Thursday, January 28, 2010

Obama turning a corner?

I closed my eyes while listening to President Obama's speech and for a very short moment there I thought I was listening to a Republican. He was actually touting small business as the economic engine that will pull this country out of the recession. A capitalist if ever I heard one. Your thoughts on the speech?


Anonymous said...

He is a great speaker. The whole story he was telling was almost a rerun of speeches made during his first term in office. A want list and only a few times he did say he made a mistake or something similar. I watched his wife, VP's wife, Nancy P. and our VP. All seemed very happy about what he is proposing when it comes to jobs,war,homeland security and our treasury with its bottomless pit for the use of our Administration. The blame game is getting a little too thin and now, as we look at the world and their problems, we see that they to have our problems and are doing something about it. This can only happen when JOBS come first and helping your neighbor when health problems arise. We cannot have government supply all our needs, even though we pay taxes. The big bug-a-boo is our Treasury and Banking and the roll the Feds. played and still play in the mess created by Wall Street Investments &(Fanny M. & Fredie Mac). We have started to clean house - but the jobs are gone with the help from Geithner when he was NY Fed. Reserve Pres.-let's see how he plans the cleanup. Obama seemed to believe he can do no wrong - we will see!

Anonymous said...

I thought the same thing...."Hey Obama....John McCain called...he wants his speech back!!"

Anonymous said...

My family is split when it comes to politics. I received an "E" from my eldest child - a Dem. - that stated there were some flaws in the speech. I know it was to prove that there are some flaws in the administration and the leader. He gave me the "FactCheck.Org" summary of Obama's State of the Union - The one fact stands out and it should have some response from our President to the Supreme Court for his error and that is he believes a Supreme Court decision will allow foreign corporations to spend in U.S. elections. Perhaps so, but it actually did not address a law still on the books forbidding any foreign-based corp. from spending on electioneering here. Check it out! A slight here and there when it comes to numbers or lack of knowledge of the whole situation is now showing. As for the number working because of the stimulus Bill - no not 2 mill, more like 1.5 or 800,000, depending on how you count or who is doing the counting. Here in Montgomery and Chester County those unemployeed or are on the verge of losing their jobs do to outsourcing and mergers are getting greater. Manufacturing is nonexisting and financial institutions are nothing but a shell, as one blogger stated. More time needs to be spent in Washington is the answer to this President and more time spent looking at the Districts or State our Representatives are representing. This would have been a great suggestion coming from the President at this time.

Phil said...

Obama and I don't agree on much but he is spot on as far as the Supreme Court decision on allowing corporate contributions to political campaigns. It is just a matter of time until Mascaro rules Lower Providence Township through direct donations to his candidates of choice. We all know who they are, how scary is this?

Anonymous said...

A Law is on the Books prohibiting Foreign Countries to invest in USA Elections. That is why the Judge rolled his eyes - criticizing a Supreme Court Ruling in a State of the Union Report Address is really uncalled for. Ignorance is bliss! Let's hope there is no repeat.

Anonymous said...

There was a law on the books that separated Banking from the Investment side - why isn't it reinstated? That, was one very bad move and the other was the Fannies (I have another name for them). Go back and try to see how so many Wall Street Investment Banks and very large/medium size banks joined in giving loan after loan that did not have any backing - not even a handshake. I do not trust my neighbor's opinion,but use my gray matter to see me through ruffffff times like some young people are facing.

Anonymous said...

Mr. President the "BUDGET' has arrived - Now, let's go over it PAGE BY PAGE. I want the whole USA to be able to listen in and watch this process. CNN and FOX await the dates and time set by our President. This will be better than the "State of the Union" commentary. As for Congress - it will be a command performance - no sick day/evening and all states need to have their Reps.,including Mass., sworn in by the date set forth.

Anonymous said...

When I was active in organizations and a member of the workforce, we always used the basic form of our budget. It was almost like the "0" Base Budget. Although, some people think if it is in the budget, that money needs to be there and spent. No, no that is not true. The figure is the min. and the max. that is needed. Soo, $$$ that are suggested should not be earmarked and spent. The amount of money that is now being suggested to keep our government afloat is way over budget and Obama knows it. Now, let's go through it 'LINE BY LINE - PAGE BY PAGE' and keep the cameras off the faces of all in congress and our President and his men/women. The big problem is TV zeros in on people so they can build a "BIG" story around something that is just so - so. Let's get moving with all Reps. in place and a few months for them to digest this whole budget.

Anonymous said...

I read an article regarding a Bipartisan Job Bill being released by Senators, in the Assoc. Press., that would include a tax break for companies that hire unemployed workers, money for highway construction, relief for private pensions and a short-term extension of the Patriot Act used to combat terrorism. This bill the article states would extend unemployment payments for those whose benefits have run out as well as subsidies to help the jobless continue paying premiums for health insurance... This would be a GREAT TURNING A CORNER FOR OBAMA with one big swoop. The two Senators are Baucus of Montana and Grassley of Iowa, both members of the Finance Committee.
It seems little steps would be one very large one for our President and Congress to solving most of our problems without a very large $$$ attachment.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you leave off your tarring and feathering like Palin. Your messiah is Castor and his protegee Ferman. Everything out of their mouths is quoted like it is the truth with no follow up on the suits like the Black detective that was suing the county and then was fired. That is typical of guilty people trying to hide the truth. I know of one agency that had to pay millions of dollars due to their biased stupidity. I hope this detective wins and the county pays the price of bigotry!

Anonymous said...

When a person makes a statement that he/she believes is true - then in court it is up to that person to prove his/her statement. Justice will be done, but at a cost to the person that says fowl.

Anonymous said...

Well the "Health Care Bill" really needed a lot of work - it is on hold. Think the "Budget" has a chance? I believe Michelle Obama with her "Fat Bill" should be applied to the budget - take out all the extras and give us that budget we can live with and our children can survive on the number of $$$ that will be coming out of their paychecks due to our foolish spending.

Anonymous said...

The Republicans have again helped Mr. Obama turn A CORNER. The Job Bill - giving lots of $$$$ for the people here in the USA needing to be retrained - back to get another degree - because of mergers, downsizing,and outsourcing. The 4 Republicans agree, as do most Republicans and most Dems. that it is needed. The outsourcing remains the BIG problem when it comes to jobs and job security. The mergers in the financial arena has and will be the biggest problem. Outsourcing of whole departments so there will be no need for benefits and overlaps, makes sense - but then how many jobs are lost? This whole area is a no win situation, as it was back when we here in this area lost the rug, tire and steel companies. Exactly what are our young/middle age people to do...join the military??? Then what? We are hoping the wars will be over some day - so, where do they find work to support their family? We have a lot of thinking to do - most of us have weathered the situation with our parents in the 30s and then the 50s. Now, Mr. President what will be the outcome when all the kids are educated or trained in some type of trade, small businesses have started up and there are no openings?? We are there right now - I'm just wondering out loud. The bottom of the barrel is showing when it comes to our treasury - Mr. President you need to stop spending and promising.

Anonymous said...

At the Summit in Blair House. CNN and other channels are covering live the Health Care Summit. Mr. Obama, wishing to make his correct way of appearance while attending a summit, criticized Eric Cantor of Virginia for bringing so much paper work with him - Cantor replied it was the 2400 Page Senate Bill and 11 Page Proposal Obama posted on Line.. Cantor then went on unflustered to explain why so many citizens and Reps. have a big problem with the Bill. Although Mr. Obama could not come up with exactly why their Bill was better than the other proposed or did not give any answer that would justify the $1 trillion - 10 year price tag - he did survive until lunch break. There were quite a few back and forth between both Parties, two that stand out is McCain, bringing up Mr. Obama connection with the Canadian Firm while running for office and he was in the Senate and then Mr. Alexander saying the Insurance Premiums would go down under the Democratic Legislation was Wrong. The Budget Office did kind of agree with Alexander that indeed they would be 10-13 percent higher in 2016 - but Policies would cover more medical services and half of the people could get government subsides to defray the extra costs and that some provisions would not take effect for 8 years. attention people. It looks like "Your Leader" does not care what you think, otherwise he would wait until the election is over and a new look at the "Health Care System" has been taken. New blood and a fresh look would be a welcome change in Washington.

Petrocious said...

As usual the theatrics took center stage at the summit. First it was 2400 page volumes stacked in front and then John Boehner statement that the American people don't like what's in the bill...Where are these Americans who want to be rejected for pre-existing conditions,who wish to have caps on their benefits, who like to have their premiums raised at the whim and fancy of insurance companies, etc. ect.? I am sick of these lies! I have a great solution...suspend the health insurance priviledges for members of congress and their dependents until they can approve a health insurance bill that benefits all Americans. Lets see how soon the fat cats get to work if they have to put up with what the rest of us peasants our subjected to.

Anonymous said...

Sounds good to me...What is good for the goose is good for the gander...I think that is how it goes. The statement that not all citizens need the same amount of coverage as those working for the government - really?

Anonymous said...

The need for more SMALL BUSINESSES is what we need, but the MERGERS (i.e. Comcast & NBC) would defeat the purpose of making available jobs. As we all know jobs in the Finance Area resulted in a loss because of Mergers. We now are looking at quite a few Banks that have been taken over by other Banks and the loss of jobs are apparent. A need for small and a more personal business with more consideration toward customer relation should be our goal, thus creating more jobs and improving the attitude of the consumer. Most companies that have merged have not left a good feeling with customers from the establishment that was bought out - a great need is for a PR person or persons to fill this void.

Petrocious said...

I agree, there is a sense of despair which is exacerbated by the talk radio naysayers who see nothing but dark clouds. What happened to the optimism and irrational exuberance!We need more of that and less of the doom and gloom.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous when a merger takes place we all loose. There is never an overlap in positions. There is only one central office and the satalite offices are not concerned with your problems - just pay me or give me your money. PR People are really needed.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad he is sticking to Bush's agenda regarding the pull out . This is the second election and we can no longer afford two wars, plus a few side liners that no person will agree to keep our nose out of their business - you know the west bank .

