Yes, and I think that it's negligent that some schools refused to because of some faux outrage from parents. Agree or disagree with him, he's the leader of this nation and to place hands over our children's ears and eyes when he speaks is just going to further the gross amount of disengagement we have with our government.
As for the speech itself, it was completely apolitical. Anyone who found an ounce of political rhetoric in there is manufacturing it - unless they really want to argue that "don't sass your teachers, do your homework and stay in school so you can be the leaders of tomorrow" are all Democratic values and anathema to conservatives.
Much to do about nothing, Bush did it, why not Obamma? There are a lot more pressing issues to deal with, if the kids didn't get to see it, so what, they didn't miss much.
The President has this as a priveledge. He did not abuse this priveledge with the forecasted speech.
Obama has begun to fill the void for what was at one time the conservative credo. He spoke to kids about taking personal responsibility. That was as conservative of a message as you can get.
The hue and cry illustrates shape of the GOP to be the childish party of NO.
The shame of it is, as Kevin Dunbar pointed out in his timely editorial, that a school district like Methacton, with only registered GOP members on it's board, could not bring themselves to show such a positive speech.
Comhradh: You are quite wrong! Politics and public schools are never a good mix. Especially with such a far rightwing President as we have know. Most parents agree and have spoken out. Methacton Parent Audubon, Pa
Timing was of most concern. Our children leave to catch their bus at 6:45 AM- by the time lunch break is upon them, they are ready to eat and not listen to a message from anyone as to why they should stay in school. A prepared speech that could have been presented at whatever time the assembly was scheduled on the first day of school would have worked out best. Content - Hopefully it was about the future and how much will depend on a well educated individual. Not the log cabin or when I was your age etc, etc. kids say yah!, yah! - my grandparents went to a one room school house too. So, either way for or against the showing/listening was OK.
Methacton Parent: That's your opinion, and I respect it. However, I'm going to assume by your tone that you didn't hear the speech, because if you had, you'd know that there was no political content whatsoever. Unless, as I stated, you consider "stay in school and don't sass your teachers" to be some sort of political statement.
As for Obama being far right wing, well, I'm a bit to the right of Dennis Kucinich. If you think Obama is "far rightwing," you must be to the left of crazy.
As for most parents agreeing and speaking out, that's not true and even if it were, it shouldn't matter. If parents want to shield their children from the world, they always have the option to home school.
Stan, You certainly know how to bring out the best in people.The haves (knowledge) and the have not. If the commenters would read all of the posts before answering the last maybe,just maybe, they would understand the question. Thanks for your ear.
Most times the poster is referring to a comment that was days old. Some posts are not in view until after a comment was made. You know Stan does take a day off on a weekly basis.
Hey Nerd, The Methacton School Board no matter R or D could not find their way out of a paper bag. Look at the waste at the Arcola School. Audubon will be closed within the next few years. The Trash bills keep climbing for the seniors, your candidate on the D side is going door to door with a platform of saving Shannondell and open space. Nerd, please advise him that built out and open space is null and void. Stan, take a couple of day's off, with all of this BS you need it.
Hey Collegeville Mole, I am already committed to voting for Colleen Eckman, the top of the ticket R for LP Supervisor. I saw how she stood up to the forces-that-be during the ARC debacle. That fortitude needs to be rewarded.
What does sub-city of Shannondell need to be saved from anyway? They agreed to the rules when they built the thing, now they want to change the rules - yeah right.
I haven't decided the status of my other LP Supervisor vote.
The President is always making speeches - so this was just another one that should have been important - but was not because as far as most people are concerned it had no important message that has not been heard before. There are old sayings that go like this...What You Are Speaks So Loud, I Can't Hear A Thing You Are Saying. OR Friends, Romans Country Men, Lend Me Your Ear etc. I hope you get the drift as to why people are turning off and not tuning in...
Methacton Parent- Obama/Democrats are left-wing. Republicans are right. Either way, the office of the presidency should be respected and not showing the President's speech says to students "Well, your president doesn't matter." I think it's a disgrace. What did people think he was going to say that was so bad?? Some parents have gone crazy with paranoia. I'm the first to admit that I think President Bush was a horrible president but I would never censor my children from listening to the President no matter who they happened to be. If you can't listen to the President of your own country, you probably don't belong here. They are MY President just as much as YOUR President. Like it or not. That's Democracy for ya. I have to say also that the speech was everything I have said to my children and some other parent's children who needed to hear it waaaay more than mine. Methacton should be embarassed for showing such disrespect. I'm seriously questioning what kind of school district my children are attending. Seems like a communist act to censor doesn't it? Really, grow a backbone and stop being such babies. And one more thing: If Methacton thinks politics and education are a bad mix, then why do they continue to keep school open during the Primary Elections and have mock elections on election day? I saw a 4th grader at the Primary whose mother happens to be running for township Supervisor, get off the bus yelling vote for $#%&^(. She's my Mom. I think these kids are alot smarter than you're giving them credit for.
