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Friday, December 3, 2010
The Breakfast Club
While the group of county officials that have been gathering regularly at the Jem restaurant in East Norriton in no way resemble the rag-tag group of misfits from the 1985 John Hughes movie, the moniker is just too good to pass up. If you've been even remotely awake the past few days you've seen our investigative reporting on two of our Montgomery County commissioners, Jim Matthews and Joe Hoeffel, meeting at one of my favorite diners and talking county business. Thankfully, our county district attorney has decided to pick up the gauntlet, but I can't help but wonder what the outcome of all of this hard work by two of my reporters is going to result in. So I'll ask you, what do you think should happen to Matthews and Hoeffel? Matthews has already been censured by the Republican Party. Hoeffel is doing his best to distance himself from the whole thing, but it's just not going to work. There absolutely, positively must be repercussions, but what should they be?
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Have someone dress as a waiter or waitress and give them both a McDonalds coffee spill (you know where). It would be interesting to see who is picking up the tab for these morning breakfast meetings. Maybe a voucher turned into the County as an expense? Is Mr. Mazza or the solicitor picking it up? Better yet the taxpayers of Montgomery County. Mr. Huskey, this is going on all over the County and Harrisburg is looking the other way. Letters to the Ethics Board you can use for toilet paper. The newly elected Governor can't be bothered. All he interested in is getting that 26 million to run for office. Thursday evening I was at a local watering hole and happened to see elected and appointed members from a local township having a blast. Were they talking politics? Who am I to say. There was a quorum, does that count?
risa is bruce's toy and you know it. but you won't print this b/c you dont like to see other people recognize the truth and report it. risa backed off the mafia bookmakers who castor got off on probation when others would have gone to jail, then he wanted to defend them again and used her letter for defense, but the feds did the right thing and sent them to jail.
Stan, The penalty for violating the Sunshine Act is $100. So there's your answer about repurcissions. The Sunshine Act is very weak in terms of enforcment and penalties, and you can thank the state GOP for that. The Republican party has always blocked tough ethics and good government laws. So you can rant and rave about the meetings, but it's much ado about nothing. I wouldn't call it a serious crime. It's not even a crime.
We need to clean house. There is so much the public does not know. Some illegal, some immoral and some just because they can and have. From Matthews to Hoeffel to Miller, Maza, the Schneiders to the numerous department heads that they have appointed. See how they feel when they don't have that power or money anymore! They have hurt so many good people that you could never put a price on it. And they did it just because they could.
They should both be charged and found guilty of violating the Sunshine Act. Fined and kicked out of office, who wants these kinds of folks representing us when they can't even be honest to themselves.
You and I both know that this whole thing will be whitewashed over and be forgotten again in several months plus the Ethics Commission isn't worth the paper it's printed on and basically worthless as a watchdog. What should be done is to throw the SOB's out at the next election. Why is it so hard to find an honest politician either at the local or county level or is it a oxymoron to use honest and politician in the same sentence.
Disgusted Voter
Furman and Castor must live in a glass house, they know what going on in a local community and turn their heads.
When certain officials and appointed seats can bring you many dollars for your war chest,for your run to greatness, anything goes. Turn your head for those who contribute.
Don't just hang Matthews and Hoeffel Mrs Furman, get rid of all the bad apples with them. They too meet at local watering holes in quorums. Sometimes one must start at the bottom to get the fat cats at the top. Look at Skippack,WOW.
Mr. H; The newly elected Governor of this great state of Pennsylvania has been a stickler on the word ETHICS. Word on the street is Mr. Matthews maybe looking for a job in Harrisburg. He could have breakfast with the Gov. at Giant, Acme, Genuardies,Wegman's, over a beer and eggs. If Matthews goes to Harrisburg flush the term ETHICS, it will not mean crap.
I really hope that the District Attorney's investigation includes far more than this possible Sunshine Act violation. I remain willing to believe that the current District Attorney is nothing less than her own woman and not just a tool of the former Disrict Attorny. To a lesser extent, I am willing to believe, so far, that the current District Attorney demonstrates greater respect for the law and 'the system' than to politically advantageous interpretations of both. Sadly, my only proof of that will be if a laundry list of charges are filed against Matthews and Hoeffel and filed soon. Unfortunately, if charges are not filed, I doubt that there will be any explanation as to why and that, I think, may be politically disadvantageous for this District Attorney. I do not understand why charges were not filed sometime ago and I am thankful that I am not in her shoes.