Anonymous said...

Obama's Treasury Secy. (Former NY Fed. Reserv. Pres.) was a part of the down fall of our Banking/Mortgage Packaging System. I hope you watched 60 Minutes on 3/14. The shell game is still going on and the bandits are still running our government and Wall Street. Check it out. My parents lost almost everything back in the good old days and a neighbor decided life was not worth it after he sold quite a few of the neighbors various stocks. So, we really do need to start with "Zero Base Budgets/Banking"and get rid of the Fox in the Hen House..Geithner and also Dodd for starters. Paying attention to who is running Wall Street Establishments is more important then trying to solve other countries problems.

Anonymous said...

I read an article Assoc.Press/AP Online 3/12/10 that stated how the shell game is and was used...Lehman or its Auditors Ernst & Young put together complex transactions that allowed the firm to sell "toxic", mostly mortgage, securities at the end of a quarter - thus wiping them off its balance sheet when regulators and shareholders were examining it - and then to quickly buy them back. creating the accounting gimmick called Repo 105 - interesting! Where were the Security and Exchange accountants/watch dogs at the SEC then and how about now?

Anonymous said...

Dodd is leaving Washington, or not seeking office again, is correct - then why is he still the man to go to and at this point trying to write how financial institutions should run their mortgage/loan businesses. He did his dirty work with Fanny and Freddie and helping to make the Credit/Charge situation what it is today. Listen to him - but do not follow - that is unless you have done your homework. We do not need a self important person running our finances or any part of government - he had his chance and look what we have.

Anonymous said...

Obama is spending too much time on only one segment of running Our Government while financially we are turning all RED - that is in the Financial Column. Yep, the good old USA burns while Obama plays the same song on his fiddle.

Anonymous said...

Thought of Mr. Obama in church this AM when one song stated "you are the wind beneath my wings" or something like that. We do have quite a few windy people in Washington that keep Mr. Obama on the move in Air Force #1 or is that the old air craft used by prior administrations? How many miles has he placed on this air craft and the cost of Mr. Obama trying to turn a corner to prove he "Is the Man for the Job"????

Anonymous said...

Air Travel by our President is more than likely run on HOT AIR or Garbage used for fuel - but we have not heard one little murmur from the Democs. on BO's expense account. Why do you think that is? We do have Paid personnel that are trained to speak for our government in almost every country - so why do we now need BO's personal visit? If our reps. are not doing the job - fire them and place their salaries back in the Treasury. We now are overloaded with people assigned to help Mrs. BO and new committee people checking into some possible wrong doing somewhere in the world - you know busy work, because they do not know how to use a computer or how to a have a conference call. Time is money - use it wisely BO.

Anonymous said...

I attended one of those courses you probably were required to take when need for management skills were required -- It is that "Feel Good" feeling that will help you do a great job or help another person feel better about their work skills. Mr. BO (new reference) is in need of this special feeling - so up and away he goes, leaving all cares and worry behind him. Sounds good to me!

Anonymous said...

Where are the SEC watch dogs now? I believe the attention right now is on the health care law, jobs and all of the feel good that Mr. Obama is spreading to make us feel better about what could happen, but more than likely will hit a curve if the SEC is not up to the job. Check the Wall Street columns each and every day along with your investments. It is your job now - you did get a taste of what could and did happen as I did.

Anonymous said...

Obama Turning A Corner??? I thought we were trying to teach our young people to live within their means - pay check. Well, almost everything is geared to come due or happen in 2014. What a charge our young people will have to pay - the amount due, plus interest. Are your taxes stable? My school taxes will place a $5,000. bill next year. Now, that is added to all other taxes due in 2011. Now do you see a pattern that is being set for 2014? Oh, please don't tell me "You never had it so good!"

Anonymous said...

Obama sure needs his own Channel on TV...He is always talking and talking - we can not call them Speeches - it is just a random talk-a-thon on what is on his mind at any point of time and who he is visiting - you know it should be noted and go down in history. That fuzzy feeling I believe he is trying to rub off on all who will listen - but I think he talks a little too much.

Anonymous said...

Both of our Children have schedules that I would never be able to keep for more than a week at most. Up at 5AM drive kids to school/practice at 6AM then 3/4 hour drive to work and then home at 6PM, eat at 7PM, homework and then news at 11PM and to sleep. Now the one child travels and is only home on weekends 6 months out of the year so the spouse takes over...!!! I believe both of our children and their better half could put our President to shame because they also have a home to keep up etc. If Mr. Obama does not turn the corner soon, our children may as well through in the towel, because their hard work will be for nothing as the amount of taxes this administration is passing on to their generation is unbelievable. Don't blame the economy on the prior administration. We all know the "Cold War" was over and new taxes helped the Clinton Administration achieve a some what balanced budget -the shell game. The 9/11 that was planned prior to the Bush Administration taking office did the most damage and in the case of Wall Street's shell game and Fanny and Freddy encouraging every person to purchase a home with no change in their pockets got us into the banking mess that we are now trying to dig our way out of. The problem with Mr. Obama's plan is the people that remain in charge. So, Mr. Obama, please check your history before pledging any more funds that we do not have.

Anonymous said...

Small Businesses and Small Banks are making the difference at this point. The Big Businesses and Big Banking Establishments that are and were a part of Geithner's plan before assuming the position of Treasury Secy. have made it quite hard for all of us because of the handling by the Federal Reserve. I know it is hard for Mr. Obama to admit that how he sees the whole picture is only how those he associates with see it and friends in business are not the best people to place your whole business interest in. Turning the corner so far more than not would have happened any way - Luck and a smooth way of talking has convinced many people he really sees the whole picture.

Anonymous said...

What all this about Cobra and coverage is being dropped - oops! This probably was just a small part of the larger plan that needs to be tweeked.

Anonymous said...

I know Mr.BO is a wise man, but lately he has let those that do not appreciate his spending habits and criticism of how he handles the country's affairs get to him. He made a comment when his standing was a part of the discussion that some times they love you and other times they hate you. But, the "hate" part is why he has traveled to so many states, Florida among them because of the "Tea Party" and the "Health Bill". Many cartoons show Mr. BO as a man who wants managed care for the USA - by that HE will manage and that of course has caused this up-roar, he needs to change this approach. Well, that is my way of thinking. I remain a FOX Channel watcher and it's not just for Sports either.

Anonymous said...

The Corner or Many Corners for Obama..
The meaning, or one of many meanings for "corner" is a position from which escape or retreat is difficult or impossible or one other meaning is control or ownership of enough of the available supply of a commodity or security to permit manipulation of the price.
Retreat, not so far. It is his way or no way, even if the Treasury goes broke, but then that is one way of governing and taking pride in his Military Skills.
Now the Commodities Market!! That is another thing and we are moving forward one pace and back two every day.. soo we really have to take the wait and see attitude. The people he has in his think tank were part of our problem, so they now know, or should be able to help correct the situation.

Anonymous said...

The Tea Party and Fox is the best thing to happen to Mr. Obama and his attitude of one way, mine attitude. He bristles just at the mention of the two - now that is good. There are too many "Yes" employees down in Washington.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Mr. BO is able to take some time in NC, it is the direct opposite of Chicago,Ill area. The area downtown has the feel of the Hippie Era and great little shops and street music. The cobble stone and town statues makes you feel like you are entering the "Gone With The Wind" era. The Mountains - they are unbelievable, but watch your driving the curves keep you focused and there are turn-offs for trucks that have a hard time maneuvering this tricky road. The view, is well worth the white knuckles. Chimney Rock and the resorts around the area - outstanding. Enough said about NC - PA has the same type of scenery but our roads are not quite as dangerous.
I hope Obama comes back with an understanding not all things need to be changed and as most people believe as the Southern Baptist - it is all in God's Hands, not Politicians in Washington that have really lost it.

Anonymous said...

You are referring to Ashville right Anonymous? If you drive from Norristown it will take approx. 17 hours - straight thru. and the scenery is out of this world. Passing through PA,Maryland, Va.& Tenn. will make you a believer that the USA has it ALL. No need to take a trip over the Pond. If anything a trip like this should make Mr. Obama understand money isn't everything but taking care of our Natural Resources is and should be high on the Priority List.

Anonymous said...

Right now the "Economy" is in such bad shape it almost feels like there is NO Leadership. Promises made while on the campaign trail and reality are two different things. The Blame Game was and remains the theme for this administration. We have not had any 9/11, but Hurricanes, Tornadoes and Mining Mishaps. We have given money and promises to every one and every cause without checking on the financial situation. This President went into office and was a part of the war and relief process that was in place. Why, if he and all his men that were a part of the problem in the first place, have they not come up with a more balanced solution - SPEND LIKE THERE IS NO TOMORROW seems to be their outlook and the NOW GENERATION will need to explain to their children why this administration added another burden on them when they should have said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Get over the War and deal with the jobs being shipped over seas which is why we have so much unemployment.
Turning the Corner? You must be kidding!

Anonymous said...

I know this administration feels over whelmed by the constant up-dating on the priority list. Everything looked great when they could just complain and suggest ideas that would bankrupt the system and were not held accountable. But, it is time to start looking at the little things that are costing us money and also the reasons we are proud to be A CITIZEN of the USA. We have laws that are not being enforced. No, they do not need changing. We have the laws on non-citizens rights. The problem is illegals are running this country because?? I believe we have a few Departments that are not doing their jobs and if it is going to be carried on as is, we could discontinue these services. If perhaps we do not want the USA to be run For the People and Of the People with laws that back up our Constitution - we have now desolved the system we have in place - don't worry about the supreme court - it's gone.
This one corner that has not been faced because perhaps Mr. Obama's Auntie would be forced to leave after years of excuses or just wanting to be a nice guy, not The Leader/Decider. Maybe a "Tea/Beer Party" is needed on the White House Lawn with the "Professor" calling the shots or is it bottles.

