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Monday, April 27, 2009
100 days, 100 chances
I hope the next 100 days brings at least some of the change President Obama was talking about when he was running for office. I know, I know, I'm supposed to give him a chance. Well, when you're the most powerful man in the world 100 days is a chance. I remember Pelosi saying she was going to change everything in Washington in her first 100 hours. We're still waiting. Obama has had 100 days to make an impact on the economy, on health care, and in the Middle East. Let's see, what do we have so far, the economy isn't getting any better, the proposed health care plan will put the economy in worse shape than it has ever been in, and Obama's finding out that getting out of Iraq isn't as easy as he thought it was going to be. Hope and change sounds a little hollow right about now.
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 228 of 228Another Speech by Mr. Obama here on the East Coast of course. New Hampshire not only has high unemployment but a drinking problem- WATER that is. Obama is playing the talking shell game. I believe he has been talking and it has been broadcast every single week since he was elected. I turned him off after the 9/11 speech that every school was supposted to tune in and have the children understand the importance of his speech. I believe Nancy with her head constantly shaking has some disorder that she probably can contribute to the Pres. constantly making comments that "let me make it clear" triggers her smile and the head shaking. I hope she has great medical coverage.
The Clinton Way... The Administration was quite luck because the "Cold War" was over. Military Spending was slashed and the Armed Forces was down to "squat" except the Reserve/National Guard. Most of these recruits were in because of the need for $$$ and now they are calling "fowl". Not so, can't have it both ways. Frank and Dodd did their thing with Fanny and Freddie that got the whole financial and banking into the mess we are now in - housing downturn followed by unemployment in the building area and any company that furnishes something that goes on, under or within a home/building. What really happened can be contributed to the former Republican President - Regan. He cut taxes and that is exactly how Clinton's administration is able to take credit for the great business grown during his term. Think about all of the above as I have and a Blogger in Chester County came out and stated a few more opinions. We need to start with the House and Senate saying "ENOUGH!"
Nancy, I understand has a standing appointment with her chiropractor - she needs to stop nodding her head in approval of everything Obama says and his hand-holding, that has caused her so much damage. She is in the position to either help or hinder the citizens of the USA. It seems she has not seen anything presented to congress that she did not like - well certainly a shorter form of most bills would be best. We now have new races coming up - if Obama had his way, the peoples choice would not win. Nancy, I hope keeps her opinion to herself.
Our Reps. down in Washington...Last weekend, Sat. to be exact, I received an "E" from Sestack inviting me to a meeting in Philadelphia on Monday that he felt would be very informative, I believe - really? Timing is everything Mr. Sestak. Today, Saturday, I viewed an interview with Mr. Gerlach of Chester County, he was talking about the people he represents and how he supports them and not the non-citizens first. Both of these Reps. need to take a look at the Job Market when it comes to the financial institutions (Banking) that are disappearing from both Districts. Mergers may make a bank stronger - but what happens to the jobs that are gone for good? Not every person in their Districts are Executives, but they do pay taxes, vote and have families to support. We need a more human side of our Reps. to show through and their thought process should be working over-time in order for the economy, not their careers, to prosper.
Keep Smiling! Another Executive Order came down today. This is a big problem for all Americans if they are too FAT or LOVE THOSE CARBS. Our First Lady now has the money to make sure we and our children eat correctly so that we will have a long healthy life by having healthful foods that keeps the bod healthy. My question is - Those that are on the Rolls and do not care for foods on the Fed. Diet - what good will it do? If a family of 4 lives on a $350.00 weekly salary and also is buying a home, exactly what type of food do you think they will eat? You got that correct - Carbs that keep a child and all working adults moving. What do they drink - Water and Milk. Fruits are away over the amount of $$$ in their budget and Fresh Vegs. will probably be OK, but Root type in season. So, since a Presidential Mandate does not need Nancy's Approval - where in the Budget will this be hidden? Under "Health Reform?"
