Monday, February 21, 2011

Can $100 million fix education?

What would you do with $100 million?

There are very few people in the world who ever have to answer that question, and it usually revolves around winning the lottery.

I’m really not that greedy. I don’t have to win the super, mega, massive lottery. I’d be happy with the kind of super, pretty-big lottery. A million would do me just fine, thank you.

But what if I asked the same question and put a little twist on it?

This might not be as much fun as fantasizing about buying mansions and yachts, but it could be a little more productive.

So I’ll ask again.

What would you do with $100 million ... to fix education?

I’m going on the assumption that no one is going to argue when I say that it’s broken, but I’m sure there are some who will make the case for us having one of the best educational systems in the world. While that statement is true — because of the use of “one of” in the preceding sentence — it is still a sad state of affairs when the most powerful nation in the world ranks behind that of Cuba, Canada and all of the “‘stans” in literacy. That’s right, Kazakhstan has a higher literacy rate than the U.S.

Fast Company asked the same question, and came up with some answers.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Calling all bloggers, or potential citizen journalists

The Times Herald will host a Community Media Lab seminar at 6 p.m. March 1.

We are asking anyone in the community who has an interest in blogging to come join us for this informative session. We’re also asking any potential citizen journalists to join us as well. A citizen journalist is anyone interested in submitting photos or stories to The Times Herald on an ongoing basis.

If you’re interested, or know someone who might be, contact Times Herald editor Stan Huskey at

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A big Montco GOP surprise

The lead headline in The Times Herald actually should have read, "Brown, Castor win GOP nod."
I actually wrote the headline "Castor, Brown win GOP nod" before I left for the evening. And while the headline in the paper is certainly accurate, the fact that Jenny Brown received more votes than Bruce Castor has to be the biggest surprise coming out of the convention. Could it be possible that come November we're looking at what will be a Josh Shapiro, Leslie Richards run county government with Jenny Brown in the minority?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Montgomery County's empire is burning

The column was getting so much attention on The Times Herald's website that I thought I would post it here,, as well. Enjoy, and let me know what you think. Some are trying to figure out the characters, although, I do think I made it fairly obvious.