Friday, October 29, 2010

Don't let voting scare you

I'm trying to decide which is more scary, some of the costumes I've seen for Halloween or the campaign attack ads I've seen on TV. You guys know what side of the aisle I sit on, but I want all of you to know that I have never once voted a straight ticket. In the interest of full disclosure, I have punched very few holes, now buttons, for Democrats, but never the less, I have on a few occasions. I happen to believe in smaller government at all levels. What do you believe in (politically speaking) and how will you vote on Tuesday?


Anonymous said...

Mr. Huskey, Hitting the mute button on the T.V. was quite an easy task. Yesterday I received a phone call from my old friend Pat Boone, My old friend Gov. Ridge and many more friends that I used to have my morning tea with. Here's my vote....To tell every one in your papers coverage to get an answering machine, it also has a delete button. It's so nice to have so many FRIENDS at election time.

Anonymous said...

My wife has been getting strange phone calls from an old boyfriend by the name of Pat Boone. Could you tell him that she has been happily married for over thirty years and is not interested in an affair. Please have him take his "April Love" phone calls elsewhere.
Happily Married Voter

Anonymous said...

Stan, I have to agree with the previous blog. We have to have political phone calls added to the Do-Not-Call list. I'm a senior who has a back problem. I cannot jump up and answer every call that's been coming into my home. Please, as a newspaper editor can you try to change this policy. Thank you and God Bless.

The sybil said...

LOL! Pat Boone has been calling my husband too, but it happened that I was the one to answer the phone. I KNOW he isn't an old friend because my husband can't carry a tune in a bucket, so I hang up every time. And I vote for the D's most of the time.

I probably will again but I think we really need a third party that has some common sense and would try to bring solutions to our problems back toward the middle. Both major parties have some good ideas and some bad ideas and both major parties have had their chance. People expect instant change in our government just because technology has made so much of the rest of our lives move faster.

There was a good letter to the editor in the 10/30/10 T-H saying that no one got angry when this or that happened during the Bush years, but suddenly now they are angry. In my opinion the big difference, and the reason why the D's are getting crushed, is that back in the Bush years more people had jobs because financing for the construction industry, which fed the banking industry, had not collapsed yet. People used the equity in their homes like a piggy bank. They were absent the day the teacher explained that what goes up must come down.

Anonymous said...

Just because we have had THE visit from the supreme leader does that make you certain about a person running for office? Since we are a split family, there is just one thing out quite a few that we agree upon and that is "Don't put on a show by having a former President,President or Governor tell you we need to have you vote for so & so on Tuesday so that we can get our agenda forward moving." Most people already know who they are voting for (Left/Right). So, why are these people with all their money puting on these shows like they are buddy - buddy. If they were doing their job in first place there would be no need to have these people constantly here in PA, Del, Maine, Ohio, Virginia, California and of course Florida and Arizona but in their offices taking care of the business they were/are hired to do. But, with that said follow you Committee People's suggestion ..."Vote"!!!

Anonymous said...

I just love the way the repubs put out a Spanish speaking ad telling people not to vote. They are a joke. Talk about voter intimidation, they want to go to the polls and videotape people, put out a bounty on anyone caught voting illegally. I saw one guy in Florida, after the Bush vote say he voted for his parent who was in a nursing home and had no idea who he was. Just saying...

Anonymous said...

How many stops would Air Force One make if someone was paying his own fare????? It's not right for someone to use taxpayers dollars to fly all over the country to endorse his partys favorite.

No wonder we are in today's predicament.

Get a referendum to cut the members in house and senate in half.

Look at the cost of benefits after someone is retired one way or another.

Knock off the body guards after someone is retired from office.

They are no longer in that position anymore, why should we have to pay for their coverage?

Enough is enough, politicans are the death of our country, and we are not doing a damn thing to correct the problem.

Anonymous said...

When in office you may not receive any money for an appearance at a function. But, as we know the money usually goes to either the Rep. or Dem. Party in what ever area the speaker is in. Now, are the people/parties paying the way to the functions from Washington back to the Federal Treasury? Let's do an Audit! This year was not a Presidential Election Year - so why so many trips? Let the Candidates stand on their own two feet, because that is why we will elect them - not the side shows they might bring in.

Anonymous said...

Franklin D. Roosevelt in a 1932 radio speech said, " Any government like any family, can for a year spend a little more than it earns. But you and I know that a continuance of that habit means the poorhouse". It's a shame that the Obama administration did not follow his lead.

Anonymous said...

Your teabagger Angle is now filing a suit against Reid about voter nonsense after the teabaggers put out a bounty on illegal voters and Angle told Hispanics that they looked a little Asian to her... Maybe she was saying Hispanics should adopt Asian names so they don't get harassed as illegals. Wonder what G.H.W. Bush's little brown ones (and the former president said that about his Florida grandkids) would do if confronted by Angle... will you have the courage to post this?