Monday, December 28, 2009

Montco, PA, home of pay to play?

Sunday's editorial in The Times Herald requires more than one reading. First read through and you think to yourself, oh well, that's politics, but when you read it for the second time you have to think to yourself, wait a minute, isn't this the very definition of pay to play?
Here's the Reader's Digest version. CBIZ is the county's health benefits consultant; the county asked CBIZ to go find it the best deal on insurance, which amounts to a $35 million expenditure each year, and CBIZ contributed a good bit of money to (Montgomery County Commissioners Chairman) Matthews’ campaign, and the topper; we cannot find any evidence that requests for proposals were sent out to any insurance companies to determine if CBIZ was indeed giving the business to the lowest responsible bidder.
All of this could quickly be cleared up if Matthews would simply provide the information requested by The Times Herald.


Anonymous said...

Thank You! We were discussing the same thing...So, Matthews let us see the requests and the insurance companies that were contacted. Their response was??? CBIZ received the proposals and the lowest bid was??? The right to know is apparent - Thanks TH!

Anonymous said...

Thanks twice.

You really do not believe that the DA's office will touch any of this.
Your paper printed an article recently about Harrisburg
acting on a right to know act?
What makes Mr. Matthews immune to this act?
Why wait until another out of the area paper hit with the story? Sic them Stan, tyoou can do it!

Anonymous said...

Stan, when was the request made to our Commissioners? The right to know when it comes to dealing with the public's money should be a no-brainer. Matthews is not immune to the rule. Ten days is the max we should expect for our Public Officials to respond. If for some reason they are backloged, and the Secretary is unable to complete request, then a PT person should be hired or our Commissioners will need to get their hands dirty and stay after hours and complete all requests.

Anonymous said...

Don't most governments function on pay to play? Seems that it has been like that forever and I doubt it will ever change.

Anonymous said...

Find the best deal on insurance??? Matthews needs to show exactly how the whole insurance deal was decided. CBIZ should never contribute to any campaign that they have ties to and Matthews' campaign shows a shady side of our Commissioner and CBIZ.

Anonymous said...

But what does Matthews do with the money? That is the question.

Anonymous said...

Yet you moon over palin and ignore her $25 million gravel road to nowhere that was going to connect to the bridge to nowhere that she supported. And, you won't print this because you are man enough to take it.

Anonymous said...

What exactly does Alaska's former Governor and the construction of a bridge and road cost up there have to do with Matthews and CBIZ? This person (Anonymous 1/4/10)needs a map reading course.

In your corner said...

Stan, Another Democrat speaks.

Why don't they like you?

Because you speak with a straight tongue, not a forked one.

It would be great if you were capable to tell them whre to fly their kite.

Anonymous said...

Get with it Matthews, what companies were contacted by CBIZ? -A full statement should be published in TH and all Montgomery County Papers in fact. Explain why you, believe your choice was best for all employees. If some employees prefer to keep what they have because of certain areas that help their family, then this too should be made public so that we can see how transparent you are. I chose parts of my husband's coverage, because dental was not offered in mine - maybe this is the case at County.

Anonymous said...

what does this have to do with palin? a lot, when Huskey wants to play up so-called money issues in Montco, yet after supporting palin, he wasn't man enough to point out her fallacies!

Conshohocken Mole said...

10 to 1 that commissioner Matthews
get's his upcommings in the next election. What power Commissioner Hoeffel has given to this man when he made him chairman. Matthews has to remember that the department heads he's trying to squeeze are ELECTED just like himself. They can, and should tell him where to go and how to get there. That board should have five members, maybe the Sheriff and D.A. would be good candidates. Now that would be news worthy.

Only in Montgomery County said...

Stan, I have a wonderful idea. Have the Commissioners raise all of the employees salary to that of the Commissioners, then the employees can buy their own insurance. It would probably level out in the budget. I better get off that stuff I'm sniffing. I could get elected a Commissioner.

Anonymous said...

That board should have five members, maybe the Sheriff and D.A. would be good candidates. Now that would be news worthy.

January 7, 2010 2:06 PM

Yeah, and add Larry, Moe and Curly to those two particular press hugging wannabees.

Anonymous said...

"This case shows the detrimental impact a delay in obtaining DNA samples can have on other investigations," Ferman said.

grandstanding as usual... not what she said earlier... just a waste of money... the hot air generated could save money heating the courthouse...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1/7 - County Commissioners in Montgomery County and their issue of contracts for health insurance.
Mr. Huskey's Blog (this one) brings to issue - if all was done to get a fair insurance contract for ALL County Employees.
Your comment that for some reason has some connection to Palin's fallacies (illogical reasoning)during her term as Gov. of Alaska.