Nancy, Reid and Mr. Obama are now willing to start from scratch with the Health Care Bill... Great! First things First - What really is needed? Who needs it? How many and where are these people living? The $$$$ amount each state is willing to hand over to support these needs...some states already have coverage. Now the Pharmaceutical Companies/Insurance Companies how do they fit into the picture? All of the basic "Baby Steps" are needed, before any "Bill" is written or presented to "Congress".
We have elected all members of Congress, because they have an open mind, or we thought they had, now we will see if they are able to read the statisics and chew gum at the same time and come up with a Shared Bill - even if it takes four years.A great Bill is better than one that has too many ear marks and is so - so.
Job Creation needed. The use of the "WetBack Law" - round them up and ship them back to their homeland -is needed. Three former Presidents used it when the wars were coming to an end and depression was in full swing. Many returning Vets have no skills, that is why they joined the Natl. Guard and the other branches of the service. After the wars many used the GI Bill and furthered their education or learned a trade, but many remained on the rolls because they had no skill that could be used outside of the service. So, what is Congress waiting for? We have too many non-legals using the USA as a swinging door and our $$$ are going down the drain because we are not taking care of business - jobs . It's not inhumain - it is good solid business sense.
Our President needs to step back when it comes to Health Care Bills and now the Budget. He stated what he wants, not necessary what is needed, and now Congress, in a bipartisan way, put together a bill to be presented to the President. His opinion has been presented too many times - now, let's have Congress work for us, because that is why we elected them...not for the dreams of our President and his men.
Now, that being said we now have a President that will be able to zero in on other needs of the USA, NATO and UN. They seem to be taking the back seat and our Troops are being killed at records that should not be.
Pelosi and Reid really have no intention of using the fig leaf. One thing at a time, no matter what the President has to say. We need JOBS, FAIR BANKING RULES WITH LESS CLOSURES, - THE WAR - QUIT EXPANDING THE WAR AND PAY ATTENTION TO DETAILS, - MEDICAL UPDATING FOR THOSE IN NEED --BIGGER IS NOT BETTER --IF IT IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR THE PRES. AND CONGRESS IT IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS. THE BUDGET - TIME IS NEEDED TO DIGEST AND CROSS OFF MANY NEW $$$ NEEDED. FEBRUARY 25TH A DATE WITH THE PRESIDENT?? I believe he has used up all his air time for Feb., March & April - let Congress get down to work and the President needs to concentrate on matters that really count and he is able to do something about and that IS the FIRST NEED MENTIONED - JOBS!
Mr. Obama, Pelosi and Reid are having a meeting to redefine the way the "Health Bill" will be presented to the Joint Meeting on the 25th. Note the transparency? Note the Joint Effort? Same thing, same thing and not one thing will be accomplished. The blame game will make headlines "Rep. refuse to work with the Dems!" What a "SNOW JOB"!!!
If a Congressman is running for another term as a Representative or Senate Seat - how is he expected to give his present position all that it should be? Obama is now calling for JOINT MEETINGS - an invitation of sorts - not a command, so he can go over and over the Health Care Bill the way he sees it. Does this tell you something? Yep, if they do not agree with his take, that means they are unable to connect the dots. Nancy she is having one heck of a time with the whole Bill, and now the Budget is at hand..Here are two suggestions -maybe we will be able to cut the cost of travel for Nancy and use the tele more. As for White House Staff assigned to the First Lady - did you say cut by 3/4 would sound right? As for entertaining - no, not let them eat cake, but how about lettuce and carrots? Filling and calories would be almost zero. Two things accomplished - "Health Cost" by reducing the calories and cost of prep and service. So many things to think about it makes me ill and that cost I'll pass on to our Government, why not?
