question and complain. Remember when you do not do your OWN homework, someone can easily do it for you. To vote is a privilage that our troops are fighting for. Semper Fi.
Do you remember Mrs. Matthews changing her registration to Dem.?? I wonder how many Dem. changed their registration to vote for their choice on the Rep. Ticket? Politics!! There are many ways to get elected.
The Paint Job on "Bud's Bar" in Audubon is looking great. Don't you believe a little help from a friend is all that was needed? Truth Alert really did more harm than good in LP Election. Maybe the saying "If you can't say something good about a person - don't say anything at all" really would have been the best advise to the Supervisors in LP.
If you are really curious about who supports whom, all it takes is a trip to the Election Bureau at One Montgomery Plaza and ask to look at the campaign finance reports. Their PACs have to file, too.
Politicians tell the voters what they think they want to hear. My dictionary says a politician is 1) a person who is professionally involved in politics, esp. as a holder of or a candidate for an elected office, 2) a person who acts in a manipulative and devious way, typically to gain advancement within an organization.
That says it all, doesn't it? Professional manipulators.
The paint job, I call it a snow job on the voters. I never knew the voters were so shallow, couldn't they see through her shinnagians right before election day. What a pitty the best man didn't win over a few gallons of paint. Call it sour grapes but this isn't about grapes, it's about big $$$$ behind the little girl crying wolf, now see what she does with Bud's Bar now that she put her mouth in it.
All we need to know is in my favorite book after the Holy One, is Webster and his take on what we say and what we mean.
I believe she will try to resolve the problem with Zoning, which as you know was changed for CVS and changed back before you could blink so that "Bud's Bar" could not take advantage of the Zoning change. All about LP right? Right or wrong!!! Now, back to "Primarily Speaking" did you vote???
I am embarrased to be living in Lower Providence Township after last Tuesday's election. Ms.Kearney and her cohorts ran the dirtiest and malicious campaign I have ever seen in my many years in this Township. Furthermore this election was obviously paid for and illegaly supported by money from a local business doing work in this township. Where do you think all her campaign money came from, her 20 person fund raiser?Frankly I hope she falls flat on her face and/or a subject of investigation aka Limerick Township.
Bill M.
She sat on the Zoning Board for five years and never muttered a word but, AYE. The eyes were for all her contributors in this past election. Maybe Norristown and Limerick are not to far away. Threats & intimations by big money paid their dues in this election.
By the way, why did Ms Kearney only target Mr. Sorgini and not Ms. Zimmerman? Could it be a planned set up? Only time will tell. In Kearneys mailings she stated her friends painted Bud's Bar, must have picked them up at Mickey Dees in Norristown. Very cheap labor.
SYBIL, Could not have said it any better. Nice Job!
Ms. Kearney is a professional manipulator trained by the very best.
She has a printer who is very good and works very cheap.
Money is no problem,she had an open check book with this past election.
Finally, a bunch of past loosers who know how to play the game of politics.
To poster of 3:29PM, if she changes the zoning to allow more drive-in banks in the Village of Audubon, good by bud's Bar, we hate to see history lost in our good town.
If that is what she wants there I see another big battle with the Friends of LP looming in her future, it she has one. Look what it got Dininny and Dougherty.
Vote? Yes! Always! Why? To keep our politicians on their toes and get rid of untruthful ones that serve or have served our Township in the past and want to run the Township their way. Get over it Anonymous (Bill M). It takes more than one person to mess up a Township. Now back to voting and your plans for the Nov. Election. A lesson learned!
How many households have computers in Norristown and the Times Herald Area? So, why in the heck are all comments made by people living in LP? I really like to make my own decision when it comes to the correct person running for any office. All the literature in the world will not sway me into thinking one person is any better than another after I have researched the person in question. Get out the vote is the answer and stop complaining if you did not win, a good reason usually is the answer.
Your one smart cookie and you said the magic word...RESEARCH.... It's a shame that most people do not think the same way. In some areas the church is the instigator in telling people how to vote. If you can't trust your minister who do you trust? Please advise me.... how do you do your research? Thanks
The owner of Bud's bar should watch his back. Brother Craig and his buddies screwed him once,now the paint job, look out for the third jab, that's the one that hurts.
