County Commissioner Joe Hoeffel, who seems to be an all-around good guy, apparently has never heard the saying, "What's good for the goose is good for the gander." I'm talking about his recent assertion that County Commissioner Bruce Castor should be investigated for using his then-district attorney's office for political activities. It wasn't so long ago that Hoeffel's once time opponent, and now strange bedfellow, County Commissioner Jim Matthews, used his office for actually taping a political commercial, using staff members as extras, in his bid for reelection.
Come on, Joe, say it ain't so. Seriously, if you're going to take Castor to task for his (admittedly) discussing his run for state attorney general while in office you absolutely have to hold Matthews to at least the same standard. Those with not so short memories will recall Hoeffel actually sending out a letter that was nothing more than a solicitation for new business for his law practice using his then county commissioner seat as the reason new clients should seek him out.
Does that make Joe the new Goose?
Stan, Why do you think all those Geese keep flying over One Montgomery Plaza? There looking for Joe the Gander. Hoffel has a very small memory on some issues, but when it comes to remembering names of those who can help him, he's a genus.
Well I do believe our two Ganders - Hoffel and Matthews have good reason to push for the "Bridge Over Swede Street" because there heads (no hair) need to be covered if something is not done about all the geese out at State Hospital and All our County Parks. Droppings just don't happen in one certain place. Change of subject - When did it become our Commissioners' job to start investigations about another Commissioner? The "Job" of the Commissioners is to see that our county is solvent and run so that all people living here and paying taxes are governed equally and have a safe place to live, work and relax. I know the job entails a lot more, but with that in mind, he should have his plate full and leave the finger pointing to those in the know and do not live in a glass house as he does.
Oh for Heavens sake...Get a life Hoffel. I hope you are keeping up with the state judicial openings and now we have one big problem with Supreme Ct. Justice Ginsburg diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. All the upcoming openings of these various offices is more important than childish - I'll get you - statements used when you were a child. The saying is (When I was a child.. I played as a child,.. now I put away my childish things...) so should our Commissioners and get on with business at hand.
I can't recall any outrage on the part of your paper at Jim Matthews use of his office like this.
When did it happen?
Who were the staff members involved?
What reporter covered this?
When were there Thumbs Down on this issue?
Attack and smear -- that's all Republicans know how to do, starting with Huskey and following right along with the first three commenters.
Get this straight: Castor is the one who stood in a court of law, swore an oath, and told the whole world how he politicized the daily operation of the DA's office. Not for a one-time commercial or the usual sniping that all politicians take part in -- but in the hiring, firing, and daily operation of his staff.
That's why he's going to be indicted. And if his hand-picked successor won't do it, I'm sure there's a federal prosecutor who will...and maybe they'll even check into why his former department looked the other way.
Where is that sound "Squeaky Clean" coming from? But,of course, it is from the house of glass again. So, once again the need to check Job Descriptions and also reenact the ethics rules, since we have Commissioners that like to play games while the County burns from lack of attention to details. If our great Dem. Party wants to go this route, Montg.PA Dem., be prepared for some very bad vibes from your fellow Dem. that need to work for a living with fellow Rep.. Think, before you make statements that will backfire.
When they get rid of all the appointed crooks in Washington maybe, just maybe, we can worry about Montgomery County.
The Nerd and PA Dem have all the answers.
And to think I'm an Independent.
Yes, Fumo will be endited, thanks to our Gov. Rendell and Commissioner Castor for their truthful testimony which also included acknowledging some office conversations which took place. Now there are quite a few others on the state's Blue Team that will or have been called for testimony.
I didn't ask the questions earlier for posturing - I asked because you have put a high bar for the paper.
I look at your paper like a ref at a basketball game. You need to be calling fouls. You have a whstle that can be heard from miles around.
Unfortunately, I feel like I am watching a game where one team is hacked to death underneath the basket, but the other team is being called for touch fouls in the open court.
It looks like the refs are working for only one team.
If you want this one fan in the stands to believe the whistles you blow are legit - it has to go both ways.
I certainly don't have a problem if you go after D's, but you've got to go after the R's with the same intensity.
If you can do that, I'll continue to receive and read the paper and this site. If you can't then you are no better than a glorified partisan web site. That would be your ejection from the game.
Maybe Hoffel will be able to help his fellow Montco PA Dem. get candidates to run for Committee and also various Township Offices. With so much going on here in the County, maybe Hoffel has a few friends that will be interested in filling these positions - but of course his name ought not appear on any written/"E"/Phone records.
