Saturday, April 23, 2011

Accounting for Corbett

I was thrilled when we elected a Republican governor, but a few of Gov. Tom Corbett's early moves have me a little puzzled.
I understand the conservative mantra against taxes, but why he is taking such a hard stance against taxing the extraction of natural gas is beyond me. Call it something else if you have to, but if we're going to allow companies to drill, they should be required to put money aside for remediation and accidents that will happen and need to be taken care of, and not at the taxpayers expense.
The other thing that has me confused is the nomination of Eileen Behr for Montgomery County sheriff with just a month to go before the primary. It just doesn't pass the smell test.
What's your assessment of our new governor so far.


Collegeville Mole said...

Mr. Editor; Thank you for choosing a very interesting subject. It seems that the Governor gave an explanation on Monday of why he thinks it would be wrong to tax the drillers. He stated that drilling in the Marcellus Shale formation is "the only industry that's really growing in Pa." He believes that imposing a tax would drive the drillers out of the state that has a mother lode of natural gas deposits. Question, If we have a Mother lode of natural gas, where would the drillers go?
Tell me all of the employees are from Pa?

He also stated, "We will not let them polute our waters." The next day there's a spill in Bradford County.

The second part of your question would be answered like this. Corbett would not know his appointment for Sheriff if he ran over her. Mr. Kerns the leader of the puppets of Montgomery County pulled the strings from the very start to have the x Chief nominated for the position of Sheriff. Mr. Corbett should enjoy his short term of office,maybe just maybe, he and the President should join hands and take the talk and walk. Thank you for the interviews on camera, you certainly made the selection much easier for my family. The experience and professionalism of Mr. Durante with your interview said it all. At least he did not state " the first thing I want is my name on the door. Remember it's the voters who push that button, not Kerns and Corbett. Their time will come sooner than later.

Anonymous said...

Corbett made the nomination. Did the Senate confirm? Maybe were puting the cart before the horse. I guess Rafferty will vote for it,he carries the Governors cape.

How about it Stan, any news on the Senate confirming?

How do the other senators from Pennsylvania feel about this garbage?

Unknown said...

Governor Corbett is digging himself quite a whole. The governor who wants Pennsylvania to be the Texas of natural gas is eschewing the $503 million in taxes, Texas collects. Yes, Texas, the most conservative, petroleum friendly state in the country, recognizes a cash cow when they see one.

Perhaps gas drillers can dig sideways into Marcellus Shale from neighboring states.

Governor Corbett also cut education funding by more than 50% while giving prisons an 11% increase. Perhaps he is planning for the future of an uneducated populate.

Not much room to agree with the governor.

Harry the Hat said...

I have to agree with both the Mole and Jeff. Jeff's right, Corbett is digging a huge hole, one he may suddenly fall into.

Reading the Mole's blog I have to agree with all of his views and add a few.

When Mr. Durantee gets elected one of his first steps should be get rid of all of the political appointments within the department. Case in point! Promoting ex police officers to the rank of sergeant
without prior knowledge of the department. Any recruit hired should sign a five year contract. Too many deputies have used the department as a stepping stone into a police officers position.
The cost of training a deputy is
not cheap. Why should some other department take advantage of it.

As Mr. Durante stated in his interview with you Mr. Huskey you don't hire an applicant because of politics.

When a promotion comes up, TEST for it. Moral in the department comes with fair play. I believe Mr. Durante can hit that home run and bring the department into the light years.

Taken from the interview, I believe he has the Knowledge,Sincerity, Experience, to do an outstanding job for the residents of Montgomery County.

Thank you for allowing me to vent.

The sybil said...

Mr. Corbett is a perfect example of The Peter Principle if it applied to politics: In a hierarchy every (employee) tends to rise to his level of incompetence. Mr. Corbett is in way over his head, he does not understand many of the issues, and we are going to have to put up with him for the next four years.

We cannot be the Texas of the natural gas industry because Texas does tax the drillers, producers and refiners. At least Americans use most of the petroleum from Texas, a lot of our natural gas is going to be bottled up and shipped to China.

Mr. Corbett says he will not let them pollute our water, but has already let the head of the DEP tie the hands of the on-site inspectors to his little bureaucracy in Harrisburg so that the inspectors have no authority to stop the drilling when they see violations. There have been two blow-ups already. It is going to cost money to monitor and remedy accidents, and it is going to cost money to treat the fracking water to be drinkable. Where is that money coming from, sir? Not our tax money, I hope.