What should happen and what will happen are two different things. Of course Hoeffel and Matthews should be fined and removed from office. Thanks to our Legislature, the fine is only $100 per violation. Although H & M freely admit to meeting for years, it will be hard to find much proof. They had their own lawyer with them at the breakfasts, so the defense will be Miller's interpretation (in a long, long "brief") of the words "discuss" and "deliberate" in PA's very poorly written Sunshine Law. He will have every municipal and school board lawyer in the state on his side.
Their term is almost up anyway, they have just one more year to go, and the wheels of justice grind exceedingly slow. So Hoeffel, Matthews, Miller and Maza will go dancing down the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City known as Harrisburg where the only hardship they meet will be finding the right new place for breakfast.
There's more problems than this supposed sunshine meeting in this country. Risa is Bruce's girl & didn't like her budget messed with over a copy clerk. She wasted time on an accident that was state business b/c she's has to be in the news, but dropped the bookie mess b/c her boy Castor was trying to protect them again.
Time for elected body of five or more commissioners- this would solve alot of problems. Somebody needs to get the petition going NOW
5 commissioners, no! PA has been bloated and we don't need to pay for more antics like these grownups, especially Bruce, whining and fighting like clowns and getting paid for it. There are two major parties, along with some other ones, but the two get the most votes and the ones elected collect a bunch of money for the job. Maybe the courts could sanction all of them for using our taxes for their pay without doing the job they were elected for. Stop the antics and get rid of the circus. Grow up Bruce and stop being the pretty boy with the constant frown. Say your piece with intelligence and maybe someone would start believing that your not in it for a stepping stone to another office. Otherwise it will be like the last time with the Republicans in power shunning you when you try to make the leap again. The other two formed an agreement to work together, and Bruce should have gotten off his high horse and show that he could agree to disagree with better words and less pouting.
Five commissioners will do the trick and make it so the meetings are during the evening- not during the day so the public is more aware of the antics. Also five commissioners brings to the table the chance of independents to run against these shameful commissioners. The time for change is now and this newspaper should be leading the change.
Sounds to me like the man Stan has already held court and has determined all guilty. Ever been in a conversation and others who are on the outside attempting to "eavesdrop" getting it completely wrong. Of course, unless there was enhanced listening devices used", one needs to ask themselves when did the integrity of a reporter in this county rise to such a level that people's lives and reputations are made from what they believed they heard. Anyone of your readers ever study the psychology of communication when there is an agenda. And in this case the agenda has been two county commissioners against one county commissioner backed by a news paper and reporter who wants to make a movie about one commissioner who is also backed by the DA who Bruce supported for the position. Man I could go on and on. Fortunately there are others smart enough to read through this crap. These reporters did not "overhear" they "eavesdropped" which implies an agenda. Yea I trust them not to take anything out of context.
Goes to show you man,keep your mouth shut unless you know where you are and who your talking too. It's the job of reporters to report what they hear and where they hear it. You have a right to challenge just as much as the paper has to write. Thank you Times Herald, keep us informed,the public has the right to know. Stan,tighen your jock and don't let these people who know nothing get to you. Your readers deserve and want the truth.
To Anonymous of December 11, 2010 2:13 PM
You've got it completely correct!
Stan and his minions are just mouthpieces for Bruce and Risa. They report everything from those two as if it was the God-given truth. Both of these people like to try everyone in the public as guilty until proven innocent and the paper (or tabloid) as I see it reports innocents as guilty, too.
It's hearsay and the reporter in question has used cut and paste from other erroneous reporters on this rag of a paper in the past, with no apologies when they were wrong.
Where is the effort on the Sandy Condos? I don't see anything after Risa chased the microphone to announce that the DA's office was investigating, yet she ignores the conflict of interest in backing her man, Bruce, over a possible $100 fine, AGAIN, using hearsay from a reporter on a vendetta pushed by the big boss Stan.
Stan,tighen your jock
WTH does this mean? Sounds like an MCP comment.