I do remember Matthews using his office for promotional political coverage - It was not here on one of these "Posts" but in the paper itself. The TH also did a great job covering the Kerns and Matthews to-do remember?..So many happenings that it is hard to keep track. But, for one Commissioner to call "Fowl" and then taking it upon himself to go one step more without checking what he did or said in the past is a big NO, NO! Think before you speak...Sometimes when watching the Commissioners at work/meetings, they are televised, it is almost laughable, but of course although their faces are quite "red" when discussions are on-going, it seems that only two Commissioners are aware of situations when questions are presented. I truly like Stan's Column and Blog - it makes me think and sometimes wonder what our Government is doing for us.
LOL @ Montco Dem...
Since when did stating the truth become attack and smear?
You want to look the other way because it's convient for you. always the way of the Dem.
Facts are facts, and Hoeffel can't have them both ways.
Are you counting all the State and Federal Ganders that have or will be endited on Tax Evasion? Now, can we all agree that Term Limits must be enforced and a more secure way of making sure those in charge are paying all taxes due. The other big thing is a Congressman's or State Reps. office personnel should not be making calls after normal hours, which should be approx. 8 AM to 6 PM, that is unless they are being paid for working the so called "Second Shift". But, seeing the economy is in a very sad state, according to the Dem. Wantabes, this should not be the case (no overtime,extra help,raises or bonuses). So, watch Washington and PA State's long termers to see exactly why we are going "broke", because they do not feel they have to keep track of when, where, how and who did everything or not one thing to earn a wage and taxes are paid.
Stan, Our local Ganders (Commissioners) need to help make notification of meetings,change of meetings and all County Activities be published in our County Newspapers. This is the only way, we are sure everyone is notified. A statement on our "Tax Bill" stating when,where in which papers (depending of the location of the property owner here in Montgomery County) it would appear, certainly would cover a lot of ground to make a more informed public and also the Commissioners themself - No more Short Cuts - they also need to make sure our State does the same.
Our State needs to get a stimulus package going, using small town newspapers to advertise jobs or training that will be forthcoming, due to the funds that will or will not be coming from our Federal Government. The creation of jobs should be be upper most in our mind for the returning service personnel that have served our government over these many years and will retire or their Units returned from active duty,
Ok Ganders (County Commissioners) here is something for you to think on - Our County Fire Fighters and the expense of keeping Volunteers and their expense for the required training to do the job. Seriously we are running out of "trained" volunteer personnel because of age of the firemen/women and the time required away from their family or jobs. The extra time I have noticed placed on the Fire Companies is the expense in Fund Raising, that really all volunteers are part of at different phases. A Lancaster State Rep. (Boyd) is reintroducting a bill, that would have any person/company that causes an accident, be required to pay the Fire Company for all the Cleanup Expense. I believe Insurance Companies would take a look at their Policies if this were the case. Is this type of coverage in the works here in Montgomery County? It should be.
I read two Newspapers every morning. The Sunday news articles that appeared in another newspaper, but were written by one of our own Times Columnist K. Phucas, should be repeated in our paper. The articles were on 422 Tolls to pay for the train and our "Ganders" Commissioners Trade Barbs at their meeting. Interesting, funny (not ha!,ha! funny) and factual.
As usual, the times herald doesn't want to stand up and admit that castor is WRONG! He just admitted to a crime, so he should step down. Should have resign months ago anyway for his stupid antics.
Anonymous - Reread the article on the meeting and you will see all three admitted wrong doing. Now, can we get back to County Business?
I hope the Ganders down at the Court House and in Harrisburg have started to think what it would be like if we did not have any Newspapers. My husband and I read the Times Herald, Philadelphia Inquirer and sometimes the Pottstown Mercury. The first two we subscribe to, but the Mercury is to keep track of our roots. There really needs to be a turn-around. Please don't tell me this is "Progress"!!! Maybe Hitler would have approved of this type of education by means of discontinuing the written word, but educated people need to find a way to continue our local news service. You know many people stop for a brew or a snack and pay $2 or $3 on a daily basis, why then would the cost for our newspaper at 75 cents seem too costly?
Money, money every where but who cares if it is not being used to keep industry here in PA. We need leaders that can think and chew gum. Our County Commissioners need to think long-term... Our Reserve Units and National Guard Units will more likely than not return and some new Troops will need jobs... The plan for these young people here in Montgomery County is??
Anonymous said...
Anonymous - Reread the article on the meeting and you will see all three admitted wrong doing. Now, can we get back to County Business?
February 23, 2009 11:46 AM
castor wants to be remembered as the law, who puts the bad guys away. He is part of the county business and as since he is so "law abiding" and finally admitted it, he should step down. And, not only for that transgression, but for all the other clowning that he does as a so-called commissioner. He just wastes a lot of time and taxpayers' money!
Once again while roaming through various Public TV Channels, I came across Sir Hoffel and it was a rerun of 2/19 Meeting... No matter how he "splains" the letter he wrote, it remains the same... Against the rules. So, give us a break - Both of the other Commissioners made mistakes and that is human. Don't try to be the most pure of the pure, because it will come back to haunt you.