The outrage was with the supporting educational material that were to go with the speech, which were later revised. Originally students were to be given an assignment after the speech to write about 'what they could do to help the president' meet his goals. It was revised to become an assignment about how students could meet their OWN goals.
I support Methacton's decision not to air the speech. I want my kid in school to learn, not become a junior lobbyist for a socialist president in order to 'help him reach his goals'.
One comment that was made, is that most Methacton parents agreed not to show the speech. That is simply not true. I am a Methacton parent and one one and I mean no one asked if was was in agreement to have the speech shown. The Methacton School District made the choice to not show it and when they did that they took the choice away from the parents and students. The Norristown School District on Labor Day, made automated phone calls through out the district and told parents that they could choose whether they wanted to let their children hear the speech and if they did not want their child to hear it, they had other plans for the children. This school district gave their students and parents freedom of choice! The Methacton School Board and many occasions has told the taxpayers in Methacton that they are there to observe, in other words, be seen and not heard. This come straight from Jim VanHorn's mouth. I was not aware that the whole school took lunch at the same time, according to Dr. Quinn. One lesson the student at MHS learned is that they DO NOT have freedom of choice and that the school board MADE this political when they REFUSED to show the speech. Oh, in case you are wondering, I am a republican and did not vote for Obama, but my child had the right to see that speech!
I think the "parents" and others like Limbaugh who wanted the speech censored will keep their kids from experiencing all topics of education and "stay in school and be responsible" learning experiences. And, that will be good for the real parents and teachers that try to teach children responsibility along with education. The children who did hear the President, and who will try to achieve, will be the bosses and leaders in the future and the ones kept out (some to attend a speech by Bush at a football stadium - with their hypocrite parents/politicians, etc.) will continue to be lacking in knowledge, civics, humanity and responsibility.
People who want to talk about sports players being role models need to look at themselves and become the role models that the children need to look up to, rather than leaving it to sports and the like. As Charles Barkley said... He is not a role model. Parents and grown-ups need to take heed of that!
There is a Methacton School Board meeting on 9/22. If you are so mad that Obama's speech was not broadcast you have the right to say it to the school boards' face.
I'm a Methacton parent and graduate and no one asked me either if I was in favor of the speech being shown. Who are these parents that were asked? They obviously weren't the Democratic ones. Censoring the President of your own country has a horrible ring to it. Whatever happened to freedom of speech? I think I may exercise my rights at the next school board meeting.
To blogger of September 16, 2009 5:11 AM. You as a parent have the obligation to show or not show your child the speech. It was available on the Internet, and if it was so important to you, you could have taped it yourself. It is time for parents to be parents. The school is not a parent you are. Take charge, I am tired of everyone blaming the schools and teachers for everything that they don't like. Grow up and be a parent to your child, sounds like he or she needs one.
To blogger of September 16, 2009 5:11 AM. You as a parent have the obligation to show or not show your child the speech. It was available on the Internet, and if it was so important to you, you could have taped it yourself. It is time for parents to be parents. The school is not a parent you are. Take charge, I am tired of everyone blaming the schools and teachers for everything that they don't like. Grow up and be a parent to your child, sounds like he or she needs one.
September 17, 2009 11:53 AM
You are the one who needs to grow up! This was a perfect opportunity for the students to get a positive message. Just wondering if you protested when Reagan and George H. W. Bush gave their "speeches"? Also, wonder how many protested students being bussed to a football field for G.W. Bush's "speech"?
I saw one parent who protested to the point of handing out papers and marching his kid to the library, but after he read the speech, he approved of the message. So, again, GROW UP!
No doubt that the schools should have shown President Obama's speech to the students. Today Michael Vick spoke to students at Pepper Middle School in Southwest Philadelphia on the very same topic(Do your best in School etc.) OBama and Vick both should be commended but sadly our President was ridiculed. That seems un-American.
Shame on the Methacton School District Board Directors for forbidding the speech to be shown in the classrooms. Will they try to remove Government from the high school curriculum next?
Some people give too much credit to President Obama, as if he acts alone and has infinite power. The "teaching materials" that started all the fuss were actually written by a committee of teachers. Someone who was naive thought that the phrase about "helping the president reach his goals" would impress the kids that The President was asking them to stay in school and study hard. The materials were re-worded later, but the damage was done, thanks to the wonders of instant communication and some people whose only exercise is jumping to conclusions.
I believe a Poster suggested the First Day of School would have been better. This of course would have required prior planning and the President "The Decider" should have read his speech before the taping. Presentation at the convenience of any school should always be considered by any politician or guest wishing to get a message accross to our student body. Our family covers four schools and this we all agree upon.
