Monday, November 9, 2009

Healthcare reform still on life support

While I can understand the euphoria surrounding the House passing health care reform, please remember it still must make its way through the Senate where Democrat turned Independent Joe Lieberman said "I will not allow this bill to come to a final vote." Why? Because the public option portion could bankrupt this country. Why not try to push the bill through without it and send it back to the House?


Còmhradh said...

Joe Lieberman said "I will not allow this bill to come to a final vote." Why? Because the public option portion could bankrupt this country.

Funny, I don't recall him being that concerned with votes to authorize two money-sinks in the Middle East.

But, we are talking about Joe Lieberman here, the guy who doesn't waste an opportunity to get his name out there, especially if it means he can go around fearmongering.

Given the choice between "might bankrupt the country" (by going with a public option) and "will bankrupt the country" (by doing nothing), I think this writes itself.

Also, I don't understand this ridiculous notion that the public option is somehow a government takeover. We've got a public option for transportation, and they haven't taken away my car. We've got a public option for schooling, and they haven't shut down Abington Friends. We've got a public option for higher education, and they haven't closed down Penn. Heck, we've got a public option for national defense but I wasn't aware that KBR had been forced out of business.

Keith Phucas said...

Congratulations to the 39 House Democrats that voted against the overreaching health care overhaul Saturday.

One can only hope the bill is severely downgraded -- or killed -- by the Senate in the coming weeks.

But let's be frank, the massive health care proposal deserves to be dumped in the Potomac River along with all of its giddy supporters.

I hope Nancy Pelosi can swim ... or at least tread water.

80 and drifting said...

I will tell yuo this Mr. Huskey....Anyone in Washington that voted for the health care package will not be on my family's to do list come next election. I have two big brothers,I do not need more.

Anonymous said...

I have yet to find anyone who can tell me how the heck this will be paid for in terms that an average person can understand. I think I'm pretty smart and all I hear is how wonderful this will be for Americans. It sounds great but bottom line, where is the money coming from for the public option? I know it's supposed to be a loan paid back over time but that's an awfully big loan. How do they figure my employer isn't going to start shopping around for less expensive health care insurance that probably won't be as good as what I have now? I'm all for competition but when it comes to my health, I want the best care, not necessarily the cheapest. There has to be a better way and if not, why is this plan so complicated that no one can explain it!? I'm a Democrat but I am not in support of this plan until it has some clarity and explanation. Doubt that it will be explained to my satisfaction.

65 and flying said...

Hey drifting and 80. I just hit that 65 and flying, my family has the same game plan, any one that voted for the health plan will NOT receive my family's vote. The voters in N.J. and Virgina saw the light, the seniors will be the spoilers this coming election. Carrying your children on your insurance policy until they are 27 my children left the coop at age 22 &23. So far still employed. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

On to the Senate! I have a relative that prefers NOT TO CARRY HEALTH INSURANCE. She pays for her visits to the Doctors and Drug Store Charges. She also has long term care - just in case - but it is a fund that will only be used just in case. No, don't keep her alive - why? If, it comes to a decision like that she feels it will cost too much and yet besides she has lived the life she wanted and the way she wanted. Now, tell me this - How is this Health Bill going to help those that are not in need of help and prefer to take care of themself so that other people do not have to do it?

Those people that do not have a jobs, Those with mental problems and the illegals are the problem people - Now, here is where I see the funds need to be ear-marked. Has anyone seen the breakdown of cost for the three above?

Kevin Dyson said...

The funds for the bill are buried in the 2,000 pages...You mean you didn't read it to find how we will pay for it? I am sure the House members did....

Actually, how it is paid for now is only half the problem. Benefits don't start for approximately 4.5 years into the 10years, yet the tax increases start at Day 1. So you have 4.5 years of tax banking to offset the costs. I have not yet read anywhere that states what the costs will be compared to tax revenue in years 10 - 20. I would guess that those numbers would sink the bill. Benefits for only 1/2 the 10 year timeframe and it costs $1.2T? So the cost isn't $120B per year, its probably closer to $240B per year. Not going to get that from Medicare savings without huge tax increases on the middle class.