365 Days and counting. Common Ground, Transparency look very good in print - but really it takes a little common sense when it comes down to who, why and how much is placed first. Names that have become become common in households are Geithner, Holder,Gates, Schumer, Dodd, Reid, Pelosi, Bermake, Napolitano, plus Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden. Because Mr. Gibbs seems to always trying to explain away their moves or not making sense on why they were or are permitted to make such costly decisions on security,medical,war and also $$$ spent unwisely. I can not in all my years following the Presidents and their men found so many people finding fault with their decisions. Could be they are not suited for the positions they now have???
Oh heck Pelosi and Reid - why not place a bill that all citizens in the USA from this day on will be covered by the same insurance system as Congress and of course Mr. Obama. The cost could not be too much more than the proposed on the table at this point.
Our Government has come to a halt... One Senator said we will not pay for anything until we cut the spending NOW!!! That is great, it should start with the Pres. and every person in the administration - First their salaries and then their health benefits... How does that feel ??? You bet I feel your pain as one Blogger said. Maybe we could outsource some of the jobs that we have their clerical staff doing - there are companies that is all they do...type, type and make copies, copies and deliver copies by a certain date...Job creation without costing our government anything for benefits - well, that's how it is out here in the real world. Obama and Congress needs to take a long hard look at the total new departments and employees they now have, compared to former Administrations. Could be we have too many with too much experience and too many with no experience that carry out the too much experience's commands without questioning WHY.
You can bet there is Funny Math in Washington and Nancy can not see that $$$ are not their for the poor to purchase Health Care - no jobs and now Mission Accomplished and our young men/women that volunteered to fight for our country and our countries interest will be returning to WHAT TYPE OF JOBS??? We are still outsourcing, using the stimulus money, to get various industries on their feet and create jobs. But, where are the jobs? We know that Obama, Nancy and Reid are aware of the outsourcing but are doing NOTHING to correct the situation. Do you call this leading??? It certainly isn't just one small oops either. Things in Washington and the way we in government are handling business has not changed and the people are getting sc------ again.
Nancy & Reid - I'm looking at the IOU now in the works. Tell me truthfully how many Gold Certificates do you have? Most people have no idea what I'm talking about - that is because they are use to Notes (an IOU from the Gov. not backed by Gold). Your grand children and their "Savings Bonds" - my kids think they are great and so do I, but they are another IOU from our Gov. So with the fancy math now used all over the USA and Worldwide - how much do we have in our Treasury that is backed by "Gold"???
We are following the same path as we have the last twenty years and look what has happened ?? Stop spending and making promises to everyone and live within our paycheck - now would be a great time that the WARS are coming to an end. We did great after the "Cold War" was over so back up and just say NO.
Last week the White House spokesman, Robert Gibbs said "We've made it clear to the Senate that the president's position in the final legislation should not contain provisions that *favor a single state or single district differently than others". Oh yes the *$300 Mill to Louisiana, Comp. for *W.Va. miners for black lung disease and *Montana residents of Libby to qualify for benefits due to asbestos-related diseases from the now shuttered mine. *?(This should be considered too for all the Navy Personnel that served down below on ships during the last few wars).
Well, yes it would be nice to have a clean bill - but really the members of Congress and our President are not on the same page and voting on a so-so bill, just to have "A Bill" passed is stupid.
Fact Check - No Fast Reading needed. Our Budget is a joke. After the Primary Elections how do you see our Country's Finances? Nancy and Reid only do the President's bidding - soo the vote is??? What ever HE WANTS. Hold on to the Certificates - the Notes are just a promise as one Blogger mentioned. My mattress will be my holding of ??? You are right - money & bonds/stocks will be worthless - dreams would be the answer.
The economy is not doing very well and it seems we have had a problem since 2006 when the Democrats took over Congress. A common ground has never been found since that time, because?? Right! There is only one way and that is the majority in Congress's way.