Last time I checked, the "assignment" was optional. It's not like it was going to be handed in to the President for a grade.LO!!! Not like any of the kids graduating from Methacton could write public policy on anything. I bet if you surveyed them, half of them couldn't tell you who is Vice President or Who is Secretary of State is or who controls their local government. They have no idea how the Senate & House work or who their State Representatives are. Kids in this school district are just plain ignornat when it comes to their government. Sad, but true. When the Superintendent says he's leaving it up to the teachers to work the speech in to the curriculum if thet so choose, it's a lame excuse for laziness. There is NO curriculum at Methacton for all grades that includes government. Get real. Go in to a classroom and see for yourselves how little these kids know.
I think our President is on TV too much and he should have considered the time frame of all schools. It was nice of him to try and encourage our students to do better and stay in school, but the TEACHERS should have been his target and the whole thing should have been on tape so that it could be shown at an assembly fitting for this occasion.
Yo! Most of the parents don't know who controls their local government, how would the kids?
There is almost no "government", or history, or geography in the curriculum, and there is very little science in the curriculum, because the schools spend most of their time working on the so-called Language Arts and whatever time is left on math. They need to pass the state tests or lose funding.
If you know who controls the school government in Methacton, or any other school district, go to one of their meetings and ask how many hours a week are spent on each subject area.
Now Hear This! I'm going to make a speech that I want all students to hear! Was this a command or were their choices? If there were choices, then all school's Principals or the School Boards could and most did the deciding. Next question..
Straight Talk - The Speech, "Stay In School, etc.",by our President, which the Administration made such a big to do about, should have been taped and left up to the School District when they were going to or not going to show it.
Our President is now sending his top officials to check out a beating of a student in his home state. Now, really don't states have jurisdiction over this type of crime? It use to be only if it were a crime that included more than one state and the person(s) were crossing state lines. This crime was senseless, but it was strictly a "personal" matter and our Government Officials should never be used.
We need our Attorney General to check his job out and make a decision now before our President and all his men will be the decider on all crimes. Now what type of government would that be called?
We are still awaiting the answer on the Mass. Police Officer and a Professor Friend of our President and of course here in Montgomery County the Swim Club/Day Care Camp. Are these two under the Federal Government and the decider?
Keep on your toes..before you know it "change" will not be to your liking and states will have little to say how their state will be run. It will be not by the people but by Federal Government Agencies and "The Decider".
Who would believe the day would come when a President was prohibited from speaking to students in our Public Schools? I agree with the blogger who noted how schools are ok with mock elections but not with the winner speaking to them. It's like teachers are just going through the motions. We have more than a few political parties. Why aren't all of them represented in school mock elections?
Kids woke up this morning to tv and radio broadcasts about Letterman's publicity stunt admitting to his sexual disgraces and Jon and Kate plus Eight Divorce banter. What a shame for our nation and our youth.
Most schools have their special Channel - try that or the History Channel in the AM. Most news in the AM is usually not worth the time used and as for TV Personality News...Letterman is a Scumbag!
Are these two under the Federal Government and the decider?
Keep on your toes..before you know it "change" will not be to your liking and states will have little to say how their state will be run. It will be not by the people but by Federal Government Agencies and "The Decider".
October 2, 2009 10:55 AM
------------------ dubya named himself the "decider", so get your facts straight.
As far as a kid getting beaten. That honor student was beaten to DEATH! There seems to be a lot of violence out there with kids and if the President wants to try to encourage them to stay in school rather than ignoring them and sending government officials to investigate, so much the better! Your fluffing off this tragedy as a personal matter shows your lack of intelligence!
Methacton High School is considered an excellent school and the number that have gone on to college will back it up. Here in the village of Audubon we have quite a few that attended Methacton and they are Lawyers, Doctors, Teachers and Business People and don't forget our State Senator. If there is a lack of participation in the history area,both present and past, it should be brought to the attention of the Administration.
"And All The Kings Men" would be a great title for a TV Show staring Mr. Obama (his look alike) should make a great hit overseas for our not too friendly nations. Humor surrounds us now, but it is not always complimentary.
What's wrong with asking kids to think up an idea that could help their president? I agree with the earlier poster in that I doublt the kids could even come up with an idea that would be worthwhile. Sorry kids, you're being cheated out of a real world education.
Our current President, Mr. Obama, did say it would always be his decision when it came to various affairs (foreign and domestic). So, he has made the decision to keep the name "The Decider",maybe because that is how he feels about running our Government - especially since he has had little background on how a government works or does not work he depends on his Advisors. Hillary and Joe really give him cause to say I am the Decider after all they think their background is proof positive that they could do most anything better than the most polished politician.