Anonymous said...

Because there was a lack of training before 9/11 or taking care of business when we were attacked during the Clinton Administration we now have a trained force to deal with various types of anti-american disasters waiting to or planned happenings. The Bush Administration had it all happen under their watch - Mr. Obama should be thankful. New York was ready.

Anonymous said...

I do not care if an officer asks for identification. Why is this type of police work thought to be unthinkable ? Break the law - go to prison or back to wherever you came from. The Federal Government and ABA Association that was to have a convention in Ariz. should not back down - the Law is the Law no matter what color or language you speak should enter into it. Mr. Obama can turn the BIG CORNER by backing Ariz. new law.

Anonymous said...

Right on 5-6-10 Anonymous. Ariz. is just enforcing the laws that are already on the Books - so what's up Mr. Obama? Don't worry about that "Fuzzy" feeling - you will get use to it when the USA starts to enforce the laws instead of letting the offenders slide.

Anonymous said...

Our President will be going over the Budget "PAGE BY PAGE" so we have been told. I would like to know the time and dates he has set aside with the TV Stations (Fox I would prefer - News and Sports you know). The Big Area is how much are we going to set aside for care of Non-Citizens and under what heading this will be under. If Mr. Obama would just take a look at the Vans now in use to transport illegals, he will see we need to get larger ones than we had back in the 1970s. I always found it interesting that it wasn't just one color or type of person in the vans, so why is it now the Gov. says we are Profiling?

Anonymous said...

Just received an "E" from a former classmate entitled "Moving to Mexico"... The listing of all extended privileges,as those given to non-legals here in the good old USA, which would be expected is quite interesting. I believe Pres. Calderon would be very surprised if our present administration would insist all the freebees be given to any citizen of this country as we presently give to their - Out of Here Citizens.

Anonymous said...

Our family received that same E Mail. It is interesting when you look at all we give to unlawful people. I would not move to Mexico, too hot and dangerous. But, to think of it, we permit these people that would not give a second thought to shooting or stabbing you if you were in their country get assistance from our government while living here - check to Soup Kitchens. Something to really think on.

Anonymous said...

Norristown's illegals and also unemployeed are regulars at the soup kitchens. They are all different races. If we were to tell Obama to start there, his aunt was a part of this group, we would have cleared up over half of our problems that are plaguing Our Government. Follow the law! Every corner needs to be turned in Obama's quest to be our respected Decider.

Anonymous said...

Another "Corner Turned" but without the public seeing eye to eye with the Decider. Well, PA has more to think about than why an endorsement was made. Mr. Obama should probably make it a "do nothing until the final choice is made" when it comes to backing a candidate.

Anonymous said...

Small Businesses are now giving the employees an option when it comes to health care. Many, now having to fill out form after form regarding what companies receive contracts to do work for them, has eaten into their funds and layoffs are now in the works. - Life is not good! - The trial run for this administration is not working. Full circle! What is plan B and C?

Anonymous said...

South of the Border down Mexico Way! We are oh so sorry for making problems for you citizens that wander over on to US Soil and can't find their way back!!! The need for more jobs does not mean head North. Too many guns and drugs does not mean try USA and send the $$$ back to Mexico to help their people. If we are to help this country and many other countries, they need to know there is a difference between legal and illegal.

Anonymous said...

OK - Drill off the Coast! Why wasn't the whole condition looked at. We have problems all over the USA which revolves around the environment. How about the Coal Mines? How is that working out? Water use in the Desert? Travel via the Airlines. We are much safer because? What has been done? Don't tell me that we are looking into it. After the fact is too late and just following the former administration's rules that you felt was so wrong and that you were going to correct. Get your men/women to think why things are happening and place restrictions on the way everything is done to protect our environment and our health. The "Training Period" is over!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh for Pete's Sake - Obama can not turn a corner when he is unable to walk the walk on a straight line. He constantly is skirting problems and now going back to the Republican Way of Thinking is the way to get out of the Democratic Recession Failed Process and that is giving Small Businesses a helping hand, which was needed in the first place when he took office.

Anonymous said...

Let me make myself clear!!! Heard that so often but now they are just words, because he Mr. Obama just doesn't get it. The southern border - not along Lake Michigan - is and has been having trouble financially and from non-citizens crossing into their state. Well, maybe we, the government,will now understand it takes two countries to make sure the border is safe, meaning no crossing unless you have papers,legal, that is. The shooting of a young person is the result of Mexico, with its uncaring attitude about their people, and the USA also with their wait and see attitude has now come down to Security Guards and Law Enforcement Officials shooting a young person. We need to put in place a law on both sides that will take care of any person caught will be jailed. Mexico has the most beautiful jails I am told that most people would prefer to live in a pig pen then get caught and jailed. Arizona has really brought the whole mess to light and now we, our government, says not so fast - why? So more companies can pay less the the minimum, drugs can flourish and more children dragging down our economy because they are on the rolls. Common sense is needed and since we are making up more committees to look into the oil problem - how about a committee to be stationed along the border to see first hand the problem and have the power to enforce the laws that are now on the books. Children need to know that a law is a law and if their feelings are hurt because they can not play in the USA Sandbox, that is their parents problem and their home countries. Fix It!!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Obama and all his men/women need to take note of the whole southern region...they are in deep trouble. So far our Decider is just taking full responsibility for all that has gone wrong - now exactly what does that do to correct the problems? Oil, Oil everywhere and not one person knows how to stop the leak completely and since Mr. Obama can not chew gum and get his thinking cap in motion, the clean-up is not happening in a timely manner. Taking on responsibility for the whole problem on the border has not worked out because the laws are not enforced and two countries just point fingers at each other and the non-citizens do exactly what they want...
What a sorry mess we are in.

Anonymous said...

We, the"little people", are tired of hearing "I take full responsibility"!! BP is now saying the same thing and of course they will make things right?? For whom? This is just another hindsight on the "Big Oil Leak" that will be going on and on all summer into the fall. To take full responsibility means that you have, from the very beginning to the end, been on top of a situation!!! Really, if you want to "Drill for anything" that permit must show responsibility on all parties involved. That would be, as many down along the coast said, they should have known that if anything goes wrong, you need to have a FAST SOLUTION and THE COAST LINE SHOULD HAVE BEEN PROTECTED. Obama and his transparent groupies should have used all the knowledge, they seem to have or are trying to convince us they have, before issuing any type of building or drilling permit. The FINE PRINT, as in many other laws/bills passed during this administration are in deed VERY COSTLY for the "little people" ... So, let me make my self clear... You, as our leader, need to stay put and think before agreeing to anything more that we, the "little people", can not afford and the destruction that follows when a plan is a plan, but should never have been given a permit.

Anonymous said...

Sue Arizona for enforcing the Federal Law, using their state forces, that is in place, but not enforced??? Interesting! What other Federal Laws will this Administration find illegal, because?? No, I'm not sure, but if you look locally, the Arizona Law on Immigration and the enforcement of that Federal, (now a State Law also)Law sounds great and their would be money placed back into the Treasury of both State and Federal. If you were in any other country - you would make sure your ID was up-to-date - ask any Student of Business People and all other countries do not call it unlawful. Our Pres. and all his men need to get their heads screwed on correctly - stop the sob story.

Anonymous said...

I question our present government's ability to see the wrong that has been done to this country since the Eisenhower Administration. We can not permit any person into this country that does not have proper papers and is in good health. Speaking of learning to speak English - that should be a given. A good look at Arizona and their plight and now double - no triple their problems and that is how most Americans see the situation of non-legals doing their thing plus the baggage they carry with them that has tainted our youth. Maybe a little more of no visits permitted to Mexico or an American Pass Port that can be used to enter Mexico or try getting back into the USA with out a special clearance. Tighten up the requirements and use Arizona as your Point State and not make her a Patsy.

Anonymous said...

Not facing the immigration problem is what our President and congress is doing. It isn't going away and if any person objects to our treatment of illegals, so??? We can not keep building jails to house unlawful people that are now raising problems that are out to down our government and the way of life we have and pay taxes in order to maintain that type of life style. The LAW IS Mr. Obama if you are not here legally or possess a green card you need to go back home now with your children. The USA is not a Welfare State - we are taking back our country, one state at a time and that is starting with Arizona.

Anonymous said...

Today is another corner that need to be turned by our present President. A decision that was needed and I believe it was correct when an officer in command does not agree and states so about how the war is being managed by civilian and our leader, the President. How this all came about is part of guffes Biden with his statements that of course are OK with a slap on the wrist and a wink, plus Press that can interview at will in a war zone that can sink any ship and then of course Hillary that seems to think she can say anything that is being considered as the truth. There is a need for our leader, the President, to clean house or put zippers on his top men/women. He has enough problems with immigration, oil leaks, the money problems that are mounting for our children and his children too. Trying to make the USA a perfect place for everyone to live, is not for our President to do. We, are not children and the need to learn by making mistakes is necessary. The government needs to help those that are trying to manufacture or start businesses. This corner has not been met and our government still ships jobs over seas - why? Too many corners that need to be turned and not covered up with the statement "I take full responsibility" -- Sooo!

Anonymous said...

He isn't even near A Corner in anything he has tried to do. Housing, Banking, Environment, Disaster Relief, #1 JOBS, Outsourcing of Gov. Work, #2 Immigration, The Oil Spill and the On-Going WARS with with an ever increasing of lives lost - NO Relief in Sight.
Maybe Bush was right - let that country resolve their problems and boycott any country that does business with them until they do not hide unsavory people that believe they can go around killing and destroying cities at will. There will be many more 9/11 throughout the world and if each country tries to handle their own citizens, that are guilty of this type of behavior, maybe there will be some type of peace throughout the world in the next 50-100 years.

Anonymous said...

How much fuel does our President use during his daily,weekly and monthly journeys that are supposed to be "on business"?? Conserve - fuel and spending should be considered. The Tele conference calls would be the way to go and of course their would be word by word recording for all to hear and see. These modern ways are great - why isn't he using them more often? Oh yes, the "Kitchen" (Washington) is getting a little too hot!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Anonymous a Conference Call system in place would be great and THEIR words would be recorded for all citizens to hear and view.