Repercussions? That should be addressed to Stan who lets allegations be printed as if they are the truth. Most responsible news agencies say alleged rather than quoting the spewing as the truth, but not the tabloid herald. Just like the rags that I refuse to waste money on, the tabloid herald will never get a dime from me as long as it kisses up to bruce castor and risa ferman. ferman wants to hire more detectives now? they'll be her color, since she won't make the effort to find people that represent the county and the county seat of Norristown.
WOW, It looks like someone is bringing in the color issue. It's getting to be more of a spanish issue than color. We need more spanish speaking workers at the county level in order to understand the populas.
Must be a breakfast club at the TH since Manilla's arrest is being handled with kid gloves with only an AP report. Marino banked Castor, TH supports Castor and Ferman, TH goes after all who offend Marino, Castor and Ferman. Typical of this extreme right wing paper.
Mr. Manilla will not spend any time in prison for his crime. As long as he's related to Mr. Marino and Marino has ties to the court system, a slap in the wrist will follow. KYW has been reporting all day about this incident. How did this guy get to be a lawyer. His forte was D.U.I. Beats someone over the head with a barbell and unk get's him off. Wonder what's going to happen when daddy's little boy get's charged with income tax fraud? Donate to the Court system and you get whatever you want.
You, Anonymous, are correct when it comes to who supports which candidate and for whatever reason is how politics work. Former Commissioners or District Attorneys have their loop, just as we all do. When I was active in politics, there was a friend that constantly was making false statements, just to make people think he was big time stuff. Just one too many - now I have a former friend and can listen to him spout off knowing most of what he is saying is half-truth. He is semi-retired, which is great!!!
Why would any professional have breakfast with another employee unless it was to discuss the upcoming events of the day or week? If it looks a little on the iffy side don't do it. Our Commissioners have Secretaries that are able to communicate with every person involved in making or coming to an agreement on any situation. This is called covering you A--. The problem will then be brought out at a public meeting and discussed with the backup of the letters confirming all communications prior to the meeting. No need to have breakfast or go to the watering hole.
If I had a big problem, as does Marino and those that were hunting I certainly would get the best attorney to handle my case. Would you prefer Hoeffel over Castor? I think not. Use you gray matter and then think about any of your relatives or friends that may have a little problem telling the truth or abiding by the laws here in PA. Now, a great Lawyer is what is needed, not as one person said "well he is a so, so lawyer" - now that can be a problem.
Waste of money and I don't want to see an increase in my taxes for this bogus investigation. This paper has an agenda of trying to push that crybaby Castor to the top, but just like the pat on the back from the bookies he helped and the soft pedaling of the killer lawyer who's Uncle also helped Castor, your paper ignores reporting real stories and only reports your far right agenda make-believe stories.
Why don't you get a real life and move on. Otherwise, you're just like Palin, the "mean girl" who promotes kids getting fat and diseased with diabetes, striking out at Mrs. Obama for trying to stop this epidemic.
Think you can do that Stan? I don't think so, as I've seen your stubbornness to the point of being wrong, which is why your paper isn't any use for the bottom of the bird cage since the birds threw up on it the last time.
Boy Stan, sounds like you really pissed someone off. What did you do, give him a wet paper? You have strong shoulders, shrug them off, the previous writer will fall also.
Merry Christmas to you and your bloggers.
Strong Shoulders.... You should see the guy hit a softball. Not only an ace editor, also an ace on the diamond.
soft pedaling or the white glove treatment, can't report the real issues like:
The prosecutor said Manilla only confessed after there was a strong case against him. Manilla wasn’t forthcoming with investigators and attempted to hide the rifle, said Heckler. And, records said, dirt had been “plugged” into the muzzle end of the rifle making it impossible for a ballistics expert to precisely link the bullet in Groh to the weapon.
Neither Monestero nor Marino, a former Montgomery County Commissioner in addition to being a former district attorney, face charges.
Marino had a cell phone when he and Manilla stood by Groh’s lifeless body, but Marino never called 911. Had Groh still been alive, Marino and Monestero, who was also there when Groh was found, could have faced charges, such as failing to render aid, said Heckler.
Heckler said it would have been “more appropriate” if Marino had been immediately forthcoming with authorities about what occurred, but noted that he was “belatedly” cooperative.