This is def. another Apples and Oranges.

Had Enough of them said...

I think that the Commissioners should be put on the health care plan that they have forced many employees to take. What's good for the goose is good for the gander! It is just like all the democratic members of congress want us on national health care while they have the best health care plan known to man, and yes, we are paying for it. God bless America.

Anonymous said...

It is unlikely the commissioners have the ability to evaluate the differences in the subtle varients in health insurance contracts. They wisely chose outside experts, CBIZ, to determine how they could get the best health benefits for the Montco employees for the money they were willing to pay. Devulging who CBIZ considered and why they made the determination would be useless information to the Times Herald and its readers, achieved at considerable expense to the county and its taxpayers.

If CBIZ contributed funds to the Matthews' campaign and that firm was chosen because of such a contribution, a motive almost impossible to prove, then a valid question has been posed.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1/7 - County Commissioners in Montgomery County and their issue of contracts for health insurance.
Mr. Huskey's Blog (this one) brings to issue - if all was done to get a fair insurance contract for ALL County Employees.
Your comment that for some reason has some connection to Palin's fallacies (illogical reasoning)during her term as Gov. of Alaska.

This is def. another Apples and Oranges.

January 8, 2010 12:09 PM


It isn't apples to oranges when you compare the bias reporting by this tabloid. Praise for palin, praise for risa, yet no follow up on the firing of a Black detective that had filed a suit against risa. And no follow up about palin's failure and quitter attitude and vindictiveness against anyone who questioned authority. Likewise with this editor who showed his bias and his reporters' bias in reporting news that was recorded and documented as totally different from the "final" so-called news printed in his tabloid!

On the right track said...

Ouch, Stan, someone has a bad taste towards you and your staff. So bad they did not even sign Anonymous. You have broad shoulders my friend, hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Bias? A good newspaper and reporter reports on any issue and when it is resolved. Maybe the issues you are referring to are not resolved, but the opinion was expressed. I have no problem with that. Check the court records on your "color" issue - there must have been more to it then was first reported and just maybe the person "color" does not want any more publicity. As for local and national political figures - what they do or do not do, makes good reading. Check out other newspapers for additional news on these persons.

Anonymous said...

Any company that can offer what CBIZ offers (including CBIZ) should be free to submit a proposal to the county for providing this service. The county should require that the company that gets the job be required to provide details of their outreach to providers and details of their compensation if not to the public, then to the representatives of the public, the commissioners. These companies should offer to pay for the right to be the county's broker. Afterall, the company is assured of a big return by a commission from whoever they get to provide the service, so the company should pay the taxpayers for being allowed to represent the county. The problem with the current arrangement is that apparantly Matthews annointed CBIZ to be the county's agent to the exclusion of all others. The assured CBIZ of a fat fee. Then CBIZ plowed a ton of cash into Matthews campaign instead of back to the county taxpayers. Matthews gets the benefit, not all of us. I don't know if that is a crime, but it is not in the best interests of our citizens.

Anonymous said...

Stan: Watching this play out, I can't believe that this is any different than Philly-style pay to play politics. Why aren't you calling on the DA to investigate?

Anonymous said...

Our Commissioners have nothing to fear when being questioned on How, When and Why certain insurance companies were contacted and how CBIZ was involved in the decision making. Three Commissioners are onboard - now there should be an answer within a 3 - 5 day period when confronted by the locals. Should their pays and their whole staff be docked? Evidence shows they are not working.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

1-17-2010 8 p.m.

The bad taste is the one stan and his gang left in their efforts to print a Enquirer type story, getting facts wrong, and when called on it, both he and his staff were arrogant and didn't care who they tromped on. So, pay to play in his motto. Print anything to get the money! And, as far as being anonymous, stan knows who called him, several people let him know and he still let his rag-tag mob run over innocent people! So, stan is the one who needs to look in the mirror and see the little coward that he is! He won't print any opposing thoughts or the real truth!

Yep, Stan is a coward just like the others, only printing his one-sided story, afraid of the truth!

Anonymous said...

Stan's heroes:

"I want to say this about my state: When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We're proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years, either," Lott said at last week's party.

Thurmond ran as the presidential nominee of the breakaway Dixiecrat Party in the 1948 presidential race against Democrat Harry Truman and Republican Thomas Dewey. He carried Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and his home state of South Carolina, of which he was governor at the time.

During the campaign, he said, "All the laws of Washington and all the bayonets of the Army cannot force the Negro into our homes, our schools, our churches."

Thurmond's party ran under a platform that declared in part, "We stand for the segregation of the races and the racial integrity of each race."

Anonymous said...