Anonymous said...

Turning the Economy Around! Yep, in my first year Obama stated. Well, his training period is over - personal matters can no longer be included in his work-a-day schedule. No more beer/soda conferences either, that personal friend problem was for the STATE and THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, not a full blown rah,rah for a special Professor.
We are in need of JOBS and IMMIGRATION LAWS taken seriously. Don't fast talk any more. Trying to convince us that Arizona is not telling the truth about non-citizens by placing the whole state's crime in one basket will not cut it. If only one or two people are hurt by a non-citizen we now have trouble - check your Professor Mr. Obama. So, non-citizens meaning Immigration is the cause of NO JOBS in many locals and that just doesn't happens here in the Tri County Area of PA.

Anonymous said...

Our present President is still on the campaign trail. The same old reruns about what the past administration did/did not do,although the Democrats were in charge of congress. Now, who is to blame??
Well, all that our dinner group, now meeting until the November election, wants is.. in writing, where the jobs are, how much it costs the government, how much it is costing to increase our military presence and fighting the wars, where the jobs for the returning VOLUNTEER FORCES will be and exactly when the citizens of the USA will be considered FIRST.

Anonymous said...

Arizona and any other state can not arrest non-citizens, because that is for the Feds??? Reason not more is being done is because it would upset the balance of working/non-working people. Schools would not need to have pt teachers to help with those not speaking English or their families can not understand what is being taught. Ha! If you can't understand English - not to worry, someone else will translate and of course the town,township,states and the Federal Government will pick up the tabs for all that is involved with "illegal" and can't speak English or understand English.
Don't tell me the 14th Amendment is not great for our present day - you mean because the "Decider" says and is able to do away with any law that involves non-citizens saying it is illegal! Doing the correct thing for ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS is exactly what our "Decider" needs to do and enforce all Federal Laws and let the states take care of their rulings.

Anonymous said...

A comment made regarding the Armed Forces by our President - He stated after all "They Are Volunteers" !! Please, tell me that that was a misquote!! How many more "Volunteers" will he be needing to bring an end to these wars? It looks like we are extending the wars.

Anonymous said...

Really Mrs. Obama has a great idea regarding exercise and good food - but the problem is education and the ability to purchase the type of food necessary to keep body and limb together. Most kids and young adults are always on the go and in bad weather, or in the evening hours watch TV. Nothing wrong with that. They type of kids that are over-eaters and it shows, is because their families do not have down time or the nationality which usually is their way of cooking. A start for this First Lady and her husband would be to make sure the horse is before the wagon. The corner can not be turned if they can not see the road and all the curves.

Anonymous said...

During the depressed years we made do with what we grew and caned. Yes, I lived in the country. We had a vegetable garden where we grew seasonal vegetables that we used daily, the second was out in the field area that we called the truck-patch because it was trucked to Philadelphia and sold and the third area was for corn and hay, which was used for the chickens and pigs. So, if any person thinks it isn't possible to live off the land - they are wrong. We did purchase flour, butter,sugar and milk, plus soaps. My mother was a excellent cook and many meals consisted of apple pie with milk which we carried from the local farm. Now that sounds good, but when apples were not in season a lot of times we had milk soup - flour mixed with butter and heated in milk & home made bread - good, try it some time. No we were not very heavy, that is because our thoughts were not centered around food all the time and after helping to take care of the gardens in the summer - 7:30 PM was time for sleep.
Our President is living in a dream world where he will never turn the corner because he has not lived as we have and will never understand why every person should earn their way in life and spend only what is in their your pocket and save a little for the slim pickins days. Hard times is good for every person to go through - it makes for a better person.

Anonymous said...

I do not believe any President, including FDR,has appeared on radio and now TV as much as Pres. B.O. Now it was a part of discussion last weekend if we thought he could not function if he were not on TV and making known every little fact, which his staff provides,and immediately is a NEWS ITEM. Don't you think a weekly/semi monthly Fireside Chat would be accepted and listened to?

Anonymous said...

TIMING is EVERYTHING when it comes to getting any bill passed and signed by our present congress and the President. Keep all citizens worried about the OIL and Immigration while Wall Street gets its new Haircut. It did need a little trimming, but with the old barbers that caused the problem doing the ground work - Just Do It Attitude - the waiting game paid off. Check out any bill that has been passed during the Obama Administration and of course the majority hold on congress...interesting!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with a lady that was part of a talk show when she stated Arizona is assisting the Federal Government and placing it in writing was the only way that our Federal Government would take the whole situation seriously and accountable to the Citizens. Those here legally and staying only the length of time given should understand what this country is all about, even if some of our Federal Officials are not in favor of enforcing the laws. Laws are why our country survives. We do not need any more Harvard Professors or friend of a friend of our President to decide what the law means - it has stood for many years, up to and including the Eisenhower Administration. Don't back down when a person enters this country illegally they will and should be arrested and sent back home, wherever that may be. I'm sorry to say just this process is too much now for the $$$ it will cost to process these people. So, any company or individual hiring an illegal should pay for the cost covering the return, plus a fine. If a company needs help from another country why don't they set up hiring halls near the legal entrance station is located and of course they should be returned through the same station. Now, what is so hard about that??
Now that would be one big corner for Obama and Congress to turn NOW!!!

Anonymous said...

That would be too easy and of course making all the Big Growers be responsible.

Anonymous said...

Guess who is going on Day Time Talk Show - The View? Mr. B.O. himself, I guess he is trying to get a woman's point of view - Woopie! I hope he has time for "The Price Is Right" - it is a great guessing game, he is quite familiar with this type of game where the price is??? Just like our "Budget"!!!

Anonymous said...

Whoopie is right - I'll watch The Price is Right - The highlights of The View with Barbara Wawa surely will be on the 5 news or 11. Why waste TV Time only to see a repeat the balance of the day!! I know it must be great to get out of the heat in Washington and I do mean both kinds.

Anonymous said...

I understand our First Lady and a daughter will be taking a vacation to France or there abouts, but without hubby. Yes, the honeymoon is over - he will be celebrating another "Birthday" during this vacation time - Oh Well! When you are over-the-hill - who cares! After all there are only so many ties etc. to be given and received but of course the candles that light up the room will probably be transmitted by his Blackberry so not too much will be lost.. Well, this is another corner that our President will need to turn all by himself and of course Fox could help sooth his nerves- no I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

I would feel much better if BO would visit Mexicos Border States and have some food and drink with each one. Talk is cheap, but that is what is lacking. To even think that Arizona is wrong is unbelievable. The Northeast is not where the problem lies - sweat it out BO and make some points with the "Tea Party" that has now proven they have it right-on there never has been a straight line when it comes to government.

Anonymous said...

If the TV story was correct - Mr. Obama said we would be out of Iraq by August 2010 end. That is great - with all the Volunteers doing his not thought thru plans so far this would be a welcome change. The increased number of ICE roundups will be processed. This is great too. I believe Auntie will be among them?? No, she will stay and help our President celebrate his birth day, right?

Anonymous said...

Pay to Play or Play for Pay - which ever. I have not seen too much since back in the spring regarding Gruber & Rubins and their association with the Goldman & Sach/Hamilton Project. The joke was that O'Bama was the Trojan Horse and we could be assured that more cuts in entitlements would be forthcoming because of the Rent an Economist and any other person in the Goldman & Sachs Hamilton project. Maybe Lee or Auth locally will be able to splain this to us so that maybe our President will be able to round the corner while the Trojan Horse is still acceptable.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mr. President! The gray is now showing, but not to worry, the problem is when your hair is not there.

Anonymous said...

Back in January you asked what we thought of his speech. We were discussing the number of speeches made in a month and then just laughing, we thought it would be nice to know how many per day this man makes. How about telling us how many per month, per day, on what subject and where. Before the November election would be fine.

Anonymous said...

Really Obama would never make it in the real world if it had not been for Goldman Sachs personnel. The Hamilton Project would not have existed and although Emanuel has a lot going for him, I do not believe he would have been considered as a member of "The" Crew from go. Now Fudge is a no brainer, check her out, she is the "It" girl (lady). So, in order to turn the corner Obama really relies heavily on Goldman Sachs plus Brooklings Institution (Hamilton Project)...make no mistake about that.

Anonymous said...

The maintenance crew were hard at work when -- Mr. Obama called Nancy and said we need this bill passed by your House before they can leave on vacation - too late Mr. President the maintenance crew were already dismanteling the voting system - but not to worry a little over time and burning the midnight oil is covered in his slush fund?? Just another OOPS, but who notices another learning experience by our President. "Time is money" I believe the saying is and "I take full responsibility" is another cute one, but talk is cheap too as we try to help him turn the corner.

Anonymous said...

Another blow to citizens of our country and that is a "No Confidence Vote by the US Immigration & Customs Enforcement" - now it was a unanimously vote so the Washington Times said. A few statements said ICE had abandoned "its core mission of protecting the public to support of Political Agenda favoring Amnesty. Dissatisfaction & concerns over the leadership of Asst. Secy. John Morton, who heads ICE & Phyllis Coven, Asst. Director for the Agency's Office of detention policy & planning. Well with limited forces provided only 4% of estimated illegal alien can be removed (400,000) on a yearly basis. Only those that pose a threat to the National Security & public safety will be at the top of the priority list.Much, much more is written, but those that are identified as fugetives after failing to shop up for immigration or deportation hearing make the top of the list...interesting. Please read, it is an outstanding article.

Anonymous said...

The Primary Elections are the most important State Elections - we need the correct person representing our Party. Never mind if it is not the locals choice, it is Washington's Choice. All problems that are of concern to various states will be placed on the back burner when The President or Former President makes their pitch. Do you remember the "Traveling Circus"??? or maybe "The Medicine Show"??? Both came through our village and tried to convince the locals that they knew the secret to a better life and how, if they followed their advice (bought it), they too would be famous. That is how I see our present Administration - Please listen, but the bate is going to be the down fall of our government because we can not afford it. Simple as that.