The appointment of Ms. Behr to a post that has been empty for more than a year just weeks before the primary election is so politically outrageous that the head spins. Mr. Durante has been a real gentleman during the process. No matter who we vote for, we need to tell our committeemen that we don't like being treated like chopped liver by the party leaders.

Anonymous said...

Well, Stan, if what you want is a liability trust fund to cover accidents, then let's establish one. But that's not a "tax", and it shouldn't be booked as revenue to the state that liberals can spend on something else, leaving IOUs in the trust fund. We've seen that movie before.

How about simply requiring the companies to require liability insurance, if that's what you really want. Somehow I get the feeling it isn't...the first t=word out of a liberal's mouth whenever anybody earns money is "how can we tax that?"

Anonymous said...

If there is to be any tax on drilling and the outcome from the drilling, it should go to the locals. They will have put up with all the disgusting environment that accompanies this project - remember the easy coal mining? Take a look along Route 15. The area that is involved is not a wealthy area, blue collar is what we call them. They have land, but most of the time it is not fruitful. What most of the people in the areas that are involved is natural resources, meaning forest and of course the Head Waters, which most of us enjoy and will fight to keep the water clean. Now, the last part about the head waters is where the State must come in. The environment must have State and Federal Funding and be regulated. But, local taxation on local roads upkeep,policing and schooling for the children involved with the people that work the wells should remain locally.

Anonymous said...

Stan, You should really talk to all of the Sheriff candidates again. Only Durante seemed to really have the actual knowledge of what the Sheriff's department can do. Holt/Behr don't seem to even know the extent of what the Powers the Department actually possess. One candidate just wants his name on the door, and the other seems nice enough, but is she going to learn the job or just be a puppet?

Also, @ HarrytheHat- Deputy sheriff's education is not tax payer funded. There is a surcharge on every civil form for service that goes into a state fund to train all deputy sheriff's. There is no county burden on turnover(other than equipment and inhouse training)...except to lose experienced deputies to the higher payroll of township police departments...

Harry the Hat said...

Wait a minute. Are you saying 18 weeks of schooling at Penn State University and to lose them to a police department is not a BURDEN?

Then the Deputy has to learn the in house job responsibilities.

That's why I believe there should be some sort of contract available for that deputy to stay on the job, unless he or she turns out to be a joke to the department.

One thing I do agree with you is that Mr. Durante has the background to do the job.

ahab said...

Stan- I can not understand why you are confused about Corbett's treatment of the gas industry. He's doing exactly what he promised. It was a key election issue, much discussed in the Times Herald. What did you expect to be different?

Anonymous said...

As usual Stan you do not know the facts you just push your own agenda helping cronies.

Anonymous said...

Before he was elected - what did he say he would do when it came to Marcellus ??? Stop complaining. The locals in Central PA hopefully will get a few pennies in their pocket and the tax situation will take care of itself - time is on the taxpayers side - patience.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Editor; Is it a fact that the
Democratic candidate running for District Justice in East Norriton has failed the required test not once, not twice, but three times?
If this is a fact why hasnt this made your paper? How many times does he get a bite of the apple?

Unknown said...

A candidate does not have to pass the test to be elected. I disagree with the way it's set up, but that's the way it is. He could get elected, and then if he still can't pass it I believe the party gets to appoint someone, but don't quote me on that.

Anonymous said...

There are few positions in State & Federal Government that have a pass/fail test in order to take office. If a test would be required, we probably would have a very tough time getting qualified people to run our government. We have a Senator from Delaware that is supposed to be in charge of taking care of money/food/support for citizens that are without means to feed/cloth their families - this has been on TV and he of course says he has no idea how to approach this amount of people because his state is not as large as the countries/states that are in need. So, what test would you give him if he were running today? Not qualified is correct, but some person is needed to do the job and just maybe the problem will be solved before death takes over the over-populated areas that are in need. Sad! A test for any government official would be worthless. A test for any large corporation official is worthless too, because of their knowledge of a position and the employees that have been fulfilling these positions and have the know-how are farther advanced than any new official... So, a test is a test, but really they are of no use.
Now Corbet in his former position did not bring to light the unlawful situations in Harrisburg for only the Republicans or Democrats - it was all people using their positions for gain. So, Corbet is correct in taking his time on taxation of any kind...we should be thankful this is his trademark.

Anonymous said...

Gov. Corbett takes his time on deciding any action that would inflict another tax on his people. Now Harrisburg is going under - he does have a plan and he will not let any employee or state buildings go unprotected if this all comes about. Now, there is a leader.