As for why so many companies are having problems it is the fact that they are unable to pay dividends to their shareholders. Yep, dividends that show a business is doing well is most important, but when a company is doing well, but it needs funds to retool the stockholder understands why his investment is not doing well. That was the old fashioned way of doing business. We under the Dems. are not too sure about the small businesses and so they go under or are merged. Now I see Mr. Obama is talking highly of the small businesses ability to bounce back and create new jobs...interesting...turn the other cheek or learn to speak out of both sides of your mouth. Nancy has the last part of this statement covered.
Congress is on their Semester Break do you really believe they have the BUDGET along with them and plan to read any part of it?? Didn't think so. One side says "this is the way it is" and the other side says "no way", we need to cut spending. Nancy will make a few remarks on her return for the media and the circus will begin again. It may seem entertaining to some people, but I'm certainly not one. I did not think it was funny when the Dems. would make up signs and stand outside the Capitol holding them for all to see because they lacked words or the knowledge to express their concern any other way. So,once again - under the Big Top With Nancy!
The first 100 days plus... This administration, which includes our Senators and House of Reps. have a nick-name that was used way back, it is "Rolling Stones". If you are able to keep moving, people will think you are correct and not doubt your way of thinking. You know, it is like holding a cup of coffee in one hand and a pen in the other - now who would ask you to help them, after all your hands are full. Well, there are many small organizations popping up and are saying ENOUGH, we have a Constitution, abide by it - no more changes. The gold standard is obsolete since we are now unable to come close to covering all the IOUs that Congress has added to the new Obama Care type of government.
Well Nancy how was the Fast Reading Course that was needed to read and digest the "Budget"?? Have you noticed how the Media has now switched away from the "Budget" to what ever is happening in the world and weather? They are all important, but what about the Budget?
Yesterday the 27th in '09 you questioned what has been done by the Administration in 100 days. Nancy said it would take 100 days to make an impact on the economy,on health care and the Middle East. Health Care - yes, but not proven how it will impact the people and their wallet and health care. The Economy, it is the same as 2007-2008, and now because of all the IOUs we are in deep do-do, because of spending first even before the ink is dry or the printing press is set - but the Treasury will check the vaults to see if any dust is there for us to spend. The Middle East - you must be kidding - Blinders by this administration and cost of lives has increased - but then what is the cost of these young men/women? We need to get real in Washington.
It is way past the 100 days and the learning period is over. We are more deeper in debt, more trouble with the south of the border guys, the wars are not going away, oil drilling is not going too well - the wild life and shore line businesses are having the worse year they have ever had except for Katrina - that was not Man Made. The FBI,CIA and all those other agencies that are trying to make everything work are working 24/7, and if had not been for 9/11 nothing would be going right - that was their learning period. Nancy and Reid still say everything is going well after one year plus 5 months or so - really?
It has been one year and could you tell me what accomplishments have been made in Washington and Pennsylvania that we can point to with pride? I'm tired of the "my dream must be your dream" approach. We have seen almost the same type of government exists now and the transparency is a big laugh. We have a larger war going on, the environment is going down the tubes, health (care for whom?) will help a few in 2014, Immigration and crime associated with immigration is on the increase and now we have to wonder why any of us believed "I have a dream" from this man.
The Election is over Nancy...sorry for your loss. But the world will survive and so will the House if your former leader has learned that "Fast Forward" is not the answer when there are no funds. He needs to learn to be a "home body" and as one person stated, maybe a fireside chat might be in order.
An article in the news suggested O'Bama drop Nancy as his buddy until after the election or at least until he is out of office. With all that "Glee" she shows for the camera when ever he says one word will be gone. Oh well, so be it. Another younger person will step in with another look out regarding how the world turns.
Almost closed down the Government! Common Sense is needed and our President needs to understand why we got to the stage of Shut-down. It is Poor - Prior - Planning. A great president would stay in Washington and not worry about his ability to run for office. We, the people of the USA will determine if he leaves or stays. I really felt sorry for the First Family when it looked like the Government just might shut down, causing them to postpone their vacation... !!!!
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