Kids are learning how government is run or not run. If they are paying attention to current events and history (going back to 1917) in regard to War and what caused them they will be more than willing to register when they turn 18 and come out and vote. Parents pay attention to what your kids are watching on TV and how they react to various situations --- they are now receiving a great education without even sitting in a class that shows a speech by the President or whoever.
First day in school - are we still requesting the students to write how they spent their summer and what most they like about their school? We always got a laugh on both questions..But,kids are serious when they write these compositions and seriously believe everyone is impressed with their words. I love to read them they make our school look oh so wonderful - most of the time. A speech by Mr. Obama - that could have been presented during the first month of school - no big deal. He, as our President, should have taped it and each state could distribute it by the mid-August for school districts to schedule the speech in where they found the proper time slot.
No Anonymous that would not have made headlines. Everything Obama does needs to make headlines and we are expected to hail- to- the- chief. This type of coverage is why so many people are turning him off..sorry about that.
Is it any wonder Methacton HS landed 55 out of 55 rated high schools in the region by this year's Philadelphia Magazine.
They are too busy playing politics.
Two members of the school board are also Republican Committee people.
The fact they would not answer the question straight when put to them at the last SB meeting about not broadcasting the president's message allows for legitimate discussion.
Who do they serve first? The kids or the elephant?
Joe, you have your animals mixed up. Check who the supporters are and how they manage to create the impression that it is only the elephants. Money does talk when jobs are on the line!
Our current President, Mr. Obama, did say it would always be his decision when it came to various affairs (foreign and domestic). So, he has made the decision to keep the name "The Decider" -------------- You assume too much. Nothing on the web or elsewhere said that he decided to use the name "decider". However, dubya was quoted as being the "decider:
Pressed to respond to critics who say he is ignoring the advice of respected former military commanders, Bush vigorously stood by Rumsfeld.
So again, get your facts straight and don't assume! "I listen to all voices, but mine is the final decision," he said. "And Don Rumsfeld is doing a fine job. He's not only transforming the military, he's fighting a war on terror. He's helping us fight a war on terror. I have strong confidence in Don Rumsfeld.
"I hear the voices, and I read the front page, and I know the speculation. But I'm the decider, and I decide what is best. And what's best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain as the secretary of defense."
Anon - October 8, 2009 3:05 PM Please Identify the Dems on the Methacton board. I'd love to know.
You have an accused bully as one of the board members, who is now one of the three negotiating the teachers' contract.
I bet if any of our kids pulled the stuff he has, they would be suspended or expelled. The fact he remains on the board in a high profile position says more about how the elephant herd pulls together than it does giving a good example to our kids.
Not one person in Government ever decided what type of name(s) the people here in our country will call him/her. If you decide on a certain path when governing - and if you make a statement that sounds like you alone are running the government - then the name "Decider" will stick and hopefully it will be a good thing. He, Mr. Obama, has been nominated or will be given the "Peace Award" so the "Decider" and all his speeches and his "Want List" shows a good side, but the outcome of the "Want List" remains to be seen. Now, those are the facts, not an assumption.
Exactly Anonymous - They will tell you what you want to know in private, but try to have them admit to what they said in private at a public meeting--- it's not going to happen. There are quite a few closet Dem. but of course we know a few professionals that fess to be Dems but are not. Soo, tic for tack!
The whole discussion has now reached the point of being called tacky. Let them do their job out there in Worcester our kids are getting a great laugh out of these posts.
Another speech by our Mr. Obama. The occasion was signing the new spending bill (billions)- which usually in the past was done in the Oval Office with not too much to-do. But, this was another occasion and it will be followed by some type of function for those that are still alive will rejoice in a few beers I presume. Yes, this is tongue in cheek!
How many writers are on Obama's staff - speech that is. How many prompters are available? I noticed he sometimes pauses where there should not be a pause. That is OK, we know rehersal time is limited. Really, does he know WHY he is saying certain things..?? I don't think so, he maybe trying too hard to convince us he has everything together. A few less speeches and a little more quiet time at his desk and home with the Kids, Wife and Grandmom would serve him and also us better.
Straight Talk indeed Obama and his speech is just one of many. Most kids now say he yaks too much. Growing up the saying was "Who and What your are speaks so loud, I can't hear a thing you are saying"... So, the kids are right.
Ok think back to 2009 when there was a question as to how many schools/students would be required to stop everything to listen to our leader. Today our Leader is talking almost every day on some subject that kept him up at nights and his solution, good or bad, needed to be heard. If perhaps he would stay in Washington and express his thoughts to Congress, we probably would get this jobless, exports of products and lack of jobs out of the way and our economy would begin to look like the 20002 era where there was hope for all here in our good old USA.
Yes, and I think that it's negligent that some schools refused to because of some faux outrage from parents. Agree or disagree with him, he's the leader of this nation and to place hands over our children's ears and eyes when he speaks is just going to further the gross amount of disengagement we have with our government.