Anonymous - The south remains divided to this day - but the younger college students are trying to make a change. So, the statement is one that should read that was then and this is now.

Anonymous said...

Responsible Contracting considered by our Commissioners? Is it now sinking in that this should have been their first thought whenever a project is being considered - including "Health Care for Employees" here in Montgomery County. This whole situation on any contract will be worth watching,you know one of the Commissioners is going to try for the Dem. Nomination for Governor - this very thing abouot contracts could make or break him - he really does not have too much going for him so far.

Anonymous said...

Interesting article today regarding CBIZ. Just who do they think they are when it comes to county business? Are they aware that it takes three Commissioners and a vote in order for any type of contract is issued? If they are not aware of the basics - they should not be in business or considered from here on for Township, County, State or Federal Business.
Please keep on this case because we have two glass houses that are starting to crack and they need to come down before the Primary or the selections made for the fall elections.

Anonymous said...

Really, we were proud of Montgomery County way back when people ran for office because they truly believed they could make a difference. There are too many IOUs out there, but that should not short circuit the gray matter.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Times Herald and Stan Huskey for bringing this corruption to light. I, too, was skeptical that Commissioner Castor was blowing something minor out of proportion. I have carefully read your coverage and I'm convinced that Matthews, Miller and now Hoeffel are guilty as sin of pay to play. There can be no doubt because of the investigative reporting of Keith Phucas. He deserves a prize for his work documenting the scandal. A grand jury needs to nvestugate this and the DA needs to prosecute those responsible. Disregarding the county's own law to award big contracts to law firms that gave huge contributions to Matthews and Hoeffel sealed it for me. Exactly the same for CBIZ but it won't say how much it was paid. Then the county hiding documents from Mr. Castor and charging him for copies makes me think Matthews, Miller and Hoeffel have something to hide. I doubted they were as corrupt as Mr. Castor has been saying from day one. I didnt want to believe that Matthews was as bad as people say. I didn't think it was possible he was that dishonest. I voted for him. It seems I was fooled. He needs to go to jail for betraying our trust.

Anonymous said...

Pay To Play - It certainly looks like it.

Anonymous said...

It looks like our County Commissioners are in need of a "Check Sheet" when awarding contracts since they believe "time" is money - but it is our "money" and our "time".
"Laws" that were not followed need explaining - the people in office now and those working for them and left the whole situation get to this point need to be held accountable and the DA is at hand - us her and her staff, that is why we have a District Attorney and a great Staff to back that office.

Anonymous said...

Another problem is coming up after the census is completed - redistricting. Man do we every need it. Mr. Hoeffel should be in favor of it, maybe he can carve out a few districts to help him win the Gov. position.

Anonymous said...

I read an article in another paper today that stated how the fun raising is going for those running for PA Governor. Check out Mr. Huffel's backers - Oh, I'm sorry it is Hoeffel - but with all the wind coming out of the Commissioners lately, I thought the spelling should be changed.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous - 2/26
Hoeffel and his FUN RAISING - I know the word was either done in jest or too fast with the typing. Which ever, it does seem that no matter how,when or why he does something, he manages to put his foot in his little rose bud.

Anonymous said...

A Check Sheet needed by our Commissioners and all their men/women running the offices of Montgomery County. That is a true statement - there are too many oops! to be overlooked and it is our Tax Dollars that from where I stand are supposed to be for the people's needs only, not for the Commissioner's needs.
We have a payroll to be met and almost every person hired by the county knows how to sign in so that they are paid for a days work - but this I do not believe is being done, the old fashioned way is being used and a fudge sheet method is probably accompanying the payroll sheet. Now who audits the auditors??? Oh Yes - it is a Pay to Play, isn't it --- the Good Old Boys - we prefer the Old Fashioned Way using "Trust"...!!!

Anonymous said...

OK! Our Commissioners are not what we thought they would be when elected. The cost of keeping such people in office is obvious - they need to be replaced - but by whom? Right now they have enough connections that will keep the wheels turning for Montgomery County. The cost that will be involved if we continue to leave these people lead us is unbelieable .
We have quite a few millionaires that have gone down the tube - because of their connections - now our commissioners are on the low end of this type of in-your-face running of our county government. The elections coming up shortly should express our desire to change the the government as we now have it. Please take a long look at any person running for office and how they see our county,state or federal government. It is your government!!!

Anonymous said...

Man that house on Airy and Swede is crumbling it seems - Too many egos I believe are starting to show and the mouth does not know when to quit.

Anonymous said...

Hope you were able to see Mr. Hoeffel on this AM Talk Show. Same old tune, but really not a forward thinking person. Sad!

Anonymous said...