The problem with an artifically low premium government option is what will prevent employers from striking deals with employees to pay them a higher wage to take the government option instead of provided insurance? Then the employer can claim that they are offering the benefits, yet the employees prefer the government option. Then the roles of those on the government option explodes. Wonder what will happen then? Probably something similer to the massive unfunded liabilities of Medicare, Medicaid and SS.

Unknown said...

funny you use the term bankrupt the country.

i seemed to have missed how we were going to pay for the 2 wars that got started a couple of years ago. no one fully explaned that.

the checkbook, or should i say the "debtbook", was open wide to go kill people on the other side of planet, but God forbid we take care of those here.

little disingeneous is what i am thinking.

Anonymous said...

Healtcare for all people and the Government will pay for it all? Don't make it complicated - what is good for the goose is good for the gander - Our President, all his men in Congress have coverage - no problem - this does not take too many pages to explain what coverage we will all have. How much do they pay? Are they double-dippers (x military, etc.)? A choice must be made - 1 policy for each person that is a citizen. No preferential treatment. Now, that will be great Healthcare.

A proud senior said...

Today---Veterans Day--- I have sent a letter of resignation to that great organization AARP. After their support of the health care bill and receiving in today's mail, an application to join their health care plan, who needs them? With their car insurance, health insurance, everything to make a buck.

Anonymous said...


That's the most information I've gotten from anyone I've asked. Thank you. If I could take the time to read 2,000 pages, it probably wouldn't be the health care bill. I'd just like some Cliff Notes on it.
Joe The Nerd- I expect Obama to rise above the way Bush ran his office and explain to the American people how this is to be paid. You're right-both wars suck and should never have been allowed to escalate in to such extaordinary costs(monetary and human lives lost), but that doesn't give the Obama Administration an excuse to behave the same way. I think we deserve a better explanation than what we're getting.

Unknown said...

To Anon November 11, 2009 5:31 PM

my point is that the first thing the gop and their minions trot out is how much healthcare will cost. it is always conviently ignored what the just did to the economy.

i think obama is allowing congress to set the spending and limitations on this plan.

it is almost like obama has read the constitution or something where congress makes the laws, the president has veto power over the laws. obama seems to realize he will need to execute whatever law is passed.

part of the reason obama is being hammered is that he is making congress do some work for a change. we are not actually seeing the sausage being made.

i hope that any memeber of congress that goes against him will be voted out by the spring.

Anonymous said...

Yep! That is correct, each person gets a policy that is exactly like his next door neighbor and all CITIZENS in the USA. It would start from birth until death do us part. Then who pays for that part? Oh, we can cross that bridge when we come to it. According to Mr. Clinton - just do it pass the Healthcare Bill. Why? Because the Government can and slick Willie knows it.

Anonymous said...

Already the contracts are being changed when it comes to "Benefits"... How much is too much when the couple has been retired 15 years? Well, a couple hundred dollars per month is exactly what our figure is now. We both worked 45 years - and now what? The Government will take care of all our "Health Needs"??? Don't think so! We have long term care and that is costly - will the new Senate Bill take this into consideration? Maybe, the Senate should consider what Medicare is now taking care of and help with the perscriptions only. Children's needs are far more important when it comes to a family's income... Women that have one or more children to raise, minus a lost (unresponsible) mate really have it hard - will that be considered? Healthcare reform is needed, but as one person said, not a complete overhaul.

Anonymous said...

Montgomery County Healthcare Reform needs work. It will be interesting to see how long Montco commissioners will stay in office if the lower level employees have to pay a portion of their healthcare costs. Its disturbing how Montgomery County and some of the townships continue to give out multiyear contracts with super bennies to their key employees. ?
The tax payers get stuck with them for years or have to pay out their contract to get rid of them. Why aren't the employees at the County that make $30k and above going to have to pay? It seems quite unfair to the part time and lower level job holders. Is this the only healthcare reformation they could come up with to keep costs down?