As for the speech itself, it was completely apolitical. Anyone who found an ounce of political rhetoric in there is manufacturing it - unless they really want to argue that "don't sass your teachers, do your homework and stay in school so you can be the leaders of tomorrow" are all Democratic values and anathema to conservatives.
I think teachers could have decided on their own what to do with their individual classes.
I think teachers should have been allowed to decide what to with their classes.
Much to do about nothing, Bush did it, why not Obamma? There are a lot more pressing issues to deal with, if the kids didn't get to see it, so what, they didn't miss much.
The President has this as a priveledge. He did not abuse this priveledge with the forecasted speech.
Obama has begun to fill the void for what was at one time the conservative credo. He spoke to kids about taking personal responsibility. That was as conservative of a message as you can get.
The hue and cry illustrates shape of the GOP to be the childish party of NO.
The shame of it is, as Kevin Dunbar pointed out in his timely editorial, that a school district like Methacton, with only registered GOP members on it's board, could not bring themselves to show such a positive speech.
Comhradh: You are quite wrong! Politics and public schools are never a good mix. Especially with such a far rightwing President as we have know. Most parents agree and have spoken out.
Methacton Parent
Audubon, Pa
Timing was of most concern. Our children leave to catch their bus at 6:45 AM- by the time lunch break is upon them, they are ready to eat and not listen to a message from anyone as to why they should stay in school.
A prepared speech that could have been presented at whatever time the assembly was scheduled on the first day of school would have worked out best.
Content - Hopefully it was about the future and how much will depend on a well educated individual. Not the log cabin or when I was your age etc, etc. kids say yah!, yah! - my grandparents went to a one room school house too.
So, either way for or against the showing/listening was OK.
Methacton Parent: That's your opinion, and I respect it. However, I'm going to assume by your tone that you didn't hear the speech, because if you had, you'd know that there was no political content whatsoever. Unless, as I stated, you consider "stay in school and don't sass your teachers" to be some sort of political statement.
As for Obama being far right wing, well, I'm a bit to the right of Dennis Kucinich. If you think Obama is "far rightwing," you must be to the left of crazy.
As for most parents agreeing and speaking out, that's not true and even if it were, it shouldn't matter. If parents want to shield their children from the world, they always have the option to home school.
Stan, You certainly know how to bring out the best in people.The haves (knowledge) and the have not. If the commenters would read all of the posts before answering the last maybe,just maybe, they would understand the question. Thanks for your ear.
Most times the poster is referring to a comment that was days old. Some posts are not in view until after a comment was made. You know Stan does take a day off on a weekly basis.
Hey Nerd, The Methacton School Board no matter R or D could not find their way out of a paper bag. Look at the waste at the Arcola School. Audubon will be closed within the next few years. The Trash bills keep climbing for the seniors, your candidate on the D side is going door to door with a platform of saving Shannondell and open space. Nerd, please advise him that built out and open space is null and void. Stan, take a couple of day's off, with all of this BS you need it.
Hey Collegeville Mole,
I am already committed to voting for Colleen Eckman, the top of the ticket R for LP Supervisor. I saw how she stood up to the forces-that-be during the ARC debacle. That fortitude needs to be rewarded.
What does sub-city of Shannondell need to be saved from anyway? They agreed to the rules when they built the thing, now they want to change the rules - yeah right.
I haven't decided the status of my other LP Supervisor vote.
The President is always making speeches - so this was just another one that should have been important - but was not because as far as most people are concerned it had no important message that has not been heard before.
There are old sayings that go like this...What You Are Speaks So Loud, I Can't Hear A Thing You Are Saying. OR Friends, Romans Country Men, Lend Me Your Ear etc.
I hope you get the drift as to why people are turning off and not tuning in...
Methacton Parent- Obama/Democrats are left-wing. Republicans are right. Either way, the office of the presidency should be respected and not showing the President's speech says to students "Well, your president doesn't matter." I think it's a disgrace. What did people think he was going to say that was so bad?? Some parents have gone crazy with paranoia.
I'm the first to admit that I think President Bush was a horrible president but I would never censor my children from listening to the President no matter who they happened to be. If you can't listen to the President of your own country, you probably don't belong here. They are MY President just as much as YOUR President. Like it or not. That's Democracy for ya.
I have to say also that the speech was everything I have said to my children and some other parent's children who needed to hear it waaaay more than mine. Methacton should be embarassed for showing such disrespect. I'm seriously questioning what kind of school district my children are attending. Seems like a communist act to censor doesn't it? Really, grow a backbone and stop being such babies.
And one more thing: If Methacton thinks politics and education are a bad mix, then why do they continue to keep school open during the Primary Elections and have mock elections on election day? I saw a 4th grader at the Primary whose mother happens to be running for township Supervisor, get off the bus yelling vote for $#%&^(. She's my Mom. I think these kids are alot smarter than you're giving them credit for.