It seems the Airy and Swede Buildings need new occupants - we have Hoeffel and Matthews that are campaigning 24/7 - now how is it we are paying them from our County Funds too?? Let's get real!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Hoeffel has resigned his position and Commissioner? Well, if he has not, he should. I understand he remains in the running for Gov. of PA.

Anonymous said...

Stan, why is there not an "E" Address listing for Specter, Sestak, Gerlach & Drucker? We are constantly get little "E" from them - soo, what gives? I do believe we voted them in and if we are paying their wage, we need to know all about them and express our likes and dislikes.

Anonymous said...

It is too hard for the candidates to believe their opinion on any given subject is not correct - that is why there is no "E" Mail listing for them.

Anonymous said...

The answer you will receive is - We are very busy right now, but we will get back to you as soon as time permits - meaning NEVER!

Anonymous said...

Are we paying Hoeffel as a Commissioner here in Montgomery County? Why? Time off to campaign should be part of the deduction. We are in need of a certain amount of hours as proof of his sincerity as a commissioner. Mr. Castor and Mr. Matthews operate their own businesses - and it is well known. But, if you are running for an office that is time consuming, which would not show on the payroll ledgers like a Real Estate & Lawyer. So, say maybe two months in salary would be justified.

Anonymous said...

Here in Audubon we have Nature at its best. The "Shrine" will now receive $$ from County to help maintain the bldgs. We have been quite lucky to have former Commissioners donating time, dollars and also their homes. But, one of our present commissioners stated we lost the Rev. Center for this area?? Wildlife would not be able to exist if we were to permit more bldg. and more traffic in this area. Can't have it both ways. Audubon has great history - maybe our commissioner should read up on it.

Anonymous said...

Well said Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Hoeffel, CBIZ, New Jails, Contracts without Bids, and paid officials that are campaigning on County Time. This has been one heck of two years. Well, why not head to the club an discuss the whole thing!

Anonymous said...

Back to work Mr. Hoeffel - you now should have a little time to read contracts and advise Mr. Matthews on various projects, because you have seen the light after running for a higher office. Try reading "How To Win Friends and Influence People".

Anonymous said...

Matthews thinks he would be a great help for Corbett when he is elected! With the nonsense that has been going on down at #l by our Commissioners - it would not be a great idea. We are trying to clean up government, Corbett is doing a fine job, but with Matthew's baggage it would not play well in the Voters Arena.

Anonymous said...

Castor makes jokes - now that was refreshing - Kerns is in. A fun night! Let's get on with the fall game.

Anonymous said...

Political Humor in Montgomery County. LOL really fits Matthews suggestion that it would be a good idea if they would now share the Chairmanship Position!!! Really, that man has guts!!!

Anonymous said...

Would you believe Matthews is now looking to play in the Governors Race's Sandbox? What a HOOT!

Anonymous said...

Cut Spending - How??? Start with the New Prison in LP, needed to house weekenders. From April until November a Tent would be great for these people. How much would it cost? Let me see - why not charge each weekender for all that is spent by our Township (LP) and the County. A quick breakdown certainly can be made. The amount contributed to this special Weekender Fund should be published in a Quarterly Publication within the Times Herald - you know the Need to Know!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe if we had a sign-in sheet at the prison in Eagleville and it was published ... our consumption of certain beverages would dwindle and there would be no need for an addition to this prison. These weekenders are too expensive for Montgomery County and the State!

Anonymous said...

My family have been taking day/weekly trips throughout PA over the last 10-15 years and always trying to visit the County Seat. I wish the TH would publish an article with photo shots of each one. I then believe we will see the BIG Difference there is in how various counties take care of the town where they are located. Norristown really needs some help!

Anonymous said...

It seems our Commissioners can not understand "NO" I will not pay this bill until the proper paper work is given to me - now that takes guts and that is exactly how it should be. Please let us know why in the world would our Commissioners want it any other way? Are they afraid something is a little on the shady side? Well, if that is the case, let's see it now or let us know that all is OK. This bit, I'll take you to court is unacceptable.

Anonymous said...

Were the bills paid? We need Commissioners and their employees to take care of business and not make a fuss when they have to get off their sit-down. The whole crew need an attitude adjustment. There is another suggestion on Stan's Blog and that is collecting cans of vegs. at the Trails' Entrances. Sounds good - give it a try, but why place it on a volunteer force when our Commissioner's have a crew that could use a little more volunteering and less bitching.

Anonymous said...

Check out our Dem. Commissioners explanation on CBIZ in todays TH... Baby steps are needed to do the right thing when awarding contracts - first place all proposals for work to be done are out for bids. The proposal should include all steps that will be needed so the price is right and we all are on board and on the same ship.