Monday, October 29, 2007

Weekend update after the weekend

Sorry about that folks. I know I said I was going to start doing a weekend update on Fridays, but I just got way behind the 8-ball and couldn't get out.
Anyway, this is (and I know I've said this before but I'm serious this time) the last time I'll address the alleged charge to Trappe Borough for putting borough contact information in the Collegeville/Trappe Heritage special section. I didn't a little investigative reporter. I was a cop reporter in a former life, you know. The money that shows up on the Trappe books is for an ad they took out in the section; not for the listing.
There are bigger fish to fry.
For now though, I want to get back to Norristown and find out where in the world that code enforcement report is. It's like trying to find Carmen Sandiego for Pete's sake. Or for you older folks, Waldo.
Anyway, There was a report, but they didn't like it, or couldn't understand it so they sent it back and now there isn't a report.
What I'm hearing is they didn't like what was in the report. Apparently some higher ups were getting raked over the coals. That's why it was sent back, not that they couldn't understand it. Now they want a 20-page report instead of the 70-page original. How do you do that? A consultants work isn't up for editing. It is what it is.


Anonymous said...

The code report is getting to be the most ridiculous debacle for Borough officials. They look dumber than ever.

Anonymous said...

This code report is just one of many debacles from these officials. Like most everything else, they have found a way to hide it from the public AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

If something like Code Enforcement is a problem in the community, most of us would try to solve its problem and put it behind us. Then, how we solved its problems often becomes an area of our strength.

But in Norristown, we first deny a problem exists, so we can ignore the procedures to fix it. Then when it gets out of hand, we buy an evaluation study, object to the study when it arrives, ignore or turn a blind eye to it, try to hide or otherwise lose the study, and continue to live in a world of pretending, doing what we wanted to do in the 1st place.

The new Norristown council is the same as the old town's but with more variations on the theme of dishonesty.

Anonymous said...

I guess this report is lost just like the report on the moldy HVAC system in boro hall that Council refuses to fix for many years now. When will they release that report advising the pubilc that the duct work in the hall is blowing mold spores on them when they are at public meetings?

Anonymous said...

I am concerned that a conflict of interest exists since Matt Watson is on the council. His job and interest is in real estate and will obviously be in favor of developers, since he will greatly benefit from it monitarily. I don't think he will be concerned about what the community wants as long as he sells the property or properties and gets his commissions. Our roads are already too crowded and dangerous without anymore development and automobiles on our community streets and roads. I think it would be in the communities best interest to re-elect Stu Strauss to keep the council in proper balance so developing more land is not forced upon us by those who will be friendly to developers for their own personal gain. I do think that we need to have "checks and balances" in those who represent us as a community.

Anonymous said...

Same ole' same in Norristown! Do you think they want to add their own wording to the report? How hard is it to have a code report completed? Hey, I hear the riverfront properties will be built up. Let's all invest!!

Listen, I'm so tired of reading about this Watson guy. Let it go already! It's obvious that there is someone running against him who is scared knowing Watson will win. Like the poor man is the only one responsible for everything in Trapp. How many supervisors are there in Trapp? One? And I really don't think that Watson would be dumb enough to sell properties to a developer in his town. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

Wow! It appears that the folks who live in Trappe who have any connection in anyway, with the Real Estate community may have to move. Based on all the bashing I'm seeing of this "Watson" guy, it would appear that the governmental powers in Trappe are anti-Realtor, appraiser, title, mortgage, cleaning services, landscapers, let's not forget builders, developers and home improvement contractors. So if you make your living as one of the above or sell any goods or services to these business entities, you may want to think about packing up as you might be next on the "HIT LIST".

I work in this industry and am appauled at "anonymous's" misleading assumptions that somehow "Watson" is going to benefit greatly monetarily because he is a realtor. Many of who work in the real estate industry are directly in-tune with local developement trends and are very community minded as proof by all the charity events they are active with. In essense, anonymous makes Realtors out to be crooks who are "on the take" (she/he must also thinks the sky is falling in Trappe)!
Sounds like nasty political sabotage at it's worst and should not be tolerated.

Good luck to the voters of Trappe next Tuesday!! If you're planning to move, I can recommend a good realtor.

Anonymous said...

To individual that supports the realtors. I am not against realtors. A public official should not gain financially from being elected. Mr. Watson voted for a local developer's three plan developments in Trappe,he got rewarded for his actions. Now he is employed by this developer and will gain financially in Trappe when these developments are completed. Is this right?

Anonymous said...

I noticed that nothing was released to the public before the election.

The public just isn't that important.

Anonymous said...

Stan...Norristown Council should make a Monthly report in the local newspaper, regarding the status of all departments and reports that are due. There are minutes of these meetings --- right? More pressure is needed by locals. Code Enforcement should always be Black or White... no shades of gray.