The outrage was with the supporting educational material that were to go with the speech, which were later revised. Originally students were to be given an assignment after the speech to write about 'what they could do to help the president' meet his goals. It was revised to become an assignment about how students could meet their OWN goals.
I support Methacton's decision not to air the speech. I want my kid in school to learn, not become a junior lobbyist for a socialist president in order to 'help him reach his goals'.
One comment that was made, is that most Methacton parents agreed not to show the speech. That is simply not true. I am a Methacton parent and one one and I mean no one asked if was was in agreement to have the speech shown. The Methacton School District made the choice to not show it and when they did that they took the choice away from the parents and students. The Norristown School District on Labor Day, made automated phone calls through out the district and told parents that they could choose whether they wanted to let their children hear the speech and if they did not want their child to hear it, they had other plans for the children. This school district gave their students and parents freedom of choice! The Methacton School Board and many occasions has told the taxpayers in Methacton that they are there to observe, in other words, be seen and not heard. This come straight from Jim VanHorn's mouth.
I was not aware that the whole school took lunch at the same time, according to Dr. Quinn.
One lesson the student at MHS learned is that they DO NOT have freedom of choice and that the school board MADE this political when they REFUSED to show the speech. Oh, in case you are wondering, I am a republican and did not vote for Obama, but my child had the right to see that speech!
I think the "parents" and others like Limbaugh who wanted the speech censored will keep their kids from experiencing all topics of education and "stay in school and be responsible" learning experiences. And, that will be good for the real parents and teachers that try to teach children responsibility along with education. The children who did hear the President, and who will try to achieve, will be the bosses and leaders in the future and the ones kept out (some to attend a speech by Bush at a football stadium - with their hypocrite parents/politicians, etc.) will continue to be lacking in knowledge, civics, humanity and responsibility.
People who want to talk about sports players being role models need to look at themselves and become the role models that the children need to look up to, rather than leaving it to sports and the like. As Charles Barkley said... He is not a role model. Parents and grown-ups need to take heed of that!
ssdd in Montco 9/16/09 12:22 p.m.
There is a Methacton School Board meeting on 9/22. If you are so mad that Obama's speech was not broadcast you have the right to say it to the school boards' face.
I'm a Methacton parent and graduate and no one asked me either if I was in favor of the speech being shown. Who are these parents that were asked? They obviously weren't the Democratic ones.
Censoring the President of your own country has a horrible ring to it. Whatever happened to freedom of speech? I think I may exercise my rights at the next school board meeting.
To blogger of September 16, 2009 5:11 AM. You as a parent have the obligation to show or not show your child the speech. It was available on the Internet, and if it was so important to you, you could have taped it yourself. It is time for parents to be parents. The school is not a parent you are. Take charge, I am tired of everyone blaming the schools and teachers for everything that they don't like. Grow up and be a parent to your child, sounds like he or she needs one.
A parent who can make decisions said...
To blogger of September 16, 2009 5:11 AM. You as a parent have the obligation to show or not show your child the speech. It was available on the Internet, and if it was so important to you, you could have taped it yourself. It is time for parents to be parents. The school is not a parent you are. Take charge, I am tired of everyone blaming the schools and teachers for everything that they don't like. Grow up and be a parent to your child, sounds like he or she needs one.
September 17, 2009 11:53 AM
You are the one who needs to grow up! This was a perfect opportunity for the students to get a positive message. Just wondering if you protested when Reagan and George H. W. Bush gave their "speeches"? Also, wonder how many protested students being bussed to a football field for G.W. Bush's "speech"?
I saw one parent who protested to the point of handing out papers and marching his kid to the library, but after he read the speech, he approved of the message. So, again, GROW UP!
No doubt that the schools should have shown President Obama's speech to the students. Today Michael Vick spoke to students at Pepper Middle School in Southwest Philadelphia on the very same topic(Do your best in School etc.)
OBama and Vick both should be commended but sadly our President was ridiculed. That seems un-American.
Shame on the Methacton School District Board Directors for forbidding the speech to be shown in the classrooms. Will they try to remove Government from the high school curriculum next?
Some people give too much credit to President Obama, as if he acts alone and has infinite power. The "teaching materials" that started all the fuss were actually written by a committee of teachers. Someone who was naive thought that the phrase about "helping the president reach his goals" would impress the kids that The President was asking them to stay in school and study hard. The materials were re-worded later, but the damage was done, thanks to the wonders of instant communication and some people whose only exercise is jumping to conclusions.
I believe a Poster suggested the First Day of School would have been better. This of course would have required prior planning and the President "The Decider" should have read his speech before the taping. Presentation at the convenience of any school should always be considered by any politician or guest wishing to get a message accross to our student body. Our family covers four schools and this we all agree upon.
