Thursday, February 10, 2011

A big Montco GOP surprise

The lead headline in The Times Herald actually should have read, "Brown, Castor win GOP nod."
I actually wrote the headline "Castor, Brown win GOP nod" before I left for the evening. And while the headline in the paper is certainly accurate, the fact that Jenny Brown received more votes than Bruce Castor has to be the biggest surprise coming out of the convention. Could it be possible that come November we're looking at what will be a Josh Shapiro, Leslie Richards run county government with Jenny Brown in the minority?


Anonymous said...

No it was not a big surprise. The number of votes for Brown was a little over the top, but Castor has the knowledge regarding Montgomery County and the workings is why this ticket was formed. November - yes will be interesting - stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

Sure hope the D's come up with two viable candidates for this race.

A piss## off R said...

Mr. Huskey; A little early. The Republican Committee have written the obituary column for your November paper.

"Shapiro,Richards,Jones newly elected County Commissioners".

Voters send tiny tears Castor to the showers! Bye Bye Bruce.

The Democrats take the County by storm. A quote overheard at the gala celebration, "We could not have done it without the GOP committee persons," And Mr.Castors EGO.

Anonymous said...

The comment that Castor has the knowledge isn't true. Castor had the backing and was bankrolled into office by Marino and true to form, soft pedaled the facts about his felon nephew Manila. Castor is a typical "lawyer" chasing the news trucks to keep his face in the pictures but his pouting put off a lot of people.

Anonymous said...

In the news is how most politicians make their wishes known and how they can receive the "Yes" or "No" from the citizens. I believe Castor has the knowledge and the ambition to make sure Montgomery County is on the right track. Now, Shapiro is a Democrat who relies on the good and bad that circles his family and their name. He is trying to be another Young Candidate that has some experience in the way government runs and how to proceed in the purchasing area, but he lacks the presentation ability. So, we are left with the two ladies that could fill the shoes of a Commissioner. Now, this is going to be interesting.

Anonymous said...

Shapiro as a Commissioner?? Don't think so. Only 12 Years out of college and now he knows enough to decide what Montgomery County needs and how we should finance all moves. Our family is a split family and the "D" laughed this AM after reading exactly what had come out of the meeting. He said "No Way!" Well, let's see what happens. I do agree we have a great chance to win the two seats here on the Republican side. Now, our committee people need to get out the vote and make sure they have used their up-to-date "Street List" to the max. A well informed committee person that is willing to share all information regarding the candidates and what is new in County Government makes for a AAA Rating.

Anonymous said...

Castor/Brown - They are endorsed, now can we hear what they promised to do if elected? I only know Castor and although he sometimes does not agree with the trend, he is truthful and that will go a long way. I'm still trying to find out about Brown.

The sybil said...

Your scenario won't come true until we learn a lot more about Leslie Richards. She may be well qualified but the average voter has no way of knowing that. And we would like to know more about Jenny Brown, too. Believe it or not, there are some of us out here who want to know more about a candidate besides the fact that they are "endorsed" by a political party.

Montgomery Mole said...

I have to agree with the Sybil. How can one vote for someone that they know nothing about! I only see my commmittee persons twice a year, at the primary and general election, At that time they shove a green slip of paper in your face asking you to vote the slate. The only information that has been brought to the voters has been through your paper. So far, I see three candidates with the knowlede of being a township supervisor and township commissioners. One candidate being a county commissioner who noone seems to trust. All four are LAWYERS. If you can't trust a lawyer, who can you trust? Who ever said a lawyer will make a good Commissioner? This voter will have a pen in hand at the primary and write in MY choice for the positions available, not some committee selection without asking me for my thoughts. It may be a wasted vote,but I will have my day in court. Why not an open primary?? That would really take the politics out of the system, would it not Stan?

Anonymous said...

I really do not care who is endorsed. Right now I'm checking out those that are interested in the Commissioners Job.

Anonymous said...

Well the one term Gov. has done it again. Nominating someone for Sheriff with only a month before elections. Another one of Kern's what can you do for me deals. If and when the Senate confirms the appointment will the Sheriff get fitted for new uniforms? What will happen to those uniforms when she loses the election? I don't believe Mr. Durante would look good in a blouse and jacket. I believe she said it will take time to adjust. Mr. Durante's been there done that,would slide right in and lose no lost time. The rear ends in Harrisburg should not be controlling local politics. The voters will speak on the 17th of May.

Anonymous said...

Well the Republican Organization has screwed the public again. The Times Herald reported along with the video that Mr Baer has been sworn in as Sheriff 11 days before election. Today I received a flyer stating that Mr Corbett endorses two canidates for Judge. Who in the hell doe's he think he is??He's screwing the people in Pennsylvania with his NO TAX on the drillers, and he expects us to vote for his candidates. What a kiss of death he imposes on these two people. I would not vote for anyone CORBETT puts his name to. I hope it comes back to bite him in the rear end.

Anonymous said...

Would you believe I received a piece of literature today that stated the Primary will be held May 17th!!! I hope the Election Board knows the LOCATION, not the mailing address for each Poll or would that be asking too much.