When will the "State of Montgomery County" be broadcast? Maybe our Commissioners will be able to get it all together for a short time. We all assume they have been in contact with all Township Officials so they know where we are at all times and the "State of Montgomery County" will be easy to assemble and truthful. No one person wants to hear another he said, she said or the left/right did this or that - just the truth and in what direction our County is traveling.
A Problem for our Commissioners to think on and act now! I have been taking notice of the Sheriff's Sales in the TH. I know a few homeowners that are listed. They purchased their homes about 25 years ago and a few years ago where the husband was employeed went belly up. The husband has been looking for full time work in the envestment/finance field. Their children are in High School and one has a child that completed college. Now, during the time that these young homeowners have been trying their best to make ends meet the big problem of illness has hit one of these young homeowners - insurance does not cover this type of illness. Some place in our County makeup, there needs to be a review of those that are going into forclosure. If there is such a department, I wish the Commissioners would place the procedure in the Times Herald on how these people can keep their homes.
The Large Banks (Investment) are really not interested in the Homeowner and their problems. As one blogger said why would they not permit just "interest" paid for a short period on a mortgage and the "principal" would remain the same - extending the mortgage payment time (years)if necessary. No! Investment Banking wants the whole amount so their "cash" flow (ready cash)is there and they can invest in more properties or whatever because that is their business. Don't be a softy and work for the "Big" Corporations or Investment Banks. Commissioners can't get involved in mortgages, but for lesser amounts owed in "taxes" to the County ... maybe.
Our President & Our Commissioners -We are now at the point of turning off Pres. Obama's talk-a-thon on everything and anything on his wish list as someone called it. I prefer to hear what is being done now not next year and who is in charge and accountable, not what was not done in the past that has not satisfied the new Cabinet and Congress. Obama said that during his campaign he listened so that he would be ready to act once in office as President of the United States. Well, we listened too - soo? Just bashing as one person said of the Bush Administration's ability to handle many things at one time is all we hear, while his cabinet works long hours to figure out how to present his wishes to the public when they are not sure if they are correct in their calculations.
Our Commissioners have noticed how taxpayers respond to bashing each other and spending when we are crying "wolf"... Well, we have an election coming up, have we made sure all deceased voters are off our rolls? Oh, does it take a death certificate to prove they are deceased? Some computer system we have at the Court House if a program can not be written to facilitate a cross reference of departments.
After attending a Political Function last week, I asked one person that loves this Blog and Posts many times. He said the spelling of one commissioner's name was done for a reason. I really did not notice the spelling, but now I do. He is quite an interesting person and does have quite a following. I hope he runs for a County Position.
Another Commissioners Meeting! Do you believe we actually voted them in? I believe their office should be placed within the State Hospital Grounds where there is medical help available. This group really is not in tune with our times.
Exactly what does Hoeffel & Matthews do during the "Work Day" for Our County? How much time is spent checking information by their staff on "Attack & Smear" as one Poster called this type of governing? Many jobs that are related to "Row Offices" are done in a very efficient manner,because of prior volunteering and P/T work done by the employees now in place. So, from here on, we will not have hired/elected personnel taking "Election Day" off and a new training session will take place after all State/County Elections to explain the county and state laws ruling their job. Who will do the training?? Not our Commissioners or their Staff or any Elected Personnel or their Staff. You know that training by an employee of either party could be judged Political Incorrect if the training is not done by BOTH PARTIES at the same time,just in case their is a statement that could be considered Political.
This all came about when Matthews could not accept the fact that voters did not like his attitude & he was not #1 when the election was over and Hoeffel also received more votes than he. Childish -Discourageing isn't it?
Just read in the TH today that Matthews really does county business...busy, busy, busy! It looks like the other two Commissioners are doing the PR work with Matthews deciding exactly what will be done within the county - Plant trees, find homes for all seniors, sell buildings because the upkeep was not handled properly to begin with and figure how we can spend money that we do not have and finally making sure no one working for the county will, on county time, say, do, or nod their head when any person seeking information on an election coming up. Hear no evil, speak no evil & see no evil...Oh Yah!
Zero Base Budget??? Never heard of one? This is the time for you to learn and also insist our Commissioners also are among the students.
Our County Staff only know how to budget using the last 5-6 years figures. Why in the world would you expect them to start with Zero Base? When we have trying times, as is the case in many parts of Montgomery County, this would be the way to go,but NO,it seems that if we used 100 Million last year, we certainly would need 125 Million this year. That is how the figuring is done by this group - they don't worry about who will pay the bills - we need it NOW. The NOW GENERATION and their little plastic card has taken over all phases of government.
