So, what is the most fascinating event to come out of the Nov. 2 election?
You could go with Sestak's defeat for Specter's Senate seat, or Toomey's victory over Lentz for Sestak's old seat, or the overall thrashing Republicans served up, but if you ask me, I would say it is the fact that Montgomery County Commissioners Chairman Jim Matthews was in Pittsburgh on Election Day standing beside now Gov. elect Tom Corbett, Word has it Matthews was there asking for a position in Corbett's new administration. Now, I'm not sure why Corbett would give Matthews a job, but as I've stated on many occasions; I'm not invited into the back room. And if this is the kind of dealing that goes on in there, I don't want to be. So, if Matthews is headed to Harrisburg, who gets appointed to the vacant seat? Regardless of who it turns out to be, Republicans will be back in charge, and Bruce Castor will get the chairman's seat.
After the way Jimmies brother hammered the Republican party, Mr. Corbett should offer Matthews a janitors job cleaning the men's rooms. Matthews better look for someting other than Harrisburg, I thought Mr. Corbett lost Montgomery Countys vote.
Word has it? Yep, typical, just like your reporting style with induendo type of bull pucky.
Oh hmmm, is that why Jill Govberg the Obnoxious trying to make Bruce Castor her political hubby?
First off, I am not quite sure as to what back-room deals you are insinuating. But what is quite concerning is the implication that a Republican cannot have a left-wing agenda at times. Would this not serve as a chance to create an equilibrium, to cast aside the archaic and dogmatically adhered to party system acting solely as a detriment to this country as a whole? You have crafted a disturbing image of yourself, Mr. Huskey. It seems you are only concerned with adhering to a matrix of Republican-ness, lauding the "overall thrashing the Republicans served up" as an icon to be upheld. But let me ask you: are you right-winged or Republican. To many this would seem an asinine question, which is exactly my point. Are you simply just unerringly stuck in your ways, like a desperate man cheering for his favorite sports team because he decided long ago that he was a fan? You play into your role, a Republican, not a political analyst, making you no better than a charlatan on televised news.
Stan I know you were thinking out loud on the Post Election Appointments and the maybes from Montgomery County. Matthews would be a stretch because he has created and we here in Montgomery County are left carrying his baggage. I would not be a great time now.
Sarah Palin is a fool. Better nutrition leads to better attention and therefore better education. It's been proven. Where has she been? We've got the gov't putting more stringent warnings on Cigarette packages don't we? Is she going to disagree with that too?
An image! If perhaps you have followed Stan's remarks on everything and anything perhaps you will see he is a clear thinking person and also a Republican, that on occasion will not vote a straight ticket, as most of us think is OK.
you mean the guy who's protecting a bookie? your TH & other papers reported:
Joe Mastronardo, the son-in-law of the late mayor of Philadelphia has been arrested together with his brother John and charged with conspiracy, gambling and running a corrupt organization, due to an illegal bookkeeping operation that they ran. Over $1 million was dug up by law enforcement in Mastronardo’s lawn in a recent raid. This is the second time in 4 years that Montgomery County authorities have arrested the Mastronardo brothers for running a sports betting operation. This is the fourth time the Mastronardo brothers have been arrested on gambling charges since 1983. They forfeited close to $3-million and received probation 4 years ago. Now, they are being held without bail for violating the terms of their probation and are looking at long jail terms. In a June 7 letter to the lawyers representing John V. and Joseph V. Mastronardo Jr., District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman addressed the brothers’ offers to waive their scheduled July 9 preliminary hearings on charges of corrupt organizations, pool selling, bookmaking and conspiracy. “That will not be necessary. As I indicated, federal authorities are preparing to adopt the case. There is no need to have a concurrent state prosecution moving forward,” Ferman wrote in the letter to defense lawyer Bruce L. Castor Jr., who represents the brothers. Castor included the letter as an exhibit in his petition seeking to have the charges dismissed against the Mastronardos.
Anonymous said...
An image! If perhaps you have followed Stan's remarks on everything and anything perhaps you will see he is a clear thinking person and also a Republican, that on occasion will not vote a straight ticket, as most of us think is OK.
November 11, 2010 3:06 PM
guess stan is your messiah, huh. I don't follow blindly, and I've read his stuff. Never will follow someone like him.
Anonymous - Perhaps you have an image problem - your own. We all like to think we know everything about certain subjects and of course we manage to put our foot in our mouth - hence a tilted image.
yes follow stan. just like KY followed Mitch who was exposed in Bush's book:
Senate Minority Leader sought withdrawal of troops from Iraq while excoriating Dems for 'cutting and running'...
If you had any doubt of the shamelessness of Republicans, the following report should end any such questions. MSNBC's Rachel Maddow details how, in 2006, at the exact same moment Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was publicly sliming Democrats for their push for a timeline for withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, he was privately and directly requesting to George W. Bush that he remove troops in hopes of retaining control of the U.S. Congress in the run-up to the midterm elections.
Got that? McConnell was cynically, and hypocritically, accusing Dems of putting this nation at a national security risk for what he described as their interest in "cutting and running," "retreat," and "waving a white flag" in Iraq, even as he was privately pleading with Bush to bring troops home for purely --- and entirely --- partisan political reasons.
hey messiah, you going to post this or is it too much for you to let people know the truth? haha
haha don't want to print your repugs stuff about mcconnell and his lobbying bush to bring soldiers back from Iraq so they can win the 2006 elections while calling Dems all kinds of names for saying the same.