Anonymous said...

So far, so good...We are proud of him. He is taking his time, you are right anonymous. Budget and the Marcellus Drilling charges seem to be all falling into place. The people that live way out in the counties that have Marcellus should be the recipient of any cash due to the drilling for this oil. We here in this area are the people who have (believe it or not). If you lived on a farm in Tioga or Potter County on the so called "milk" check, you would understand why I say it. Beautiful country but very hard work every day - Vacations??? Never!

Anonymous said...

ID to vote??? Yes in deed. Gone are the days when we depended on some person working the polls who knew almost everyone in her/his area. Now these people are working for the County Election Board for the money, not too much, to get the job done and to make sure the person who is voting is the person registered for that address. You say it is a slight chance some person would do just that, try to vote in another person's name?? Yes, you are away back about 25-50 years. Do you believe all committee people know, by site, the, presently, occupants on every street?? The answer is NO! So, back to having the ID presented at voting time is the only answer, no matter if it is A Dem. A Rep. or An Independent suggestion. The County's are in need to update the residents and their full staff and volunteers (Reps.) before the Primary Election. We have new Commissioners, 2 exactly, 1 hold over, so now all organizations and unions need to back this new law and use your volunteers/money before the election to make sure they, registered voters, have a Photo ID - it would be money well spent. Think of the Future Needs as our Govenor and all the Reps. & Senators in Harrisburg have done.

Anonymous said...

All the money spent by Unions to make sure their candidate is on the ticket, they need to go one step further and that is set up stations and make sure all people that want to register have a photo ID. It is the law and yes a good one.

Anonymous said...

A move forward for every person in the USA - Have an Identification Card that has your Picture on it. A problem my better half says it is because the government is trying to rid this country of Unions??? What can I say! If you live on the street or in a very lovely home, what is the difference? A Photo ID is a most valuable tool you can have to get you from here to there in this world. The Unions need to listen to such backward talk and help all people get their Photo ID. Sound good?

Anonymous said...

Well now 3/21 your husband has his opinion and of course you have your own. My husband thinks the Unions have the only answer when it comes to problems - i.e. making sure their person is the person that wins - don't worry if that person is well qualified or not. Listen 3/21 and go on your merry way, because some years the Dems. have a better candidate than the Reps. and then of course there is the opposit. Right now, we do need all hands helping all people registered with ID for the fall election. If the voter does not understand why it so important to have a PHOTO ID - please explain. The poor & wealthy all need this type of ID and most people that have had their SS number since birth, also have Photo IDs, so - let's get with it.

Anonymous said...

As a Non Committeed person to any party, I do agree with the ID Photo requirement. All people that want to better themself and live in a neighborhood that is mostly questionable should have a Photo ID and the County, City or State Government needs to provide this service - free!!! I believe this is the only way to make all voters feel equal as there is no way any person can go into the Polls and with fals ID vote for you or any person in your neighborhood. A Photo speaks a thousand words - come on Dems, Rep. & All Unions, get with it as one person says. This is a great law, because it has come down we now have to prove who we are and this is the only way.

Anonymous said...

The duty of all Committee People is to inform the citizens in their voting area and get out the vote. In the past, I as a committee person, made sure all voters knew who and what was on the ballot. All new people entering/buying a home got a letter from me and gave them all the data needed so that they would not miss any election. So, what happened the past 25-30 years? Both the Republican & Democrats are too into themself that they only show up a week before any election and ask the voter to come out and vote. It is not enough. A law, that is a great law, requiring Photo ID is great and these people that call themself committee people are lacking. Door to Door, the old fashioned way and if necessary transport the citizen to the place that is designated "Free Photo ID" and then make sure that person gets home safely. Now, that is the purpose of a Committee Person and no one will be left behind. Get Out The Vote!!!

Anonymous said...

Registration and a free ID with Photo is the way to go. I believe all people should be registered and the Photo ID, which is required on many occasions is the best thing happening here in the Twenty-first Century. Not every person drives, but, when going in for treatment in any facility your ID better be ready with Photo. We have many people working the Polls that never drove and back in the time a neighbor new every person in his/her voting area, that was just fine. Things change and don't drag your feet - be ready for the fall election, much work needs to be done NOW.

Anonymous said...

OK, I do believe every person registered should have a photo ID. If this law is upheld - A photo of each person voting should be part of the voting process. Did you say it would slow the process down? You bet, and now miss is accomplished. Also you will be able to know the cry-babies that are registered, but did not vote. It would take at least 4 years, but who is counting.