As we head into the weekend let's take a moment to catch up. When you get a minute leave a comment on one of the below questions.
Why is the Norristown Area School District taking 30 days to respond to a Right To Know request for the needed repairs for Roosevelt Field?
Why are we not hearing anything out of the county about the multiple accusations leveled at commissioner's Chairman Jim Matthews?
Why is Norristown taking forever to respond to the disaster that is 770 Sandy St.?
Why is West Norriton fighting putting a stadium in at the high school?
Take your pick, or ask your own question. I'm just trying to keep the conversation lively!
Why is your paper not doing all this investigated reporting? If the public is doing your homework, why don't you print it? Not all of your readers read your blog. Your reporters report on a story then leave it die. No follow through, corruption and ethics violations in local government will never end unless you report it.
Why is the Norristown Area School District taking 30 days to respond to a Right To Know request for the needed repairs for Roosevelt Field?
Because they don't respond to much of anything these days!
The answer to the first three questions is the same: "Because they can".
Palin doth protest too much about no racists in the tea party. Well, what do you have to say about the 1/2 governor of Alaska when faced with this?
In the fourth major mainstream media report discussing Billy Roper’s write-in campaign for Governor of Arkansas in the last week, the Kansas City Star has unveiled a feature about the Tea Party Movement which quotes him prominently.
Roper is a write-in candidate for governor of Arkansas and an unapologetic white nationalist.
“I don’t want non-whites in my country in any form or fashion or any status,” he says.
Roper also is a tea party member who says he has been gathering support for his cause by attending tea party rallies.
“We go to these tea parties all over the country,” Roper said. “We’re looking for the younger, potentially more radical people.”
A Facebook note recently posted by Sarah Palin in which the former GOP vice presidential candidate called the planned mosque near Ground Zero "an intolerable and tragic mistake" was deleted from the social networking site -- apparently by Facebook users who reported the note as "racist/hate speech."
The note was originally posted on July 20 but disappeared; Palin reposted it today, with an addendum saying. "The original post of this statement (on July 20, 2010) was somehow unintentionally deleted by mistake or technical glitch."
However, it seems that the "deletion" was actually caused by Facebook users who reported Palin's note as containing "racist/hate speech." There was at least one campaign on Tumblr to have users report Palin's note.
Tumblr blogger "moneyries" -- also known as Brian Ries, a freelance contributor to NBC New York orchestrated one such campaign -- posted on July 22: "Sarah Palin's Facebook note 'has either been deleted, or does not exist.' SHE HAS BEEN REFUDIATED!!!"
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