Ladies and Gentlemen>>>>>>>
In this corner Big Stan Huskey
Challenged by Anonymous>>>>>>
Guess who going to win by a Knockoout??????????????
Details to follow.
Former President George W. Bush chuckled when an interviewer told him that half of Americans believe President Obama created the bank bailouts.
“Fifty percent of the people were wrong, ’cause it happened on my watch,” Bush said.
Exit polls from the midterm election showed that a significant number of voters wanted to punish Obama and Democratic candidates for the bailouts. That sentiment overlooks the timing of the government’s emergency action — Bush initiated the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program for Wall Street in September 2008.
Voters’ anger also ignores that Bush was right to take such unpopular steps as TARP and the auto bailouts. And lest anyone accuse this editorial page of writing positive things about Bush only after he left office, we credited him at the time with taking the necessary actions to avoid a broader economic meltdown.
Another fellow who supported the bank bailout was the new presumptive House speaker, Rep. John A. Boehner (R., Ohio).
Since autumn 2008, the economic rescue plans have largely proved their worth — especially TARP.
boennor and the repugs delight in the ethics committee going after the NY guy, but they want to defund the committee when they get in charge. wonder why?
Certain Fox News commentators better hope they don't run into their co-worker Sarah Palin in the network cafeteria, after being caught on live mics mocking the former Alaska governor's new reality show.
In a clip sure to make the Internet rounds, panelists Judith Miller and Liz Trotta are seen in a commercial break during the weekend program "Fox News Watch" giggling over negative reviews given the debut of "Sarah Palin's Alaska" on TLC.
Trotta, a conservative commentator, refers to a Palin article by The New York Times' Alessandra Stanley.
"Alessandra Stanley had the best line," Trotta says. "She said the new show is like 'The Sound of Music,' without the Nazis, without the romance, and without the music."
After the panel cracks up, Miller says she likes the review by Hank Stuever in The Washington Post, who opens his commentary with Palin screaming her husband's name.
"He said the sound of a voice when warning you to heed the bears -- would actually scare the bears," chortles Miller.
"Absolutely right. Absolutely right," Trotta laughs.
palin's cheaters boost bristol's cow plodding to the finals.
John Roach writes:Does Bristol Palin, the daughter of that politically powerful hockey mom from Alaska, have the best moves on "Dancing with the Stars"? Some critics say she's definitely improved as the season has progressed. But the judges consistently give her among the lowest marks -- meaning it's the people, the voters, who have kept her around for Monday night's finale.
And these voters, according to theories swirling on the Internet, appear to be politically motivated. Having Palin tear up the dance floor on national TV is considered a boost for the conservative Tea Party movement. To keep the votes coming in, the party is using social media effectively to rally the base behind the young Palin mom.
The campaign apparently includes exploitation of a loophole in ABC's e-mail voting feature. The loophole is explained as a technicality in the system that allows voters to register an infinite number of email addresses and vote, vote, vote. The e-mail addresses are never validated, such as what happens when you sign up for a Facebook or PayPal account.
"Lord have mercy, I voted for 3 hours online! I got 300 in," one Palin fan wrote in a comment on the HillBuzz blog, which is leading the charge on Bristol Palin's behalf.
Matthews is still Ashers boy. Of course he will get a job. Follow the money...always follow the money.
1950s2america Says:
November 20, 2010 at 4:49 pm
Since ABC has a loophole and anyone can create as many fake e-mail accounts as they want, I made over 100 of them this past Monday. On the upcoming Monday, I will use ALL 100 fake e-mail account and ALL 500+ votes for Bristol. In fact, I might even “create” a few more fake ones.
Why not? I can stay up ALL night long and keep on voting. After all, there’s NOTHING the liberals or ABC can do about it. Hell, since the contest is winding down, we might as well admit it since everyone who tries to create the fake accounts actually CAN exploit it. If the liberals can’t do it, I guess we’re just smarter than they are.
BRISTOL is going to win because none of the liberals can stay up all night long and keep voting with as many fake accounts as the rest of the Tea Party and other supporters.
So, go ahead…..Liberals can tell ABC, tell Good Morning America, blog about what I’m saying for all they want…….it’s not going to change. While they are voting 5 to 10 times for Kyle or Jennifer……we are voting over 500 at a time. In fact I CHALLENGE ABC to try and stop the barrage of online voting that will happen next Monday night……….They can’t.
Hey, the haters can blame ABC if they don’t like it. However, it’s too late……they can’t change the online voting in time to prevent us from stuffing the balloting box.
So…..yes, in a way, we can admit that there has been a conspiracy……but nevertheless, the TEA PARTY WILL WIN……….and we’ll all be up ALL NIGHT LONG to see that it happens!!!
VOTE EARLY, VOTE OFTEN, thats how we'll win in 2012.
One would wonder about Palin's latest book saying Mrs. Obama is a racist because she was finally proud of America.
Could be that Palin was still smarting over her lost to a Black Woman in the beauty queen contest in Alaska. Palin was 2nd in that contest.
The Washington Post Reliable Source has an interesting interview today with Maryline Blackburn, Miss Alaska 1984, who competed against Republican vice presidential candidate Governor Sarah Palin.
Jury says Delay is guilty. another repug bites the dust.
Can not vouch for all, but ...
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