Marino knew that Manilla was not allowed to possess firearms because of his felony conviction. In fact, Marino, before becoming district attorney, was Manilla’s defense attorney in the 1985 assault case.
“Mr. Marino is greatly saddened over the tragic death of Barry Groh,” according to a statement released by Bruce L. Castor Jr., a Montgomery County Commissioner and private practice attorney who is counsel for Marino. “Should the law and the facts warrant it, Mr. Marino realizes that his nephew must be held accountable.”
December 22, 2010 8:24 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
If I had a big problem, as does Marino and those that were hunting I certainly would get the best attorney to handle my case. Would you prefer Hoeffel over Castor? I think not. Use you gray matter and then think about any of your relatives or friends that may have a little problem telling the truth or abiding by the laws here in PA. Now, a great Lawyer is what is needed, not as one person said "well he is a so, so lawyer" - now that can be a problem.
December 18, 2010 12:53 PM
(Use "you" gray matter)???
I don't think you are using "your" gray matter at all. Using a so-called great lawyer who doesn't advise his nephew to call 911 or render aid or not plug up his illegal 30.06 gun with dirt, is not a great lawyer. It's professional courtesy that even has a joke that sharks don't eat lawyers because of that fact. The guy's a felon and had an arsenal of weapons at his house that he wasn't supposed to own. This is what happens when they "know" the law and how to get around it. In this case Marino did not serve the public with giving any good advice at all. Stonewalling was more like it.
Stan, isn't it nice when someone can report the facts after they happen. Why can't the party above me write a letter to the Editor stating what they would like the courts to do to Mr. Marino. Take away his license to practice law in Pennsylvania. Throw his a## in jail like he did to so many others for doing less. Stan, you should have a job description of a no pay journalist to write their thoughts of todays issues with their name in print. See how many takers you get. Happy New Year to all of your bloggers.
Mr. Huskey, You post a blog with your paper called "Lower Providence out loud". You should consider removing it, the only thing she post are her bitches. She never post a negative to her view points. A one way street that she's loves to travel.
When a person is a relative to a person that is caught doing something illegal, we always condemn that person. The saying is "You can't pick your relatives, only your friends" so you really have a choice when it comes to "friends" or "associates" pick them wisely and discard when necessary. Our commissioners and former commissioners should have learned their lesson many, many years ago and the "Breakfast Club" never would have started.
Breakfast with Stan. I'm glad you have a found a place to have a great breakfast and enjoy the view of Norristown, which you found pleasing. I wish more people, not politicians, would write articles that are low keyed about one day in their life down town. We have for many years, just drove through with our doors locked. Now, that should never have been, it wasn't back in 1940-1960 I was associated with one of the banks, and we walked to Montgomery Trust with our checks for the various banks to be exchanged. Breakfast was usually at the Continental where Mimi & Leo kept us amused. Good Old Days!
My husband has not kept up with this problem that our Commissioners have. He said what is wrong with fellow employees discussing what is coming up at their next meeting?? Really! There are so many exactly like my husband, just every person is always doing the right thing - would it not be great if it were true?
7/12 Anonymous... It truly would be great if a discussion over breakfast were the only way business was done but not to include all members in a company that decides the outcome is wrong. Do away with this type of meetings when it comes to the use of public funds and employees. There is another problem and that is the selection of candidates - do away with the selection/endorsed candidates by the Republican/Democratic Committee People. The Primary Ballot would be the time to decide which candidate should represent the Party. Yes, it would mean a long ballot, but it would also mean all citizens would need to bone up on candidates before going into the voting booth. Money spent would be very minimal by law, that would stop the have and have not from over spending and a even playing field would exist. It would mean work on the part of the candidates and that would mean the investment in a good pair of shoes and gas money. I have always voted for a person running for local office if they present their personal views in person. Knowing your Committee Person's view on every day happening should be a must - not a visit once a year to get you to come out and vote.
December 2010 was a great month - The Breakfast Club really topped the complaints about Matthews and the way the County was doing business (legal or not legal). Yes, our District Attorney waited until all documents were in and the time is now to proceed to either give them, Matthews and Hoeffel, a clean bill or send them to prison. When all is said and done we may have many offices empty,but at least the new Commissioners will have a clean slate to start the business year - January 2012, then it will be their problems. The voters have spoken.
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