Or should I say shafted in Trappe. Listen to this. What I'm hearing is Trappe council member Mark Carrig doesn't live in Trappe anymore. He's still on council, but that doesn't seem to bother too many people, because, like I said, he's still on council.
Now comes the shaft. Here's why he's still on council and here's how it's going to go down. At least this is my take on it. Remember, you heard it here first.
Council President Stewart Strauss lost the primary. He's out come January. He doesn't want to be out so he's going to resign. Then Carrig is going to resign, and then Strauss is going to get himself appointed to Carrig's vacant seat, giving himself two more years on council.
So, if you live in Trappe, do you feel a little trapped right now by the people running the show?
I was at the last Trappe Boro Council meeting and heard Carrig tell someone "it was none of their business" when asked of his marriage.
Further shenanigans from the old politicos can be witnessed by the number of council member cars on Bonnybrook Rd. I thought there were Sunshine Laws" in Pennsylvania
That is quite an accusation. What evidence do you have regarding you Or as usual your just spreading rumors?
Why don't you debate Carrig on the issues and leave his private life out of this?
You’re a genius! How did you figure this out?
Why don't you have any information as to who you are? Seems cowardly to me! I bet we won't even see these comments since you need to "approve" all comments left. Talk about censorship! I bet Stan isn't your real name. Why don't you show up at the next Borough Council meeting and present Carrig with your allegations? Stop hiding like a sissy behind a Blog!
Hey, Stan here. Please go to the next blog to see my response to the person who doesn't know my identity. I'm also going to clear up some other misconceptions about the Trapped in Trappe post.
It seems you are really concerned about Trappe . Do you live in Trappe. If not where do you live?Do you or your paper cover events in Trappe.I live in Trappe it is a great community to raise a family in there is little crime,no local real estate tax,Borough provides free services like trash pickup, and there is plans to build new parks.
Is Trappe Borough or its Council doing something wrong?
Where do you get your info? From your own investigation or from others?
Reply would be appreciated
It sounds like you live in Colegeville since you are anti Trappe or you related to the officials there?
To Mr or Mrs Anonymous:
I and other residents attended the meeting that the Council members were there on Bonnybrook in question. It was a lovely affair.You should have been their. It was a meet and greet reception for one of the candidates running for Montgomery Commissioner.
Stan you are the expert, I have seen you at other political functions ( ex. Lynn Swann affair not as an editor )is this improper or against the Sunshine laws.
Anyone at the October 2nd Trappe council meeting will realize that the inmates are in charge.
Wow, what a disaster. Does Stu really run the meeting or is he just as fearful of a verbal attack as some of the people in the audience?
I heard that a guy got up to comment on the possibility of an open seat on council and got harrassed and followed out the door by the collegeville resident trappe council person.
To sender
Are you sure you attended the same Trappe Council meeting? I did not see it that way. At that meeting is that the same Bud Bender who spoke who was Police Chief of Spring City?
You have surely made the back room politics apparent in the Boro of Trappe, however, a little birdie wispered to me that at the Wednesday evening, 10/10/07 conditional use meeting of Boro Council, there is OTHER business to be conducted. Can you guess what that might be?
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