Anonymous said...

Just received another "E" from Senator Casey and he suggest we help feed those that are called "have-nots" by our generation. There is a definite difference from a gentleman that takes his job seriously and of course the people here in PA needs. I am not a Dem., but he amazes me and I'm glad he is our Senator. So, any person that thinks his personality and knowledge of how people think and their needs would make a great Senator - right now we have two.

Anonymous said...

How much will the extension of our military in the two war zones cost? Will their families be covered by the new Health Care Program when their family is whole again, after the wars are over? What type of job would they hold that could afford such coverage that they now have as a part of the military? The reason most young people join the Natl. Guard is for extra money or in some cases, way back, to keep from being drafted. So, how will they be able to afford coverage for thier families - I would like to see it in Black and White - try it for a family with two or three children.

Anonymous said...

Healthcare - After the Senate gets all the details down to a one page bill - then present it to each STATE (not our Senators) and have them vote on it at a special election. Next step is present it to the Senate for a vote on how to place this bill into wording that all people can understand and why certain states want out and why some people want in and under what conditions. It should not be too difficult for our elected officials to come up with a corrected bill and every person here in the USA will be happy.

Anonymous said...

I know Medicare will be taking a hit under the new Healthcare Reform Act. We have a new US Surgeon General from down south and using 2004 statistics she says we need more Physicians but those that are Black or Hispanic, because only 6% of our present Physicians are from that catagory. During her four year term, how in the world will she be able to accomplish a change in the statistics, unless they have a speed course available that I'm not aware of.

Anonymous said...

More Doctors needed! Another Wish List entry. I would like to see her plan - as the saying goes it would be better than doing nothing.

Anonymous said...

My Long Term Care - it is costly, but I have had it for over 25 years at a pop of $5,000. per year. Now, if I could drop that and be assured of care, just in case, in a hospital, etc. and also at home that my present coverage includes, - that would be great.

Anonymous said...

Will all people here in the USA be covered with some type of health care? That is from before birth, conception,to death. Now, I do not mean a yearly visit to the Doctor. But, how about the dentist and the eye doctor? How much will my perscriptions cost? How far must I travel to get all the treatment needed for my illness? Transportation - who pays? If I need care when I'm retired, how much or will anything be covered? The hospital cost? Who determines how long or if I'm entitled to some type of care and for how long? How much will it cost for each individual or is there a % being considered? When will this kick in? Will my taxes go up over the next ten (10) years to pay for this type of care?
I believe our Congress needs to address and vote on one point at a time and explain how it will be accomplished. It looks like the Insurance Companies, Doctors and the Drug Companies will remain in charge and the Lawyers and the Courts will be making quite a few bucks..Nothing will change only which Administration this whole scheme is given credit or faulted.

Anonymous said...

Just paid my Long Term Care yearly bill. Under the new "Healthcare Bill" - is this type of care taken care included? It now includes home care and is up to $3,500. per. person. I have never had any need to use their services over the last 30 years, but if I can save money by using the Government plan that would be fine with me.

Anonymous said...

Hold on now, it isn't just Lieberman but the Unions that are seeing how their jobs and the cost of their members will go up. Our weekly paychecks now show an increase in the medical deductions. If I can't afford this type of coverage now, how in the heck will I see any difference when the Feds decide to take a look-see and in a couple years, maybe the change will be looked at as an OOPs!!! Sorry, it was a mistake and the Insurance Companies and Pharmaceuticals will not be there to help out. The sayings "Haste Makes Waste" and "Step By Step, Slowly I Turn" would be good mottos for this administration.

Anonymous said...

