The Times Herald will host a Community Media Lab seminar at 6 p.m. March 1.
We are asking anyone in the community who has an interest in blogging to come join us for this informative session. We’re also asking any potential citizen journalists to join us as well. A citizen journalist is anyone interested in submitting photos or stories to The Times Herald on an ongoing basis.
If you’re interested, or know someone who might be, contact Times Herald editor Stan Huskey at
Mr. Huskey; GREAT IDEA: as long as you keep blogers from using your paper as a political stepping stone. Are you going to allow readers to answer these blogers under the anonymous heading? If not, I don't believe that you will have too many responses. After the primary would be a good time frame. What's your thoughts?
Is Trooper your first name and Mary your last name? If not, maybe you should revise your post to show your real name like you advise in your post.
To be frank; It's Mary Alice Trooper. Check the voters list "J".
WASHINGTON -- Sarah Palin went rogue on Woodbury, Long Island today, where -- at an event hosted by the Long Island Association -- she "flirted openly with running for president." While she was there, Palin took a moment to ridicule First Lady Michelle Obama's recent push to promote breastfeeding.
Palin attacks the First Lady... But, as it turns out, it's a flip-flop!
The perceived dig is quite a turnaround from the position Palin had as governor of Alaska, when she declared October 2007 "Breastfeeding Awareness Month" and issued a proclamation that said, "government and community organizations have a vested interest in protecting and promoting breastfeeding as a means of preventing infant malnutrition, morbidity, and mortality."
About your education ideas if you had 100,000000. Start with the simplest things first. Discipline and dress codes (uniforms) for all schools and especially the teachers. Teachers should be role modles, not act like the students peers. No casual fridays if u pay a $1.00 u can dress down. John
Trooper, who is "J"?
Wisconsin gov Walker pranked into revealing his allegiance to the Koch brothers. Need to check his plan to sell government energy plants to them along with his union busting tactics even though the unions are willing to pay their share of costs for health care and pensions. Another hypocrite exposed.
Not too sure who called the Wisc. Governor, but the person that called using another person's identity is against the law. I really do not care what the content is all about, but to have any part of the conversation published is breaking the law, unless both parties agree to the publication.
Thanks to the last two Bloggers I now know this is not another LP Blog for the dissatisfied and then hide behind some goofy name or initial, yes even Anonymous to spout off. Yep, I'm one of them, but it really does not include LP although I read all of Stan's Blogs.
Reading the Want Ads in the TH today there was an ad for an Editor and it looks like it might be the Mercury, which covers the Pottstown Area. Could this be possible? I try to purchase the Ptsn. Mercury as often as possible because that is where my support group lives. I have the TH delivered, now that is a blessing. The Phoenixville Paper most times needs help, but most locals are OK with the way it is. The Daily Local seems to spread their coverage too thin. It is an interesting paper, but local news is not always there, could be the coverage area is too large. Well, anyway back to an Editor needed, please make sure the person is interested in the communities that are covered.
I found Gordon's column today interesting, it was on the Union problems vs Wisc. Balanced Budget problems. Well, written and I thought he really is sincere about seeing both sides of this story, seeing as he worked both sides at one point. Well, no indeed, enter the statement The Big Fat R (for Repulsive). You know we here in PA have some very Big Fat Ds' also (Devious comes to mind). I believe Unions serve their purpose as long as the "Wage" were not considered, minimum should be standard and no person should be paid below that line. That subject should be out of the Collective Bargaining, but all other working conditions included, for any person working for Federal,State,County & Township. We can not afford any more "Fat Cats" running our Unions or Government.
I presume the Community Media Lab, scheduled for 6 PM, 3/1/2011, will be held at the Times Herald building, right?
That's correct, Dick, here at The Times Herald. Come to the front door and ring the bell.
Mr. Huskey, You have a blogger on the TIMES HERALDS site called Lower Providence Out Loud. She posts her view points, but, will not print answers to her crazy raves. It is a very vindictive and vicious blog that may take your paper to court. You proof read your own blog,I suggest you proof others. Thank you. P.S. I also believe she answers her own work.