Anonymous - I was taken by surprise to see "Zero" base budgeting mentioned. Welcome aboard, let's see if our fearless leaders know what it means and how to actually get started. Most business people only know how the business was handled when they were hired - not from the beginning. As the saying goes "In the beginning..."
Matthews will be next to switch - his wife remains a Dem. I can see the little red shoes dancing the night away and the glass house occupant with a grin as big as Nancy's as she gavels the head of our House of Rep in Washington. Maybe we will have to have a fly-over of Montgomery County. The Matthews Brothers will be running for the ???? Office ? This is getting interesting.
Tlees2 and G2's take on the cross-over of recent weeks would be interesting. The Hoeffel/Hoffel poster's take would also make for great reading too.
Mass email to county employees:
The recently passed ethics reform legislation is in litigation. Until further notice, I would recommend that all county employees refrain from raising money for political parties and candidates. I would also recommend that all employees do not work the polls during the Primary Election.
Thanks For The Mess - Worcester and Collegeville Polls did not have the usual County Employees, or maybe they are not familiar because of the change in the Party setup in the Court House. The Union Members were quite visible, but I did not quite understand which candidates they were supporting. I really do have a lot of paper for the trash recycling bin though.
Are the Ganders pleased with their employees non-participation in the Primary? I can't wait until November, after this summer's parade of candidates chit-chat their way into an office or maybe out of one with the help from County.
Strangers at the Polls? Interesting, because we were discussing just that on Election Day. We had two young men and one young woman that stayed for about an hour. The had some leaflets, but did not attempt to pass them out. Was this a paid checker? Next time, I'm going to strike up a conversation with any person that is just hanging out at the Poll.
New Accomodations for the elderly living at Sacret Heart sounds good BUT Transportation to the new homes will be needed for all family members must be addressed before their move.
Now that we are saving $l Mil.per year when the older folks (but not Matthews and Hoeffel - sorry about that!)will be moved from the former Sacred Heart, what is planned for this building? Will the Black Rock Facility be looked at again? You know save $1 Mil. here and there and by selling to private concerns and upgrading Sacret Heart to accommodate certain stages of life that does not require bathroom facilities for each room?
Well, the Ganders must have thought this through long before they noticed that the home did not comply with the new State Regulations and Matthews was in office at that time, so Ganders let's hear from you now.
Downsizing at "The Home"! Business sense is all that has been looked at when the decision to close down Sacred Heart. Human side had a glance but that was all. The new homes considered are great but in-town was the drawing card for Sacred Heart and still is. As the whole picture takes shape regarding the elderly, youth and sickly is very gray. The hospital is moving out of town and exactly what is to become of all of the buildings that one time represnted "Norristown The County Seat" where everything need was at this one location? Back in the early years 1940s' or thereabouts we had three (3) hospitals, a great transportation center, great stores (a couple department stores) and the justice system was the best (still is!) but too costly on the most part for the working class. So, exactly where are we going with this type of taking out of town all the facilities that are needed by most families and placing them out where an automobile is needed to use the services? The answer to these questions really should be answered by our Commissioners in writing and published in the TH where we all can visualize the tomorrow as our so called "Leaders" see it and the use of our taxes at work.
To build or not to build??? Eagleville seems to be the place in Montgomery County that has pristine property that is available for those that have very bad habits. I would check with the tent maker and erect a tent for all weekenders that had been suggested a year or so ago. A little fresh air would certainly be good for the inmates and costly after the first offense - no free lodging/food just a place to sleep it off. Don't use my tax money on these people.
Yes, tents are great for the weekenders. Public cleanup should be required for recreation, with no questions asked if they would like to do this to shorten their time. Just do it!
So Genders, we are now a little short in the dollar column? Well, you have been dripping away funds for most part, but in some areas I will admit you did OK. If, you are in need of cutting employees, try looking at Department Heads that sit and supervise, when they actually could be out there on a daily basis doing a manager's job. Cost cutting, you bet and there would be some double didgets.
I realize Joe Hoeffel (sp?) is now running for Governor of PA. Has he resigned his post as Commissioner or is he able to prove exactly where he was at any certain time of the day or evening and what he said either at an event or function as they are called and how many "E" and "letters" were written and mailed and who did all the work and paid for them and don't forget the salaries and taxes that will accompany this so called campaign. I do believe it has been stated he has a bad memory when it comes to his coming and going or mailings in the past soo. Let's keep track Mr. Joe - you started this mess and your partner in crime "the old man" as it appeared in the paper and on another blog.
I hope instead of the bridge over Swede Street they place one from the Rail Station to a Shuttle for the "Arts Centers". This is one problem with Phila., a Taxi is needed and reserved to get to the various shows.
Well it may happen after we get a name for the Center - "The DeKalb Center" sounds good. Anything but one of our politicians name would be acceptable.
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