They have the votes! That is what came over CNN right before Noon. Reid said that it is a go and that they worked all night to get to this point. Sounds like GITMO and the Detainees' treatment. Well, the President wanted something on his desk so that he could sign it before the end of the year - so here it is - they Mr. Obama oh so proud!

Anonymous said...

Healthcare Reform in and Detainees,at least some of them will be going back home to regroup. Mr. Obama is so proud of Pelosi and Reid!! Why?? Not all people here in the US needed or wanted this health bill. The area that sent this bill out of committee in one big swoop, was the deadline set and the amounts of cash that is/will be needed to put it into action. The Detainees, have been, over a period of years, sent back to their homeland - no big deal, but it does sound good for the Decider, Mr. OBama.
There is still one remaining question that has never been answered in any Blog - Where is OBama's Auntie that over-stayed her visit and lived on welfare ???

Anonymous said...

Healthcare Reform Bill is not in! Those Senators that have the attitude of "whatever" and follow the leaders, now have two Senators that say "not so fast" ... How much will it cost me and my family? How about the small businesses that have problems keeping their heads above water and according to our leader "Obama" they need to hire more people??? You know grow the company - but any crop will not grow if the seed is not good in the first place. So, to help your company grow, we need good leaders that are thinking about the local companies that have weathered the last 16 years of trial and error forced on them by the prior administrations you know just another oops! will not cut it. A healthcare bill that places another burden on small businesses and the middle/low income class is not acceptable now or ever!!!

Anonymous said...

Health Care Overhaul? Overhaul you said? Well, check the various exemptions. The one that hits very low the belt line is the Permanent Medicade Expenses Exemption for the state of Nebraska. How about PA and Ohio, Mr. Reid? Yes, I know the famous WWII song was "I'll Be Home For Christmas", but "White Christmas" was also popular and a gift of "Expenses Exemptions" for a few as a gift will not make the Hit Parade Top 10it must go. Ask Mr. Byrd how he sees this type of insert made by Mr. Reid in order to get this bill passed. Who in heck is using the funny math that we have noticed over this past year by this administration. Yep, take credit when it works, but never give credit for the originators that are not Dems.
Merry Christmas! May all those Sugar Plums Dance in your head, because you-all will be paying for many years to come for this whole medical overhaul.

Anonymous said...

On Tuesday, the Senate health committee voted 12-11 in favor of two-page amendment courtesy of Republican Tom Coburn that would require all Members and their staffs to enroll in any new government-run health plan. Congressman John Fleming of Louisiana has proposed an amendment that would require congressmen and senators to take the healthcare plan they force on us, (under proposed legislation they are curiously exempt). This was received by an "E" mail, but it is true -so if you agree with Fleming, he is a physician, that this sould be added, go to sectionid=55&sectiontree=29,55. Or maybe just "E" your congressman/woman and Senators and express your concern with as many signatures as possible to back up your desire. Come on folks - the Fat Lady did not sing yet!!!

Anonymous said...

In todays TH, Ms. Levinsky made a point that so many individuals have been complaining about. The cut and reduce the cost of medical care. She stated that her insurance company informed her that her rate would be going up on 1/1/10 by 14% due to the reduction in Medicare coverage. It sure is like the old shell game. Sestak's office told this young woman that politicians work with the insurance companies to determine what is best - say what?? I can't wait to see what comes down after this whole mess comes down to the President's signature.

Anonymous said...

Well Dodd will not seek office next year . Conn. has a chance to place a well-rounded individual on the ballot. Most young people are saying the spending is out of control - this is for sure. Why do so many young people now look at the new Administration and say they should be taking small steps so that the economy can rebound, after the Fanny & Freddie housing misdirection by Dodd and friends.

To reform healthcare so that everyone is covered by a law that insists we all BUY insurance is not practical. - If you do not have a job or one that pays enough to place a roof over your head and food on your table - where is this money supposed to come from?