That was a great meeting Stan. It looks like you recruited several citizen journalists and bloggers (including me in the latter category).
Keep up the good work
Stan I'm glad you had a great turnout. Maybe some person will be able to give a laugh a day, that would make the world a better place. Most of the articles are doom and gloom. Keep the faith and carry on all you young journalists and bloggers.
Stan, A previous blogger (March 1at 7:30 A. M. suggested that the writer of Lower Providence out loud
wrote a vindictive & vicious blog.
This mornings Times Herald edition had an article from Carl Hessler Jr. about a Towamencin women being sentenced for "vicious" e-mail stalkings. Asst. districct attorney Wallis Brooks stated" she's affecting people's personal lives and doing damage to their reputations, both in the community and in their families. "She knew these people. Her conduct was vicious." The person who wrote the March 1st blog hit it right on the head. Vicious & Vindictive, and to top it off the writer wants to be a Lower Providence Supervisor. God Bless the people of Lower Providence!
Just read the blog in question. If
the gentleman who she accused of being a criminal doesn't take her to court along with the planner who also accused him, he should have his head examined.
Looks as though the Writer of Lower Providence Out Loud got her lunch handed to her last evening.
Voting for Supervisor in the upcoming May primary were 20 Republican Committee persons.
Results of the vote.
Jason Sorgini 16 votes
Jill Zimmerman 16 votes
Janice Kearney 4 votes
Dick Dean 0 votes
It will be interesting to see the next blog from L.P.O.L. She will probably say that the party is against her because she wears pumps,or brushes her teeth sideways instead of up and down.
She has to realize that in order to succeed she has to be a people person. It's not the big wheels that get's you elected,it's the common folk. Sort of like the 16 committee persons that voted against you,just COMMON FOLK.
Hey Happy, I heard about the same thing on the committee votes. She supposedly stated in her presentation that she was a team player and consensus builder and has a grass roots organization behind her. Clippety-clop, clippety-clop. Can you hear me now?
Does this mean that she is going to withdraw from the ballot and join in with the committee team to get Zimmerman and Sorgini elected. Me thinks not, what she sez and what she does are two different animals. Wait and see if I am right on.
Hey J:
Congratulations on those 4 votes. Three of your committee people still love you. Since you claimed last night to be such a team player that "your" sent you a big message...."what goes around, comes around". See you at the polls!
Lee A.
SPRING HAS SPUNG. Your article "Waiting for the pin to drop." Mr. Editor, you state " So, you have a right to know and we have an obligation to tell you what is going on where you live, work and play." When you do write,you are accountable for what is in the article and the facts within. Why, do you allow a blogger on your site who blows her own horn how great she is while everyone else is scum? Her blog states, " a blog devoted entirely to the unique issues facing Lower Providence Township today. No longer do Lower Providence residents have to take over every Times Herald blog article. And whatever else I want to talk about. That's where the I,Me, comes into play. She will not publish anything someone answers to her blog that may interfere with her thoughts and rambles. Case in point, read her blogs, she will downgrade someones personality then say how great she is. You sir, will not publish anything that downgrades a persons credibility, why, do you allow her to do it? And she wants to be a Lower Providence Supervisor.
Mr. Huskey, Just viewed your interview with Mr. Durante candidate for Sheriff of Montgomery County.
You hit on the subject involving the Governor endorsing another party for the position for the remaining eight month term.
I personally believe this was wrong, and he should keep his nose out of issues he knows nothing about.
As a Republican voter, this kind of political garbage will not get my vote when he decides to run again.
Mr. Kern's will be safe in his bid to remain the Republican Chair,
because of his head bobbing cronies.
Why don't you post a blog asking what the public thinks of Corbett's
Today I happened to view the Lower Providence Township Board of Supervisors meeting on Comcast T.V.
First I got to see Mr. Mascaro crying about how he takes care of everyone who ask for donations for their projects. He forgot to mention between tears that everything he gives is a write off to the Government.