Last time I checked, the "assignment" was optional. It's not like it was going to be handed in to the President for a grade.LO!!! Not like any of the kids graduating from Methacton could write public policy on anything. I bet if you surveyed them, half of them couldn't tell you who is Vice President or Who is Secretary of State is or who controls their local government. They have no idea how the Senate & House work or who their State Representatives are. Kids in this school district are just plain ignornat when it comes to their government. Sad, but true.
When the Superintendent says he's leaving it up to the teachers to work the speech in to the curriculum if thet so choose, it's a lame excuse for laziness. There is NO curriculum at Methacton for all grades that includes government. Get real. Go in to a classroom and see for yourselves how little these kids know.
I think our President is on TV too much and he should have considered the time frame of all schools. It was nice of him to try and encourage our students to do better and stay in school, but the TEACHERS should have been his target and the whole thing should have been on tape so that it could be shown at an assembly fitting for this occasion.
Yo! Most of the parents don't know who controls their local government, how would the kids?
There is almost no "government", or history, or geography in the curriculum, and there is very little science in the curriculum, because the schools spend most of their time working on the so-called Language Arts and whatever time is left on math. They need to pass the state tests or lose funding.
If you know who controls the school government in Methacton, or any other school district, go to one of their meetings and ask how many hours a week are spent on each subject area.
Now Hear This! I'm going to make a speech that I want all students to hear! Was this a command or were their choices? If there were choices, then all school's Principals or the School Boards could and most did the deciding.
Next question..
Straight Talk - The Speech, "Stay In School, etc.",by our President, which the Administration made such a big to do about, should have been taped and left up to the School District when they were going to or not going to show it.
Our President is now sending his top officials to check out a beating of a student in his home state. Now, really don't states have jurisdiction over this type of crime? It use to be only if it were a crime that included more than one state and the person(s) were crossing state lines. This crime was senseless, but it was strictly a "personal" matter and our Government Officials should never be used.
We need our Attorney General to check his job out and make a decision now before our President and all his men will be the decider on all crimes. Now what type of government would that be called?
We are still awaiting the answer on the Mass. Police Officer and a Professor Friend of our President and of course here in Montgomery County the Swim Club/Day Care Camp. Are these two under the Federal Government and the decider?
Keep on your toes..before you know it "change" will not be to your liking and states will have little to say how their state will be run. It will be not by the people but by Federal Government Agencies and "The Decider".
Who would believe the day would come when a President was prohibited from speaking to students in our Public Schools? I agree with the blogger who noted how schools are ok with mock elections but not with the winner speaking to them. It's like teachers are just going through the motions. We have more than a few political parties. Why aren't all of them represented in school mock elections?
Kids woke up this morning to tv and radio broadcasts about Letterman's publicity stunt admitting to his sexual disgraces and Jon and Kate plus Eight Divorce banter. What a shame for our nation and our youth.
Most schools have their special Channel - try that or the History Channel in the AM. Most news in the AM is usually not worth the time used and as for TV Personality News...Letterman is a Scumbag!
Are these two under the Federal Government and the decider?
Keep on your toes..before you know it "change" will not be to your liking and states will have little to say how their state will be run. It will be not by the people but by Federal Government Agencies and "The Decider".
October 2, 2009 10:55 AM
dubya named himself the "decider", so get your facts straight.
As far as a kid getting beaten. That honor student was beaten to DEATH! There seems to be a lot of violence out there with kids and if the President wants to try to encourage them to stay in school rather than ignoring them and sending government officials to investigate, so much the better! Your fluffing off this tragedy as a personal matter shows your lack of intelligence!
Methacton High School is considered an excellent school and the number that have gone on to college will back it up. Here in the village of Audubon we have quite a few that attended Methacton and they are Lawyers, Doctors, Teachers and Business People and don't forget our State Senator. If there is a lack of participation in the history area,both present and past, it should be brought to the attention of the Administration.
"And All The Kings Men" would be a great title for a TV Show staring Mr. Obama (his look alike) should make a great hit overseas for our not too friendly nations. Humor surrounds us now, but it is not always complimentary.
What's wrong with asking kids to think up an idea that could help their president? I agree with the earlier poster in that I doublt the kids could even come up with an idea that would be worthwhile. Sorry kids, you're being cheated out of a real world education.
Our current President, Mr. Obama, did say it would always be his decision when it came to various affairs (foreign and domestic). So, he has made the decision to keep the name "The Decider",maybe because that is how he feels about running our Government - especially since he has had little background on how a government works or does not work he depends on his Advisors. Hillary and Joe really give him cause to say I am the Decider after all they think their background is proof positive that they could do most anything better than the most polished politician.
