So, how good of a job did your town do plowing your streets? I live in West Norriton and I'd have to give them at least a "B." I won't go to an "A" because, well, I hardly rank anything as the best, and we still have mountains of snow in our development. I thought they were sending in front-end loaders to haul some of it a way, but I guess not. Anyway, how about your town. I think a "B" is a pretty darn good grade, did your town do any better?
LP deserves a B also. Right now we all are praying that the weather change does not cause melting too fast or we all will be flooded out. The salting, brine and early plow jobs work. I looked at my children's hometown, West Chester, and say "Thanks for Small Blessings!" We live on a narrow street - two lanes - and any automobile parked on it makes for a no-win situation when trying to get a truck past it.
I know it's no fault of the city's, but there needs to be more emphasis put on shoveling sidewalks - especially for those of us who walk to the train station. Everything on my block was shoveled well enough for two people to easily walk past each other. I don't understand why half of my walk from the hospital to Elm Street Station on Friday was made in the street for lack of a shoveled sidewalk.
Stan I live in West Norriton as well and the streets were good. Just one question, why are all the big plows used in Betzwood and not up near the Little League area
B- for East Norriton. We may have an issue in the Township. Many of the sideroads don't have the storm sewers uncovered as they roads were not plowed wide enough. The thawing and refreezing will likely make sideroads very very icey in the coming weeks as temps warm in the day and then refreeze at night with nowhere for the water to go.
Have you tried to get into the Parking Lot of the Bank located on Egypt Road and Main Street in Jeffersonville? ICE!
That bank has been closed for quite some time. What are you doing on private property? SHAME!
Did not know that this Bank was closed - I have not been in that area for a couple years and sat waiting in line right next to the driveway. That was Peoples Natl at one time - thought it was still there - sorry about that. Thanks for the info. maybe next year I'll make a trip out that way again to check for the changes.
After a week passed we had a Norristown truck come down our street with his plow up an a hot coffee in his had great job. Then after a phone call to COUNCIL MEMBER William ‘Bill’ Procyson Councilman At Large, we had action that day. Thank You.The people on High Street (Hill).
Went shopping in Exton - Talk about a "Snow Job"...Only half of the upper section was cleared and some areas had only one way in, but no clear way to get out. Tomorrow we will spend some time in K of P - Please make it be a great experience.
Training is needed for the Snow Plow Crew ... Don't dump the snow at an intersection - drivers of small cars or any car can not see oncoming traffic. Check to see an alternative.
East Norriton did an excellent job.
Also, they are enforcing the 24 hour clean sidewalk ordinance which
was ignored for years.
Norristown Farm Park crew deserve
a ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ rating.They did
nothing for a week but sit in the
shop.Not surprising when you have
people who hate to work & no
Remembering the "Snow Job" this past winter - how is your town or township handling the cost, that will be surely more then last year, in their budget?
I think the kids in the neighborhood should put the pen to the paper and ask for a job clearing driveways at a minimal charge, after the storm is over. We have just that next door - he is great. When we need to get out in the AM, he is there to help and by evening the driveway is cleared. Can't ask for anything more. There is money out there in those snow shovels or blowers - take advantage of them.
I have no idea what 503 means, but what I said before I was so rudely cut off is fall and the falling leaves also would be a great money maker for the young. Most Seniors love the shade, but do not care about the gathering of the leaves. There is money to be made - knock on the door and give your neighbor a price range.
You are right when it comes to volunteering or making some change by doing some work for the neighbor. What I did notice that our Township LP has not kept up with the gutter system - You put them in and the drainage is supposed be there - what happened? No, no blame can be placed on the wet weather - it was and is still dry. Clean them out before we get a heavy rain and the snow falls. This is a top priority for many home owners that have backup that causes ice at the edge of their driveways and into the streets. You know, for the lack of a little care, children will fall and cars will be unduly scraped. Think outside of the box Lower Prov. and all surrounding areas. The time is now - clean up!
An idea that could take place now. There are many local men with plows that are ready, willing and able to help when Township Plows can not keep up. Why not hire them now and give them their street assignments...they will get paid when the assignment is complete. Details, that is for the Township to work out.