Anonymous said...

I just realized why Mr. Obama makes so many speeches in the middle of the day when most citizens are at work. Air time is cheap? No! The media needs to have something to talk about at 4:00 PM,5:00 PM, 6:00 PM and on into the night - Keeping our Pres. face before the public is either good or not so good - I have found more on the last to be true. What say you? We usually switch channels.

Anonymous said...

Why does Mr. Osama Obama think there is a need for his expert opinion on everything happening in each state and the world? I believe now he is some what like Clinton in the second term - because I could do it - attitude. I now turn off the TV and read more about what other people believe is important in the world. Our opinion does count and it will show come election day in November.

Anonymous said...

Why does our President think a picture of him in the water with a daughter is news worthy? I do not find any pleasure in viewing any politician in a swim suit or riding spandex.

Anonymous said...

Go swim in the Gulf! Well, BO sure looked shiney - when that picture was taken with one of his daughters - could that be OIL? It looks like it also took all the hair off his chest. There are so many jokes going around about the First Family that is hard to concentrate on important issues. Well, that is how they want it so that there is no need to ask for a vote - it automatically will be a law or more hand-outs - another slick BO.

Anonymous said...

All Religions should build near Ground Zero - No Exception. This would show how BO thinks all people should feel - tolerance. Some type of chain should connect all buildings - a chain that binds, so to speak. So, our present President has not claimed any type of Religion -this would explain how he should feel - and a dinner party each year for each religion or their special holiday.

Anonymous said...

I am tired of In-Your-Face attitude by the present administration. Right now it does not matter what we Tax Payers want - it is what he, our President, says is the only way to go. Well, I am going broke and it is not because of the former administration. If every thing happens according to plan - by 2014 there will be no $$$ left. Check this fact with your Free Consultants provided by the Administration.

Anonymous said...

If Katrina happened today, how do you think our Government would handle the whole matter. Our Church is now making its fourth visit to help these POOR PEOPLE - but the State Government is really not doing their share - WHY?

Anonymous said...

Going broke ...You mean 2013 right? The 2014 is a stretch. One thing that has been all over the news and that is BP and Katrina. How many more years will these two similar happenings be in the works?? One happening was nature and the other by not having stricter restrictions on drilling off our about here in that of any concern? It should be!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 8/24
Why should the State take on the task at hand when our Government is there, just for the asking. Most of those that are having problems are those that had nothing to begin with - they never had it so good. Go down to see for yourself...Pity! It has ceased for me, sorry about that. The STATE GOVERNMENT has always had poor residents that are not well educated and do what comes naturally to make ends meet, sorry about that too. There were trailors of plenty, but this is not the type of housing they wanted after Katrina, but it was better than what was washed away. As for the people sitting on top of their homes yelling help - well if the STATE had been doing their job these people would have been out of there, using school buses and whatever transportation available. So, don't get me started on this subject, because that POOR ME is going no where. We have our own homes and taxes to pay in order to remain here - for them, Not To Worry, Our Federal Government Will Take Care Of Us.

Anonymous said...

Second Speech by our President, Mr. Obama from the Oval Office?? I understand he was having a different color paint added because it would not look like his projection of "type"... A Smoker!
Really it is of no concern where he is at any given time - he is always on camera and the various channels will break-in the make it live. We could do with less channels and less up-to-the-minute news as to what our President is thinking. A little less talking would be great and little more thought into why and how he feels about a certain subject would be great on a monthly newscast.

Anonymous said...

Obama as in President. It has been quite a few years of very hard work by the Democrats to make Obama what he is today. There is quite a lot of work to be done. We have to understand he is one of the NOW GENERATION so he see no end to the Charge Plate. He does not have the background and is now trying to acquire just that by adding a little here and there to make his up-bringing interesting. We will see how it all pans out in 20 years or so. Right now he is just a man that was a big fish in a small pond and now hoping to be a big fish in a big pond. He had better be a better swimmer than it appears he is right now. No corner has been turned - he still is trying to walk a straight line.

Anonymous said...

I do hope the "Prompters" are working this evening for BO. He has had so many places to go and things he would like to be credited for that his Speech Writers are busy and working day & night to make him look good. I do wish I had the money he has used on travel in one week - I would not have to worry about just paying my electric bill and school taxes.

Anonymous said...

Would it not be nice if BO would be charged for all personal flights and time off that he is and has been using to campaign for any and all Dems.??? He gets donations from the Democratic Committee for these appearances, soo why not have him pay for transportation/housing?? Now that would be a slight turn, but not around the corner.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for Mr. Obama because the position he thought would be so great and he could handle it, with a little help from his Harvard/Yale and Wall Street Buddies, but instead of making the economy and Wars go away, we are now deeper in debt and just trying to get out of one war seems to be starting another. We now are out of Plan B and almost out of Plan C, now what? He, Mr. Obama, needs to have a review board and he needs to keep silent and listen.

Anonymous said...

Let us admit it - a mistake was made when he was voted in - but he has all his know-it-all friends that should be able to pull this term in office off. Now, the last few Presidents had problems and each in their own way tried to solve them, but outside and personal happenings were plentiful making it very difficult to get anything done, even though part of the terms were sattled with the other party running the congress. The new congress will soon be seated - now they bring in new ideas, just as our Presidents did. I hope foreign governments will understand exactly how our government functions or we will have more than three wars going on.

Anonymous said...

Listening to a talk show today, one comment was made that all that has been accomplished during this administration was done by the Democrats. I hope you all remember that. Now, how do you see this administration handling of the Bush Administration's Tax Cuts? Our children have counted on the extension - has our President read all that was in the Bill, etc. Hope so, I know he is still going through the "Health Plan and Budget" and doesn't seem to be able to digest any of it without a few Rolaids.

Anonymous said...

Is our present Administration considering extending the Bush Administrations Tax Breaks and all that goes with it? Our children are depending more and more on some break with their family not receiving salary increases and this past dodging the lay-offs. So far we have seen nothing that is encouraging, in fact it is worse than 2006-2007.

Anonymous said...

It seems like only a year has passed and Mr. Obama is here in our area once again making a speech to students. What happened to the Mid West schools? Are all the schools above average and well funded? Are there no below the poverty level living there? I know Philadelphia Schools seem to be the bottom of the barrel, but we know some schools make it because the money, teachers, parents and children have decided it is to be and go for it. I think our President needs to west young man as the saying goes and help these people see the light of education.

Anonymous said...

OK we are now going to sell those planes, ships and anything not tied down to Russia or Arab Country that would like them - really! Well, after that is said and done, we are going to cut back on building the above and cut contracts that are being awarded to the major builders and try to find smaller companies and shorter time frame for this all to be done. This is how Mr. Gates sees it and would like to put it into law before leaving his position in early 2011. Do you remember the cold war and the no need for equipment or Troops? Yep, we had an increase in Taxes, but the budget was balanced, kind of?? It all depends on how you saw the shuffling. We need to rethink Gates and Sestak's look on how and when all this should transpire. Well, that is something to think on and also help Obama turn A Corner.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Obama has been on TV all day and now here he is in Phila. and that is OK, but why did he not pick another time for his arrival. Traffic!!!! This caused more O/T? I hope his appearance was a success where ever he is speaking. This afternoon's TV appearance was interesting - but there were a few questions asked that instead of giving an answer, were a history lesson on his time before being President and the Wall Street Question is out there some where. I think he talks before he has his brain in motion sometimes - that's how Politicians shuffle their messages. No corner was turned today, just more of the same. The question on down-sizing of our military and also the building or purchasing of equipment is interesting. How many jobs will be lost?? On company does not do all the work - it is many small companies that are involved. I hope Gates and Mr. Obama understands basics.

Anonymous said...

Two more hit the dust, all college buds of our President, that had ideas to help him, but those that had an ounce of sense are gone before completing even 2 years.

Anonymous said...

Gates has a plan to down-size the military. Sestak has a plan to down-size the military. We have an ALL VOLUNTEER personnel doing the fighting and watching over our country. As they come home, volunteering also does not mean they will be there forever. Where do you see their experience come into play on the job market? Before any more concerns are addressed about how they will cut out purchasing new equipment and who will build this equipment, we need to know are there jobs involved in this area because these men/women have been using this equipment and know the ins and outs of it. So, before our leader says OK to any more changes that will cause problems in a year or two because of no forward thinking, he needs to think of ALL THINGS involved. No corner turned!

Anonymous said...

Right, you really think it is his job to think of long term problems that will arise if too many changes are made? Well, no that would be too much, seeing as this is Election Time! I have a very iffy feeling about this whole thing and since we are still handling two plus wars (well really three) and we do not or can not help the people that will be left behind, after the fact - where do you all see the USA in this Play Book? We have China, the United Kingdon, and Germany really carring the load and of course they do own most of the USA - what is the next step? No, the answer is stop manufacturing here in the USA - that was done during the Cold War - but what? We are now indebt for some reason that is always blamed on an administration that had congress run by the opposit party and those that are in the financial field, Dems., are still there directing the cause, well until they step down - maybe sooner than later would be the answer. No Obama can not turn any corner - he is only a speaker that sometimes most of us believe a dreamer.

Anonymous said...

The NEW PROCESS for handling BIDS/CONTRACTS by our Government... Boeing will be first to see if our Government is serious about awarding contracts. Let's see if the whole contract is awarded to an American Company or if it will go overseas. Gates! It is your turn to show your colors and how the whole new system of contracts will work - starting now. Obama will never turn a corner unless we the people and the companies that employ us can see progress for ALL Americans, not playing nice with Foreign Countries.

Anonymous said...