Now, back to Dodd - it is time for he and many other Senators and Congressmen/women to sit it out. The President's lofty ideas, that need to be done now will take our government down. Stop and think! The whole world is and has been having problems with healtcare and housing - why would we be any different. Growing up most kids only saw a Doctor when they really were sick and a Dentist when their local Doctor would not pull a tooth because of infection. Yes, most people died at an early age according to todays standards (60 - 75), but that was because we did not keep our bodies going with medicines every day. Bodies only are made to last as long as the whole is able to function. Go for a walk, drink water and get a good nights sleep and see your Doctor when all else fails.

Anonymous said...

According to TV this AM - there is problems with Reid and his ability to buy votes in order for the Healthcare Reform Bill to be passed. Exempting areas for certain states that were sitting on the fence was the price. Now, that is dirty politics.

Anonymous said...

Transparent? Don't think so, when it is done behind closed doors. It looks like this administration is following the last two - same thing, same thing.

Anonymous said...

I thought the politics of the health reform act could not get much worse than the shameless acts we all witnessed in order for the Senate to pass a bill. When the American Federation of Labor – Congress of Industrial Labor (AFL-CIO) announced a new deal for union members I realized I was mistaken. The latest deal has non-union workers picking up the tab for the excise tax on the union members so called Cadillac plans. This is just another in a long line of examples of elitism being practiced by the current administration, as this deal has a negative impact on 87% of working Americans.

According to a 2009 report from the United States Department of Labor, only 12.4% of employees in America are members of a union. (United States Department of Labor, 2009) Even more interesting is that of the 11.5 million members represented by the AFL-CIO only 3 million of its members are workers in America. (American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Organnizations, 2010) How can such a small number of people have such a large voice in politics?

Special interest groups are taken care of in the health reform act, not main street Americans that lack insurance. This reform is necessary because 15% of Americans are not covered by health insurance. Stated differently, 85% of us must give up our care so that we can cover some portion of this 15% at a cost that is absurdly ridiculous. Yes, not all the 15% without coverage are going to get it, even after the shameless sweetheart deals and astronomical cost. This is the real rub, that and our elected representatives have stopped listening and are hell bent on ramming a program through no matter how bad it is. How can we stop it?

The truth is we cannot. It will take a number of elected representatives that are tired of the shameless behavior of their fellow members of Congress to do the morally right thing, stand up and hit the stop button. All “We the People” can do is demonstrate our dissatisfaction on Election Day. The true cost of the heath reform act will be their removal from office. Our forefathers built term limits into our Constitution and they called it an election. It is time we let Congress know they are accountable to us.


American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Organizations. (2010). About Us Retrieved January 15, 2010, from

United States Department of Labor. (2009). Union Members Summary Retrieved 16 January 2010, from

Anonymous said...

Today's headlines; OBAMA to seek 1.35 Billion for education.....
Someone should send him Mr. Rotenberg's article in today's Times Herald 33 parents arrested.
Shame, Shame, Shame. More money down the drain for what?

Anonymous said...

Just had to check out COBRA today because a family member will cease working in two months - no they are not doing it because they are tired - the Bank has been sold and there is no over lap in positions. -Heading a Department that always came out with an Excellent Rating - it now is outsourced... So, I checked the Medical News and am so glad to see the Secretary of Labor announced Congress extends unemployment insurance, COBRA safety net programs. A single Mom with teenagers needs all the help she can get. Responsible parenting has been overlooked by many in Congress - COBRA helps fill the gap when only one parent cares who takes care of their off-spring. Check with your Congressman to see how his/her District is handling so many mergers that cause layoffs...he/she will be amazed what really is going on with many companies - legal or illegal.

Anonymous said...

You can bet that Montgomery,Chester and Bucks Counties are not gaining when these mergers take place. There are very few positions available for women that have spent their entire life working in one company and now it is sold and almost all positions are eliminated or outsourced without a whimper from our State Reps and Senators, let alone our dear Governor. A State or Federal Law should somehow enter into transactions such as the above reference.

Anonymous said...