We live on a narrow street also and neighbors that believe it's just fine to park their cars on the street no matter what the weather. Guess this problem will not be solved until the Township/Town places signs up stating exactly how parking is enforced when we have bad weather. Really, that is not why I started to read this Blog - but I have done some prior planning for this winter - A young couple have all the equipment to remove snow and the father and son are well know for care of property owners likes and dislikes. Yep, I hired them - may I suggest older people do the same.
The weather is really bad today - rain and of course the leaves are falling also. This would be a great time for our Road Supervisors and then his crews to check drainage ... There was some cleanup - before the election - you know making a showing, but guess what? Drainage is truly bad on many streets. If we would set a perpetual time table for all cleanups, in the winter we would have less of a problem of icing.
What are the well dressed men from Eagleville doing these weekends? The air is fresh, no cig. smoke or bar room aroma, out there along LP and W.N. highways. A little time spent now will make a very big difference this winter.
We had two young men stop and ask if we had secured any person to clear the driveway when it snows...Yes, we had, well the driveway is approx. 125 long and the sidewalks would need to be done. He said, if we change our mind, the cost would be a flat $20.00 and it would be done within 3 hours after the snowfall ...So, any person looking for a snow Job...Here is the price...Not bad!
Good Price Anonymous! My driveway is a double and 100 feet long, plus sidewalk & steps. So,you bet it is a great price.
Rake those leaves out to the cerb?? That might be OK, if we do not have rain or wind. The two mentioned, plus cars & trucks parked on the street really makes cleaning the gutters and outlets a big problem. We have some neighbors that have parties almost every weekend - now there is broken glass and oil leaks all up and down the street from the owners home. He pays taxes? Really, is that why his third of the street is an eyesore.
The plow went through our street, which on most days is used as a cut through, around 10:30 AM. Before the plow's appearance one of the small school buses approached the "S" turn on Thrush Lane and then tried to get around parked cars, it did make it after a few back-ups. I can not believe our township has not given some thought into street parking, especially when school buses need to have clearance. Don't they think of the cost of just "One" accident and how much the law suit would cost? New signs posting "No Parking" are needed on the two lane streets that were in place back in the 40s or early 50s.. Plowing could be made easier if our citizens and township officials would give some prior thought when checking the signs that are supposed to work for all that use our streets.
Snow Job - Feb. 2010 &
Snow Job - Jan. 2011
Nothing has changed in LP and UP when it comes to clearing streets and making sure signs are placed so all people are able to drive on all streets safely. Parking on Streets when there is a driveway available should never be permitted. Parking on Streets when we have snow,sleet,rain or foggy weather is also NO Parking.
One gentleman told me he could park any place he "D" pleased, as long as a sign said differently. Common Sense? Yes, this was on a very snowy day. What can I say - "Asta/esta" correct?
As the plows ziged and zaged through our community I noticed they had one great problem and that was what to do with the snow when they came to an intersection. We are unable to see traffic at our intersection, they really did a great job of piling.
You are correct 2/10 Anonymous when it comes to snow removal in various townships/towns. Asta/esta (it is what it is)and never will it change as long as we the tax payers permit our trucks and all equipment to be used by unskilled people and the perpetual care is not given to the equipment. A visit by our Supervisors on rainy days will tell them where work needs to be done and maintained, not just when there is an emergency.
One more Snow Job this week. There goes the O/T. Now, we need to get down to the nitty/gritty and clean the gutters. An early start in the AM would make it easier for our household, but of course not for the school bus drivers that need to navigate the narrow streets and parked autos.
Here in LP our streets have a drainage problem when it rains. The developments that back on to older developments never really considered drainage and so on rain days and in the winter when the snow melts there is one big problem. We have large icy intersections. I believe our Supervisors along with the Road Supervisor should go for a ride when it rains - check our our drainage system could solve many problems for the citizens in L.P. and also those that use the small streets as cut-throughs.
Looking back over some entries I see a pattern of suggestions for the Road Supervisors and it all comes down to perpetual maintenance. If there is a leak and it is not fixed - a major problem is down the line. Drainage for this Supervisor seems to be the theme and it is totally ignored. Be prepared for a larger tax because of the neglect of the first little leak that was neglected.
The weather is great! Cold!!! You bet. The Road Crew was on last evening on our street with the icing prevention solution. It does work and they have been right on with the application. But, why are the cars parked on the street and the salting crew needs to go around to apply the solution. A fine is needed. Yes, really that is a no brainer.
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