Kids are learning how government is run or not run. If they are paying attention to current events and history (going back to 1917) in regard to War and what caused them they will be more than willing to register when they turn 18 and come out and vote. Parents pay attention to what your kids are watching on TV and how they react to various situations --- they are now receiving a great education without even sitting in a class that shows a speech by the President or whoever.
First day in school - are we still requesting the students to write how they spent their summer and what most they like about their school? We always got a laugh on both questions..But,kids are serious when they write these compositions and seriously believe everyone is impressed with their words. I love to read them they make our school look oh so wonderful - most of the time.
A speech by Mr. Obama - that could have been presented during the first month of school - no big deal. He, as our President, should have taped it and each state could distribute it by the mid-August for school districts to schedule the speech in where they found the proper time slot.
No Anonymous that would not have made headlines. Everything Obama does needs to make headlines and we are expected to hail- to- the- chief. This type of coverage is why so many people are turning him off..sorry about that.
Is it any wonder Methacton HS landed 55 out of 55 rated high schools in the region by this year's Philadelphia Magazine.
They are too busy playing politics.
Two members of the school board are also Republican Committee people.
The fact they would not answer the question straight when put to them at the last SB meeting about not broadcasting the president's message allows for legitimate discussion.
Who do they serve first? The kids or the elephant?
Joe, you have your animals mixed up. Check who the supporters are and how they manage to create the impression that it is only the elephants. Money does talk when jobs are on the line!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Our current President, Mr. Obama, did say it would always be his decision when it came to various affairs (foreign and domestic). So, he has made the decision to keep the name "The Decider"
You assume too much. Nothing on the web or elsewhere said that he decided to use the name "decider". However, dubya was quoted as being the "decider:
Pressed to respond to critics who say he is ignoring the advice of respected former military commanders, Bush vigorously stood by Rumsfeld.
So again, get your facts straight and don't assume!
"I listen to all voices, but mine is the final decision," he said. "And Don Rumsfeld is doing a fine job. He's not only transforming the military, he's fighting a war on terror. He's helping us fight a war on terror. I have strong confidence in Don Rumsfeld.
"I hear the voices, and I read the front page, and I know the speculation. But I'm the decider, and I decide what is best. And what's best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain as the secretary of defense."
Anon - October 8, 2009 3:05 PM
Please Identify the Dems on the Methacton board. I'd love to know.
You have an accused bully as one of the board members, who is now one of the three negotiating the teachers' contract.
I bet if any of our kids pulled the stuff he has, they would be suspended or expelled. The fact he remains on the board in a high profile position says more about how the elephant herd pulls together than it does giving a good example to our kids.
Not one person in Government ever decided what type of name(s) the people here in our country will call him/her. If you decide on a certain path when governing - and if you make a statement that sounds like you alone are running the government - then the name "Decider" will stick and hopefully it will be a good thing. He, Mr. Obama, has been nominated or will be given the "Peace Award" so the "Decider" and all his speeches and his "Want List" shows a good side, but the outcome of the "Want List" remains to be seen. Now, those are the facts, not an assumption.
Check the Methacton School District's School Boards Political Closet - you will not need to ask that question again.
Exactly Anonymous - They will tell you what you want to know in private, but try to have them admit to what they said in private at a public meeting--- it's not going to happen. There are quite a few closet Dem. but of course we know a few professionals that fess to be Dems but are not. Soo, tic for tack!
The whole discussion has now reached the point of being called tacky. Let them do their job out there in Worcester our kids are getting a great laugh out of these posts.
November 3rd! Is it marked on your calendar? Time to put it in writing so to speak. See you at the Polls!
Another speech by our Mr. Obama. The occasion was signing the new spending bill (billions)- which usually in the past was done in the Oval Office with not too much to-do. But, this was another occasion and it will be followed by some type of function for those that are still alive will rejoice in a few beers I presume. Yes, this is tongue in cheek!
How many writers are on Obama's staff - speech that is. How many prompters are available? I noticed he sometimes pauses where there should not be a pause. That is OK, we know rehersal time is limited. Really, does he know WHY he is saying certain things..?? I don't think so, he maybe trying too hard to convince us he has everything together. A few less speeches and a little more quiet time at his desk and home with the Kids, Wife and Grandmom would serve him and also us better.
Straight Talk indeed Obama and his speech is just one of many. Most kids now say he yaks too much. Growing up the saying was "Who and What your are speaks so loud, I can't hear a thing you are saying"... So, the kids are right.
Ok think back to 2009 when there was a question as to how many schools/students would be required to stop everything to listen to our leader. Today our Leader is talking almost every day on some subject that kept him up at nights and his solution, good or bad, needed to be heard. If perhaps he would stay in Washington and express his thoughts to Congress, we probably would get this jobless, exports of products and lack of jobs out of the way and our economy would begin to look like the 20002 era where there was hope for all here in our good old USA.
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