The NEW PROCESS for handling BIDS/CONTRACTS by our Government... Boeing will be first to see if our Government is serious about awarding contracts. Let's see if the whole contract is awarded to an American Company or if it will go overseas. Gates! It is your turn to show your colors and how the whole new system of contracts will work - starting now. Obama will never turn a corner unless we the people and the companies that employ us can see progress for ALL Americans, not playing nice with Foreign Countries.

Anonymous said...

To set an example would be nice, but for some reason our President seems to only down certain people, causes and TV Channels because the disagree with him. Today we had two calls from the Dems. asking for contributions and because I had a problem understanding the young man, I asked him to repeat portions of his blurb. Yep, back to the very beginning we went. What I found interesting was that the most important part of the blurb was Obama's dislike for Fox - now really, with a mix in this family is that supposed to be important to us when selecting a person to run for the Senate and House? No funds coming out of this household and no corner turned for Obama or as some people now say "BO"!!!

Anonymous said...

The money is ready for Haiti, but one Senator says there is a duplicate person assigned to oversee where everything is supposed to be spent - one American and one Haitian - should be our money, our representative to run the whole assignment so that it is not misspent. Clean it up Willie Clinton and get these people out of those tents and rubble. Slick Willie needs to be paying attention to what his wife promised and since he is the Embassador that should be no problem. She still rules the nest!

Anonymous said...

Thank You Anonymous 9/29/10 ... my thoughts too. If money were the problem our Embassador could give a little, but I believe he is caught up in Show Biz and is unable to concentrate on his assignments exactly as our leader, Mr. President.

Anonymous said...

The show has been on the road for almost 21 months - that should make it a mature Administration. No, not quite - here today, gone tomorrow and all the men/women that were/are here that came to help from Goldman Sachs are looking or have left for other parts of Wall Street or to help their home states right themself. Now, plan "C" is in place. This should be interesting since promises made were not kept. Who to blame, who to blame!!!

Anonymous said...

We do believe Mr. Obama will need to start to search of acceptable replacements that will be coming up at years-end. We understand that "Joker" Biden will go back to the Senate and Billy's wife Hillary will replace him, so that she will be in line to run for the office of President with number 1 husband as her backup. Yes, the plan is being discussed - now what do you think? She put up with slick Willie during his term - how well do you see him as the #2 with Hillary still throwing the dishes in the White House?

Anonymous said...

Would it not be nice if one of our leaders - Pres. or VP would remain in Washington, just in case there is a need to press the button on the RED PHONE. Just kidding, no person would do anything while our men were out making speeches so that they can successfully place us in more debt the next year or two by getting their candidate elected.

Anonymous said...

The whole First Family is falling apart - no dinner each evening together, no good nite kiss -- Grandmom is in charge of the little girls and of course the Secret Service. It does take more than a village to keep our first family together - it takes the whole government. The cost of this type of campaining is? It really would be interesting to know the figures and why so many of the first family and the Vice President's family are needed to have the Senate in the correct position in November. Our Senator's position is up for grabs, but what we would like to know how many sessions he will have to attend - after all as a Congressman he really was not there physically and the mental state is doubtful because he was trying to find a cause to make him acceptable for the candidate's seat in the Senate.

Anonymous said...

Our President is "Hyper" and it probably has never been brought to his attention until some person asked him why he did not make speeches from the Oval Office more often...he said he feels more comfortable being with a live audience. Remember the "Fireside Chats" - you old timers? Made us all feel that everything was going to be OK or we were all working for the same cause. Not the "Right" vs "Left" - he said vs he said... This is really lacking in this Administration and so many "Opinions" coming from the White House. Let's get it together! Right now it has become a "Comedy Act" most of the time.

Anonymous said...

Our President should be paying us to listen to all his ways of spending money that will be to our benefit, that is if we live 10 more years and are able to maintain the same salary scale and our medical coverage by our company remains. Right now there is a merger in the works - hope for the best. This is one way this administration turns its back and we are not the luck person on the other end. So, playing the part of "Frick & Flack" right now will not cut it.

Anonymous said...

How much is Obama paying for the use of Federal Vehicles to take him out of Washington to all these states that he feels are on the fringe and may not support his ideas if some person other than the one in place is there. I can see a lot of money coming in at the end of the Quarter from Obama and his men/women, but not enough to balance the budget, because promises are made to take care of that.

Anonymous said...

A former Army friend of my husband stopped in for a chat and since he has a small business (appliance repair) I figured business would probably be good. But, no not so. Small businesses are hurting. He stated that most of his former customers are buying New. Interesting! How are they paying for these new purchases?? You can bet your bippy - Plastic. Where are most of the appliances made?? Not here in the USA - assembled yes. When you have a problem - the call goes to a foreign country and the young person knows how to fix any setup problem, but is not aware the PA is a state and of course they have no idea we have change of seasons here in PA...Yes, we purchased a TV, so we know. What is the answer Mr. Obama? You can not see the forest for the trees but right now you keep talking, trying to make people believe we all have turned the corner because you say it so..Beware of 2014!

Anonymous said...

Oh for heavens sake - now Obama turning any corner when it comes to governing is laughable. A young person that has convinced even his wife that he has the where-with-all to govern and make quick decisions has proven WRONG since day one. Yep, I'll take full responsibility is always the answer, because in the first place he did not have a clue on how government should run FOR THE PEOPLE. Now he has the gall to blame it on the former administration that had really tragic things happen to our country, that were the result of many things not taken care of by the Clinton know cost and let the FBI & CIA handle when it can work it into their schedule. Please, NO he has not turned any corner and still has no clue how life really is here in the USA.

Anonymous said...

What is the saying about Rome burning?? Oh yes, fiddle while Rome burned - but our President and his wife are dancing while USA is drowning in debt and no jobs so the families can make a living and provide for shelter/food. Put on a "Happy Face" you say!! Right!

Anonymous said...

Well Nancy will try very hard to help her leader "turn the corner." He has taken "full" responsibility for so many wrongs it will take Nancys' many trips on her jet, she doesn't like people patting her down or checking the skeletal that is keeping her inners from showing, to find ways to bail he and his men/women out. So, many happenings, and so many excuses...the corner is way, way, past 2014.

Anonymous said...

We just got back home for the "Holidays" and from all I've read there just isn't too much happening in Washington - except Obama is now learning there are TWO SIDES of all stories. The "Now Generation" is learning fast that jobs are not secure, vacations will probably be in the past and your whole way of life is changing. They are now learning to live within their "paycheck" - if they are receiving one or packing it in and storing their worldly goods and moving home until a better life or even a life will be available. So, all that Mr. Obama has done and is doing without consulting all people in congress is making all of us feel very insecure and really not looking forward to 2014 for any help.

Anonymous said...

The downward turn is where our President is now...We now have more take overs and out-sourcing than in the last 10 years. Companies that are thriving are now concentrating on China to keep their business going. Where in the world are our people going to find employment if the out-sourcing continues? The closing of banks or those that merged are now leaving mega millions of people unemployed. What you see in the local banks really does not paint the true picture of the structure and how it came about. Sad!

Anonymous said...

Do you remember the time when it was not permitted for the President and the VP to be absent from Washington at the same time? The "Red Phone" was the reason. The Cold War is over but, who is in charge, just in case? Both of our Men were out and about over the "Holiday Season"...???

Anonymous said...

Jobs Mr. President ... All companies are now outsourcing most of the record keeping or jobs that consume a person's time and require accountability. If the citizens in our good old USA have no jobs that make them feel worthwhile ... there will be many who will find something to do out on the streets. No, that is not good especially if there is a physical/mental problem. I believe our President needs to look at JOBS for all types of people instead of giving more to those that are unemployed and like it that way.

Anonymous said...

State of the Union Show is coming up this week. I would like to hear only the facts and my family that is from the other side (Dem.) agree. Enough is enough hearing why, how and when things happened, just give us the bottom line. If perhaps our President has had a dream and the whole USA and the World will all of a sudden stop fighting and every person has a job, companies that outsource will pay a hefty fine per week to the government and all families can live within their paycheck - save that until another time.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Huskey it is time for you to close your eyes again and listen to our President's speech. Exactly what has changed? Yes, there are a few missing because of the election - they lost! Nancy, will not be seated and head of the applause meter. So, I will close my eyes, as should everyone else and listen to the content to see if our country is coming out of his recession while governing.

Anonymous said...

State of the Union Speech. Interesting, but I really was not listening to be amused. Just the facts, please. What I found interesting the "Laugh-O-Meter" Nancy was not in place, so all in attendance were not compelled to rise and shine at every spoken word that our President thought made his opinion so worthy. Next year, maybe we will be able to have the "State OF The Union" published and instead of our Congressmen & Senators telling us what our President was saying, we will get a copy via our local Newspaper for $1.00. Why not? He knows we, who are really interested in what has happened and now it is time, in writing, tell us the solution, in his own words. Most of our evenings are usually spent watching the 7:00 PM News and half-awake maybe the 11:00 PM. So, most people are up-to-date on the world happenings. We only need to know his and congress's intent.

Anonymous said...

I heard on TV a response to a question on how our President is doing on the home front and internationally. The one lady with a very thick accent said she thought no other president faced so many problems than our President since he was elected and took office. Really? He should have been around and conscious when 9/11 occurred. I do not believe any person taking on the Presidency should think it is a cake walk. I think he may be coming down to earth and now finds himself responsible for what he says or has said and now is giving us many more problems. Stop talking and give your brain some time to sort out what can happen in a blink of an eye is how all Government Elected and appointed Officials should be thinking.

Anonymous said...

It all should start at home when it comes to "Health Care of the Family." Our President now is a non-smoker and OUR WHITE HOUSE is smoke free. The President's Insurance Rate should be going down, but of course that will not help the budget and the bottom line. I believe I heard the last President that had the bad habit of smoking was FDR. He seems to place him up their where no man could reach him,a man that could do no wrong. Check your history of this man.

Anonymous said...