Health Care Reform is needed in many states, but the one presented and the exceptions for various states, will not cut it. Start with the Insurance Companies and try to understand why we have coverage - is it because of lack of knowledge by we the people or is it the Doctors? The amount to cover this Health Bill for all people will bankrupt our Government. We need to take a look at what,who and where the care is needed and stop with this one policy/care fits all and all should pay because the "Government" says so.

Anonymous said...

You are right Anonymous the Mergers has caused many people looking for coverage for their families. When the State and Fed. Government get into some mergers they really never look at the bodies that are left by the wayside without a paycheck or medical coverage. Unemployment is hard enough on a family, but when the children get sick - now that is a whole new can of worms. Six months to a year is how it comes down when looking for a position that carries coverage and a livable wage - $10.00 an hour ?? really isn't enough when the mortgage, utilities and auto expenses are facing the family. So, health care reform when it comes to the unemployed is a must and must remain in the top priority when government looks at reform.

Anonymous said...

Yes it must be on the list of top 10 Anonymous - BUT, if you are unemployed and living on the Rolls, you will have "0" amount of cash toward health care (I know it will take time for it to become law)- this must be a free bee for those on the Rolls and I do not see that in the Health care Reform Bill - do you?? Lieberman is right - This bill should not be brought up for a final vote - many Dem. Reps in Washington have said NO, so why twist the arms of those that are using their heads with promises of things to come, if only they would vote YES. What a shame for our Government to use such force and place a debt for all from here on....Pelosi and Reid THINK!!

Anonymous said...

It seems that every person here in the USA have missed the point - Mr. Obama needs to make sure at least One Pledge that he made during his campaign would be honored by all of his men/women and the Health Bill, no matter how bad/good it is needs to be know save face thing...

Anonymous said...

On CNN there was a question as which Gavel Nancy would be using when the Bill comes up for a vote. Now, this was a discussion on a Dem. Channel - exactly what does that have to do with content of a Bill being discussed and considered??

Anonymous said...

What was that saying Put Lipstick on a Pig and carry a very large gavel...when you are trying to make any plan look like the Real Thing Needed???

Anonymous said...

Love the part of the Health Care Reform All people must purchase Health Insurance. I read an article that says "It's the Law - pay up or you will end up in the slammer - then who will take care of the family? The Feds have the power to make the states enforce their bidding - you know fill out the census so we know how many should be billed. Now, that probably isn't the way it will be done, but how are the uninsured, that have a rough time now and some that are without a steady job or a place to call home, expected to BUY ANY INSURANCE? We have too many Street People now that we are keeping alive and fairly well. The whole Insurance Must Have needs some refining, don't you think? Yes, and then Biden can use his favorite word F____ Bill when discussing the makeover of the Insurance section.

Anonymous said...

A young man from the Oaks Area told me this week that he was in favor of Health Care Reform - but the amount of dollars being spent to make this whole bill work for some people is shameful . My remark was really? He has children in High School and College, but what he can not understand why they did not just take care of poor (unemployed), college plus five years after graduation and clamp down on the Insurance Companies that have strict rules on who they will cover and the Pharmaceutical Industry that cause most of high costs of health care. A little bite would have been preferred by this young man - I agree.

Anonymous said...

Well it isn't just a "Bill" now - it is the law. Now, tell me why Reps. in Philadelphia Area are not out explaining to the people why it is such a great law? Mr. Sestak is out of his district explaining all the good that has been accomplished for families and students, etc. One person in the audience questioned why he did not start in his own district...the answer was??? not too sure, but of course here is where the divide will be from being a Rep. or a candidate for the Senate Seat. Now, how do we break down the cost?? I'm sure Mr. Sestak will have the answer for His Party when the accounts are verified. We here in Montgomery and Delaware County should not share the cost.

Anonymous said...