It's common knowledge that the owner has a demo permit to tear it down. He should before it falls down.
Take a trip to Arby's and see the picture of what the first post office built in 1776 looked like.
I believe it was also called Jack's Tavern in the early 1800's.
If the building's owner wishes to demolish the building, so be it. The pictures of this building when it was called Jack's Tavern should go up for sale with all building material that can be used to reconstruct another smaller building on that site. It is a shame, but some historical buildings are gone and the whole community itself goes with it. The Zoning Board needs to take a look at how the area looked and how it now looks with Zoning changes given that area along Egypt Road. So, if you are too busy to come out and vote - don't complain.
Those pretending to want to preserve our heritage might want to do their homework about said heritage first. Jack's Tavern is the former name of the Audubon Inn, across the street from Bud's Bar (formerly the Shannonville Hotel). The Shannonville Hotel also served as the post office, not Jack's Tavern.
You wish you knew what in the he## you were speaking of. Don't make statements you know nothing about. Go up to the Township Building (spend a couple of bucks) and purchase a Bicentennial History of Lower Providence Township. Read it and then tell the readers of this blog you know nothing about nothing. I'll sign off the same way as you did.
The hotel you were referring to, and also that it housed a Post Office...was that were the gas station is now and Audubon Post Office, Mrs. Highley was the Post Mistress ??? We moved to Audubon in the late 40s' and this was a very busy village, but we liked it and so did all the working people ... men to stop at Buds and Audubon Inn to have dinner. My relative had a store in the village of Shannon, but I have yet to find where it might have been.
Campaign Literature arrived on Wednesday after the election. We were discussing the question the volunteers asked "Did you receive our literature"? I do believe this mailing was placed on the back burner and some person forgot it was there. Don't complain if your candidate did not win.
Certain literature sent to the homes had a 24 hour turn rate. One printer had his finger on the pulse. The literature had a lot of lies in it, but, what the heck his candidate won at least in the primary. The general will tell a different tale.
You give the printer too much credit.
He's not the sharpest tool in the shed.
When the financial reports come out the printer will be sent to the showers. Miss fancy pants will follow along with him. Looks like November will produce two pretty sharp candidates for Supervisor on the Democratic ticket. Maybe the member of the cloth can send another message to the flock on how to bullet vote. If only candidate Zimmerman knew how she was had. Be careful of people bearing gifts, it's going to hurt you in November. Out Loud has the venom to prove it.
If the Democrats finally found some candidates, it would be helpful if they revealed themselves and their ideas ASAP and not wait until two days before the election. And it would be even more helpful if they had some constructive ideas.
I agree with "Looking over the other shoulder."
Be wary of people bearing gifts.
In my church Politics are not discussed during Sat. & Sun. Services. Exactly where is this church located?
Believe me....God will take care of the good reverend. And you can bet your boots on it. No sense speaking out of the pew, ask Bo. He takes care of everything.
As I drive route 422 to my job in King of Prussia there is a huge sign on the west bound side, could this be the church?
It's located next to the trash companies building. I could not see a steeple, is the trash company holding services?
Maybe a billboard would tell a better story. It's nice to be from the sticks. Honest.
Dinner is fun right now. All Democrats can talk about is the Republican Candidates. Why worry? Oh yes Obama and the extended wars and discontent through out the world all under his watch. I believe Obama would try "Silence is Golden" for the next year or so. Me thinks he speaks too much and too often.
Listening to the four (4) candidates for the Commissioner Seat sounds like my children when they were young. They have a problem if some person states they were for or aganst a ruling or law. I guess stomping your feet or beating on a desk/table saying I never did that is how they wish we voters would like to see leaders act or react if they are elected to the Commissioner's Seat - Sorry!
All Committee People should have completed their visitation by this time. Well, our family is split and neither party has had a representative on our street.
OK, so the Republicans have their Primary Election in a few weeks. What I really would like to know how we can cut off the National Democratic Fund Raisers that call all times of the day and evening. I had a do not call list enacted, but really it is of no use. We are divided in this household and there is a great big question mark as to the correct candidate to vote for come the fall election. The young people being paid to call and telling us that we need to support Obama and the party now. When questioned "why" there is silence, except we need to keep the party in power. So far the Democrats here in this household are really questioning why, when considering what has been done to us and the why.
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