It takes a village to bring up a child. More Grandparents are now responsible for the day to day needs of their Grand kids. I believe our President believes in the above statement, because his Mother-in-Law is the "take charge person" when it comes to the girls. You say "No"! Well explain how the two parents can be hither and yon at the same time. I wish my children would have made plans to live around here so that my Grand kids could be with our family and of course a great school district. So, what I am saying is if it is good enough for rich and famous it would be great for those making under $24,000. to consider their self one of the privileged and hold their head up high.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible to have an accounting for the many trips our President and all those that accompany him when he uses our Air Force #1 or any mode of transportation? Our family has a problem with the cost of gas and the distance they need to travel on the job. Although they have been on the job for over 15 years - this year it is over the top when it comes to cost for gas or flight costs. There is no extra money assigned to various jobs that are out-of-state and the salary is at the 1995 range. If there were a change in the range each year or two, I would not be asking for the above accounting, but We (Our Country) can no longer afford to spend any extra money when a column in the Newspaper would suffice or his daily TV Shows. Now, how much has been spent each year on travel, etc. that I requested?

Anonymous said...

How much is allocated for our President to travel using Air Force #1 or any means of transportation to run his office and those that will accompany him??? Well, just looking at the size of the "Print Job" of the Budget, it probably is in there some where. Good Luck finding it, but if you do let the TH know so we lowly citizens can be an informed citizen and one that can help our representatives in DC change the way things are done on the upper level.

Anonymous said...

Our President and the whole family working in Washington that see no wrong in "Debt" - Well, back to WWII and up to 9/11 we tried to keep the Budget under control. The cold war was not an easy time, but once the wall came tumbling down, the outlook for all humans seemed to brighten. Under Clinton - raise taxes and then kind of balance the budget, depending on their funny math (I still have my "E" Bonds from the 1940 era). Under Bush - he never really got a chance, 9/11 happened and the cost of war, as back in the 1942 era, kept us in debt both financially and manpower that was volunteers. Now, with the housing market and the Fannie and Freddie doing there thing, because every person should own a home no matter how much they make for a living was the call. Stock Market, down and the war goes on. Obama, and his people come in and say "I will fix everything otherwise our government will fail and we will once again become a depressed Nation. Borrow, Spend, Increase DC's Employees working for the Government. Now, the bailouts, closing of banks, merging various businesses that are now causing many job losses and the various states are unable to balance their budgets. So, where do we go from here? Sell more property like the Wall Street property? I see no change in our government since Regan was President. There is another "Wall" that is up now, how do we fix it? Jobs and Foreign Trade could be the only answer, but the President needs to understand it is not his will that will be done.

Anonymous said...

Yes, How much is allocated in the Budget for travel for our President and all his men/women? Maybe Nancy will loan her little plane for some hops.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible to find out where Obama secured financing for his travels before living in Chicago and also schooling? If he lived with his Grandparents, were they millionaires? I would love to see his passport for the traveling before Ill. and sweet talking to his present wife.

Anonymous said...

Obama's Oh So Humbling Beginning.
I would like to know where he got his funding too. Exactly where did he say he was born? He lived with whom while attending HS and College or what state did he declare as HOME? Well, since we do not have the right to know about this gentleman, I guess we will have to wait until he writes another book about his life.

Anonymous said...

One Professor on TV today said the reason so many people are not willing to accept Obama is because he spent most of his life on foreign soil, but he said this does not make him a non-citizen. I think this Professor protests too much, because it now sounds like a cover up. Our President will never turn the corner until he answers simple questions about himself and verifies his answers. The Dems. were too hasty in selecting this man,because he was a great speaker at their convention, that now it is coming back to haunt them.

Anonymous said...

Silence is golden is a quote our leader should adopt. Just because our President has an opinion, the media jumps on it. Yes, followed by our Vice President that many times just does not get it right. Now, that is OK, these two are just in the learning stage, right?

Anonymous said...

Learning Stage is correct. We call most of his suggestions part of a Wish List. Funds first, what part of the System is he not happy with? He certainly was schooled in a system that did not have everything right on - students needed to want to learn - parents wanted their children learn - now the last part is the key. Use the European System if it makes you feel better - government will check students before entering the higher grades to see if they have the ability to learn. If it is decided it would be a waste of time and money students would be placed in a votec type of school so they would be able to support themself after the school age is achieved. Free formal schooling and the opportunity to attend a University is given to those with the ability to learn at a given rate. Do we want our President or Governor to decide how our children are educated? Watch his wish list - it is getting out of hand.

Anonymous said...

Obama has a fault and that is he believes everything revolves around him. He needs to get down to earth and get on with our budget and how best not to promise more than we can afford. Children will learn at their own speed. Teachers will teach at their own speed after evaluating her class. Like it or not our President needs to get his nose out of everything that really does not have anything to do with the welfare of our country. We were doing fine 5 - 100 years ago.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Gates made the Libya agreement clear and now Mr. Obama comes out with the same quotation. I think the Republicans, Democrats & Tea Party should think about Gates as a Candidate. He has worked under pressure for two Presidents and has always given great advice. He does not run when it gets hot in Washington. No corner yet for Obama, he was advanced too soon by his party. Now, maybe the donkey or Jack Ass which ever will think first and not just go for glitz.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Obama will be running for the office of President of the United States. Exactly why? Who is he going to blame for all the failures the last few years he has been in office? He is probably going to say GWB. Sorry, that does not hold water. The wars continue, we have not been attacked, more troops are now on foreign soil because?? I feel less safe and my pockets are empty, but why is it? Could be we have another round of the "Now Generation" that sees no end to spending and are prone to let George do the work, we can survive on the rolls. Immigration, now we are way over our head and we are paying for it now and on to 2020. Our Treasury and Banking mess that was created by Fredie & Fanny mostly, yes and a little help from Wall Street has only seen a little light. Don't blink! Jobs are not out there, a family can not live on wages from the newly created jobs. So, we need to learn to live on less and I do not believe our present President is able to figure out how it can be done. He is and will be writing with his favorite pen that has only RED INK in it. No!! No Second Term!!

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed the President is back in Washington and is now ready to look at THE BUDGET. He needs to know that the printing press for his promises of financial help will be silenced shortly if he does not concentrate on the needs of THIS COUNTRY. His training period is over, his wish list is not within our budget so it will need to be shortened quite a bit. Gates is one person that has been able to work very efficiently, maybe Mr. Obama & Mr. Geithner could take a few lessons.

Anonymous said...

A need for a helping hand when it comes to Veterans and their families we all can agree on that. It looks like the wives of our leaders are being called on, plus one Officer that was fired, and now in the new position will get back into the good graces of our Country's Armed Forces Leaders. We can't please everyone, but this is a step in the right direction, using volunteers, although two were never in the armed forces, but have brushed in their passing. A great look for this new committee would be be to spend time with the families up in the Coatesville Veterans Hospital. Training of some staff members would help, most are very willing because they care or the extra money that would be associated with the training really would come in handy. Careing/Shareing really would go a long way. No, Mr. Obama has not turned any corner yet, he needs to stay in Washington and take care of business - Budget! No more last minute decisions will not cut it. Every day, until it is settled and we spend less but achieve more is the answer.

Anonymous said...

In the last year, how many Commissions has he appointed to just look into a matter that is realy important, but not for him to spend HIS TIME ON? He remains a person in training that is because the Dems. liked the way he talked and speech making for whatever their cause - Oh My, what a way to select a President.

Anonymous said...

I take full responsibility!!! Now, this is one time he got it right. Take a look at the various photo shots when the action was taking place with the "Seals"... Do you really believe he has turned the corner? I am glad it worked out, but he remains "in training" and I and my family members that are on the Blue Side are not comfortable with his action(s).

Anonymous said...

South of the Border, down Mexico way is where our President sees a new workforce for the USA. Do you agree with him? We need to enforce our laws that are on the books, starting NOW. Illegal is exactly that and I don't know how else to express it Mr. President. He really needs to get it together.

Anonymous said...

As stated "I take full responsibility" - now for how long will this be before some person makes a statement that would be "OK, now pay up - our Sons will not be coming home whole." What about the wife and his children? Your responsibility??
What has happened to the "Help" that is needed for the flooding down-river along the Mississippi? The Government has plenty of time to help these people move - where are these people and trucks, etc. Supplies should be made available now. The people that are being flooded out can not claim it was Mother Nature that caused the flooding. Who opened the gates? I take full responsibility, really?

Anonymous said...

Oh yes "Help" is on the way for the flooded,fire,and tornado areas of our good old USA. relatives. Well, stop fiddling around Mr. Obama our country needs leadership here. Maybe the bible was correct when stating the start of the end was 5/21. Take a look at what is happening here. You are running away from facing the truth about governing and the people you represent - no corner turned and the road is very rocky.

Anonymous said...

With all the promises made to other nations, how does Mr. O'Bama expect to take care of all the TAX PAYERS here in the USA that Mother Nature caused so much damage? I know, we have not forgotten you and we will never forget you...and I take full responsibility all sounds good, but???

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Bill Bourne's cartoons are in the TH. He is a great person. Keeping it local is great. Auth is a great one too, if you are a Dem.

Anonymous said...

Now how can we help all the citizens that have lost their homes and worldly possessions? We are now grounding all trips for the balance of this year made on Air Force 1 and cut all funds for travel, other than to and from work. Give that money to citizens that are in need. Our leader knows how to use his tele. and so do all his people. Yes, stock value will go up, but at least it will go to Americans and not China.

Anonymous said...

It would be nice if Air travel by our President and his Cabinet really did happen. To have all our Executives in one place at one time would be great. Their Agenda should be posted each day so we would know exactly how and why they are spending money and time on all Federal Business.

Anonymous said...

Right now our President is working Part Time. We all should understand his situation as a candidate. Who is making certain that $ spent are charged to the correct account?? Look at NJ's Governor and the trouble he is having. I know keeping your face in front of the crowd is most important no matter what the occasion is. So, who is checking his air fare and family functions? His every day movement should be listed from here on - maybe 2009 would be a better starting point. Say how do you think? Our Larder needs to grow a little.