Then Ms. want to be Supervisor get's up and asked the Supervisors
(two are new to the position) their thoughts about a road going from Park Ave. to Egypt Road. This is the road that will run in front of the famous Shannondell Retirement community.
Now this want a be served as a two month Supervisor, five years on the Zoning Hearing Board and she is not aware of the program. Anyway to get your mug before the camera before election will not cut it for you. Remember your vote put the billboards on 422.
May 10th 2011, you mentioned the road between Park Ave and Egypt road. The Candidate for Supervisor who won the election yesterday sent a flyer to the residents of Shannondell telling them if they voted for her she would vote against opening that road. Can you believe that? They did!
Shannondell Drive is to be a thru street,as the plan originally stated. Older people living in this retirement home need not worry. The closed gate development will keep you safe and it will be the best thing to happen in that neck of the woods. I do believe the van service has great drivers if that is the concern. There is a whole new/old world out there and it does not involve a retirement home. When a person decides to sell all and retire to the fifth floor or whatever it is time to start thinking of giving up the driving privilege too. The hospital area is great and there is no cause to be alarmed that the traffic could possibly interfere when the Drive is connected, in fact it will make it much easier for all concerned. Kearney was concerned with Traffic Management, Special Interest Groups, plus the regular Taxes, Public Safety, Jobs and the connection of Trooper Road to the 422 By-pass. That is why my family voted for her. If she tries to stop the connection of Shannondell Drive, we will all know who living in that area and are working/volunteering for the township is in back of it. So, trying to put off the connection, like the junk trucks parcel operation, this will not go away. For a change do what was originally planned and connect.
During what was planned will continue, Kearney will not have any thing to vote on, she used that to gain the vote of the seniors. The rest of your article makes sense, the road will go thru as planned.
Mr. Huskey; I don't know where to post this question, how about here.
Why, did you pull the article about Mascaro and the West Norriton
flyer issue so fast?
Some residents wanted to question the flyer and it's contents and were not able to do so.
If you recall Mascaro has a law suit against some residents in Lower Providence about a slip of the tongue in their flyer.
Mascaro knew what they were doing and some alert resident caught them with their hand in the cookie jar.
What goes around comes around. so they say.
Mr. Stan. I believe it's time for the owners of Shannondell to bite the bullet and inform the residents of their community the truth about Shannondell Boulevard.
Too many want a bees are using that issue to confuse the seniors thinking they are dumb and feeble.
We residents are not interested in someone feeding us a bunch of baloney on what they can do for us thinking we will push their button on election day.
As a senior, I want Mr.Neilson to give the residents a straight answer on the truth and nothing but the truth.
And, he don't have to sugar coat it. Give it to them straight away.
In our News Letter from the Township there should be a completion date for Shannondell Blvd. I would take the pressure off the intersection of Park Avenue and Egypt. So, the sooner the better. Right now a private driveway is all that the Blvd. is and the traffic light should not give them the right-of-way on to a "State" Road. Finish the Job and then clean up the trailers and used car business on Egypt. We have a lot of work to do in LP and the TO-Do List needs to be shortened. Have a great Holiday!!
LP needs to get the road built, called Shannondel Drive. Using Park Avenue to get to work in the Ind. Park is no easy task. We were promised this road would be there - no if and or buts. I'm sure the people using, living or visiting the retirement facility would welcome this road. They have their private gated entrance and that is all that is necessary. If any family member on Park Avenue now has a change of mind - sorry about that. There isn't any person that would like more to have less traffic running through their development as a short cut, but the streets were not geared for heavy traffic. Check the Village of Audubon and you will see where most of us are coming from. Connect now!!
The mistake that LP made was not requiring the road be built first - not after the apartment area rented. There is a need for this road to be completed NOW - our local housing area have suffered long enough.
What is the hold up with this Shannonndell project? Three years or even more we were promised this project would be completed and the Blvd. was included. Can any person give us name(s) of those that are involved? Is it in the courts? It is in the works I have been told. Some works!
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