Touring his country today on TV - Mr. Obama is flying around telling people how great they have it with all the new jobs??? Their health care that will be forthcoming ??? Oh, yes the high water mark in Mass and the New England States?? Not to worry, the sun will come out tomorrow or sometime in the future and we will give you loans to cover the cost of the pump jobs - you know job creation. Please Mr. Obama, stop spending money to keep you air craft running and try using a fireside chat and tell it as it is - not what you believe it is. I'm broke, and School Taxes are going to take care of any health care $ that will be coming. You are using the shell game to cover the cost of the "Healthcare Reform".

Anonymous said...

You are right Anonymous the Healthcare Law and the cost is a "shell game" as so many people call it. Another Ponzi if ever there was one.

Anonymous said...

Well, according to Specter, you really do not need to take any of the health care offered, just keep your own coverage. The BIG HEALTH CARE LAW is only for the uninsured either by choice or unemployment. Tell me why then are we going into debt for so much to cover so few citizens? A simple way would be for those that need assistance should file or ask their counselors for help and the state and feds will need to work it out with the amount of funds and a time table for repaying the bill. No free ride here in the USA as it always has been.

Anonymous said...

It is nice to have medical coverage usually by some type of retirement benefit or a built in plus at work. Our family is quite lucky when it comes to how our bodies act or react to some situations. We now find we will need to purchase the basic insurance health care policy presented by the Government or some other Insurance Company. This was not built into our budget many years ago. We have a savings account with enough for basic needs and hospital stays. I have been in the hospital only one time and that was for the birth of my child. I would have preferred not to use the facility, but my in-laws saw it differently. Well, here we are 50 plus years later and I still do not need the services - so why pay for something I do not need, but people that do not plan ahead or take care of their own bodies are now being taken cared for by our government with our funds...sad!

Anonymous said...

Yesterday should have been on Mr. BO calendar - it was the day many years ago that the man, the deliverer of all free-bees died. It was FDR, remember how we got where we are today? The FDIC was supposed to be temporary - well that is just how you view the word I guess. Medicare, Social Security and THE ROLLS that have become a FAMILY TRADITION in some parts of the country. Yes, it was good for some, but not too good for all of us and the cost right now is going UP, UP, UP.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we should all be thankful we did not have POLIO as FDR did - our children did not appreciate getting the shots and then the cubes. Some families here in Montgomery County would have appreciated Salk's or Sabin's findings earlier because the iron lung and crippling of family members could have been avoided or the severity diminished. Now, the disease is totally preventable by universal vaccination. The type of shots should be a given when required by the states for children going to school or their need to travel to foreign countries with their parents. By given is the Federal Government should fund the shots.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that Congress does not have the same "Health Care" offering? I do believe we could save money, don't you?

Anonymous said...

One candidate made the comment - that as long as his daughter's treatment continued he was for the bill. Now, that is the right attitude? Not quite sure - cost should be another and the number of citizens covered.

Anonymous said...

4/30 Anonymous - Mr. Sestak made a statement exactly like that - is that who you were referring to? I wish he had read the whole bill, but of course that would have taken up too much of his "play" time. Right now we are not sure in which direction to go tomorrow - but right now we know Specter is well versed in the health care law and has the President's concerns. Another maverick is not needed - at least our dinner group believes this is the case.

Anonymous said...

My family pays $5,000. yearly for long term insurance that includes home care - just in case. With this reform, will I be able to drop this expensive coverage - ??? We have paid in for over 20 years - quite a sum - right???

Anonymous said...

That is quite an expensive plan - but then if you do become ill you at least have some funds to go back on. The new Healthcare plan is another entitlement from what I have read. So, every person will be paying a certain amount to the Gov. so that those that have not will be covered. I know it will not be as great as your coverage, but it is what the administration sees as a must.

Anonymous said...

OOPS! Abortion has again showed that the present "Healthcare Reform" is still on life support. Government needs to stay out of a person's religious beliefs by trying to enforce a law that is against so many institutions. Most people are able to take care of their bodies and it is because of their teachings - family values from a very early age.