Anonymous said...

The Shell Game is exactly what our President is playing... We need to get our leader to focus on one or two things that needs to be done before the August Deadline and Congress wants time for their family. So, Raising the Debt Limit, should not be considered if spending is not decreased. The Flooding, Wild Fires and Hurricanes that have taken over our precious land...America First when using OUR Money.

Anonymous said...

The Democrats say Big Business should pay more taxes. How about the list of those attending a Fundraiser in NY, Calif. and Philadelphia for O'bama. We all know the funds are not to help the economy. Exactly how does he list the use of all the security and Air Force #1 used to transport all these people that really belongs to his Campaign Fund? If I ran for office, my business would never cover any of the above. Something stinks in Washington and the Fund Raising Funding.

Anonymous said...

Right now the Democrats are seeking funds and the phone calls are increasing. Today my partner received a call and I said who is calling and of course it was Dems. Committee rep. I held the phone away from my ear facing my partner who is a Dem. and he said tell her no I'm not available...OOP! Stay in Washington O'Bama until all is resolved - your way is not necessary the correct way according to my partner. He needs to see all that has happened here in OUR COUNTRY this past two years. Floods - Fires - Wind Storms - you name it. So, NO NEW TAXES either. Take off the blinders is MY comment.

Anonymous said...

Let's repeat what our President and Nancy were telling us about keeping us out of the recession - their plan was??? Well, the answer is I take full responsibility and now he and she will need to do just that and extend the limit before we all fall down.

Anonymous said...

Not yet! Your hair is turning to silver, but making promises "I take full responsibility" may be causing the coloring. Now back to what is important - Accept that you are not always correct and listen to the newbeys that want a better life for their children, just as you claim. Harry in charge of the Senate needs to read carefully what is presented to him before turning the page. The House with its many new Reps. have great ideas, but how and where to find the funds is another question. The military and jobs is uppermost on the minds of the citizens in this country - one blogger suggest updating the military machinery - well one step at a time would bring in jobs and money in our treasury. So, O'Bama is not quite there yet - the corner will hopefully be reached by the end of 2011.

Anonymous said...

He will never turn the corner if his key men keep leaving. All alone is not a good thing before your first term. What about the VP - is he remaining on board? You know rumors are flying. Happy Birthday I guess is due - the "Yes" vote on the Debt Ceiling is probably all you will get from this Congress

Anonymous said...

We truly need jobs here in the USA - mostly in the auto industry -- so why do we see Ford starting a business in another country? We already have most of our cars mfg. in another country, i.e. Chevy. was. Now if Obama wants to get jobs that are shovel ready, he should take a look at our Car Industry. Not all of the buildings are decaying and rusting. The present administration needs to stop making up new wish lists and take care of business that will give the Americans, with experience, JOBS.

Anonymous said...

I will leave my position here in Washington just as soon as the Debt Ceiling is signed...really!!!! Today he, Geithner (sp?) states he will remain with O'Bama - because he is needed to clean up the mess he and Summmers had a great part in creating, causing the AAA Rating by S & P. to decrease to AA+, and now who knows what it will be in the months ahead. Geithner thought he knew the game very well before taking office, as he was NY Federal Reserve President and knew Wall Street Investments (housing included)and the men in charge of the Fanny & Freddie that caused the housing goof that the Dems.,in charge at that time, made all people believe they deserved a new house, not some little home type built after WWII.

Anonymous said...

Three years ago our home was worth $300,000. Today we checked it out and if we are lucky we will get $200,000. My home is worth $200,000. and all my dollars spent on it were worth a dollar, using the gold standard. Now, at my age we are just trying to keep our head above water and pay all taxes and bills as they come in.

Anonymous said...

The S&P are now turning their attention to Freddie and Fannie - I hope the also look at the people that insisted on homes for all people that were serving in our government at that time. A down-grade is necessary now? Well, while you have the ball rolling, get all those that were in charge brought up to task and made to pay for their crazy way of doing business. Obama can not turn any corner until he has those that are still in congress doing their happy things that are causing all this mess. Obama was aware of the problems when he ran for office - did he not think it should take top priority along with the war that caused Bush's administration so many problems and also we citizens that volunteered to hunt them down after 9/11. Blinders have been the problem with this administration and the millionaires that fund them.

Anonymous said...

In yesterdays NY paper there was an article stating the Bush Administration was right with giving tax relief and also that the S&P's math was incorrect on the indebtedness caused by the Bush Administration. I hope some person follows up on this little (large) flaw in the Obama Administration before our whole country goes down the tube. The facts is all we are asking for Mr. President, not what you and your men believe to be true! Your road may be bumpy, but the long road will be well worth it.

Anonymous said...

On Vacation in Mass. why?? - On CNN the young lady correspondent said that Mass. was the choice vacation spot of most Presidents. I have been there, but really only if you are a millionaire or financially well heeled would you consider Martha's Area. I love the New England States and why would any President pick Mass. and spend so much money on trying to be a "have" when the whole country is full of "have nots"?? Very bad timing Mr. President and the Press Corp too. I believe he and hid family should spend some time, like former Presidents, at their home or in their home state. To signal at this time that you wish to ignore where you came from because it might send the wrong message - you are not intelligent enough to work for and with the government, especially with the down-turn of our countries financial needs that are worse than the Bush's whole administration problems which were brought on by 9/11 and the Fanny & Freddie selling methods. No corner turned - bring the kids back to Washington and let them swim at the "Y" - they have traveled enough and need to stay home with their parents there at dinner time and bed time before they are too old to experience "A Family" as most kids do.

Anonymous said...

O'Bama got out of Washington just in time - Yes, the earth shook and cracks appeared in walls - Was this because our leader was not in the area?

Anonymous said...

The Labor Day talk that our President will present, should be how all Government planes,cars and equipment needed to up-date our Military will be made in the Good Old USA. No more Planes outsourced to another country when we laborers need work here. The American Flag should be made only in the USA - no more "China"...Mr. President you need to give this a thought and action before 9/11 and certainly on Labor Day. We will be listening!
The Valley Forge Area has always been known as a place to get things done for the right reason. Jobs is one thing here in PA that is missing. Most people can do without an up-to-date wardrobe, but work is what we need to keep our mind, body and family together.

Anonymous said...

Our President has been zig-zaging all over the USA and all countries that will leave him in to discuss his world and how he would like it to be. Speeches that go on and on are his trademark . Try as he may the Sept. 7th Republican Debate that had been scheduled our President decided his speech to Congress on his job proposals would be a better fix for the Americans that are voters. Well, a change of mind did come about - the next night although 7:30 E sounds good but not too great for Football. Yes, he does need to get his daily/semi-weekly speech in although even our great Carville the King of the Democratic Party said he would watch the Debate if there were a choice - he truly believes this will be a "Barn Burner" of a Debate. I agree! A one shot deal listening to any major player that will be running for President on the Republican side is worth listening to and also take notes to be used later on when the Election comes around. After all we have many people that are qualified to run this country, but few really want the job. Listen in on 9/7...

Anonymous said...

Campaign Headquarters for Obama's Reelection Campaign will be back to his home turf... Chicago. I understand there is a cleaning agency going over his home to make sure it is tidy for his return... The "Party" is the one to blame for this short stay in Washington, as they convinced him that he was the "Chosen One" and his fellow workers would change anything he found that he did not find fitting the way he would like the US Citizens to live - price was not in question. But, wait a minute, the world did not stand still and as the story clouds gathered the roof fell in and now we are in a worse position than in 2008 and 2005. Now, where are we to go and who can take the blame??? Get on the big black bus and tour the country, but stay away from Washington is probably the answer. I do believe he has had quite a bit of travel experience in the last two-three years, since he certainly has not been in Washington behind his desk.

Anonymous said...

Talk is cheap - Action is what is needed by our President and Congress. If outsourcing is the answer because most companies only build where there is the most demand - what does that say about the good olde USA? We have too much of everything??? I know we need to update our military equipment, but does our Military really want any updates or do they just want some R & R?? So, get the manufacturing going now, because this next year Pres. Obama will be bringing home many Troops and they will need jobs that have health benefits and schooling attached.

Anonymous said...

Bringing home lots of Troops in 2010. The oil problem will be taken care of. Now, here we are in 2012 and what exactly has been accomplished? We sent more troops to war, and the price of oil/gas has tripled. On Air Force One, our President says we will have a discussion with the area leaders and Hillary will also help - sounds just great. The gas prices need to be given much thought, he stated on Air Force One. Yep, he is looking into it. The pipe line - not a good idea!! Oh, he did not think of it. Back to Air Force One - Oh, no we now have to use the backup - broken! you say?
Now, how much is gas at the pump? How much is needed for the Air Force One and Backup to be refilled every day? Conserve! Tighten your Belt! The Recession is why? You got it - too much spending by our President and all his men on a trip to make a speech that was not needed but it looks great on CNN and helps to sell news papers (now that isn't bad - right Stan?) to make sure every minute subject is covered.

Anonymous said...

Our President has been campaigning for the last two years or more and the funds keep coming in from the entertainment world and brokerage houses and those from Wall Street. The Unions, as long as they get their two cents, will back him - for better or worse. I do not want any person in the position of President that thinks the Government should pay and control my life and my family's life. Education should be up to each state and the families that live in that state. Federal money should be used to keep us safe and help any person that is not able to help themself. We need to have government out of our private business and our present President is too concerned with his image, but not how much he is spending to make all of us think he is trying to do a great job, before we have not read the small print.

Anonymous said...

Showing RESPECT for the Supreme Court's Judges and their ability to uphold the rules and regulations setforth in the Constitution has now made clear how our President thinks. I believe his opinion on all subjects and happenings do not need to have his opinion in headlines and he of course should know when it is not needed. As a man that knows part of the laws that govern the USA, he should know never to criticize those that render decisions based on their judgment and the constitution, not if it offends our leader, Mr. Obama who sometimes does not use good judgment for a person in his office.